2 minute read
Vicki Haspels
A reason, season, a lifetime. Loving or Leaving Your Tribe
The journey of the soul is a solo one, we become stronger when we connect to our mission. We also thrive when we are part of a group or team. Both of these concepts are vitally important to our spiritual growth and the perfect tribe is one where you feel nurtured while supporting your need for self-reflection and personal growth.
Relationships are a perfect environment for this personal growth and any group we align with will be our ‘mirror’. The tribe we choose, subconsciously or consciously, will reflect our current values and beliefs whether we realise it or not.
There is nothing like the feeling when you meet someone that speaks your language. In my experience it is one person I connect with that moves me to seek their community. Again, it is this experience of relationship and how we see ourselves in that person that motivates us to join.
What joy to find a group that sounds and looks like you who welcome you with open arms and loving intent. In this nurturing environment we feel courageous enough to push ourselves further than we would do on our own, knowing that someone has our back. The potential for exponential personal growth is priceless.
The ‘reason group’ you joined is for a limited time and you learn and move on. You may keep in contact or you let the connections drift as everyone takes a different path.
The ‘season group’ is for deep healing and strong growth. Often we stay with this group for months or years. It is the structure we need to release old patterns and beliefs.
The ‘lifetime group’ is the friends we make along the way, the ones who form our inner circle.
Spiritual awakening is difficult as much as it is beautiful. We are required to leave a lot of our friends and family behind who, up until that point, were your tribe. We gravitate to those who lift us as much as we lift them. It must be an equal relationship and it must be nurturing. You will find that your lifetime group will only be about five people and that is perfect enough to take you through this part of the adventure; the journey to self-awareness.
At this point I must talk about the groups or relationships that do not align with us, the vibe we feel is incongruent or we just don’t like what they say or feel. My advice… run!!! And that is all I will say on that. To dissect something that is toxic is to connect to it and that is counterintuitive. Always seek contentment and a loving space.
This is an excerpt from a blog I wrote with the same title. For the full article, hints and tips visit my website.
Group work is powerful and if you would like to join my meditation group use the coupon code FREETRIAL to sample one session.

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