4 minute read
from The Berlin Citizen
March 11: 500 block of Wethersfield Road: Fire alarm –Companies 1, 2 and 3
March 11: 800 block of Farmington Avenue: Motor vehicle accident – Company 2
March 12: Mutual aid rendered to Southington Fire Department –Company 2
March 13: 100 block of Skinner Road: Fire alarm – Companies 1, 2 and 3
March 14: 100 block of Wilcox Avenue: Assistance call – Companies 1 and 3
March 15: High Road and Route 571: Motor vehicle accident – Companies 2, 3 and 4

March 15: 800 block of Norton Road: CO Alarm: Companies 2, 3 and 4
March 16: 100 block of Glendale Avenue: Assist EMS - Company 2
March 17: 100 block of Skinner Road: Fire alarm – Companies 1, 2 and 3
March 18: Mutual aid rendered
Guest speaker Evan Field works with McGee seventh graders. Contributed photo Recently, McGee Middle School students in Miss Cardine’s and Mrs. Peterson’s seventh grade English Language Arts classes heard from guest speaker Evan Field, who modeled real-world applications of their ELA skills. Currently, students are working on infographics to visually rep- working on infographics to visually represent research from their argument essays. Field presented his graphic design skills in a lesson catered to the infographic project, while also demonstrating how many 21st-century jobs require people to disseminate information effectively. Students will apply Field’s techniques to their infographics, which culminate the argument unit by synthesizing relevant research and logic into a meaningful product.

Kindergarten registration is available online via berlinschools.org. Registration ends Thursday, April 20. Children age five on or before Jan. 1, 2024 are eligible to register. For more information, call 860-829-6782.
The American Savings Foundation is accepting applications from high school seniors, college students, and nontraditional adult students who will be en-

rolled for the 2023-2024 academic year. Students can apply at asfdn.org. Applications are due by Friday, March 31.

The website also has links to other area scholarship programs and resources for learning about financial aid.

Saint Paul School is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Saint Paul’s serves students of all faiths in Pre-K3 through Grade 8.

Visit ourschool.stpaulkensington.org or contact admissions@stpaulkensington.org.
Special education
“A Guide to Special Education Services in Berlin,” describes how educators identify students with special needs, collaborate with parents and other professionals and provide for their programming needs.
The booklet is available at the Board of Education offices and at berlinschools.org.
Letters Policy
The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. We reserve the right to edit letters. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. Friday to be considered for publication the following Thursday.
Mulberry Gardens
Mulberry Gardens, an independent and assisted living

Senior Health
community located at 58 Mulberry St., Southington, will host an open house Wednesday, March 29 from

3 to 6 p.m. Registration is recommended. To reserve a time, call 860-276-1020.

Understanding Lymphedema
The World Health Organization estimates that over 250 million people worldwide live with Lymphedema or chronic swelling. It is a disease that can cause pain, limit mobility and cause us to be insecure about ourselves.
Friday, March 31, from 11 a.m. to noon, join a Certified Lymphedema Therapist from Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network, to learn more about the causes and effects of swelling, ways to manage it. Call 1-855442-4373 or go to HartfordHealthCare.org/VirtualClasses.

Call-in support

Looking for a safe space? Talk to a professional about questions and concerns you may have regarding dementia, Fridays from 2 to 3 p.m.
This call-in support group is facilitated by Kristine Johnson, dementia specialist, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. Call 1-646-876-9923 (Meeting ID 92408181873#).

Dementia caregivers
Are you a caregiver and feeling overburdened? Join this call-in support group Tuesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. Facilitated by Michelle Wyman, dementia specialist. Call 1-646-876-9923 (Meeting ID 92408181873#).

From A1
Berlin EDC director Chris Edge said February and March can be challenging months for restaurants, smaller operations in particular.
“Similar to the campaign that we ran in April of 2020 when COVID began, this effort is to get Berlin residents, those who work in town and those who visit, to eat, drink and have a great experience in town,” Edge said.

The March Madness edition of “Eat Local – Win Local” began March 15 and runs through April 15.
For complete details, including which restaurants are participating, visit itsallinberlin.com and look for the Upcoming Events section on the site.
Public forum
Berlin residents and property owners are invited to share their opinions on whether cannabis establishments should be allowed in town.
A public forum will be held Thursday, March 30, 6 p.m., at Berlin High School, 139 Patterson Way. Residents and property owners may also participate in the forum via Zoom and conference call.

For the Zoom meeting link, visit berlinct.gov. To phone into the forum, call 1-929205-6099. The meeting ID is 890 4804 4587; passcode 061820. To learn more about the Responsible and Equitable Regulation of Adult-

Use Cannabis Act, known as RERACA, visit berlinct.gov/ cannabis.
The Sons of the Legion at American Legion Post 68, 154 Porters Pass, will host karaoke Saturday, March 25, 7 p.m.
Sneakers sought
The Berlin High School outdoor track and field teams are holding a sneaker donation fundraiser through Friday, March 31. Donate old sneakers for recycling, and for each pair collected, the BHS track teams will receive funds. Sneaker donations can be dropped off at all Berlin Public Schools.
Community grants
The Community Foundation of Greater New Britain approved its first round of grants for 2023, awarding more than $436,000 to a wide variety of programs serving Berlin, New Britain, Plainville and Southington.The second round of CFGNB grant applications will be accepted this summer.
Letters of Intent are due July
1. Visit the “grantmaking” section of the foundation’s website at cfgnb.org.
Wellness expo
Exhibitors and speakers are sought for the 10th Bi-Annual Passport to Health & Wellness Expo, which will be held April 23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at The Bristol DoubleTree by Hilton. Also, vendors are sought for expos taking place May 21 and Sept. 17 at the VFW in Plainville.
Contact Shirley Bloethe at 860-989-0033 or yourholisticevents@gmail.com, or visit yourholisticevents.com.
Castle Craig Players, Meriden is celebrating its 30th season. On sale now: “The Marvelous Wonderettes: Dream On,” May 5 to 20; “Into The Woods,” July 28 to Aug. 12.
For ticket information, visit castlecraigplayers.org.
Michael Katz, DMD