8 minute read

Just a look into the "SUPERWOMAN' Edition


B y M s N A T C H E Z


It is here, Spring that is and I would like to give you a few tips on spicing it up or simply keeping it spicy my couples. We have all experienced it, that couples burnout, feeling like your in a rut. Because life keeps us busy, right? Sometimes we're just to tired to make an effort. But there are thing that can be done to stay connected. Foreplay doesn't start when intercourse starts. Foreplay is ongoing all day, everyday and you must be intentional, in letting your partner know your think of them. Here's some ways you can be very intentional. Sexting is a way to stay connected. You can use sexting to share your deepest sexual fantasies with your partner, even the ones you think might be to embarrassing to just bring up in face to face conversation. Stay connected by sexting a story using your sexual fantasies and let your partner share theirs by adding to the story. Your partner may have found it difficult to share their fantasies as well. This is a good way to get your fantasies out and fulfill them. Creat a sex bucket list with your partner, things you haven't done and want to try, make extra fun.

Spice it up with a new couples toy. Adult toy are not just for single people. Get a remote control toy and give the remote to your partner. Give them the sense of control, if they've had a reluctancy in incorporating toys, control of your pleasure would get them in the game. Better yet take it outside for a little private public play, who would know your playing a game but you two. Take it to the grocery store, where your partner have to keep up with you to keep your toy humming.

Don't be afraid to be adventurous meet up for a quickie with your parnter. The meeting place doesn’t have to be the bedroom make it a change of scenery and an exciting moment.

People always think its sex before bed and it sometimes seen like a routine. Switch it up and see if that saying is true, "sex is better in the morning".

These are just a few simple tactics for a Spicy Spring, with your partner. Flowers are blooming and so can your relationship, keep it spicy!

R E B I R T H | 3

Rewind, I graduated from Southern University with a Bachelor’s in Business Management. I always wanted to work for myself, but it was too risky and I’m not a big risk-taker. My entrepreneurship class was home for me but the career I was interested in I still felt controlled to some degree. Many people know me by my career prior to this as a postal worker. Yes, I carried mail and worked for USPS for 15 years.

When you get a chance go and visit the Lunchroom Coffee Company website to get some quality coffee; lunchroomcoffee.com

Like we stated before when it comes to being a Superwoman it' about the experiences that makes us. however, this is what it means to be a super women to Ms. Tobias

When it comes to being a superwomen it is far more than, the amazing things they do, but it is about the situations they over come. Let't talk about a superwomen that has definitely turned her ashes into beauty. Courtney Tobias a 41 year young Superwomen that owner and founder of Lunchroom Coffee Company,LLC. We asked her to tell us a little bit of where she comes from and this is what was said;

"I Grew up in Brusly and went to school near Brusly, Louisiana. My childhood was eventful. I was always into some sport because that’s the only way my mom would let me out of the house. *giggling*. I didn’t understand it then but I definitely appreciate her for it now. I even did weight lifting and found out I was pretty good at it. 114 pounds and won 2 nd or 3 rd in state that year.

I was captain of the cheerleading squad. I remember making this All American team one year and All Star squad the next which afforded me to go to London one year, Hawaii the next. That was pretty phenomenal. Ran track, yearbook staff, Beta Club, Ironically was in this group called Future Business Leaders of America. I was very outspoken and voted most likely to be a lawyer my senior year."

With having all of that as her background we could but ask; how did she come up with this business?

"I came up with the idea for business because I first love coffee. I’m this devout bible believer and I used to teach bible study in a coffee shop every week to whoever wanted to hear or grow in their spiritual life.

A superwoman to me is one who has persevered through some stuff without being the victim.

When I think of that superwoman title tell me how u got over. Tell me about your stick with it and how you didn’t quit or used your femininity to bail out. I want to be able to see you still standing with your head on your shoulders, in your right mind still reaching back to help others be the best version of themselves. Scarred underneath but healed.

S U P E R W O M A N E D I T I O NReBirth Magazine | 4


The Promise was bestowed upon me Draped about my shoulders like a mantle And I accepted it with excitement and pride Knowing that I was chosen for such a time as this. I went willingly! Being led by The Vision and The Belief In The Giver and The Gift. I was happy and full! Ready to take on whatever came my way, hardshell intact... And therein lies The Problem. So I remained. Laying beneath the filth of limiting beliefs and doubt. The unsurity. The lack. I felt as though I was languishing. No death, but surely no ReBirth either. Just darkness, and I don't like the dark! When I came here, I just expected things to be different. I was promised sunshine and greatness! It's been so long since I've seen the sun. All around is just dark and moist. Uncomfortable Softening my hard exterior. Splitting it for an allowance of more space I worked to pin it in place, but I have to let it go; Let go of everything but The Promise. I dont fight it anymore. I just breath and do what feels natural in these unnatural times. I find that release fits me better anyway. I begin to relish the soft earth against me. Rubbing away the madness and hurt Healing me! Reviving me! Renewing me!

B y S h a n t e ' G a r d e r ea k a T h e P o e t e s s

The fog begins to clear and there is a hazy glow of warmth Reaching out for me. I reach back, shakily at first And find that my restraints have vanished! I feel strong and sure, so I stretch! I pull and I press with each new breath And break forth into NOW It feels so good! Warm rays kissing me And I remember my smile Girlish giggles escaping my lips As I grasp at the wind rustling by And gallop towards the sky with glee A raucus game of hide and seek With the moon. I bask in the joy of Provision and continue my upward climb Renewed, revived, and grateful to be alive Understanding now the need for the delay And the wonder of Promise fulfilled. Shooting up so fast and tall now Glad for time of growth in the shadows Showing the world it was not all for naught For I am here. I was always here. I am She. I, Bamboo

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