How to Read the Mind of a Guy

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How to Read the Mind of a Guy

Learning how to read the mind of a guy may not be as difficult as you think. How many times have you sat at home waiting for your guy to call? Or suspended any plans you had, just in case he asked you out? Many times, the biggest flaw you may have is trying to over-analyze what your guy wants. Take a step back from the situation and think about this: the things you want and expect out of a relationship, are generally, the same things a guy wants. This means that sometimes you must take the reins and lead the way. For example, the general things you expect out of a relationship include: Trust Honesty Faithfulness Loyalty These are all things your guy expects as well. However, if you still want a more "clued in" way on how to read the mind of a guy, follow these tips and tricks, and see how fast your relationship will be transformed. Pay attention to his body language. If he is vague or evasive, he may be hiding something. However, if he makes the statement "It's up to you," this is your cue to take the reins and make a decision. He does not want to always have to make the decisions for your dates or what you do. Plan romantic dates and outings for him. In the past society has dictated that the man take the lead. But the winds have changed and men love being romanced too. Have a sense of humor. If you are hanging out with a group of your guys friends and he is acting uncomfortable, it is not because he does not want you there. In most cases he is worried you are not having a good time. Show your humorous side, tell a joke, laugh along or just "be fun." If you are at ease, he will also be at ease. Be yourself. He chose you for a reason. Do not change because you think he wants you to. In most cases if a guy does not like something you are doing, he will tell you.

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Be supportive. Even if he has the craziest idea you have ever heard, guys expect you to support any endeavor they undertake. This means no putting him down, and standing up for him if anyone else does. Be a lady. Yes, it is the 21st century, but guys still want a girl who is sensitive, sweet and at times shy. It is attractive and one of the main differences between girls and guys. Most guys just want to be with someone they are comfortable with. This means they want to act like themselves and be 100 percent real. Also, they expect you to do the same. Relationships can be hard work, however knowing what your guy wants is not as hard as you may think. In most cases they are pretty transparent, and express their emotions through how they act and what they say. This means if you pay attention and listen closely you should be able to easily distinguish if something is bothering them. Use your natural intuitive ability to aid learning how to read the mind of a guy, and have the best relationship possible. If you want to learn more about how to read the mind of a guide, then you need to read the Secret Survey e-book. This is the best guide to know why men lie to women they live, how to read their mind, etc. It was created by an expert, Michael Fiore and it has been widely used by a lot of people around the world. So if you are looking the best guide to read the mind of a guy, then this guide is highly recommended for you. If you want to get more information about how to read a mind of a guy, please click here.

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