2 minute read
Vicki Haspels
Embracing the power within to Bring Your Dreams to Life

I’d like to share with you the wonderful story of how I ended up travelling and how keeping focused on your dreams does actually work.
It was 2002 and I was working at a festival with a friend, doing readings and loving the vibe of the music around me. I loved it!! After some initial nerves I was right into the swing of it and Spirit was with me constantly. I decided on that very weekend that I when I retired I would get a campervan, travel the country, and do this full-time. It was one of those bliss moments I never forgot. I was still a long way from retirement and I had a family to look after. I didn’t abandon the dream, I knew one day it would be a reality. What I didn’t realise at the time was that every micro/macro decision from that moment was to fulfil the dream.
Fast forward many years and much water under the bridge. I was at a crossroads, my life was in a severe downward spiral, life felt dark, and something pushed me too far. Then I remembered my vision. It was like a light bulb turning on. Spirit was giving me a nudge and it was time to turn this into a reality.
The thing with insights and dreams and such is they require action and choices ‘at the right time’. I was frightened, I was at loss about how to proceed and I had zero money. And here is the kicker. When you listen with your heart, that fear recedes and faith increases to propel you forward. Initially I tied myself in knots wanting to get it right. I was trying to control which interfered with the flow. I was shut down, knocked over and stuck. When this happened I would pause, take a breath and wait. In the stillness I recognised the signs from spirit, when to act and when to be patient. The power of spirit prepared me to step through the door when the opportunity arrives, fearlessly.
I eventually found the campervan of my dreams and began the life I knew would give me purpose. I felt alive for the first time in my whole adult life.
This power is available to everybody!
Sometimes it’s not easy following your heart. It requires giving up what you think you know and surrendering to the flow of the Universe. It requires self awareness so that you can discern when and what is your TRUTH.
Every single Soul has their own journey and way of finding their path.
I love working with my clients by helping them build a strong relationship with their Spirit selves.
Does this resonate with you? Join me each week for ongoing training and support at The Conscious Mystic Collective.
Join Vicki each Thursday for regular meditation practice. She has been leading groups since 2001. Use coupon codeFREETRIAL for one free sitting. www.vickihaspels.com www.vickihaspels.com/the-conscious-mystic-collective

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