Rebelations Magazine - May 2012

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Vol. 1 • Issue 2


MAY 2012




Are You at War With Your Circumstances? ......................Helen Hunter MacKenzie The Fraud Factor ..........................................................................................Kimberly Englot 4 Steps to Rock Star Brand Success in 2012 ..........................................Lisa Steadman Served Up Just Right ..........................................................................................Lissa Boles The Pull of Your Unrealized Potential ....................................................Stephanie Pollock


Claim Your Signature Difference ..................................................................Shawn Driscoll How to Connect With Your Prospects and Get Them To Buy From You ..Sydni Craig-Hart Feed Us Your Story ............................................................................................Tea Silvestre Create Your Irresistible Offer: 5 Steps to YES! ................................................Gina Bell 50 Ways to Boost Visibility and Credibility Online ..........................SPECIAL FEATURE


4 Critical Keys to a Wildly Successful Website ........................................Jennifer Bourn All Eyes on YOU: 7 Ways to Cook-Up a Look-Up! .............................. Margo DeGange How to Not Waste Time on Twitter ................................................................Nika Stewart Marketing Is All About Consistency ....................................................................Pam Ivey How to Create a Visibility Boom with Your BLOG ............................................Gina Bell


Are Rich People A**holes? ..........................................................................Agatha Kulesza The Crash of the ‘Solopreneurship’ Myth ............................................Christine Marmoy Moxie Up Your Profit Potential the Rebelpreneur Way ................................Miki Strong Three Words Guaranteed to Liberate Your Income ............................Nadine Nicholson


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the originalRebel ’preneur!


A NOTE from theEDITOR Do you know how amazing you really are? There has never been another you. You are a once-in-history event. One of a kind with physical (and success DNA) as unique as snowflakes, fingerprints and diamonds! No-one can predict the heights you’ll soar to. Even you will not know until you decide to spread your wings. Maybe you don’t yet see your unrealized potential – but it’s there – and, it’s epic! This Visibility Boom Issue of Rebelations Magazine is a playbook. And rather than dig for the “here’s how” (don’t get me wrong, I love how to’s) I want you to be daring and bold and true exploring “why not?” Because the only thing standing between you and a whole new stratosphere of success is – you. The rebel’icious articles inside this new issue will inspire you to:

Activate your awesome! Ignore-proof your message! Invisible-proof your business! And, Liberate your income... so you can (finally) get noticed, get clients and get your business growing!


tell THE






“What Would

the World



In It?”

by Helen Hunter MacKenzie

Are you at war with your circumstances? How are you and life doing these days? You friends? Or are you secretly at war with your circumstances? Maybe you used to think there was nothing you couldn't do. You had enthusiasm, you had hope. You had brains + a wicked good wardrobe. But lately... You've been wondering whether you might have been deluding yourself. You've tried to get that business, book, project going plenty of times, but life gets in the way. Kids, relationships, obligations.


Maybe ‘they’ are right- you should just give up on your dreams and quit trying to shake things up. But when those words form in your brain (or on your tongue) you feel like you've sold your soul the devil in exchange for a pleather BarcaLounger and pair of polyester granny pants. So, what if within every unrealized dream is the opportunity to realize it? That, in fact, the only way to your dreams is through failure? I know. You've heard this before.

Just trust in the universe (or God or whatever) and your day will come. Have faith. This too shall pass. Good things come to those who wait. But we're not going there. Thing is, life seems to be a sucktacular mess sometimes, and no amount of this too shall pass can make it seem otherwise. Unpayable bills arrive in the mailbox. Toilets overflow and tires flatten. People don't cooperate.They ignore you. They argue with you, they reject and abandon you. Accidents happen.People (maybe you) get sick. Sometimes they die, even. These things happen, it or not. And here’s the rub. These very things are the reason you aren't yet doing that 'something amazing' with your life.

think about it. . . you're looking for someone or something to blame, right? For most of us, it's not about just feeling the pain for a split second and moving on. . . it's about turning the pain into why me and suffering for as long as we can. We do this unconsciously, yes. We're not 'wrong', or 'flawed'. We're just. . . HUMAN. But what if you learned to bypass this habitual suffering? And, more importantly, why would that matter?

In a nutshell: so you can kick ass. Yep, by losing your ‘story’ about how horrible everything is in the world, you free up massive amounts of energy. And when you free up that energy, you become unstoppable. So, what would it look like if you left your story of suffering behind- whether that suffering happened a minute or a decade ago? Pain happens, yes. But suffering is optional. Who would you be if you were incapable of suffering? And… what would the world look like with your great work in it?

And finally...

what are you waiting for?

The world is addicted to suffering.We stub our toe on the way to our morning coffee, and we get MAD. It's not as if anyone's at fault. But when you really


I help women get in touch with their spirituality so they can kick ass in the material world. Ya know, 'Sex + The City meets the ashram'



The Fear Extinguisher - Get on the insider list and instantly download your free action guide: A 3-Step Guide To Eliminating Your Fears So You Can Rock Out Your BIG Dreams




Fraud Factor:

that keep you Hidden Beliefs — 4

broke, desperate and invisible. . . by Kimberly Englot

It’s completely counter-intuitive and yet we all do it; We play small and hold back with fear, self doubt and limiting beliefs. It’s time to get over that.

• Stop stalling . Just email that guru you’ve been wanting to JV with, I bet she says ‘Yes.’ • Stop the busy-ness . You know, doing stuff that you can easily delegate, like accounting (especially since you hate math).

• Stop the fear . It’s easy to give up, but you know deep down you can do it. Don’t let the Inner Critic win—clarity is key.

The simplest way to eliminate self doubt is to ask yourself: Likely you’ll discover at least one of these ‘payoffs’

How am I getting in my own way? What is my payoff?

• No Risk . ‘By NOT emailing her, I don’t get rejected and I get to stay nice and ‘comfortable.’ I know how to deal with where I am right now.’

• I’m Right . ‘I KNEW this would be hard and I’m not sure it’s worth it. I should quit while I’m ahead then I won’t waste a bunch of money and time chasing a silly dream.’

• I get Sympathy .


‘I get to dwell and bond with my business friends who are in the same boat.’

It is much easier to stay invisible, but it’s not very satisfying in the long run. So where do these fear-based payoffs come from?

1 2 3 4

Feeling Fundamentally Flawed

“I shouldn’t celebrate this small win because it’s not like I cured cancer. I’m not an expert in my field, so I shouldn’t get too excited until I reach my BIG goal.”

Fear of Disloyalty/Abandonment “It can’t be easier for me than for my business colleagues. I have to work hard like everyone else or I’ll lose the sense of community I’ve created.” Success Brings More Burdens (aka: “Is it worth it? Am I worth it?”) “I can’t invest family money in my business, we’re already struggling because of my business. I already work way too much and more clients would mean even more time away from my family.” Fear of Outshining

“I can’t make more money than my husband. How is it fair if I make more money, working fewer hours, than my sister who’s a doctor (or teacher or nurse)?”

Each of these beliefs will limit you by eating away at your belief and self value. If you don’t value yourself, you never take the risk to really expand your visibility. If you don’t expand your visibility, your ideal clients can’t find you. If your ideal clients can’t find you, you’re stuck either in a hobby (making no money) or desperately taking on any client who comes your way (and who doesn’t really value you either.) And, you get to avoid risk, stay comfortable and remain in your current (and maybe unsuccessful) tribe. You also get to stay small, broke and invisible.

Master your mindset and your business will boom! KIMBERLY ENGLOT is the President & Founder of the Center for

Authentic Self Development. She works with women & entrepreneurs who are willing to say 'yes' to happiness and success, and 'no' to excuses using a unique approach of numerology, tough love and total support. Learn more at



If you’re thinking, ‘Ya Right, that’s easier said than done’, grab your free ebook copy of ‘Dump The Junk and Be Happy: Biz, Career & Money’ at



4STEPS to RockStar

BRAND SUCCESS in 2012 . . . by Lisa Steadman, Chief Woohoo Woman at Woohoo, Inc. Rock stars. Why do we love, adore, and sometimes even worship them? Simple really. They live a life most people only dream about. The private jets, legions of fans, millions of dollars, and mega houses around the world, what's NOT to covet? But when you get underneath the flash and fabulousness, there's another reason we love rock stars. They fully live, love, and light up the world as only they can. Plainly stated, they rock the Woohoo that THEY do as only THEY can. And that, my friends, is the Woohoo Way to Wealth. Regardless of WHO your favorite rock star is - from Bon Jovi to Pink to Sting to Madonna - each of these remarkable individuals rocks our world because they have owned, embodied, and celebrated 4 key areas of rock star brand success. Whether you're ready to sell out stadiums or simply connect with a handful of raving fans, here are 4 easy ways to rock the Woohoo that YOU do in 2012...


Step 1: Walk Like A Rock Star If you lie awake nights wondering how to transform the mission in your head and heart into a brilliant message for the world, you're not alone. You're actually in excellent company. All true rock stars are mission-driven, and hold a vision of rocking it out on stage to millions of screaming fans long before they ever go on tour. So how do you start sharing the Woohoo that YOU do, starting today? It starts with having that rock star VISION. And then embodying your inner rock star. Walking like he/she would. Wearing the beautiful clothing your rock star wants to wear. Aligning your energy with your mission so whenever you leave the house or engage with your ideal clients and fans online, you're magnetizing your rock star self as only you can. This is what lights up the world.

Step 2: Talk Like A Rock Star

Step 4: Rock Like A Rock Star

OK, you're strutting your stuff as only you can. What's next? It's time to find your authentic rock star VOICE and share it. This starts with tuning in to your Woohoo Within, clarifying your languaging, creating masterful messaging that's distinct and buzz worthy, and then engaging your audience authentically (without being overtly self promotional). Remember, this isn't about you. This is about who you're here to serve, support, celebrate, and change.

And finally, once you've mastered the art of strutting your stuff, aligned your mission with your buzz worthy messaging, and given yourself permission to own your unique value, it's time to ROCK. This is where the VISIBILITY you've been craving (AND fearing) comes in. It's now time to step into your spotlight, confident and clear in who you are, and share your Woohoo with the world as only YOU can.

Step 3: Shock Like A Rock Star No, you don't have to be Lady Gaga or Marilyn Manson (whatever happened to him anyway?). But every rock star knows this little secret: It's not about trying to appeal to EVERYONE. True rock star status comes from owning your innate VALUE, celebrating the Woohoo that YOU do, and broadcasting widely so you can attract the fans, clients, and customers who NEED you, understand you, relate to you, and adore you.

Remember, your rock star brand isn't really even about you. You are simply the BEST messenger the universe could find to deliver your message to the masses. When you take your ego out of the equation, you will be able to rock the Woohoo that YOU do in record time. So there you have it. The 4 ways all true Rock Stars captivate, inspire, and transform us. And...when all 4 areas are in full alignment and embodiment in YOUR business, you not only get to rock the Woohoo that YOU do, but you've hit your brand bullseye and are now ready to unlock the Woohoo Way to Wealth.


is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, sought after speaker, breakup expert, branding consultant, and CEO of Woohoo, Inc. After spending a decade successfully branding multi-million dollar properties like Barbie while fumbling her way through romantic breakup after breakup, Lisa broke up with Corporate America and Mr. Wrong, built her own buzz worthy brand as THE Breakup Expert, became an instant best seller with her book It’s a Breakup, Not A Breakdown, and met and married the love of her life. Today, Lisa owns her own consulting business, branding major companies, personalities, and businesses for a 2.0 world, as well as rebranding women who are ready to reinvent themselves in love, life, and business at any age.

A frequent media contributor, Lisa has appeared on The Today Show, The Tyra Banks Show, KTLA Morning News, iVillage Live, The Fran Drescher Show, Playboy Radio, and New Zealand’s Good Morning. She regularly contributes content to popular websites including The Huffington Post, MSN, Yahoo

Shine, EHarmony, and YourTango.



FREE Audio Program: Rock Star Branding Secrets Revealed. Transform your purpose, power, and personality into a buzz worthy brand and beautiful business using the tools and tips Lisa shares in her powerful audio program.



ServedUp JustRight ! by Lissa Boles I’m a huge fan of a kooky comic strip called Sacred Cows. The first time I ran across it, I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. You can find some of their work in the “Online Comics” section of their website,

I love it because

it blends an undervalued form of pop-art with a unique (& relationship-building) business offering with cultural/spiritual whistle-blowing to wake up (and chill out) those of us whose minds and hearts aren’t free enough to see where and how we’re locked into a way of thinking that we can’t move past. Never mind dream, innovate or lead ‘a way’ from…


I love it because

it’s whimsically audacious.

I love it because its crafty irony snuck right up on me, which made it all the more startlingly funny and powerfully effective in delivering its message.

I love it because it’s a great example of a cool product with heart, purpose and profit potential up the wazoo (think free-trade organic hemp t-shirts, screen savers, apps), as well as a great reminder (I’m a BIG fan of leveraged purposing).

The truth is that when you’re committed to being a thought leader who’s on a mission to serve in ways people have never been served before, creating value where none’s been seen to exist before – all while building a business like nobody’s business (restoring the soul of business along the way)...

You must be free... To To To To To To

be audaciously bold. be craftily and creatively daring. be (or be) the fresh and unexpected. trust your senses and follow where and what they point to. mash-up stuff that doesn’t seem (at first glance) to go together. stand for what you alone are meant to stand for, in the way only you can stand for it.

Free to think, speak, act, create and see – really see – for yourself, as yourself. Free to re-imagine business and life. Art and service. Spirituality and profitability. And to be that kind of free, you’ve got to make a habit of serving up some Sacred Cow. Starting with your own.

Steak anyone? LISSA BOLES Known as the Soul Mapper™, Lissa Boles is a professional opti-

mist and CEO of SoulFullFilled Living, a group of companies dedicated to helping thought leaders and innovative entrepreneurs answer their life’s deepest callings —in business, at church, or on the yoga mat. A seasoned serial entrepreneur, Lissa goes light years beyond inspiration and motivation to reveal each client’s intended purpose path, breathing life into the sacred desire to create a world-changing legacy, particularly in business. Lissa is also a wildly in-love wife, step-mom, and honorary grandma who loves both travel and the simple life. She’s been called a book nut, a coffee snob and a chocolate freak, accusations she couldn’t deny if she wanted to. She also answers to Silver Fox (but only when it’s her husband Randy calling). In another life Lissa hosted the Sunday morning, Small Business Big Ideas Talk-Radio Show in Toronto, Canada.



Do you sometimes feel that you are different than the rest of the crowd? It may be those unique 'quirks' that will push you and your business to the next level. Get access to Lissa Boles' free audio and handout on why it pays to be the right kind of weird and learn how to let your unique qualities lead you to purposeful work & prosperity.





by Stephanie Pollock Why did you become an entrepreneur? I’ve told a lot of stories over the years about why I left my 6-figure corporate gig for the highs and lows of being my own boss. The stories have gone from wanting to be available for my kids, to not feeling inspired to continue being a corporate communicator, to the flexibility to work when I want to work, to wanting creative freedom to pursue any idea that popped into my head, to not loving authority. All of these stories are true. They were true when I quit and they are true now, years later. But that’s not why I made the leap. Why I chose to give up a great salary, benefits, a corporate ladder I was already part way up, and the security of knowing I had company-matching stock options and a healthy pension when I retired 30 + years later. The REAL reason I became an entrepreneur is because I had to.


I had a deep, burning desire inside of me that was begging me to pay attention to it. It was telling me, over and over and over again that I could do more, have more and BE more, and that anything less than that was settling. Not reaching my potential. I have always known, since I was a small child, that I was meant to do great things. I am a striver by nature. I am never happy with status quo and I resist any attempt to just tow the line and do what’s expected. I bet you relate. We strivers never settle. And we rarely cut ourselves a break.

But when you’re always seeking…always striving…always looking…it’s easy to miss what is right here in front of you. What you already have that matters. If you’re feeling the pull of your own potential – calling you forth to be more than you are right now, lean in and try these strategies: • Listen – what are the voices inside your head telling you? If they are self-sabatoging, notice them and make a decision to replace them with more self-serving thoughts • Don’t panic – as strivers, it’s easy to panic worrying that we haven’t reached our full potential (be it financial, emotional or whatever). • Focus your energy – wanting more and wanting to BE more can send even the most disciplined striver into creative spin. Pick 1-3 top priorities to harness that excellence. • Go Deep – on the quest for self-actualization and business success, it’s easy to go from one

bright-shiny object to another. Resist the temptation and give your ideas the attention and dedication they deserve. • Test & ReTest – Try, tweak, revise, start over, scrap, whatever it takes to step more into yourself and your business. Fail epically and then try the next thing. • Look in the mirror – stop looking outside yourself for genius. It’s right there inside you. Your business fortune is made up of your innermost strengths, gifts, passions and talents – the ones you overlook in search of something beyond yourself. As you build your powerful and profitable business, acknowledge that voice that nags at you to ‘realize your potential already!’ and simply remember that you are already doing it – right now.

Your road to greatness is never linear. It’s never easy. It’s never without question and doubt. But greatness is available to you. You’re already on the path.


Business activator + leadership coach wants you to give your business the respect + commitment it deserves, claim your greatness... and GO PRO.



Sign up to receive a richly inspiring FREE 10-part exploration of GOING PRO: A Manifesto — with business planning tools, branding twists + audio treats to help you claim your greatness — faster at:




ignorePROOF your MESSAGE!



by Shawn Driscoll In a crowded marketplace everyone is looking for a way to stand out and get noticed. I think one of the great paradoxes we’re all living with is that the more connected we become the more difficult it is to truly connect with others and be heard. You could try and get noticed by being louder than others, or by communicating more frequently, but that may push people away rather than draw them in. You could play with the latest marketing tactic or trick to catch attention—albeit fleeting. Or perhaps take on a catchy persona or put on a ‘show’. But eventually those get lost in a sea of sameness too. Here’s what I think. I think the best way to stand out is to be yourself—to find your own distinctive, Signature approach and showcase that. Signature is about being fully you and amplifying what makes you unique. No marketing tricks, pushy communication or persona’s needed.


Signature is: 1

claiming your distinctiveness and being willing to showcase it


trusting your inner voice more than the any other and having the courage to follow it


being grounded in values that guide you no matter what


expressing your point of view, your creativity, your unique take

5 6 7

taking a stand for something of meaning to you

8 9

a willingness to step out of the status quo

having a style or approach all your own delivering a “wow” experience for your clients and prospects making an impact with your gifts, talents and strengths

being ok with who you are - and who 10 finally you aren’t

Finding your signature difference is about discovering the place where what you do and who you are is strong, clear and confident. That place where you and your market connect on a deep level and clients ‘know’ you are the one they need to work with. Knowing your Signature difference gives you a unique edge in the marketplace that will outlast any hot trend.

What was similar? This is a little treasure hunt leading you to your signature ‘thing’! So think about it. What does being ‘signature’ mean to you? What would it mean to be able to lead from there and know with clear confidence you’ll be heard and connect deeply to your audience?

I’m often asked how to figure this out. So here are 3 straightforward ways to uncover your unique Signature Advantage. What experience do you want your customers to have? Make a “This, Not That” list of the words and phrases that come to mind. These become the “signature” elements you put in place to stand out. What compliments do you consistently hear? I recommend keeping a “fabulous file” for the feedback, compliments, and thank you’s you receive. These are clues to what people value most in working with you. Make a list of the 5 best clients or projects you’ve ever worked with. What were the results? What was unique about these 5?

SHAWN DRISCOLL believes the fastest way to build a respected and profitable business is to dare to be distinctive. In today’s competitive and crowded marketplace she knows that smart, ambitious experts can’t make their mark, or a meaningful profit, by following the crowd. With a keen eye for business strategy and a sixth sense for seeing ‘hidden’ systems within businesses, she has fast become a sought-after coach to many top entrepreneurs and leading experts internationally.



Shawn Driscoll, the Trailblazer’s Coach, helps visionary entrepreneurs build high impact, high income businesses. She guides them to discover their unique Trailblazer Quotient (TQ) and become an influential expert while spending their days doing work they love. Discover your TQ and pinpoint your unique profit path at






GET THEM TO BUY FROM YOU. . . by Syndi Craig-Hart If you want to fill your pipeline with prospects, enroll new clients into your practice and increase your income, you have to speak the same language as your audience. When you speak their language, you’ll be able to connect with them on a deeper level and show that you understand their problems. Thus they will see you as the solution they've been looking for and find it easy to say yes to what you have to offer. Which creates a win-win situation for you and the client.

This means you need to take the time to REALLY get to know your ideal prospects. Then you want to create solutions specific to what they're looking for. And finally you need to talk about, and present those solutions, in a way that's engaging and compelling.

Don’t use industry jargon: There may be a difference between the way you think about you business and the way your clients think about your business. While you may know all of the nittygritty technical details and terms about how you deliver your services, your average customer will not. And likely, they couldn’t care less about the details! So, don’t alienate them by filling your website, blog, marketing materials and conversations with catch phrases you and your colleagues throw around!

Instead, make sure the interactions you have with prospects convey your value in terms that they’ll relate to and speak to the problems they are looking to solve. For example, no one really needs ‘an SEO expert’. However, a brick and mortar business who wants to increase their profits is likely desperate to create more visibility for their business and get more local customers coming into their store. So a smart SEO consultant would speak to that, instead of talking CTRs, Bounce Rates and Google Analytics.



Some service professionals struggle with describing what they do in a way that connects with their prospects (and thus struggle to create a profitable business) – but if you follow these simple guidelines you’ll be able to avoid this struggle:


Consider how your ideal clients describe their pain points: Your services should help your clients eliminate major problems and challenges. That means you need to find out exactly how your clients are describing those pain points. What terms, phrases and words do they use to describe their struggles? For example, if you are a Virtual Assistant, your clients might say that they are tired of feeling

overwhelmed or that there isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish their goals. Their pain point is a lack of time – which engaging your services will help them to eliminate. You can refer to ‘overwhelm’ and ‘lack of time’ in your marketing materials to directly connect with their pain points and highlight the value you can bring to their life and/or business.

Get clear on the words your prospects and clients are using to describe the problems that you solve: In addition to describing their pain points, your prospects and clients are also using specific terms and words for the solutions you offer. If you are marketing your solutions using terms that are unfamiliar to your target market or words that don’t reflect the problems that you solve, you could be missing out on

opportunities to sell your services. Look over your testimonials from previous clients and watch for words or phrases that are repeated over and over again. How are your clients describing the problems that you’ve solved? Use that EXACT language. Don't try to polish it up. Speak about your expertise the way your prospects are taking about it.


Speaking the language of your clients is key to earning their trust, to showing them how you can help and to becoming a sought after problem solver. By analyzing the language that your clients and prospects are using and eliminating industry jargon, you can speak right to their needs. That makes you the only obvious choice to work with, gets your clients what they want AND creates a much more profitable business for you!

Your Take Action Plan:



Scan through your website and marketing materials and look for jargon. Eliminate any words and phrases that your average prospect would find confusing or not care about.



Look at all of the requests for help you’ve received via email in the past several months. How are your prospects describing their pain points? What words and descriptions are they using?


Browse through social media sites and forums where your ideal clients are spending time. Look for the ways that they describe their pain points. Review your testimonials and emails that you’ve gotten from satisfied clients. Look for common terms and words that are used to describe the problems that you solve. Take all of the terms and phrases that you’ve found in your research and incorporate them into your website, marketing materials and the way that you talk about your business.

SYNDI CRAIG-HART is founder of Known for her profit-focused approach to marketing, she also has the unique ability to find untapped profit centers in her client's businesses so they can create money NOW.

RESOURCES Visit for your FREE kit,


"5 Simple Steps to More Clients, More Visibility and More Freedom" and schedule a FREE "Profit Breakthrough" session with Sydni!




your STORY... by Tea Silvestre Humans love stories — it’s hardwired into how we learn and grow. Why did you start your business? That’s a story. Who are your best customers? That’s another story. How does your product work? That’s an entirely different story. But in order for us to hear them as stories, you need to show us a narrative. Utilize characters – heroes and villains – to touch our emotions. Let’s start with characters. Every story has a hero. And in nearly every story, the hero’s journey is one of adventure and deep learning that benefits all of humanity. You’re already the hero of your story. Own that. What obstacles or challenges have you already overcome? What lessons have you learned? Share those with your customers and prospects. Let people see your heroic human side.


And speaking of your customers, every hero has a side-kick. Your customers are just like side-kicks. They want the same thing you want. You’re working together to vanquish the same challenges (aka, the villains). Make sure they understand their role as it relates to the overall plot. And yes, your story must have a plot. How do you know if your story has a plot? Consider these two narratives: There once was a king and a queen. The king died and then the queen died. There once was a king and a queen. The king died. And then the queen died of a broken heart. Which one tells you a story? That’s the one with the plot. How do you add this element to your business stories? By focusing on emotion. Don’t just talk about features and benefits. Dig deeper and find their underlying emotional benefits.

If you’re selling lipstick, your product’s features might be things like its color, its price, or even that it contains a secret ingredient. So what? Those are your characters. But, what do they do? And more importantly, why should we care? That lipstick’s color might be an exclusive new shade of red developed for the Queen of England. It might be a longer-lasting red. Or it might be a red that magically matches your skin tone. Still, I ask you – so what? The woman who buys that lipstick and chooses it for its color is most likely doing so because she believes it will improve her appearance. Maybe even make her beautiful. That means the emotion behind that purchase is hope. And if you include some of that in your marketing, you’ll be more likely to connect with your prospective customer – and she’ll remember you when it’s time to buy a new lipstick. The stories we tell literally create our businesses. Learn how to tell them. Use them to describe how your product or service is different. Use them to teach your prospects something new.

Use them to inspire change – in your customers and in the world. Step into and embrace your inner Hero. Lean towards YES. “Yes, I can do this. Yes, this will be challenging but we can do this. Yes, I’m taking this on. Yes, I can see a better way!” When you share this side of yourself in public, you others to step out and take risks, too. Most people put limitations around what they believe they can do. They give up too easily. They listen to the inner critic (another villain) who tells them their work is below par or just plain baloney. They don’t understand that everyone’s first attempt at anything is usually a big pile of crap. As the hero, it’s your job to remember (and to remind others) that in this Universe, literally anything is possible. When you embrace all possibilities, you’ll find the courage to take risks. You’ll also give the rest of us a reason to keep working toward our dreams.


Tea (sounds like Tay’ah) Silvestre, aka The Word Chef, works as a marketing coach with solopreneurs everywhere who want to find and share their Secret Sauce with the world. She’s also the founder of the Tastiest Small Biz Brand Award; the host of The Word Café, a bi-monthly podcast on BlogTalkRadio; and the author of “Attract and Feed a Hungry Crowd: How thinking like a chef can help you build a solid business.”



As part of your branding (or, Secret Sauce), your stories set you apart from your competition. Learn how to leverage your unique strengths and passions so you can build a stand-out “rebelpreneur” brand. Download Tea’s free workbook “Your Unique Brand: Find the ingredients to create your Secret Sauce.”



your Create



5 Steps TO YES!

by Gina Bell

When it comes to growing your business – guesswork is OPTIONAL and not recommended.

“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” ~ Zig Ziglar

KNOWING the barriers to “making a sale” empowers you to create irresistible offers (free and for-fee) that remove doubt and pave the way to YES!

So let’s take a closer look. You can use this as a litmus test:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Does my perfect prospect REALLY need this? Does it

address a significant struggle or burning desire?


What desire or struggle is my ideal client willing to

do anything and pay anything to have or solve? Does my offer clearly address this?


Is there a reason for my perfect prospect to take

immediate action? What do they lose or risk if they say no?


Does my ideal prospect really WANT this? Is more

difficult to say no to than to say yes to this offer?


Will my ideal prospect want this from ME specifically?

So how do your offers measure up? What steps can you take to ensure your offers pass the irresistibility test in the future? Make note of them now and set a date with yourself to get these ideas out of your head and working IN your business! Aligning what you do with what your ideal clients really want from you is your profitability sweet spot.


is a Freedom Rich Business Coach, Visibility and Catalyst Marketing Strategist teaching Rebel’preneurs on the rise, how to activate their awesome, ignite visibility booms, boost their brand’s bravado and kick profitability into high gear – in a way that honours their rule-bending spirit. Visit:


RESOURCES If you are motivated to navigate YOUR way to successful, step inside the Rebel’preneur tribe – a growing network of rule-bending women (in an intelligent rebellion kind of way) who crave success without sacrifice too!



50 Ways BOOST to


CREDIBILITY online 1 2 3 4 5

You don’t need to spend a million bucks, but a professional logo and website are a big credibility booster. Always include an “About Us” page on your website. People want to know who they are doing business with. Share education and awards you’ve received that are relevant to your work. You worked hard, so shout it out. Include a Privacy Policy on your website. Give your website users and subscribers the confidence to share their information with you. Use a secure server for your shopping cart. This will avoid any alerts from popping up on a customer’s antivirus program.


6 7 8 9 10

Include your full mailing address on your website and avoid a P.O. box. Services like Mailboxes Etc. can provide you with a street address. Include a phone number on your website, preferably a 1-800 number for the most credibility. Respond to public inquiries. It’s shocking how many website owners don’t bother to answer their email. Respond to customer inquiries even faster. These people are your bread and butter, so treat them like gold. Join relevant organizations and display your participation (i.e. BBB – Better Business Bureau).

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Consider date stamping your content. When people plan to reference your content, they want to be able to see how current it is (especially the first time they visit your blog). Keep your copyright statement up to date with the current date. There’s nothing worse than seeing “Copyright 2004” in 2012! Use your real photo on your website and on social media profiles. Hiding behind cute avatars does not boost credibility or visibility. Reduce spam complaints and use a confirmed opt-in (a.k.a “double opt-in”) process for your mailing lists. If you reference other content to create your own content, always state your sources. It’s common sense and courtesy. In addition to references, link to other useful content readily. It shows you as someone who is connected within your niche. Readily collect and publish testimonials on your website. Detailed testimonials with full names and photos are great (video or audio – even better!) While plenty of testimonials for your own product are great, be selective about the products you give testimonials for. Only endorse products you truly believe in. Go in-depth and collect and publish case studies. They make great content and establish your expertise with your potential clients. Encourage your customers to submit fulllength reviews to relevant websites like Amazon, Alexa and others.

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Find bloggers in your niche to review your product. Send them a complimentary product and ask them to publish their honest thoughts on their website. Seek out “celebrity” endorsements and publish them on your website. People who are well-known in your niche can provide you with instant credibility. In addition to “celebrity” endorsements, make friends with people in high places. Your reputation is, in part, built by the company you keep. Set up an affiliate program to recruit other website owners and bloggers who will sing your praises. When running an affiliate program, keep tabs on affiliate activity and ensure you have a strong affiliate policy that you stick to. While displaying advertising can pay your bills, always consider how the overabundance of advertising on your website can affect your credibility. Offer a money-back guarantee on your products and avoid making it difficult to return products. A completely static home page makes it look like no one’s home. Make sure your home page is updated frequently. Create a custom a 404 error page. Don’t let your website visitors go away just because they couldn’t find what they were looking for. Nobody’s perfect, but make sure you proofread and edit your content before it goes out.


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Realize that not everyone will like you and sometimes customers get upset. Keep smiling and deal with situations as professionally as possible. We are so attached to our business, we may not be the right person to answer public inquiries and complaints. Consider hiring a virtual assistant or customer service specialist to keep a level head on your behalf. Your product may not always be the best fit for someone’s need. Don’t be afraid to make alternative suggestions where appropriate. Showcase your traditional media coverage. If you’ve been featured or included in newspaper or magazine articles or television programs, share that on your website. Your coverage in digital media is important too. Share any podcast, website or other interviews you’ve been a part of. Guest blogging can boost your credibility. Regularly seek out and participate in writing opportunities for influential blogs. Having guest writers on your own website can improve your credibility too. Readily accept contributions from worthwhile writers. You don’t need 100 comments on every blog post, but visible interaction with readers on your website can bolster your reputation. Consider starting (or joining) a Blog Commenting Group. (See page __) – this will link to MY “Create a Visibility Boom with your BLOG” article. Get to know your audience. Talk to them, so they feel you understand them. It’s one of the best things you can do for your credibility.

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Always remember people want to know WIIFM—“what’s in it for me?”. Avoid putting too much focus on you. A good rule of thumb is focuson being interested in others in-stead of trying so hard to be interesting to them. Everybody talks about social proof, but what is it? It’s any evidence of your influence and expertise. Show it through case studies, testimonials, comments or a strong social media presence, social proof goes a long way. Portray a consistent online business image. Whether you’re blogging or participating in social media, be consistent. Carefully blend your personal and online reputations. Because online life is so public, keep in mind how your personal contributions can affect your business. Write up a complete bio for the places where you publish content. Whether it’s an article directory, the Kindle store or social media websites, if you want people to trust you, they need to know you. If you don’t have the answer to a question, don’t make stuff up. It can really hurt your reputation. While affiliate marketing is a great way to earn a living, creating some of your own products is a great way to boost your image and expertise. If you’re already writing online, turn all that hard work into a print book. Social proof is good, but going along with the crowd isn’t always the right path. If you have advice that is contrary to other people in your niche, then share it when you know it’s right. Ask for regular feedback from your customers so you can continue to add value and improve their experience with you in the future.



invisiblePROOF your BUSINESS!




that Works When You’re Not Working... by Jennifer Bourn The key to a wildly successful website that works when you’re not working is a seamless blend of sales conversion strategies and being of service to your audience. When you can meld these two concepts into a website, you will get more clients, shorten your sales cycle, help more people, and make more money. Think about your website as having four different sections, each with a different purpose:

SECTION ONE: KNOW This section is dedicated to helping website visitors get to know you and your business. The “Know” pages of your site are designed to help people learn more about you as the expert, what you do, how you do it, why you do it, who you serve, and what results you can get. These pages answer all of the “What’s In It For


Me?” questions your visitors have, and include your Home page, About page, Services page, Products page, Speaking page, and Contact page.

SECTION TWO: LIKE This section is dedicated to forging a connection with, and building a relationship with your website visitors. The goal of the pages in this section is to help them learn more about you as the person, form a connection with you, and start to like you – and the key is to get personal and to provide value! These pages may offer glimpses into your personal life, showcase your personality, and offer your opinions; they include your About page, Media page, Portfolio page, and even a Photo Gallery. These pages are also your "education" pages, where you teach your audience something, help them, and provide real value; they often include How-to Articles, Blog Posts, Tutorials, Resource Lists and more.

SECTION THREE: TRUST This section is dedicated to building credibility, reliability, and trust by positioning yourself as an expert, providing value and quality content, and showing a history of proven results. The goal of these pages is to make it a no-brainer to hire you, buy from you, or join your list because they trust you and believe in you. They include your Testimonials page, Portfolio page, Blog Posts, Media Page, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages, As Seen On page, and Affiliate page.

conversion, you’re naturally leading your website visitors to the action you want them to take without icky in-your-face marketing tactics, ugly and cheap-looking blinking arrows, and giant, obnoxious call-to-action buttons. With this approach the natural flow of your website is crafted to help your ideal clients self-select themselves right into your products, programs, and services without having to “sell” them. As a result, your phone rings and your inbox is full of requests from new clients ready to get started and pay you what you’re worth ... and nothing feels better than that!

SECTION FOUR: MONEY/CONVERSION This section is dedicated to getting your visitors to take a specific action – to click, register, enroll, sign up, buy, subscribe, download, opt-in, call, email, contact, submit, get instant access, join, or purchase. The goal of these pages is to convert a new visitor into a client, customer, or subscriber that you can to market to in the future. They include your opt-in box/area, Sales pages, Landing pages, Squeeze pages, Contact page, Teleseminar/webinar registration pages, Free Offer pages, and Product pages. By applying the “know, like, and trust factor” to your website – and adding in the crucial step of

JENNIFER BOURN If you are frustrated with your brand, website, and mediocre results, Jennifer Bourn of the award-winning, international design company Bourn Creative, can help you transform your business into an extraordinary, lucrative brand. Specializing in Wordpress website design, website conversion strategy, and brand design, Jennifer and the team at Bourn Creative can help you create a drool-worthy website that works when you're not working and a brand that propels you to the forefront of your industry.



Get Prospects to Say YES! With ONE Magic Sentence. Use this magic sentence on your website and you’ll look and sound like a credible, trustworthy professional who’s got it all figured out – and you’ll inspire prospects to take action! In this audio class and worksheet, learn the exact formula to craft your “Magic Sentence” step-by-step.



by Margo DeGange, M.Ed. Want to be uber-visible and catch the admiring looks of potential clients whose eyeballs are popping to do business with you? THAT happens through what you do behind the scenes, when only you and your tem are looking! To stir it on, I’m giving you some delicious Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredients to toss into your VisibilityCrock-Pot. I know you’re ready to create a delicious business that looks good enough to eat and nourishes the lives of your clients!

Your Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredients: Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredient #1

administrative portion of these activities when you can, like sending out e-zines and invitations, direct mail campaigns, setting up booth space, designing sales pages, etc.

Invest 50% of your work time MARKETING! Market EVERY day your business is open, on activities like hosting promo events & trunk shows, speaking to gain visibility (and money), blogging with a purpose, making phone calls, being a vendor Invest 25% of your work time creating, improving, and re-purposing, your programs and products (this at events or home shows, teaching tele-seminars is actually another type of marketing, so you’re that lead to masterminds, etc. Delegate the

Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredient #2


really marketing 75% of the time)! Include HOSTING JV events in this category. If your business doesn’t depend on regular new content, use this time for additional marketing.

Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredient #3

Invest 10% of your work time getting smarter! This means QUALITY training for you and your team, and includes reading, researching, and attending seminars, webinars and live events. Use your allotted time daily, or accrue it over weeks or months for conferences and trade shows.

Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredient #4

Tie your offer to a better lifestyle for your clients! Peeps who have money to spend don’t want junk! They want a better life. Show them how what you offer gives that to them. Focus your marketing messages on your off-the-hook benefits and on the marvelous value they hold, so clients see their payoff and reward is a better and brighter future.

Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredient #5

Quit thinking great marketing is a mystery or costs mounds of dough! Know generally who you want to sell to and work with (new entrepreneurs over 40, women with over 70K yearly HHI who seek holistic-wellness, new moms who love custom high-end specialty products). Then research what

emotionally prompts them and triggers them to purchase, and factor that into your marketing messages and materials (your offer). Get that targeted message before their eyes both online and off, depending on where BUNCHES of them hang out. Show up for them over and over again.

Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredient #6

Keep checking the temperature of your business profits. If each year and quarter your sales increase, you likely have a good focus and are marketing well, if not, you must adjust your ingredients and the heat. Profits don’t lie. If your profits are falling or staying the same, it’s a signal that peeps aren’t looking!

Cook-Up a Look-Up Ingredient #7

Follow-through for success. Marketing means “creating awareness”, and good marketing causes potential customers to look your way and connect. Once that’s done, you still have to make the sale. That’s why success is in the follow-through. So, when anyone at all looks at you with interest or contacts you, FOLLOW-UP! Also, follow-up after each sale with friendly communication and additional benefit-packed programs so they continue to see you as attractive.

MARGO DEGANGE, M.Ed. is a Lifestyle & Business Empowerment Coach and

founder of Women of Splendor, the collaborative mentoring organization that brings the brilliance of women to the world! Margo is totally committed to your wild success. She’ll mentor & coach you to get crystal clear on your goals, connect powerfully with others, embrace RIGHT opportunities, and take focused-action towards success! Visit for great products & coaching programs that put YOU on the map!



YES! Women of Splendor launches May 25, 2012! Want a FREE Brilliance-Membership? Visit for a FREE BrillianceMembership PLUS another AMAZING FREE GIFT, Margo’s famous & empowering, fulllength Re-Framing Workbook to shift your thinking, inspire & motivate you to be all you can be, & catapult you into wild success!




your TIME onTWITTER...

(or Using Twitter to Build Your Business—For Real!) by Nika Stewart “Success is doing what you love and making it a career but I don’t know who will pay me to drink wine while looking at Pinterest.” (some I used to think that “playing” on Social Media was a waste of time. Until I did something on Twitter – by accident – that led to a $12,000 sale. Now, I had known that I was getting more visibility and lots more traffic to my website, and

I thought that would naturally lead to more sales. But up until then, I hadn’t studied the specifics of what was happening. Analytics and metrics are not really my thing. If I wanted to continue to grow my business, though, I knew I had to do some investigating. While researching my Social Media habits, I realized that I had been doing a lot of things that seemed random, but were actually working to get me more followers, more opt-ins, more sign-ups for preview calls, and essentially, more sales. I listed my methods, and created a system for myself. As I saw these strategies working over and over, I started sharing them with clients. And it turns out – they work for everyone! There are dozens of techniques you can use on Twitter to enhance your online visibility and expert status, increase website traffic and opt-ins, build stronger customer relationships, and boost sales. Here are 7 of my favorite:




Clicking RT is easy, but very few people go the extra step. Add your own thoughts when you retweet someone. Compliment their work. Share how they inspire you. You will get noticed.


Follow people who you want to follow you. It’s a simple as that. Not everyone will follow you back. But a good majority will. Want an extra-tasty secret? Follow people with very few followers. They will more likely notice you, click on your profile, and research your site.


The number one reason people follow and fan others? No, not good value. Entertainment. Be uncommon, controversial, bold, witty, daring. Entertain us!


There is a direct correlation between the frequency of your posts, and the number of fans

and followers you have. Post your valuable, entertaining information frequently.


Network virtually with others in a live Twitter Party. None going on today? Create one and host it yourself!


Twitter is great at helping you get more traffic to your website. But don’t just post links to sales pages. Post a teaser about a great blog post, and tell readers to click to your site to read the rest.


Your profile is how people decide if they are going to follow you. Don’t gloss over it. Upload a fun photo, showing off your personality. And write an interesting bio that allows people to connect with who you are. Then make sure you link to your most exciting webpage. If your photo and bio are appealing, you will get not only more followers, but more traffic to your website.

One of the biggest keys to growing your business on Twitter is being active. If you want a big, happy, loyal community, you need to be involved. Wish there was a way to get all of the benefits of social media – with none of the work? Well, there may be. Check out Nika Stewart’s Ghost Tweeting™ programs. There is one that is perfect for you!


The Laptop Mom, is an eternally optimistic (yet often sarcastic) wife and mommy, a coffee addict, and a lifestyle entrepreneur who has seamlessly integrated her career into her life.After creating an information marketing business so she could spend quality time with her family, Nika discovered that other women were desperately searching for that same flexibility and freedom, so she launched LaptopMom to teach others how to create passive income... during naptime! You can learn more about the Laptop Mom’s most popular program, Social Media Done For You, at


FREE GIFT! "How To Produce Your Own Teleseminar" Everything you need to know to launch your own teleseminar by next week!




As entrepreneurs we know that in order to build our businesses, we need to implement strong marketing strategies. But many of us struggle with marketing our business in a way that best showcases who we are and what we offer. We often struggle to develop campaigns that will keep our client roster full and products and programs selling optimally. As we consider various options, we quickly become overwhelmed with all the ‘must-do’ strategies that we should have in place, plus all the trendy tactics that are replacing many marketing strategies of the past. First of all, breathe… It’s not as daunting as it all


sounds. It is definitely hard work - but you knew this going in as an entrepreneur, didn’t you? As a whole, business owners spin their wheels, implementing various strategies, and impatiently wait to see immediate results from a single effort. Marketing is one of those things that require time. Unfortunately, many of us think that if we market now, we should see results tomorrow… and if we don’t, we feel frustrated and defeated. We forget that successful marketing requires consistent action. We treat it as an event - when we need more clients, more money or more sales, we start to focus on short-term marketing efforts, which often lead to disappointment.

We need to ensure that all the pieces are in place: consistency, regular review, tweaking, revisions, follow up, and then doing it over and over again. Here is my best advice for effectively marketing your business: Begin with consistency in mind. Pick one or two strategies at most, such as search engine optimization, article marketing, social media marketing, regular ezines, teleclasses, or affiliate marketing, and stick with it for two, three or even six months. This will allow you to build a following and hone your techniques.

Also keep in mind that marketing and sales are all about building relationships. People buy and work with people they know, like and trust, something I call ‘The KLT Factor’, and consistency in our message and our methods will help to make that happen. Marketing isn’t a sprint. Rather, we need to think of it as a long-distance, steady run. And remember, even when a business is at full capacity, we must always be marketing.

Don’t be discouraged when immediate success does not come. It rarely does, you know. When you hear of those sensational “overnight successes”, keep in mind that they usually took years to get to that jaw-dropping, envious position of immediate victory. Regularly review these one or two strategies to determine how well they’re being received. Are you growing your list? Are you selling more or booking more complimentary exploratory sessions? Could you tweak things here and there to better results?


Since 2001, Pam Ivey has taken the virtual world by storm by filling various roles and taken on several ventures all with one end goal in mind: to help entrepreneurs gain meaningful exposure for their business and message. She is principal of the Online Business Navigator, a coaching and consulting firm that partners with entrepreneurs, helping them leverage technology, online marketing and people to build a 6+-figure online business that's easy, profitable and fun to run!

RESOURCES My free offer is my List P.R.O.F.I.T. System. Can we use that? It’s about 3


hours of ecourse material all about building lists and using them to turn prospects into buyers.



How TO CREATE AVisibility BOOM WITH YOUR BLOG by Gina Bell

For an ambitious woman like me on a mission to change lives – including my own, “No Comments” felt more like “I’m Invisible”. Can you relate? You know your posts are valuable and crammed with potential but nobody seems to be reading – and that means not a lot of social media sharing going on either. You’re not making an impact and, you’re not feeling validated for the amazing work you do. Not to mention the client attraction and profitability concerns that go hand in glove! If you’ve ever had someone comment on a blog post, re-tweet your wisdom on twitter or like a Facebook comment you know exactly what I mean by feeling validated. It’s kinda like that person gave you a gift – right? WOW… someone sees me, hey – I think they even like me. It’s pretty big. If you’re not feeling the love yet - what you need is a catalyst – something to stimulate the active, engaged community-driven blog environment you’ve been dreaming of… Let me introduce you to the idea of a Blog Commenting Circle… a group of complimentary bloggers/


experts who agree to comment on and share each other’s featured blog post each week (or, according to the “pool rules” you create). The one that I was invited to join uses a private Facebook group as our virtual HQ. It’s simple and can be set up in minutes. The “pool rules” or group guidelines can be posted to the documents section for reference (get each member of the group to like/comment on the rules in the beginning to ensure everyone’s on the same page).

Gals this is something that you can set up TODAY! Here’s how:


Brainstorm 10 to 12 complimentary experts and/or business supporters. They like your stuff and you like theirs. Even better – you serve the same audience but in a complimentary (not competing) way.

blogging at the same pace. Nobody will feel pressured to keep up. What if a member doesn’t have a post to submit one week? My advice… encourage them to still comment for the ones who do


Social media sharing? – i.e. Facebook and Twitter – will this be mandatory or optional?

Here’s an example of what I’ve seen work really well:

What about launches and special promotions? Will members be allowed to request extra support? Will sharing and/or commenting be optional or mandatory in this case?

Above all take a KISS approach to keep it (strategically) simple. Each week the host will kick off the week’s “campaign” inviting each member to share one blog post they’d like “boosted” with comments. Members will post their blog links to the comments section under the campaign post on the Facebook group’s page. Members are to click through to each of their fellow member’s blog posts to leave a meaningful comment (and/or share via social media – you could make that optional if you want depending on the needs of the group). Comments are to add value to the blog author and the post itself. Submitting your post for comment support and failing to reciprocate (comment on other submitted posts) is grounds for removal from the group.

Be sure to define the expectations of the members…


Keep it simple and clear. Let them know what’s in it for them and why you’re inviting them. Ask them to reply to your message with a yes or no. If yes – tell them you’ll follow up by adding them to the private Facebook group. Give them a heads up of when you plan to get the ball rolling. You can create your facebook page at:

VARIATION: Start a Facebook Commenting Circle

Considerations before you invite…

instead. So rather than have your circle members comment on a blog post, get them to comment on a Facebook post each week. Strategy is the same – just the medium changes.

How often do the prospective members on your list update their blog? Pop on over and take a look. This way you can pull together an active group who are

There’s a way to do this on Twitter too – take a peekaboo at when you have a few minutes to spare.


is a Freedom Rich Business Coach, Visibility and Catalyst Marketing Strategist teaching Rebel’preneurs on the rise, how to activate their awesome, ignite visibility booms, boost their brand’s bravado and kick profitability into high gear – in a way that honours their rule-bending spirit.Visit:

RESOURCES If you are motivated to navigate YOUR way to successful, step inside the Rebel’preneur tribe – a growing network of rule-bending women (in an intelli-


gent rebellion kind of way) who crave success without sacrifice too!



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holes ? ** by Agatha Kulesza

One of my dear family members thinks all rich people are a**holes. Whenever she sees someone that is well dressed or has a nice car she always makes a comment to me that the person is an entitled rich a**hole who thinks they rule the world. Funnily enough, my family member wishes she was rich. Huh? Is she saying she wants to be an a**hole? It’s like she has predestined herself to NEVER EVER be rich. Because why would you want to do something that makes you an a**hole in your own mind? So this all got me thinking…what about you? How do you feel about rich people? And is that what might be stopping you from getting where you want to be financially?

Whenever I tell people the entire quote it always sparks a huge debate. There are many of you who do believe that ALL rich people are evil and greedy. And I can see how you might think that in this day and age of Enron and Bernie Madoff. As the gap between the rich and the poor grows wider, it can feel like rich people have so much while poor people barely have anything. So that can lead to a lot of resentment and the whole “rich people are a**holes” attitude. And there indeed are plenty of rich people who are evil and greedy, BUT there are plenty of poor people who are that way too. That’s because greed comes from a huge feeling of lack, just like in Shaw’s quote. And you can feel lack no matter how rich or poor you are.

It reminds me of that old quote “Money is the root of all evil”. Most of us have heard it and I’ve met hundreds of people that believe it’s true, much like my family member.

When you first hear that it can sound ridiculous. You may wonder how a rich person wants for anything, especially if they have the means to buy whatever they want.

But did you know that this quote by George Bernard Shaw, in its entirety, was “LACK of money is the root of all evil”.

But wealth has little if NOTHING to do with how much money you actually have. It’s all about how you feel and think about the money you have.


Here’s an example of someone I’ve met to show you what I mean:

THE SCARED STIFF MILLIONAIRE This man had plenty of money to last him a lifetime and then some. His home was worth $10 million dollars, his income was $5 million per year, and he owned several very large apartment buildings. His total net worth was probably somewhere around $30 million, which sounds like more than enough money to most people. But not to him. He was constantly scared and freaked out that he would lose it all and have nothing. So he was overly frugal and never enjoyed much freedom or fun that his money could have afforded him. And the reason he felt this way was because his parents had lived through the Great Depression, so he was raised in an environment where there was never enough of anything. So even though his situation changed dramatically as an adult, it did not change his constant fear. He became obsessed with acquiring more and more wealth, living in constant fear that he could lose everything at any moment. Even at age 68, when most people want to retire, he kept working 80 hours per week and spent very little time with his family.

My dear family member would see this man on the road driving his Porsche and call him a rich a**hole and ask why he still needs to work…doesn’t he have enough money?!? Not to him he doesn’t – for him it will never be enough because it’s not about the money. If you met him you might think he is greedy and, yes, maybe he is. But the greed comes from fear – that’s where it always come from. And I’m not saying that’s OK or justified, just trying to show a different perspective here. See, your thoughts about rich people can be SUPER influential on your finances. My family member who thinks they are all a**holes has been broke all her life. It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy that she will never be rich. And what a shame – I bet she’d be a really nice and generous rich person. And what about you? What are your thoughts on rich people? If you were rich, would you choose to be caring and giving? Or would you become an entitled a**hole?

Does this sound like a happy man to you? Always freaked out that the rug would get pulled out from under him and he would lose it all? Sounds pretty stressful to me!


believes that dealing with money can be simple and fun. She has a Bachelor's Degree in accounting and previously worked for Deloitte & Touche, one of the Big 4 worldwide public accounting firms. She left Deloitte in 2002 and started AGATHA K LLC to help other people make better sense of their finances. Through her blog, speeches, and courses she shows that taking charge of your finances really can be simple, fun, and easy.



Get my free audio download “Inside the Money Mind” on why the rich get richer…and the broke just stay broke! It actually has NOTHING to do with how much money they make. Plus you’ll get my “Money Flow” handout to help you start tracking your money the way rich people do.




Crash OF THE


Myth... How did you imagine your business before you started it? What does it look like today? Are you close to or far away from what you had in mind? Success takes diligence, discipline and hard work, no questions asked. However, it also requires knowledge, investment and action. Being busy and actively working don’t produce the same results. For many people, being a ‘solopreneur’ means that they are ‘solo’, the only one to make it happen.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but it’s a myth that nobody can afford to live with anymore. Why? Because it is not POSSIBLE. Success is built with others; there is no way around that, especially if you are the owner of a business online.


by Christine Marmoy Building and running a successful business online demands specific skills, strong marketing and, especially, fast implementation. Today, in our ever evolving world, it is really difficult to keep up with all the changes, even more so online, and I’m not even talking about competition. So what can you do to ensure you are not going against the odds? The first thing you should consider and act upon is to hire a business coach. Make sure the coach you decide to work with is successful in the way you want to be and has achieved what you want for yourself. This will shortcut your learning curve and will allow you to reach your goal faster with a lot less pain.

Once you’ve decided to partner with a coach, things will move faster than you think, that’s why you’ll need to get some help so you’ll be able to implement the strategies your coach will share with you. Remember, without implementation, these strategies will remain just great ideas with no juice. The same way a restaurant needs a fully equipped kitchen (back of the house) and a nice dining area (front of the house) to be operational, you need a front end (clients) and a back end (Technical VA) in your business. Because as you may have already realized, there is a lot MORE to do than it appears at first glance, so how could you possibly have the time to do it all by yourself and have a life?

work with a coach and hired the right people to be successful and to increase their success. Help did not come into the frame after their success, help came BEFORE and that is exactly why they are where they are now. If you really want to experience being the one calling the shots, if you really want to create the business you have in mind while designing your dream lifestyle, start by asking for help!

Some of us did it, and aren’t we glad we did?

I quite often hear people saying: “When I make more money, I’ll hire somebody to help me out”. The thing is that, this day may never come because you’ll be too busy trying to figure out how everything works instead of bringing money in, in other words by serving your existing clients and attracting new ones. Here is something to bear in mind; all successful online business owners have their own business coach and support team! Now, they don’t have a coach and a team because they are successful, they


mission is to help coaches and business owners tap into their brilliance and transform their passion and experience into remarkable businesses. She works on three levels from discovering your brilliance, to daring to be bold, to finally claiming your spot. No stone is left unturned as she unleashes your creativity, your imagination and your innovative power so you become unstoppable in attracting great clients and financial security.



If you are ready to claim your real Success Identity, get a FREE copy (book and audio) of the Unrevealed 3-D Success Metamorphose and discover how you can uncover you “uncopyable” Brilliance, claim your innovative spotlight and step into a your new success, visit her site www.CoachingAndSuccess.






(aka How to Charge What You’re Worth!) by Miki Strong As a Rebelpreneur you've got passion, courage and know-how -- what I call Moxie!

A seasoned woman-preneur stuck in the dollars-forhours model

You're showing up (or striving to)in authentic expression through your business and you're really good at that thing you do. It's your life's work or something pretty close to it -- you can't NOT do what you do.

The good news is - and there's always good news you can moxie up your profit potential 3 ways:

You have a message or cause that comes from deep inside you, and you're growing your business your way - without compromising your values or what's important to you. So why are you feeling like you're running around in circles, growing your business in trickles and quickly becoming overworked, underpaid and exhausted?

Maybe you’re... New in business, struggling to get client the way everyone else does it; or


ONE: PASSION What's your message? What do you stand for? Express it in everything you do - your programs, products, blog posts, sales pages, Tweets, on Social Media. Express yourself in your voice and you'll attract a captive audience that adores you because you speak their language. Remember, birds of a feather flock together.

TWO: KNOW-HOW If you want to liberate your time and wallet, bundle and package your services. Here's a tried and true way, designed to deliver maximum value without burning you out,giving your prospective clients a choice of "Yeses". Create an inventory of everything you already provide your clients and design 2 to 3 different levels of service, with the highest level providing more of your valuable expertise and one-to-one time. Consider offering a combination of self-directed, group, and private services or programs.

THREE: COURAGE If you're an entrepreneur, you have courage. And you're employing it in many ways, especially when it comes to charging what you're worth. But this is where most women fall short because they undercharge, over-deliver, and give it away for free! With two courageous approaches though, this is where you'll experience the biggest shifts in your business …

there are deeper emotional anchors that women have attached to money, not giving themselves permission to be compensated for their value. Either way, cleaning it up MUST be a priority. Second, value is perceived by your clients, pricing is set by you. This is why it's imperative that you set prices after you understand the value of your offers. Ask yourself, what result does my offer promise? How does it impact other areas of my clients' lives? What does it cost them to not make the change that my offer promises? It's in knowing the answer to these 3 questions that you can confidently price from a place of value, honoring yourself and your clients. When you charge what you're worth, you stand in your own power while holding the space for your clients to step up into the result they want.

First, remove any barriers you have to opening the flow of money into your business. Often this is simply clearing the money clutter in your personal and professional life. But sometimes


is a Business Consultant, Marketing Strategist & Money Mentor helping women entrepreneurs to activate their inner courage a.k.a. “Rock their Moxie”. The result is inescapable momentum that comes from breaking through the blocks that are holding her back from earning what she’s worth. Miki’s passionate style of support and loving tell-it-to-ya-straight mentorship makes her the go-to gal for women who are ready to STEP UP, get moxie and stop playing small. Connect with Miki at



Is not knowing how to package and price your services limiting your income? Learn how to kick-start your profit potential in the, “Yes, Sign Me Up! 3 Simple Steps to Creating Profitable Offers" e-course. My gift to you.



Three words

GUARANTEED to LIBERATE Your INCOME Ever felt paralyzed by trying to get SOMETHING PERFECT? You really want to put that special something “out there” and you’re trying desperately to get it just right. Perfect, actually. And, you know it’s getting in the way of your progress. You feel stuck, scared and stalled. You’re swirling. What if I told you the quest for perfectionism is unrealistic. The idea of “perfect” is a mental construct. It’s an ideal that’s in your mind and does not actually exist in the real world as something tangible. And, worse yet, perfectionism is a disease, eating away at you and your ability to get clients and make money. Did you catch that? Perfectionism is doing you no good. Now, to be clear, I’m not saying this means you put crappy stuff out there. It’s not about being mediocre.


by Nadine Nicholson It’s about liberating yourself – and therefore liberating your income – from the paralysis of perfectionism. You’ll actually be a role model and your ideal clients will gravitate to you. That’s success, in my books. So, how do you free yourself from this incomeeating disease? The short answer is you’ve got to make a mindset shift.

When it comes to LIBERATING your INCOME it’s all about PROGRESS not PERFECTION. Here’s a real example from my own business to see how this can be applied in the real world. Last year, I was planning a free telesummit and wanted to give people a choice to upgrade to a new, paid, virtual group program. I knew the key steps I wanted to teach and had a course outline. However, I hadn’t yet written content for each of the program modules.

I clearly remember being terrified about putting a “half-baked” program out into the marketplace. And, I just about didn’t put it out there because it wasn’t ready. Here’s how I used the mindset shift of “progress not perfection” and changed my tune. Instead of feeling stuck and worried about what I hadn’t yet created, I flipped things around. I looked at my PROGRESS or how far I had come. I was about to launch a world-class telesummit and my joint venture partners were excited to promote it. And, I had a solid course outline for a group program, based on the system I use with my oneon-one entrepreneurial clients. Focusing on these two things liberated me to take action from the mindset of progress versus being stalled by what I hadn’t yet created. I slide back into the driver’s seat of my business. That freedom helped me see I could co-create the program with the participants who show up. I could put my course outline “out there” as a pilot program and pre-sell seats so the people in the program could help me create it so they have a program that actually works for them.

What a concept! Program participants would walk away with a program that met their biggest needs. Isn’t that what most clients actually want? So, I kicked the perfectionist gremlin to the side and wrote a sales page using my course outline. I was transparent it was a pilot program and shared the program structure and benefits. Thirty entrepreneurial women signed up for that program all over the world. And, they loved being engaged in its development. They loved that I was listening to what they needed the most, when they needed it the most. Every step helped me look forward to see where else I needed to go. I could see what we had already achieved and could easily focus on laying the roadmap for more progress. I encourage you to focus on your progress and take future action from that place. If it’s hard to see the good things, then ask yourself this, “If there was something that was going well, what might it be?” And then start from there.


definition: to make free

NADINE NICHOLSON is Business Builder, Leadership Evoker + Freedom Maker to

Entrepreneurial Women Leaders, Value Creators + Freedom Seekers. She grows the driving force and heart of your business success: you and your own feminine power. If you’re ready to express your natural born brilliance, have pride in your entrepreneurial success and be a role model of your time, visit and leap into the driver’s seat of a well-honed business and a well-lived life.


Imagine your life and business one year from now. What has to have happened in the year for you to feel REALLY happy with your progress, both personally and professionally? This short teleclass and bonus worksheet will help you design your own one-year vision. Get your instant access at:




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