3 minute read

Kathy Lather Acts of kindness

Acts of Kindness



I enjoyed my holidays. I got to relax; to take a big deep breath and let go of all the stress that was building up within my life – without me even realising it!

Iwasn’t stressed about work, or time, or my loved ones. I was stressed with the build-up of tension and the different energy that was within my environment.

It seems that everyday we are placed in fear, anxiety or worse, people being angry.

I found I was always angry and stressed until I decided to allow only good things into my world. I first invited my Angels into my life every day. You can too! By talking to your Angels, it will allow you to let go of anything that is making you feel scared or alone.

Now don’t worry, you don’t need to tell everyone you are talking to Angels. It is a private matter and up to you who you tell or don’t tell. We all have a Guardian Angel just wanting to connect to us.

By inviting my Angels into my life, I am helping myself. I talk to them about everything. I let them know how I am feeling, what I am doing and ask for guidance through signs.

I ask them to be in my life and pray for others that might need their help and guidance at this time.

I also try to do a ‘kindness’. As Nelson Mandela once said, “Together we can change the world, just one random act of kindness at a time.”

I love it when people help me and are kind to me, so this encourages me to help others, through one small act of kindness a day.

In this crazy time, we need to be kind. To send each other love and help to keep things positive. The benefits of being positive are great! Remember like attracts like? You will find only positive outcomes, and people around you when you remain positive. It will boost your immune system. You will feel loved and protected.

I look to those people who are kind, loving and supporting. I look towards people who show kindness. Kindness to other people with no judgment. Kindness to animals and yes to Earth Mother. They don’t have to be big things. In most cases it is the little things that make the most difference and the ones that people remember.

The best place to start is with you. Do one kind thing for yourself today. Take some time for you to have that 10-minute mediation to clear your mind. To walk in the fresh air and get out of the house. To stop and smell the flowers or cuddle that puppy. Maybe you can even talk to your Angels and thank them for just 3 little things you are most grateful for.

Using baby steps, start to see where you can do kindness to others around you.

Trust me, it will change your world and the world around you.

Connecting with your Angels and Guides

to bring happiness, love and security to your life

KATHY CONDUCTS: • Readings • Healings • Workshops • Reading Events



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Kathy Lather has been conducting mediumship readings, healings and workshops on how to bring happiness, love and security within her clients’ lives all with the help of their Angels. If you would like to learn more about Kathy’s story you can find her online at: www.angelconnections.com.au

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