3 minute read
Gwenda Smith Self-mastery – the greatest gift of all
– the greatest gift of all
We are taught to think of everything that is outside of ourselves. It begins when we learn what is acceptable in our family and through that we learn what we think is how to be loved, to feel loved. We learn how to be accepted through the regards we get for being ‘good’.
Then we go to school, all be it from a very young age these days, the impact of school is huge. We experience rejection, not fitting in, competition, and being accepted by our level of intelligence.
We soon find that a new handbag, pair of shoes, a wander at the shops or going to a movie is a way to feel good. Having our nails done, or a beautiful massage; all these activities are a form of self-care some might say selflove, but dare I say, these are the quick fix, feel good now activities that we take up hoping it will last. As we all know we go back again and again, and we treat ourselves with these activities but there is no true depth and long-lasting effect
To choose self-mastery as your daily dose of self-love is where we find the real lasting feel-good feel-great, it is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Self-mastery brings to us abundance in harmony, love, peace, wellness, wealth, joy, and the magic of truly knowing who you are.
Self -mastery is a way of life, it’s not something you ‘do’ like the washing, driving a car, or idle gossip with coffee and cake G. The way to self-mastery is a wondrous path and it is a lifetime journey with no destination.
What I like about the choice of self-mastery is the magic of knowing who I truly am, to discover the treasures of my unique self. You see the way that we are taught to look at everything outside of ourselves distracts us from our mastery and the wisdom held within our hearts.
It is through self-mastery that we can leave all those distractions behind and align with our radiance and to our beautiful Guides, the Angels of the Almighty Divine, all who are there to help us to live a glorious loving and joyful life. TRY THESE SIMPLE DAILY PRACTICES TO BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY OF SELF-MASTERY: 1. Observation of yourself. A powerful practice that opens us to know what is true to our soul and heart. 2. Choose one of your personal values and BE it, live it, all you do today. 3. Pause – breathe – choose. Choose your responses to everything that comes your way during the day.
ADD TO THE PRACTICES THESE TOOLS: 1. Get creative – dance, sing, take up art or a musical instrument. 2. Body mapping – learn to hear what your soul is telling you through your body. 3. Journal – express your feelings from the heart.
Make self-mastery your choice every day to live an enriched, glorious and free life.
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Gwenda Smith
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Gwenda Awaken the healer within, embrace the ways of living a soul-led life. Join/Subscribe here: https://h-e-a-l-harmoniousenlightened-aligned.mn.co/ Smith SPIRIT MEDICINE WOMAN
www.healwithgwenda.com gwenda@healwithgwenda.com +61 407 939 818