Contents 4. 7.
Gas prices are on the rise almost daily. See some of the best ways to save your money at the gas station. Next year, students and teachers can expect a major change in parking and classrooms, as trailers are most likely being added to the current senior parking lot. Nickelodean is bringing back the nineties every night from midnight to 2 a.m., and airing the shows of our childhood. Check out “The 90’s are All That” to see the best of the decade.
20. 22. & 23.
FCPS is debating whether or not to implement P.E. as a mandatory class for all four years of high school. What’s your opinion?
Students and staff of Fairfax High School take initiative to “go green” by recycling and driving eco-friendly cars.
Rebel Roar Staff 2010-2011
VHSL First Place in Newsmagazines 2009-2010
Editors-in-Chief Sports Editors Staff Writers Emily Buzzard Sam Brott Suha Akhandker Jordan Sharpe Walker Carlson Brandon Blankenship Managing Editor Copy Editors Natalia Colon Emily Stone Rachel Tran Helena Contes News Editor Nikki Strickland Kristina Hurd Aneela Wadan Art Directors Steven Kendall Commentary Editor Toni Rayder Elliot Meyer Matt Reihing Jordan Rummel Gabrielle Severson Entertainment Editor Business Manager Daniela Torres Zafar Shaw Jessie Mason Features Editors Advisor Emily Robinson Carl Irvin Emily Stone
April 13, 2011
High school athletics require more than just hard work on the field. Attending every practice and game, mantaining good grades in school, paying for equipment, jerseys, transportation and more, the stress levels to any sports season are indisputable. See some of the profiles of your peers who know how to handle the many costs of playing sports.
Editorial Policy
Rebel Roar is a published forum of student expression. Letters to the Editor and guest articles are encouraged. Only signed letters are considered for publication. The editors reserve the right to edit all material in the interest of clarity and space. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the staff or school administration. The staff writes un-
signed editorials on a majority basis, The Rebel Roar accepts all advertisements deemed appropriate for a public forum meant for young adults and are subject to the discretion of the editors. Students are encouraged to take an active voice in the student publication. Questions, comments, and letters can be e-mailed to FHSRebelRoar@gmail.com.
Corrections and Clarifications for Rebel Roar March issue: Last month was printed on edible rice paper.
We are sorry for the confusion. Also, the front cover was scratch and sniff. Enjoy.
from the editors’ desk
OOD MORNING YOUNG SCHOLARS! IT’S FRIDAYYYYY! (Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!) The Rebel Roar staff is celebrating April Fools’ month. Being our favorite holiday, we don’t think that 24 hours is enough time to truly fool someone. For example, I tricked the entire class into believing that I am a serial killer, but I gave up murdering for lent so everyone is safe…until Easter. I don’t know whether the fact that everyone believed me is a reflection of the staff’s stupidity, or my psychotic nature. Either way, things aren’t going great in the Jroom (pronounced juh-rooooom). In all seriousness, congratulations to all the seniors who got accepted to their dream school! We are almost done! To end this letter, I want to tell everyone a few jokes to brighten their day. What’s brown and sticky? A STICK! LOLOLOL! What’s red and smells like blue paint? Red paint. Obvi. What did the lawyer say to the other lawyer? OH HAY! We’re both lawyers! Hope you had a great third quarter everyone….APRIL FOOLS, I DON’T CARE,
Letter to the Editors
ear Editors, In your February issue, “The Buzz” said that Justin Bieber looked like a lesbian. The implication of that statement is that all lesbians look like Justin Bieber, thus perpetuating the stereotype that lesbians are masculine and short haired. This is offensive and amounts to tacit approval of antigay bullying at FHS. We’re disappointed that Rebel Roar would allow this material to get past the editorial staff, especially given their recent articles calling attention to
the problem of bullying. Life at FHS for LGBT students can be difficult at times. Slurs, stereotypes, and prejudiced statements are ingrained in the speech of our friends, our teachers, honor society members, leadership students, and apparently this newspaper. We do not believe that most people intend to exclude LGBT students, but it happens every day. On April 15th, for example, FHS scheduled a spring pep rally. This is also the National Day of Silence – a day when many Fairfax students
choose to be silent to show solidarity for the victims of anti-gay bullying who must suffer “in silence”, trapped in hostile environments where no one will speak up for them. The school chose to schedule this event without consideration for a sizeable portion of the school population, just as Rebel Roar chose to publish a “joke” without regard for those it would offend. The FHS Gay Straight Alliance challenges Rebel Roar to be a voice against exclusion and stereotypes in all future publications.
Editor’s Response
o Whom It May Concern: As Editor-in-Chief of Rebel Roar and columnist writer of “The Buzz,” I would like to give everyone offended by my ill considered comment regarding Justin Bieber in the February issue of Rebel Roar my most sincere apologies. I did not intend to hurt anyone's feelings or offend anyone in my column. “The Buzz” does not always reflect my personal beliefs, and is more of a satirical
column that is meant to entertain. I apologize for offending anyone, and for making a thoughtless analogy. In the future I will use more discretion in writing and editing the column, and in no way did I have the intention of offending a particular group. I hope you continue to read and support Rebel Roar. Sincerely, Emily Buzzard
News Briefs
Reza Supandi was crowned Mr. Fairfax on April 9.
Adam Lister Gallery in the City of Fairfax exhibited FHS art work on Wednsday April 6.
On March 26, Fairfax High School became this year’s Virginia Science Olympiad State Champion.
Upcoming Events
• Spring Break: April 18-22 • AP Registration: April 25
The Music Department recieved high ratings in Chicago on March 23-26.
National Honor Society inducted 163members on March 22
• Rebels on the Rise Breakfast: April 27 at 7:20 a.m. • SOL Testing and AP Exams: May 2
Tips to Protect Yourself at the Pump
or high school students, whether they pay out of their own pocket for gas, or their parents do, the recent increase in gas prices has impacted them greatly. Students who pay out of pocket for their own gas especially, have been struggling to keep up with the increasing prices. With gas reaching $3.50 in most areas, and estimated to reach $4.00 by July, people around the nation are looking for ways to minimize their gas consumption and maximize the money in their wallets. 1. Carpool: If you and all your friends are hanging out, carpool with someone. To ensure that all members of the carpool benefit, alternate who drives each weekend. It can be fun to have your friends in the car, just don’t get too distracted, and be sure to follow your driver’s licenses regulations on the number of people you can have in the car. 2. Use other means of transportation (walking, biking, etc.): How easy is this? Just don’t use your car. For short trips up the street to the nearest shopping center, park, pool, or a friend’s house, you can easily walk the distance. Not only does this save money and gas, it’s also a form of exercise. Enjoy the warmth and sunshine with a little walk up the street. 3. Don’t use your air conditioning: Even thought it may be warm outside and your car can get hot, it’s more beneficial not to use your air conditioning in order to conserve gas. Roll down your windows and enjoy the breeze to cool down and stay comfortable during the warmer summer months. 4. Drive Slower: The faster you peel out of the driveway, or speed out in front of another car just to get out five seconds earlier, the more gas you’re burning. Driving fast increases gas consumption only making you fill up more. Follow the speed limit and don’t floor it every time you go through a stop sign or the light changes to green. 5. Drive a hybrid: It’s not easy for high school students to buy their own car or make the decision as to which car they drive, however, if given the decision, try to drive a hybrid eco-friendly car. This is good for the environment and your wallet, as it decreases the number of trips to the gas station and saves you from filling up every week.
Jordan Sharpe ‘11 Editor-in-Chief
FHS Remembers Virgina Tech Shooting Photo courtesy of Tammy Hawthorne
our years ago on April 16, the lives of 32 students and faculty were lost in the one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history. Students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute were in mourning after their great loss. This year the Fairfax community will remember those that who died by wearing maroon and orange ribbons on Friday, April 15. Many of the current Fairfax High School students were in grades four through eight at the time of the shooting, an age when it is difficult to comprehend disasters; however now we can reflect on the innocent lives lost on that fateful day. Most of the victims had similar upbringings to those of the students here at Fairfax, especially Erin Nicole Peterson, a Westfield High School graduate who died in the Virginia Tech shooting. Peterson was an active member in the National Honor Society and served as the captain of her varsity basketball team. Mary Karen Read from Annandale, about seven miles away from Fairfax High School, was also killed in the shooting. These tragedies hit close to home and the aftermath is still felt today. When the Virginia Tech shootings occurred, security was tighter in U.S. high schools than in college as a
Japan Crisis Update
eeks after the magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami that rocked Japan, the country continues to struggle to get back on its feet and recover from great losses. It has been estimated that at least 19,000 lost their lives and 350,000 are now homeless. The country is also dealing with the panic of the radiation leaks from a nuclear plant. A team of 50 men and women have chosen to stay in the Fukushima complex to attempt to bring cooling systems back online and stop the leaks. Three weeks after the meltdown that occurred when the tsunami flooded the plant, traces of radioac-
result of the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado. Two seniors killed 12 students and one teacher and then both committed suicide during that event. Head of school security, Mr. Will Gideonse, is a former FHS student and has worked at the school for twenty years. He said that now there are routine drills for these types of incidents. Gideonse said, “The Fairfax SWAT team runs drills in this school and are trained to sweep and clean the building.” Even though many students complain about the depression screenings, they are useful in eliminating any threat of someone who may become violent in school. Counselors, security, and administration encourage students to tell someone they know or trust if they ever feel their safety is being threatened. This year, the annual remembrance ceremony will have extra significance because of the upcoming graduation of many of the students who were freshman at Tech during the time of the massacre. As they graduate and begin a new chapter in their lives many will remember that fateful day and those that were lost.
Kristina Hurd ‘11 Staff Writer
tivity have been tracked as far away as Massachusetts. The leaking has been continuously contaminating seawater. Contamination in the water about 360 yards from shoreline reached 4,385 times the legal limit. Japan has appealed to other countries for help. The U.S. Navy is sending a radiological team of 150 to aid in their efforts. Fairfax High School is holding a Hope for Japan drive until April 15, playing a part in the efforts to help those affected by the earthquake by and encouraging students to donate any money they can spare during Workers atempt to stop radioactive their lunches. leakage. Photo courtesy of nytimes.com Daniela Torres ‘11 Staff Writer
School Board Approves FY 2012 Budget
n recent years, School Board decisions have brought about radical changes such as cuts regarding freshman sports and teacher’s pay raises. Each year FCPS hosts an annual budget meeting in conjunction with the Board of Supervisors to discuss the annual budget. On March 29, the School Board began discussing the budget for fiscal year 2012 at the Government Center. Everything from an increase in the county’s budget to AP fees was discussed and debated as the Board of Advisors contemplated various options. The public hearing was attended by dozens of FCPS families holding up posters and wearing bright red t-shirts advocating for an increase in FY 2012's budget. A few families wore shirts that supported all-day kindergarten and the ban of soft drinks in FCPS schools. The Board of Supervisors recognized FCPS for its advanced learning and achievement as well as substantially high
SOL passing rates and SAT/ACT scores. Moreover, a record number AP classes were taken by students, displaying not only the rise of achievement but also competitiveness within the county’s curriculum. Recently, the FCPS Board voted to refund approximately two million dollars in fees collected from FCPS families for AP and IB tests. According to fcps.edu, this refund was brought about by an opinion presented by Virginia Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, who stated that "a local school board cannot impose a mandatory fee on students taking advanced placement courses for the required taking of the Advanced Placement Examination." The 75 dollar fee for AP and IB tests was added to the fiscal year 2012 budget in attempts to compensate for a third consecutive year of budget cuts. However, once again, AP and IB tests will be paid by FCPS. Students enrolled in an AP or
IB course are still required to take the exam in May and refund notifications are scheduled to be mailed out by the end of April. The School Board focused primarily on the increase in student enrollment and emphasized the fact that more than 90% of the budget is directly allocated towards schools and the classroom. Ultimately, the Board voted to approve the FY 2012 Advertised Budget of $2.2 billion with a predicted enrollment of 177,416 students. the Board prompted Dr. Dale to devise a plan in which the implementation of full-day kindergarten would begin in the fall of 2011. In the future, the School Board and the Board of Supervisors are scheduled to hold subsequent work sessions and meetings in order to finalize the provisions of all-day kindergarten as well as the intricacies of FY 2012's budget. Zafar Shaw ‘11 Entertainment Editor
The Hollow Trunk Organizes 5K
n 2009, a group of friends at five different high schools in Fairfax County began a non-profit organization called The Hollow Trunk. JuGraphic courtesy of thehollowtrunk.com nior Christina Kim is on the Board of Directors for the organization and has helped organize projects to fundraise for various charities. The name “The Hollow Trunk” was inspired by “the character Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird left toys in the hollow tree trunk for the children” said Kim. Their current initiative is called Project LIFE, to help improve educational and recreational facilities for children in impoverished countries. Past projects include t-shirt sales to support the Red Cross Haitian Relief Fund, and the sale of wristbands in February to support the Suicide
Prevention Lifeline. They also raised nearly $2,000 for the Alzheimer’s association and nearly $1,000 for the INOVA Fairfax Children’s Hospital “To promote the projects, we put up fliers around neighborhoods, and get businesses from around the community to be sponsors” said Kim. The current project is a 5k-2k Run that will be held on Sunday, April 24 at 8:00 a.m. at Westfield High School. It costs $25 to run in the 5k event, and $20 to run in the 2k event. “We always need people to volunteer for our events, but we mostly need people to run in the race” said Kim. The registration form can be downloaded at www.thehollowtrunk.com, or runners can register on race day at the event.
Emily Stone ‘12 Features Editor
Trailers at Fairfax Increased Student Population Requires Alternative Classrooms
from the senior class. FHS expects 2,500-2,600 students, which is greater than the school’s capacity. “If we do have trailers the only logical place to put them would be in one of the parking lots. This would obviously impact parking spaces,” said security officer Will Gideonse. The students would be safe, and the o cope with an increase in the number of students, trailers would be near the school. “[Annandale has] trailers. It did affect student’s Fairfax High School will install a quad of trailers parking spaces but not that much,” said junior Vania over the summer in the back of the field house Irigoyen, former Annandale student now at FHS. parking lot. This will cost the school money and could Currently, there are some students and teachers cost students and teachers parking lot spaces. parked in the back lot. If their parking spaces get taken As FHS exceeds capacity in the school year of 2011away, the cost of parking spaces for all students might 2012, Fairfax is taking measures to manage the flow increase or distant parking spaces around the track of traffic in the hallways and the shortage of desks in could be used daily. classrooms. “If I couldn’t buy a parking space, I would car“We are working with Fairfax County and the City pool with someone else who does have a space or of Fairfax to make arrangements for four trailers to be added to our campus so that we have enough classroom be dropped off. I would be really disappointed if I couldn’t buy one and drive myself though,” said space,” said principal David M. Goldfarb. Sophomore Christy Yee. Every trailer costs over $10,000 annually and holds Principal Mr. David Goldfarb does not yet know about 25-30 students. This costs the school more money, which classes would be held in the trailers, but he taking money away from school supplies and even would “preserve organizational harmony” by keepsports equipment. There is a current estimation of over 700 new freshmen coming, and little over 500 are leaving ing the classes together, such as all of one elective class held in the trailers. There is also the issue of bathroom and water fountain trips, so students would have to walk outside, into the field house, and back to the trailers which could lead to truancy and tardiness. “We have never had that trouble in the past. A walk to and from a trailer is not that big of a deal. Many students in the past enjoyed the walk outside when the weather was nice” said Gideonse. The average sizes of trailers in Fairfax County Schools are around 20 feet by 53 feet. The parking lot in the back has 15,810 square feet, and four trailers would take a maximum of 4,240 square feet. This would leave a minimum of 11,570 feet left over. The parking lot behind the field house will be used to Nicole Bain & Jessie Rayder ‘14 make room for trailers. Photo by Nicole Bain and Jessie Rayder. Staff Writers
: R E V O ! Y L e I k M a E w
A e k Fa
Before HAIR:
After Don’t use too much mousse or your hair will look crunchy.
here are less than 3 months left in the school year and I’m sure most of you would agree that these last months of school seem the longest. It gets harder and harder to wake up, and when you do, you come to school looking like a zombie. I understand it’s hard to look cute when you’re super tired, but you don’t have to come to school looking like death. News flash: IT’S NOT CUTE! No worries, I’m here to help. This month I made over Junior Maddie Interdonato with a makeup style that I like to call the fake awake look, and the simplest way to style your hair for those rough mornings.
Emily Robinson ‘11 Features Editor
Apply a light sparkly eye shadow in the inner corner and brow bone of your eye.
Use concealer on blemishes, and then under your eyes.
Use a cream eye bright under your eyes.
Wash your hair the previous night and put your hair into two even pigtail braids. In the morning your hair should still be damp. Part your hair with a wide tooth comb in the direction you usually do.
Apply a deep conditioner spray or an anti frizz serum to prevent hair frizzing.
Smudge black eyeliner on your upper lash line.
With a small section of your hair, take a big handful of mousse, grab the hair, and make a scrunching motion.
Repeat step three all over your head.
Apply a soft pink blush to cheeks, and then apply lipgloss to your lips.
Apply mascara to your bottom and lower lash line. Photos by Emily Stone
The 90’s Are All That O n March 10th Entertainment Weekly announced that 90’s favorites such as Rugrats have not been forgotten. According to the magazine, Nickelodeon will be airing re-runs of old shows every night from midnight until 2am. Appropriately named, the two-hour chunk of nostalgia will be called The ’90s Are All That. Nickelodeon told EW that they got the idea for the
two-hour block from viewers on social networking sites. There are many fan pages devoted to old Nickelodeon shows like Rocket Power on sites such as Facebook, and the producers have taken notice. With the revival of old TV shows, it would only be fair to push for a resurgence of the 90’s tween pop culture altogether. The last decade of the millennium was a time of pop culture prosperity and it should never be forgotten. With this in mind, here are some highlights and icons of the 90’s:
Sam Brott ‘11 Amanda Sports Editor Show – Amanda H Show? A ow could you eryone not like manda w w dancing anted to be he as the cooles a show like th e t kid ev r. W lobsters er – evand mo ith silly hum o r e r , this sh , ce Jam had one of the greatest Rugrats ow is h Totally Kyle, Space Jam – Spa – One o ney Tunes a r d to top had som fN childhood combinations ever – Loo . e of the ickelodeon’s y… AND kind. ve biggest with a corny underdog sports stor advent ry best, the R inspiraures kn ugrats Michael Jordan. Not to mention the o w eve beli “I n ly’s to baby Hey Arn tional soundtrack with R. Kel old – W test grea the of h Helga’s I can Fly,” Space Jam was one secret lo o could forget Head”? ve for “ movies of the decade. Football ut the 60’s Rocket P The Sandlot – This 90’s movie abo ower – T a’s favorite eric “Woog made every kid appreciate Am ie, woo his show was gie, wo rad. pastime. ogie!”! Wild Th ornberry was one ’s cool – s The Little Rascals – The Little Rascals he could – Eliza was s list with o talk to of the most quotable movies on the animals en Twins, Ols the ! plenty of great guest stars like mp. Tru ald Don n Whoopi Goldberg, and eve
“Semi-Charmed Life” could easily be considered the quintessence of 90’s pop rock. With its feel-good “doo-doo-doo”’s, it’s easy to sing along to and never gets old. And speaking of “Semi-Charmed Life,” Third Eye Blind will be performing in Fairfax this June! “Slide” – Goo Goo Dolls “Genie in a Bottle” – Christina Aguilera “…Baby One More Time” – Britney Spears “Larger Than Life” – Backstreet Boys “Tubthumping” – Chumbawamba “All Star” – Smash Mouth “Wannabe” – Spice Girls
t movie, the Lion King – Possibly Disney’s bes with a terLion King created a love for the wild rific soundtrack. than just the Toy Story – This story was bigger for years film; its characters filled toy stores and years. The Mighty Ducks – One of the funniest sports stories out there, The Mighty Ducks was an awesome story of Charlie and Coach Bombay. Home Alone – Everyone knows that Kevin’s huge trap in one of the final scenes to catch the burglars was one of the coolest things in movie history. Photos courtesy of imdb.com
u P o o y s g t n e i d p e e K
he actors and actresses of Grease are getting even more prepared for their eventual performance in May. Last month, I spoke with junior Harry Weger and senior Jess Rawls about their roles in the play (Harry was the understudy for Danny, and Jess was Rizzo) as well as their overall opinions on the upcoming performance. I met up with them again to get a quick update on where they stand now. The male members of the cast rehearse a dance number during a Saturday morning practice. Graphic by Jordan Rummel. Photos by Sam Buttram ME: How’s the play progressing so far? Do you think it’s moving along at the dimensional characters in the show. [Rizzo] tends right pace? to put up a wall, which gives her a tough exterior. I H: “We’ve blocked the entire show. We only have three think [performing as Rizzo] is really all about finding or four songs left to perfect.” out what would break down those walls.” J: “It’s moving along fairly smoothly. It’s definitely on the ME: What are you most looking forward to in the right track.” upcoming weeks leading up to the play? ME: Are there any problems or difficulties you’ve H: “It’s the actors’ jobs to make sure that everything noticed thus far? runs smoothly. Perfecting [the songs] “Grease H: “There are some challenging dances—some are a bit Lightning” and “Hand Jive” should be fun!” tricky.” J: “Getting the play to the point where we don’t have J: “Some of our leads have grade issues, and if they are to stop scenes, and everyone’s memorized their lines.” failing a class they can’t have their part. We’ve had to do ME: Any surprises in store that you want to prepare some scrambling and re-arrangements to fill in all of the the audience for? roles.” H: “Teachers and faculty will be in the play!” ME: Harry, last time we spoke, there was a possibility J: “Who knows?” you would be given the lead role of Danny for the gray From across the room, senior Clayton Southerly—the cast. Any new progress as far as that’s concerned? technical director for the play—shouted “Explosions! Lots H: “Nothing’s been announced so far. I do feel pretty of explosions!” comfortable—confident even—about my chances. I’ve been rehearsing as the part [lead role in gray cast]. My Be sure to stay posted on all things Grease! It looks biggest problem is the music, but I feel good about my like the play is shaping up to be quite a bang! Check it progress.” out during the first two weekends in May. ME: Jess, Rizzo is known to be a very dynamic character—how are you preparing to fully capture her flavorful personality? Jordan Rummel ‘11 J: “It’s difficult—she’s one of the few threeArt Director
The Best Of Netflix Instant Watches
o far the 21st century has not lived up to my expectation created by Jetsons reruns, but there has been one major technical achievement that is everything I had hoped for and more. Netflix Instant Watch can be accessed by any computer, iTouch/iPad ect., Wii, or Blueray Player.
Arrested Development
Arrested Development (Seasons 1-2) - Arrested Development is one of those series’ that becomes even funnier the second time around. Some jokes you will never understand the first time you watch because it will reference something happening later in the series. Arrested Development fans are still clinging to the hope of a movie, claiming that the show was wrongfully cancelled. The show did trail off a little in the third season, but that only brought it down to moderately hilarious.
Friday Night Lights Friday Night Lights- is a show set in the kind of town where everyone gathers to watch the local high school football games. It is focused on a loss seen through the eyes of people from every social stratum. The show covers so much that is relatable to everyone. For a team member winning or losing means either ridicule or worship by not only their peers, but the entire town. So what happens when the god-like quarterback with a brilliant future before for him is injured halfway through the first game, losing the use of his legs? Friday Night Lights is about an entire town recuperating in the only way they can- by carrying on with the game. It also had what probably amounts to one of the best pilot episodes ever.
Monk- Yes, some Law & Order and Psych seasons are available, but in my opinion Monk will always be the superior detective series. Monk allows for someone with severe OCD to be the hero; however it never allows the audience to lose sight of the truth that this man deftly played by Tony Shalhoub can barely function anywhere outside of the logical proceedings of the police force that kicked him out.
30 Rock
30 Rock- As far as NBC comedy goes; The Office will probably dominate until its eventual ending. Increasingly, however, 30 Rock has become the stronger show. 30 Rock has the same absurdity, but with more surrealist humor. While the characters can sometimes seem like stereotypes (the character Kenneth, the page, especially comes to mind here) that quality fits in within the show’s own boundaries. The show was based on creator Tina Fey’s own experiences in Saturday Night Live. Fey’s character acts as the straight man. She is so self-absorbed that she is often not in on the show’s joke. It never tries to be realistic, but it remains consistently hilarious.
Helena Contes ‘11 Staff Writer
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Photos courte
The Buzz
was informed recently of “The World’s Largest Gummy Worm.” Look it up on Google, it’s disgusting. I wouldn’t even consider myself a health nut , but there is NOTHING acceptable about a 26” long, four pound, and 4,000 calorie gummy worm. Just looking at it makes me want to puke. People these days disgust me. You can buy it for $27.95 if any of you lardos are interested.
HOT Rebecca Black Even though this teen pop star has recently gotten death threats for her ridiculous video, I like her. The song is catchy and hilarious. Despite the fact that she is a middle schooler, which inevitably makes her annoying, I am a Rebecca Black fan. Who doesn’t like Friday?
Mocs With Socks To throw the “lax bros” a bone, I will admit that wearing moccasins or “mocs” with socks is an acceptable fashion statement. Moccasins are comfortable, warm, fuzzy, etc. I get it. But the socks with a lacrosse player on them is kind of stupid. Last Minute Compromises Honestly, I was so excited for the government to shut down. This meant that I could park where I wanted in D.C., not go to school in honor of saving money for the government, and spend all my time eating giant gummy worms. But I guess it’s cool these days to “compromise.” Whatever... guess I will jump on the bandwagon.
Kindle I am obsessed with the Kindle. I love how it is just like reading a book but so lightweight. I just wish I would have gotten one earlier in my high school career. I recommend it even if you don’t read for pleasure because they are really nice for annotating books for school.
Mondays Obviously Mondays suck, people have been saying that since the days of the week were invented by the Mayan calendar. However, this fact has been solidified by the fact that the only song dedicated to Monday is “Manic Monday,” point in case.
Carrying your lacrosse stick around school Okay, you’re a “lax bro.” There are other ways to portray this style than carrying your lacrosse stick everywhere you go. Are you going to bust out playing lacrosse in the middle of the hallways? And how are those giant, metal sticks not considered a weapon? It’s not okay. Please stop.
Government Shutdown I was anticipating the goverment shutdown last Friday at midnight as though it was New Years Eve. I just love the government so much and anything that it does makes me SO EXCITED! Congress is so great for avoiding this. Gotta love Congress! Nook As a recent fan of eReaders, I was able to read into both the Nook and Kindle. Nook is so dumb! It’s color, but who really cares about color books if you are over the age of five? Also, when you read off of it your eyes start to hurt. I’m not about to pay $250.00 so I can get eyeball cancer from looking at bright lights all day.
Emily Buzzard ‘11 Editor-in-Chief
The Implications of An Advertising Culture
ecently, a new television system has been but not because of our own initiative to research installed at the Tyson’s Corner food court. the various stores. These brand names have been While at first glance, this may seem like an burned into our minds through the names that innocent maplaster the walls of neuver by the stores or the adverstaff at Tyson’s tisements of clothCorner staff to ing, accessories, keep customers or items that have up to date with become synonythe latest sports mous with wealth, scores and casual lifestyles news stories, or sex. In today’s the catch is that culture, this has these TVs don’t become unavoiddisplay any able simply because news channels. it has permeated Rather, they almost every single display only level of our lives. music videos By idolizing and advertisethe importance of ments for other appearance, the videos people advertising induscan text in to try has caused us Fairfax Corner is just one of the hundreds of local areas vote to be played next. where we encounter advertising. Photo courtesy of Matt Reihing. to forget an extremely While this in itself is important part of our not a terrible thing, the main point of this issue is lives. The strong connotations we have associated that the TVs are set up in such a way that no matter with certain brands often predisposes us to judge where someone sits or stands in the food court seat- others based on how they dress or look, rather than ing area, a TV screen is always visible. The bright the content of their character. I have never seen an colors, movement, and sound of the advertisements advertisement that stresses the beauty of human and music videos are extraordinarily distracting life and the importance of character, but always and make it hard to maintain eye contact with the how we think we need to buy the next big thing in person or group of people you’re having a conversa- order to fit in. Unfortunately, this lack of focus in tion with. the advertising world, in our world, often causes us These televisions are only one example of the to become shallow in our own right, never associatway that advertising seems to be infiltrating every ing with others based only off how they look. Or aspect of our lives today. It’s everywhere, from the becoming too preoccupied with keeping up with inevitable television commercials, to the largerthe ever changing styles of today that we forget to than-life posters that line the interior and exterior of actually live and do things that matter to us. malls, to even the small TV screens at gas stations At the end of the day, would you rather look that yell at us to buy from, watch or listen to them. back to all the times you broke out of the molds our So what does this mean for us? culture has set for us, or would you rather think Personally, I feel that advertising is not only a back to that cute outfit or latest gadget you bought? distraction from the true substance of life, but also Personally, I’ll take the first option every single time. promotes conformity to styles and mindsets set by For me, life isn’t about impressing others or about corporate executives. For example, how many of what material items we can obtain; it’s about staying us can name and describe the various clothing or true to myself and going outside my comfort zone technology stores located at the local mall and what in order to find out what really matters. “lifestyle” they apply to? We all know these names,
Matt Reihing‘11 Commentary Editor
Incoming Freshmen Threaten Climate
he 2010-2011 freshmen class been stuck with a parallel spot bebe more students to teach, there comprises 605 students, mak- cause trailers took away some from can be more teachers. According to ing it the largest class in the the seniors, who then took them Boehme, there will be at least one school. They fill the halls, making from everyone else. more teacher per core class, as well everything more crowded, and a Seven hundred incoming freshas a new assistant principal or lead fourth lunch was added in order to men taking the place of 516 current intern to help keep “a safe enviaccommodate all the new students. seniors will cause problems other ronment and [good] relationships But next year, with more than 700 than less parking and classroom with the students and staff.” With freshmen estimated to enter our space though. The average class more teachers there can also be a school, the enrollment will surpass size is about 25 students per class. wider variety of electives offered the building capacity including comparative set for Fairfax High politics and economSchool. ics. Like the negative There are many consequences, these problems that come positive effects can with this, but limited have a ripple effect in possibilities for soluthe school. Students tions. Passing periods will be able to take can’t be shortened classes they are really again without makinterested in, taught ing students late for by teachers who enjoy classes. Students can’t teaching the subject. come to school in shifts Teachers who want to to ensure there is albe there with students ways enough room. interested in the class Talk has already will increase positive The parking lot at the front of the school is already packed begun about how to energy in the classroom accommodate the new with students at the end of the day, before the largest freshand students will withman class in Fairfax’s history even gets here. students for upcomout doubt learn more. Photo courtesy of Matt Reihing ing years. The curNo matter what rent plan, revealed by preparations are done principal Mr. David Goldfarb in his for the class of 2015, the large num[Next year] will weekly newsletter and confirmed ber of students will be a challenge be like running by assistant principal Mrs. Kristen for FHS to accommodate. “FreshM. Boehme, is to install a quad of men have a lot of great energy... but a school within a trailers with doors connecting them they also have the most discipline school.--Assistant on the inside in the parking lot referrals,” said Boehme. behind the field house. The incoming freshmen will Principal Kristen What hasn’t been discussed is definitely add to the school’s charBoehme what effect these four trailers will acter, and make pep rallies louder have on the already limited and and more exciting, possibly even expensive parking spaces. Parking Add two hundred students to the putting the freshmen in the running spots are precious at Fairfax, and school and the class size cap will with spirit links; but that’s not all taking away even just a few could have to be raised. Personal relation- they’ll bring. A school with more trickle down to not having any left ships between students and teachstudents than the building can for students who wish to buy spots ers are important in education and comfortably hold will have trouble, later in the year. As someone who more students will make it difficult that’s to be expected. Boehme just purchased one of the few refor teachers to connect with their said she’s excited and nervous for maining non-parallel parking spots, students. next year, “it will be like running a I feel I can speak for many when There are some positive impacts school within a school.” I say that I would not have the larger class could have on Nikki Strickland‘12 been a happy camper if I had Fairfax, though. Because there will Copy Editor
The Tea Party Movement and why you should take notes
hen most people think “party” the first thing that comes to mind isn’t usually politics. However, this faction of the Republican Party is starting to make major headway in Washington, and it’s time that Americans pay attention. These are the major reasons why the Tea Party is starting to change politics, and why other voters should take notes. Passion for Politics Even if you don’t agree with the stances that the tea partiers take, you have to hand it to them. These people are intense. From hosting
“Tea Parties” across the nation and protesting high taxes and government spending, to getting into heated arguments with fiscally liberal people everywhere, these guys aren’t fooling around. Grassroots Movement The world of government is often thought of as an elite class Some examples of Tea Party signs controlling everyone else. The tea that have been used in protests. party movement is meant to get everyone involved in the way the the Tea Party than that of Congress. government is run-regardless of Money, Money, Money age, race, sex, or income. According They can raise gobs of money, as to a March 2010 Gallup Poll, Tea demonstrated in the 2010 CongresPartiers are generally representative sional Election. Tea Party people of the public at large. made a point to reach outside their Power in Numbers own Congressional District and This movement is the first real try to influence elections across the grassroots movement of its size and Country. As a result of their influpower since the anti-war movement ence, long-standing Congressmen in the 1960s. They are more popuand Senators from both parties lar than either party in Congress, were sent packing, replaced largely according to an April 5 Rasmussen with Tea Party candidates. poll of likely voters. Forty-eight percent of people polled said that Emily Buzzard ‘11 their views correspond closer than Editor-in-Chief
Graphics designed by Emily Buzzard
How Far Is too Far?
he insurance company Aflac has fired actor Gilbert Gottfried for making insensitive tweets regarding the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The earthquake, rated at a magnitude of 9.0, was the largest that Japan had seen in 140 years. The tsunami that followed swept through the city with an unimaginable force, making citizens search higher ground and ripping buildings from their foundations. With a death toll expected to exceed 10,000, hundreds of thousands people evacuated and without electricity, and millions without water, the disaster in Japan seems inappropriate to joke about. Where should the line be drawn? Gottfried is known in comedy circles for his brash, in-your-face sort of humor, in addition to his trademark, gravelly, nasally
voice. Aflac obviously knew what type of person they were hiring to give voice to their duck when they gave him the job. Casting calls are already being held to find a replacement for Gottfried. It seems that the comedian forgot the cardinal rule of the internet: what has been said cannot be unsaid. It appears that he also forgot that the company that broadcasts his voice over television, radio, and internet also does 75% of its business in Japan. It’s true, humor is a coping mechanism. But, there is never a time where humor of this type, making light of an international tragedy, poking fun at the deaths of thousands, is appropriate.
Jessie Mason ‘11 Business Manager
Standout soccer goalkeeper, junior Hailey Machen knows the hardships of being a high school athlete. See page 19 for more.Photos courtesy of Hailey Machen.
n recent times, high school students growing up are under a lot of stress to excell and be perfect at everything they do. In school, it’s all about reaching that 4.0 GPA to get into Ivy League schools, and participating in as many extracurricular activities as they can so that colleges will be more inclined to accept them for all they do. Sports, something that used to be a stress reliever and purposefully for fun, has now turned into another factor of stress with practices everyday after school and games every week just for a high school team. For athletes who also play on a club team or train in the offseason, the time
Managing Time for School and Sports
unior Katie Robertson first began playing soccer when she was 5 years old. By age nine, she was on her first travel team, playing in tournaments almost every weekend and practicing at least three times a week, every week, after school. For some, this may not seem like a big deal, but for Robertson, who also participates in cross country, swim, DECA, and is a member of the SADD Club, it can all be a little bit stressful at some times. “For a while, I would go straight from cross country or swim practice to my club soccer practice, and it would be a lot of stress and rushing,” she said. Robertson experienced a great deal of challenges when it came to managing her time between homework, cross country, clubs, swim, soccer practice and time to herself. “I would say burnout has affected me more than I would like to admit to myself which is why sports are a more casual thing to me now than they used to be,” she said.
commitment is even greater. Although sports are a great way to have fun, make friends, do something you like and are good at, and be active, is all the stress associated with playing worth it in the long run? Only a small percentage of high school athletes get the chance to play in college, and even fewer go pro. Take a look at some of the profiles of your own peers at FHS who love what they do yet face the stressful aspects and challenges financially, mentally, and physically, in order to continue playing and make the most of their talent on the field.
One of the hardest parts of playing a sport is staying in shape to participate and excel. In middle school, she tore her leg muscle, and even though that isn’t a major life changing injury, the toughest part was getting back in shape. Offseason, a time that most would assume a break from the sport, is actually the time to work even harder and stay in shape to improve necessary skills for the upcoming year. Before her sophomore year in high school, Robertson ended her career playing soccer on her club team. Not having to practice and play for her travel team, she acquired more time for school and her social life. “I just want to be a regular student, and I enjoy playing in high school; I have for the past three seasons,” she stated, “I like high school sports, and even though they are competitive too, I’m not as overloaded as I was before and can still have free time.”
The Financial, Physical and Mental Aspects of High School Althletics by: Jordan Sharpe Editor in Chief
Is It Worth all the Wear and Tear?
unior Sarah Higginbotham began playing soccer when she was in fifth grade. She has played on numerous teams, including an FPYC Select team, and when she got to high school, she played JV for her freshmen and sophomore years. This past September, during a basketball fall league game, Higginbotham tore her ACL. Unaware of her injury, Higginbotham went to practice the next day and decided afterwards to see
Q. & A. Ms. Emily Kelly, one of our athletic trainers at FHS consults an injured athlete before her lacrosse practice. Photo by Jordan Sharpe.
Continued on pgs. 18 and 19.
a doctor to diagnose her pain. In October, Higginbotham had surgery to repair her ACL and has been in the rehab process since then. ACL injuries require six to nine months for a full recovery, and Higginbotham is in her sixth month of rehab. She goes to the Athletic Training room every day after school to work with certified Athletic Trainer, Mr. Gustman, in hopes of being 100% healed by the next basketball season.
Mr. Brett Gustman FHS Certified Athletic Trainer
Q. In your opinion, are high school athletics beneficial to students? A. Participation in sports is absolutely beneficial because it teaches more than sports. It teaches organization, responsibility, and accountability. Q. What’s the hardest part of being a high school athlete? A. Your responsibilty to school and athletics. College athletes have days and weeks set aside. High school students have it so much harder because how are you expected to be at school for practice and get home at 11 o’clock to do two hours of physics homework? The ability to juggle atheltics and school would be the toughest. Q. What’s the most prominent high school injury? A. Ankle Sprain Q. How should high school athletes manage overusage problems? A. Students who play three different sports throughout the year are healthier than those who play one sport all year. The diversity is good because it works different muscles and parts of your body. [For constant overuse] a period of rest is extremely important. Your body needs a recovery period. Q. How important is recovery time for high school athletes? A. My job is to speed up time. The worst thing we hear from injured athletes is, “I thought it would get better.“ Your body will heal itself, eventually. I make that time go faster. You come to me with any injury, an ankle sprain, a sore back, and I can save a few days, a week, a month even a year out of your potential recovery period.
Financial: Students Paying Out of Pocket
airfax County high schools set aside funding for the usual sports, football, basketball, and baseball just to name a few. However, some sports considered clubs do not get any funding from the county. Crew, Dance, and Hockey are three sports that have to fundraise incredible amounts, and pay out of pocket, in order to practice and participate.
Hockey: with Nicholas Grose Sophomore Grose plays hockey for both the unendorsed school team and his club team. In total the cost for one season totals out to be at least $3,600 for club and FHS. This money goes towards paying for ice time, hotel rooms during away tournaments, and equipment and new jerseys and pads. The team does not do any fundraising however. Instead, parents have to write a check for the season on their own.
Crew: with Christine LaRoche
Dance: with Paige Dunleavy
Senior LaRoche wakes up around five or six on Saturday mornings for meets, and they usually don’t end until four o’clock on some days. Crew practices five times a week just like every other sport at school. However, Crew is not a school sponsored sport. In order to participate in Crew, each member is required to pay $1,000. This money goes towards maintaining and buying boats, coaches, boat storage and equipment. Paying out of pocket for Crew has really impacted the number of participants. This year there are far less people, and “[having to pay $1,000] is definitely a reason why so many people cannot participate,“ LaRoche said.
Sophomore Dunleavy and the other eleven members of the FHS dance team participate in a club/ sport not sponsored by the school, which means they receive no funds through FHS. “We’ve been in debt for the past few years,“ she explained. In order to pay for their spirit wear, including warm ups, uniforms for dances, other materials, and attend a camp every summer to learn new dances and get together as a team, each girl has to pay at least $500. The team fundraises through car washes and an annual golf tournament to help lower the cost for each student.
Jordan Sharpe ‘11 Editor-in-Chief
FCPS Implements New Rule of Paying to Play for High School Sports Teams
ew to the 2010-2011 school year, FCPS students are hit with another fee at school; in order to try out for a sports team at school, students must pay $100. Due to recent budget cuts, the school added more students to classrooms, took away sports from the athletic program, and “wiped out most the front desk,” said FHS finance official Ms. Melissa Courtney. The fee for participating in school sports is not completely new to Northern Virginia. The fee was instituted in Loudon County and Prince William County for the past year; however costs in these counties are $150. According to Courtney, charging for school sports “was necessary to maintain current availability [for athletics].” The fees cover keeping freshmen sports, indoor track, and gymnastics available to play at FHS. Director of Student Services, and the athletic administrator, Mr. Tim Gordon acknowledges
that “none of the athletic directors like [having to charge for playing sports].” However, he thinks, “the fees have a possibility of going away after next year.” Speculation when the fee was introduced was that kids will be dismayed and unable to tryout because of the cost, and affordability to play sports. “We haven’t seen [a decrease in the number of people going to tryouts] yet, but if there is a change it will probably be next year,” stated Gordon. With the new athletic administrative fees, students in Fairfax County have to pay to play. There have not been many great setbacks to this new requirement and for every 100 kids that play, $10,000 is made for the department which adds a great deal of money back into the school’s athletic department.
Alex Rubin & Will Sharpe ‘14 Staff Writers
The Few, the Proud, the College Recruits
College Recruit Profile Junior Hailey Machen - Longwood University
occer has been with me my whole life seeing as I've been playing since I was five years old,” said junior Hailey Machen, goalkeeper for the girl’s varsity soccer team, who is out this season with an ACL injury. Machen was first introduced to soccer by her father, and after five years of playing in the FPYC house league, she took her game to the next level by playing on a travel team. For the past five years, Machen has been playing on the FCVirginia Cardinal travel team, as well as playing for the school team since her freshmen year.
Machen’s experience with her travel team has had the biggest impact on her soccer career, “If [playing with the travel team] didn't happen, I would for sure not be where I am today with soccer,” she stated. On November 11, Machen committed to playing soccer for Longwood University in college. After playing in tournament after Machen dives to save a goal during one tournament, showcase after of her club team games. Photo courtesy of Hailey showcase for college exMachen. posure, Machen is already time she devoted to communicating committed which is quite with coaches, and putting her name an accomplishment. The process of being recruit- out there, Machen lost in her social life. “Between all the tournaments ed to play sports in college is and traveling, it really takes a toll an arduous one. “I put a lot on you physically and mentally,” of time and effort into being she said. However, for Machen “it’s recruited. It's time consuming, all for the love of the game.” but well worth it in the end,” Machen explained. All the Jordan Sharpe ‘11
Once you're committed, it’s almost like you're part of their family.
-Junior Hailey Machen
College Recruit Profile Senior Joseph Vanderplas - University of Tennessee
’ve been playing baseball my whole life,” said senior Joseph Vanderplas, four year varsity baseball pitcher, and wrestler for FHS. Vanderplas played for the NVTBL Stars growing up, a travel baseball team in Northern Virginia. On this team, he participated in many tournaments over the summer and into the fall specifically for college coach exposure. This past summer, Vanderplas was recognized by the University of Tennessee, and committed to play for them in college. Although Vanderplas acknowledges that all his
hard work has paid off after being recruited, he admits that it was hard over the summer, “This past summer, I was pretty overused,” he said, “I started getting problems in my throwing arm, but it’s better now.” Vanderplas, whose favorite part of playing baseball is striking people out, plans to go pro after his college career. Not only does Vanderplas play baseball, he wrestles as well, and has the potential to wrestle in college too.
Jordan Sharpe ‘11 Editor-in-Chief
Vanderplas is one of the strongest pitchers in the Liberty District. Photo by Emily Buzzard.
Physical Education Controversy
The Situation:
ecently, the qestion has arisen as to whether high school students in the United States should be mandated to have 4 years of Physical Education. Some believe that obesity in younger children is going up because students are not currently required to have 4 years of PE. On the other hand, others believe that the students need to make their own decisions to pursue a healthy lifestyle and should be allowed to choose other electives if they so desire.
Physical Education Should Be Made Mandatory
Students Should Not Be Required To Participate in Four Years of Physical Education
Emily Buzzard ‘11
Zafar Shaw ‘11
merica is fat. In the age of fast food and couch potatoes, obesity is infiltrating every community in the United States. A healthy lifestyle is something that should be taught, and if families aren’t teaching it, then schools should. Working out is just half of the battle when it comes to being fit, but our current P.E. classes don’t really constitute as a real work out. Sure, P.E. goes until sophomore year, but if you don’t enjoy basketball or soccer, you spend the entire hour and a half of “physical education” socializing with your friends and walking in circles around the gymnasium. The benefits of exercise go beyond having a nice beach body. Countless studies have proved that increasing the amount of physical activity not only increases overall health, but also the level of attentiveness in the classroom. I understand that not everyone is an athlete and loves working out. But there are alternatives to our current physical education system that could begin to solve our current obesity issue while improving grades in the classroom. Firstly, I propose that P.E. be mandatory in grades K-12. In Fairfax County, students are very serious about their academics, and may argue that it is more valuable to take AP Bio than walk around the gym in PE. It is the job of the faculty to first ensure that PE doesn’t equal “social hour” but is instead a rigorous work out for every student. Then faculty should think about is more important when deciding if P.E. is mandatory- leading a healthy life, or taking one extra class? An alternative is allowing exemptions from P.E. if the student is involved in a sport. If you don’t want to do P.E., than enroll in a sport. We go to Fairfax High School; it isn’t that hard to make a sports team. Editor-in-Chief
lthough a jaw-dropping 17% of adolescents are considered overweight, requiring all students to take P.E is already outside the school’s jurisdiction, but a mandatory four-year sentence would be an obstruction of student freedom. As it is, students get little say over which classes they wish to take; therefore, adding additional graduation requirements will only hinder educational achievement. I realize that maintaining healthy eating habits and exercising daily are crucial to a successful life and even at times more important. However, when it comes to school, students should have a say whether or not they want to take a physical education course. As maturing high school students, we should be given the option of enriching our knowledge of fitness and a healthy upbringing, not coerced by mandatory school criteria. Bottom line: in the real world, no one will force us to exercise or eat healthy; we must make that decision for ourselves. Furthermore, a big contradiction seen nationally is the implementation of mandatory P.E classes and the serving of unhealthy, fatty cafeteria food at school. If schools require students to take P.E classes, then they should replace the sugar-filled and at times disproportionate “food” that is served to thousands of growing adolescents with healthy alternatives. Overall, the school is sending mixed signals and inevitably curbing the “so-called” benefits of mandatory P.E. Aside from the less-than healthy cafeteria food, the lack of participation in P.E classes is astonishing. Many underachievers merely prance around and believe the class to be a joke or an easy A. In effect, the only way mandatory P.E would prove effective is if every student was compelled to exercise and sustain a healthy lifestyle. Sadly, that is not the case; thus, students who are genuinely interested in P.E should be given the choice and those who could care less will be able to spend their time focusing on a subject they actually want to excel in. More importantly, the estimated financial cost of nearly $8 million can lead to various budget cuts and further burden the already frugal nature of FCPS’s annual budget. In the end, this seemingly beneficial policy will only prove to be a financial liability that will unfortunately thwart the learning process for future students. Entertainment Editor
The Art of Tumbling
umblr is the newest phenomenon at Fairfax. The hipsters are quick to remind everyone that they were on Tumblr first, but that doesn’t mean that everyone else can’t join in on the fun. Most die-hard Tumblr fans say that Tumblr is not a place for connecting with friends, but for finding strangers who have similar interests. “On Tumblr, you can say anything without being judged” Junior Mary Evers said. Even though following friends is ruled out, there is no shortage of funny, cute, and inspiring blogs to follow. This includes: • kimjongillookingatthings.tumblr.com Daily posts simply include a picture of Kim Jong-Il looking at something, accompanied by an obvious caption describing what he is looking at. It’s hilarious. Recent posts include “looking at canned tomatoes” and “looking at a computer mouse”. •thatisntart.com That Isn’t Art is a cynic’s dream. The blog takes all the “art” (Flickr pictures with words over them) posted on Tumblr that tries to be inspiring and rips it to shreds. • whenparentstext.com When Parents Text is a tamer version (usually) of Texts from Last Night, except the text messages that are displayed have been sent by clueless parents who haven’t yet caught on the nuances of texting.
Emily Stone ‘12
Managing Editor and Co-Features Editor
Student Picks:
“My favorite tumblr is ladygagaisunoriginal.tumblr. com, because even though the creator is basically hating on Gaga big time, it’s cool to see all the places she gets her inspiration from.” – Junior Maddie Interdonato “I like to follow fitness and fashion blogs. chanelkiss. tumblr.com and fitnessinspiration.tumblr.com are my favorites. I also like forever90s.tumblr.com. – Senior Christine Wells “There are two Tumblrs that I really like, raindropsnroses.tumblr.com, because it has really cute themes to the pictures that are posted, and tumblrphotographyxox. tumblr.com, because they post pretty pictures.” -Junior Erin Joyce
Rebel Roar Staff Picks:
“brotipshq.com is where it’s at. Even though I’m nowhere close to being a bro, they update regularly with shining insights into the life of a bro. They’re like a completely different species; it’s funny to see what goes on in their heads.” –Senior Jessie Mason “I like thingsorganizedneatly.tumblr.com and eatsleepdraw.com.”- Junior Gabrielle Severson “I like to follow hipsterzodiac.tumblr.com because it tells you about your sign, it has pretty pictures, and it’s all really true. I also like boyfriendreplacement.tumblr. com, it’s all delicious food and the recipes for the food that’s posted.”- Senior Daniela Torres “tumblr4men.tumblr.com”- Junior Brandon Blankenship
Five Minutes with the M.I.T. Admitees for Class of 2015
ccording to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s website, M.I.T.’s mission is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century — whether the focus is curing cancer, energy, economics or literature. Two seniors from Fairfax High School were accepted into M.I.T. Of the 17, 000 applicants, only 1,700 were accepted. Atif Javed applied early action and Rodolfo Bustos applied regularly. The two future engineers tell us how their hard work paid off and what their future plan may include.
Atif Javed
How did you balance everything? MIT’s focus goes beyond textbook memorization to actually putting what you learn to use. I love this. Balancing the workload will be easy when I’m enjoying it so much. They get that it’s a tough transition and give freshman Pass/No Record which will make things easier to handle. When I visited, I fit in well and surrounded by people that were similar to me, which will make the next four years a lot more fun.
Rodolfo Bustos
What made you apply there? I have had a strong interest in engineering and mathematics my entire life, particularly though my exposure to cutting edge new technology via my father’s LatinSat Company, dealing with innovations such as LEO, nanotechnology satellites. I was well aware of all the university has to offer in the STEM fields; applying was a no-brainer. I was very fortunate to be admitted into the Class of 2015.
Aneela Wadan ‘11 News Editor
Fairfax Trades in Blue for Green Students and staff of Fairfax High School take initiative to “go green” by recycling and driving ecofriendly cars 22.
Administrators and Custodians Clear Up Recycling Rumors
he 2,400 students and 300 staff members at Fairfax High School produce over 14 tons of garbage a month. On January 17, 2008 it was mandated that recycling be completed in the Fairfax County school system. However, rumors have been circulating throughout Fairfax High School that our school does not recycle. What many do not know is that the requirement only applied to mixed paper and cardboard, excluding bottles and cans. Rod Spelman, the Community Activities Director at FHS, said that the trash is placed into one dumpster, while bagged recyclables are all placed together into another designated dumpster that is “emptied daily.” Then the materials are all collected, separated and recycled properly at the Fairfax County Recycling and Disposal center. According to Ben Boxer, the Communications and Outreach Manager of Solid Waste Collection and Recycling in the county, Fairfax uses a system called “single-stream recycling,” which allows recyclable products such as paper, cardboard, and bottles to be placed in the same container and then separated at a Materials Recovery Facility. “Even though only mixed paper and cardboard are mandated to be recycled at schools, it’s still a good practice to recycle other items,” Boxer said. With a task as simple as putting recyclable things into the blue recycling
Many students still throw bottles and cans in trash cans even if there is a recycling bin right next to the trash can. Photo by Rachel Tran
bins and non-recyclable products into the trashcan, it would seem as if FHS would have no problem. However, Head of Custodians Blanca Caballero said, “I always see bottles and cans mixed up with the trash at lunch… I try to take out the plastic bottles I see at the top of the bag, but I don’t have the time to separate everything.” Caballero said that if the students were more responsible and aware of where they should place their trash and recyclables, then the recycling procedure would be as it should be, effortless. “It takes a few seconds to decide where to put your [finished] lunch… I always see the Special Education students placing their trash and recyclables in the proper container, and I wish the other students would do the same,” Caballero said. However, the students may not be the only ones to blame. Though not all custodians disregard the idea of recycling, some were seen mixing the trash from the classroom bins with the paper and bottles from their individual recycling bins after school. The potential recyclable items ended up at the trash dumpster outside in the school parking lot. A few teachers have even stopped separating the trash from the recyclable items after they realized everything sometimes ends up in the same place. Although there can be a wide range of recyclable materials found in the dumpster, a measure of success is still reached through the recycling efforts of those individuals who have not given up on the idea of recycling and still strive to make the school a greener place. Teachers, faculty members, and students need only be reminded that recycling is a collaborative effort. It is not up to one person to protect the environment, but the entire community. The responsibility falls upon both the students and the staff.
Rachel Tran ‘13 & Natalia Colon ‘12
Copy Editor & Staff Writer
Fairfax Drives Green What eco-friendly car is most wanted at Fairfax? Diesel 22% Hybrid 53%
Electric 25%
In a recent poll 55 students were asked which eco-friendly car they would prefer to own.
What is your opinion of the hybrid? “They’re very cost efficient. They make it easier for people that try to help the environment, hybrids are the new black!” -Ashley Foster, Junior “In the future I would really like to get a hybrid. Gas prices suck!” -Sebastian Fernandez, Junior “Hybrids are wonderful for the environment. They conserve our natural resources.” -Julia Morris, Junior “I believe everybody should get a hybrid so we can all help the environment.” -Abele Tekle, Senior
ith the creation of electric cars and the expanding popularity of hybrids, technology has created new and improved vehicles, but with so many options how is an environmentally concious driver to choose? There are many choices in the automobile industry. There are conventional gasoline engine cars, hybrids and all-electric cars. Each type of car has distinct differences, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Conventional gasoline vehicles are clearly problematic to the environment because of the carbon dioxide emissions. The automobile industry is stepping up to limit harmful emissions, while still creating practical cars people can use for everyday life. Mrs. Aileen Scharl, English Department Chairperson, recently purchased a hybrid manufactured by Toyota. Scharl said her previous car, a Toyota 4-Runner, got approximately 13 miles per gallon, while her new Toyota Prius is capable of getting up to 50 miles per gallon. “It is a gas sipper instead of a gas guzzler,” Scharl said. However the Prius does have its drawbacks. Scharl said, “It is more costly than a gas-propelled engine and it seems more sluggish in ECO mode than cars with gasoline engines.” But overall Scharl is pleased with her family’s purchase especially since the price of gas has steadily risen since the car was purchased. Scharl said her husband only fills the Prius’ gas tank once a month which saves them a considerable amount of money. The US Department of Energy researched emissions and fuel costs for a 100 mile trip for a gasoline engine, hybrid electric, plug
in hybrid and all-electric cars. The results show that all-electric cars have the lowest fuel cost out of the four cars: a whole $5.28 price difference compared to a conventional gasoline car. With the impressive technological upgrades, electric cars have greatly improved. The original electric cars had extremely limited range and long charging time. One of the new and improved electric cars is the Nissan Leaf. According to www.nissanusa.com it only takes about seven hours to completely charge the Leaf with a home charging system of 220/240 voltage and only costs approximately $2.75 per full charge. The Leaf also gets great mileage considering it is running on 100% electricity. According to www. nissanusa.com the Leaf can get up to 100 miles per charge. Might not seem that great, but 95% of Americans do not even drive 100 miles a day. Similar to the electric Leaf, hybrids also have great mileage. As Scharl said, the Toyota Prius can get up to 50 miles per gallon which saves a great deal of money. According to hybridcars. com a hybrid can get about twice the fuel economy as a conventional gasoline car. Some hybrids run on ethanol, which not only costs less than gasoline but also is less harmful to the environment. According to hybridcars.com ethanol creates 50% less pollution than gasoline. With all the options of environmentally friendly cars, the decision of which one to purchase can be tricky. However, now that some facts are laid out, which “green” car will Fairfax students choose?
Elizabeth Fulmer & Natalie Shaban ‘12 Staff Writers
Art Students Showcase Their Work
he Fairfax Art Show, which was held on March 24, included work from students in a mixture of art, photo, and digital imaging classes as well as art from many of the feeder elementary and middle schools. There was an assortment of photography exhibits in addition to a variety of works such as paintings, sculptures, jewelry, dream-catchers, collages, and other varieties of mixed media art. Fairfax students who were featured this year set up their shows during the school day at 6 am and weren’t able to leave until after 7 pm. They brought comfortable chairs, pillows, and snacks for the time they had to spend displaying their art. Some participants even sold home-made goodies along with their personal showcased art. Photos, paintings, jewelry, and sculptures were a few of the pieces sold by students to the passing
viewers. Junior Michael Schneeman was one of the few artists who actually put his art together while it was on display. His medium was simply string knotted and weaved together. “My purpose with string art is to show that art is not just about the final product but also about the process by which it is made. I want people to understand the art, not just look at it,” Schneeman said. Two other contestants, juniors Erin Schulze and Rachel Wray, showcased their photography collection. Each student had a photo chosen to be presented in the Spotlight Gallery. “I was surprised at the photograph of mine which was chosen by the judges, but I was too excited to care!” Erin said.
Gabrielle Severson ‘12 Staff Writer
Photos by Gabrielle Severson
Find a Prom Dress That Fits You
his year has seemed to fly by; it’s time to start thinking about prom dresses! I know it might seem a little early but consider these factors; it takes time to find the perfect dress, and then if you need to get alterations done it takes even more time, so shoppers need to start looking now. I’m here to help with how to find the perfect dress to fit each body type!
Emily Robinson ‘11 Features Editor
Voluptuous/Curvy Find something that cinches at the higher waistline (this is right below the bust line). This will accent how small the waist is and show off curves. Also, a slight A-line skirt is best, because it gives a shape without adding bulk and flows slightly off the body. Girls who want to show their curves off a more can go with something that is a little more form fitting in the leg area, just not something that is severe as a mermaid dress.
Pear Shape The best dress for this body shape is something that cinches at the natural waist, then flows straight down. This will give a more streamlined and proportional look. For girls who are not so comfortable with their hips, dresses with a fun neckline, like one cross over strap or a halter can draw the eyes up from the hip area.
Athletic & Tall
With a more athletic figure it is best to find a dress that hugs pretty fitted at the high and natural waist then flows out and gives you a little bit of bulk at your hips. This way, the body appears to have softer shape. A dress that is tight throughout the waist and stomach, with slight bulk around the hips then tapers back down slightly gives a more pronounced hourglass figure. This body shape also is awesome for rocking a mermaid dress or a bell dress, and even a tubular bottom.
Petite frame bodies should make sure to not a get a dress with a super long train or something that is fitted to the body. The best fit would be something that does not flow to far out from the body but still gives curves. A mermaid style dress is a fun dress. For many, it can be hard to rock, but with a small frame it looks awesome. Those with a smaller frame can easily wear open backs or backs with fun strappy designs.
Photos courtesy of promgirl.com
Getting To Know Varsity Lacrosse Boys
oys’s lacrosse is a sport characterized by guys carrying around their sticks during school and shooting hard core during a lax sesh. When the Fairfax Rebels lacrosse team takes the field, however, they are strictly business. But how do these laxers spend their time when they’re not on the field? Here is a look on some unknown facts about the Varsity Lacrosse team:
“We often sing ‘Friday’ in the LR (locker room).” –Senior Alex Grose “Our team’s favorite color is green.” –Junior Chris Wise “Our motto is sun’s out, gun’s out.” –Junior Michael Carter “We are all about acronyms.” –Senior Alex Grose “We shoot like big boys.” –Senior Sam Bechert On game day the boys varsity lacrosse team can be found scattered throughout the school, feeding their competitive fires by playing an intense game of Pokemon. Junior Chris Wise could not break his concentration and commented, “Not now, I’m in the zone.” These boys are clearly ready for their next big game.
Wise, Grose, and Chadli duel in an epic battle to prep themselves for their lax battle. Photo by Kristina Hurd.
nlike the boys lacrosse team, the Lady Rebels have “more class” and rarely carry their sticks around the hallways. These ladies know just what to do to get ready for a big game by wearing their “FHS LAX” shorts and carrying their decorated spirit boxes. Here is an inside look at some unknown facts about the Rebels’ Varsity Lacrosse team: “We like to do interpretive dances at team dinners.” –Senior Maria Busch “We have a goalie made of trash cans called Trecktor.” –Senior Nicole Panagos “We have team buffalo wing nights.” –Sophomore Sam Bryan “We have inside jokes like TOTF and plunged and flushed.” –Senior Christine Wells These ladies can be found scattered throughout the lunchroom, hallways, and classrooms talking about intense plays for the game that is just hours away. Charmander and Squirtle are not on these ladies’ minds, it’s all about making sure they will not be out worked.
Wells, Panagos, and Busch show off their game day attire. Photo by Kristina Hurd.
Kristina Hurd ‘11 Staff Writer
NFL on the Verge of Lockout
f there is one thing more annoying than a rich person who flaunts their wealth, it’s a rich person who flaunts their wealth and complains about it. This is basically the premise of the NFL lockout. Multimillionaire players swear that they don’t have enough money to get by, while multi-billionaire owners try to become multi-trillionaires. Believe it or not, sympathy for the struggles of these poor, poor men can be hard to find. Among the many issues being fought over, whether or not to increase the regular season by two whole games, and the way that the billions of dollars the league makes a year are shared are especially sticky points. And so far, neither side seems to want to budge. After all, Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has already compared the players’ situation to “modern-day slavery, you know?” So whose side should you take in this battle of wallets? Who is in the right, A: Whiney millionaire players, or, B: Greedy billionaire owners? Answer- C: None of the above. Whenever this lockout ends, whether it is in the next couple of months or even if a whole season is lost because of their stubbornness, the players will still be millionaires and the owners will still be billionaires. The only people that lose are us, the fans. The players and owners might have forgotten this, but life doesn’t just come with home entertainment systems the size of small apartments and gold-plated swimming pools. Most people have to work actual jobs, not just play games, so that they can pay for the right to go thousands of dollars in debt to get into college, so they can get a degree, so they can get a better job, so they can pay off the college debt. Life kind of sucks for normal people. We need a weekly diversion like football. So however selfish it is for millionaires and billionaires to claim they are broke to get more money, it is more selfish to keep their only product, football, away from the hundreds of millions who love it.
Walker Carlson ‘13 Sports Editor
NFL Bandits
9 BILLION 4.6 BILLION 3.4 billion
3-4 >6
The amount of money that the NFL generates in revenue each year.
The amount of that $9 billion that goes to the players.
The amount of that $9 billion that goes to the owners.
The average number of years that an NFL player has in a career. The number of months the two groups have to work it out, before regular season games are missed.
Statistics gathered by David Hollinger and Alfredo Moran.
Cartoon by Jordan Rummel.
Getting in Character for the 2011 Stanley Cup Caps Enter Playoffs On Top
hen hockey season finally started up in October, the Washington Capitals were already looking forward to yet another playoff run at the Stanley Cup. Once again, they were considered by many to be favorites to win the Eastern Conference. The only question in many people’s minds was whether or not this would finally be the year that their play in the postseason would take them all the way to winning it all. Ironically, as the team looked forward to planning their championship parade, they looked right past the six months in between October and April. Playing in the 82 games scheduled in that time (also known as the “Regular Season”) and actually winning a few of them is usually a requirement for getting into the playoffs. By the time they looked up in February, they were a low-scoring, underachieving team stuck behind the Tampa Bay Lightning for second place in the Southeast division, with a power The Capitals are fighting their way into the play that couldn’t pass playoffs. Photo courtesy of Yahoo Sports. a puck past a broken zamboni. In December and January they lost more than they won, and all of the sudden people weren’t thinking about the Cup anymore. They were wondering what was wrong with this team that had so much talent, but couldn’t seem to use it. Finally woken up from their playoff daydreams, the Caps made up for lost time in March. They won 12 of their 15 games that month, and pushed themselves into the top spot in the whole eastern conference. Even though they have entered the playoffs with more momentum than any other team in the Eastern Conference, a spot in the championship is still not a guarantee. If there is any lesson that last year taught the team, it’s that taking a win for granted is a surefire way to end up disappointed.
Walker Carlson ‘13 Sports Editor
Hockey Fights Are Great Entertainment
he blades of freshly sharpened skates, the roar of a 6500 lb Zamboni, and the velocity of a 118 mph hockey puck are just a few of the most dangerous things to enter an ice arena, forming a sport that Americans have come to love, and pacifists have loved to hate. The most dangerous aspect of hockey however: The players. Consider this: Twelve 220 lb men hurling at each other with nothing but rage and one goal in mind, get the puck at all costs. This often ends in one of the most beloved sporting events to ever grace this planet. Better than football, better than curling, better than lacrosse. Hockey fights, the trashiest form of entertainment the world can’t get enough of. The fights in such a sport are triggered so easily, whether it be from a good old-fashioned mother joke in the face off circle to ramming someone into the glass, it is a guaranteed disaster that will inevitably result in the incapacitation of one or more (that’d be interesting) players. Either way, watching two men battle it out whilst barely being able to stand often ends in one, or both of them getting black eyes and possible nose rearrangements. It is a good example of the few good things left in this world that have not been banned by the feds or protested the infamous, radical West Borough Baptist Church. So sit on your couch, drop your gloves, and get ready for the addicting brutality that God was gracious enough to bless our Earth with, hockey fights.
Brandon Blankenship ‘12 Staff Writer
The Great Pants Debate
new trend has Fairfax High School in a form-fit- them do confess that they do wear yoga pants in an ted, thigh-gripping, skin-tight stranglehold, and attempt to look more ass-thetically pleasing (pun so its name is “yoga pants.” incredibly intended). “They make These ultra-revealing articles of my butt look great!” exclaimed clothing have been embraced by Senior Shilly Abey. many of our school’s female popI find nothing wrong with ulation. Aesthetically speaking, yoga pants in general, but—(and these so called pants have some that’s one huge, clearly defined, merit—particularly in regards to spandex-encased but) I remain the booty. As far as looks are condubious as to their legitimacy cerned, I’m not complaining. as a school-appropriate item of Throughout Fairfax HS, there clothing. seems to be a general favorable On page 9, Section B, and consensus in regard to the formsubsection D of the SR&R (Stufitting pantswear. dent Rights and Responsibilities However—the positive fachandbook), it is clearly stated tors associated with wearing the that “Clothing should fit…and questionable bottoms tend to difconform to standards of safety, fer by gender. Girls tend to focus good taste, and decency.” Admainly on the comfort aspects of ditionally, any article of clothing the pants as opposed to how they deemed “sexually provocative” actually look. Senior Yesle Soh, is prohibited. While I might not a known wearer of yoga pants, be the world’s leading expert on stated, “They’re like sweatpants. what’s sexually provocative, I can Two FHS females show off their comfortable, yet safely state that yoga “pants” do And they’re so comfy.” Junior classy yoga pants. Photo by Jordan Rummel. Haley Johnson confirms this add an element of sexual appeal sentiment: to what could be an otherwise “They’re just so comfy—how could you not like modest outfit. them?” Even a recognized Fairfax High School hunk, Junior Boys, on the other hand, appear to be more conCarter Scheffler admits that though he thinks “yoga cerned with the way the pantswear accentuate certain pants are great, they do violate the SR&R handbook.” parts of the female physique. Evidently, the Great Pants Debate of 2011 will be “What’s not to like?” asked Junior Sam Weaver. etched into Fairfax’s hallowed halls of history for years “They’re fabulous,” added Senior Michael Calo, to come. “you can clearly see…well, you know…the buttocks.” Jordan Rummel ‘11 Although most girls are slow to admit it, many of Art Director
A Public Service Announcement About Shaving
having, the most pristine of human hygiene is not a hobby around this time of year, but a necessity with the emergence of warm weather and bikinis. The problem however, is that many men and women are still going Sasquatch, even weeks after the beginning of spring. This is a frightful epidemic that statistically blinds more people each summer than the actual rays of sun. There is by far nothing worse than seeing a woman with legs that appear to be Sully from Monsters Inc. “It gets to be a bit much when a girl’s knees
look like crop circles. Utterly shameful,” said Rachel Fulmer, long time supporter of silky smooth legs and senior here at Fairfax. It’s that time of year women to clean up, and look your best not only for the men out there, but for yourself. You owe it to the community to spend ten minutes a night to ensure the mental stability of all those around you.
Brandon Blankenship ‘12 Staff Writers
A Commentary by Cole
urrent events! Justin Bieber! Knock knock. You ask me, “Who’s there?” Orange. Your inquiries seem endless, “Orange Who?” Orange you glad I’m not a serial killer knocking on your door selling you arsenic-laced thin mints? Sorry about that! Don’t worry about it. I figured you’re all a little fed up of the same tired editorials in this god-for-bacon newspaper; I don’t know about these chicks, man. Not impressed. I’d take a lot of these girls out, man. I’m talking steak-dinner style. You like sushi? Guess what? I don’t care. Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, full of over-priced organic groceries? Don’t fret. You’re going to go home, set yourself down on Uncle Wilt’s lazy boy and debag yourself only to find that even though you’ve spent a pretty penny to restock the fridge, you’ll be healthy wealthy. Wait! Please don’t leave me yet! I swear to DOG I can change. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll turn this Charles Manson rant into an Emily Buzzard commentary on the hot’s
and cold’s of the past two weeks. Ok, here we go. 1…2…3…BOOM. Hey y’all it’s the BUZZZZZZZZZZ OMGGG. Oh, yeah! I know you’re just dying to know if rope climbing is still hot! After all, it’s been all the rage recently. In fact, marines do it! Over walls! They land in mud. That’s hot. Talk about exuding pure, 100%, USDA-approved virility! The verdict maybe disappointing to some of you, and I’m sorry for this, but my word is law. Your honor, we the jungle-gym jury finds rope climbing guilty of knot-hotness in the 3rd degree, and we were not impressed. Ok, I’m done making fun of her. Really though people, she’s a nice girl. So nice, she let me miss play rehearsal to write this thrilling article. Although, I’m wondering why she didn’t ask me to do this before…are you not impressed? What the heck am I, chopped liver? Minced? Sautéed? Culinary preparation aside, I’m here to tell you, you haven’t lived till you’ve chopped a liver. Seriously though,
Nat’l Poetry Month
it’s time to get seriously serious about cereal. That’s right folks, cereal! It’s an issue! It’s a plague! It’s cocoa-catastrophe! All over the country early morning flakes chalked full of sugar and fun are decimating the dental health our dear, docile children. It’s making them fat, ugly, and generally unappealing! So maybe you’re one of those sincere types, one of those don’t-judge-a-book-by-it’scover types. Am I supposed to be impressed? HA! Pretty people are the only ones that make it in this world, dontchya know? Steve Buscemi, Rush Limbaugh, Me. Oh, my bad. I accidentally slipped myself in there. Shhhhh. I watched “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” last night. Not impressed. Overrated. Her cat gave a more convincing performance than the male lead, and Hepburn’s portrayed free-spirited attitude made me sick. I’m not impressed. Shutup, Hollywood.
Cole Smith ‘11 Guest Writer
pril is here. This means warmer weather, the search for summer jobs, spring break, flip flops, and of course, National Poetry Month! Established in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets, April was chosen to encourage everyone to read more poetry all year long. Celebrate National Poetry Month by reading your favorite poet’s works or even writing a poem of your own.
Helena’s Haiku:
You may have noticed National Poetry Month is here again. Yay! Helena Contes ‘11 Staff Writers
Road Trip
Planning Spring Break ‘11 Busch Gardens
Time it takes to drive from FHS: approximately 3 hours Price: $63.99 per person. Also consider gas, and the high prices of amusement park food. About: Featuring more than 18 rides throughout the park, as well as arcades, restaurants, and carnival stands, it is surely a day trip worth making for the whole family.
Virgina Beach
Time it takes to drive from FHS: approximately 4 hours Price: depends on your budget! Consider the price of gas, food, and
arcade games. About: With 3 miles of boardwalk, gorgeous beaches, and even better looking women. If you head up early enough in the morning, you can watch the sunrise and even catch all the sights and waves before heading back to Fairfax at night.
Washington D.C. Time it takes to drive from FHS: approximately 45 minutes Price: metro fare is about $10.00 round trip, consider price of food and various attractions. Keep in mind that all the Smithsonians are free! About: The recently bloomed cherry blossoms, and other attractions set to welcome the warm weather with open arms. You can visit the National Zoo which aside from high school, is the only place you can visit to see primal beings in their natural habitat, and for free!
Baltimore, Maryland Time it takes to drive from FHS: approximately 1 hour Price: depends on your activity, anywhere from free to $59.99 About: With a stunning aquarium, peaceful shores, and a Six Flags amusement park, this city is a tourist attraction you won’t want to Blankenship miss. -Brandon It’s undoubtedly hours‘12 worth of a trip, but you’ll be glad you went. -Brandon Blankenship ‘12