Basic Information about Bonzai
Here are few basic information about Bonzai Bonzai is derived from the Chinese word ‘Punsai’, that signifies a tree stationed in a pot. A regular Bonsai is anywhere between 2 inches to 3 feet tall. On the whole Bonzai tree is very much similar to the average trees and has a well maintained outer and is trimmed in order to keep it aesthetic and photogenic. This is what people popularly call the Bonzai art. Bonsai art is done using the essential ingredients and utensils like soil, jars and bonsai tree Materials that are needed for maintenance of Bonsai trees include the farmer’s knife, cutting tools, farmer’s scissors, trimming machines, etc. Up to now Bonzai is one of the most widely grown trees and a famous art form of horticulture. They are a serious obsession and are exhibited on special shows. The most attractive and fascinating charm about them is the art experimented on these trees as a part of the horticulture practice. All this make the Bonzai trees much longed for. Bonsaiplants No .12 Ever Green Street Udayanagar Bangalore, KA, India , ZIP code – 560016 , PH - 8028516050