Marriage ceremonies are incomplete without live band. The live bands help in creating an environment that make the guests dance, enjoy and merge in the ceremonial happiness and excitement. In Melbourne, hiring one of the efficient live bands has always been in fashion. This led to the establishment of several bands in the regions. Today, the region has more than hundreds of live bands available for booking. But, there are only few that can make the wedding ceremony become spectacular and memorable for everyone. Mercury City in Melbourne is one of the multi-function bands providers that have no comparison or competitors in the market. The live band offer quality performance at market leading better deals. The company has no fake promises or words to support performances. Clients can visit the website of the company to download or see the recent and old performances live. The videos of the performances have been uploaded on the website that help clients find the detailed and clear idea of the calibre and talent that Mercury City band has. Today, the members of the team have performed with the cheese of the music industry. Moreover, the members have composed sound and music for the Australia’s biggest television shows. The company provides three pieces of the bands. The most cost effective band is the four piece band. For ceremonies and functions, clients can opt for the five piece bands in Melbourne. Therefore, to make the ceremony happening and spectacular, always opt for the live bands available in Melbourne.