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Berlin Dems unveil November slate
from The Berlin Citizen
Press Release
AFAB Recycling LLC, a Connecticut-based textile recycling company. Residents are encouraged to drop off unwanted clothing and shoes at the Transfer Station, 19 Town Farm Lane, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon.
Volunteer award
The Robert B. Dornfried Sr. Lifetime Volunteerism
Award is bestowed upon a resident “who is dedicated to a lifetime of community volunteerism, civic duty and extraordinary service.” Visit berlinvolunteerfund.com.
Legion Post 68
American Legion Post 68 has been serving Berlin veterans since 1947. For more information, email Post Commander Vin Trigila at v_trig@yahoo.com or send a message to Post 68 via Facebook.
Members of the Berlin Democratic Town Committee endorsed candidates for November during their July 20 monthly meeting held at the Italian Independent Club, 16 Harding St.
Running on the pledge to “Build a Better Berlin” the following candidates were nominated: Stuart Topliff for Board of Assessment and Appeals; Ryan Zelek for the Police Commission; Denise McNair and Raul Fernandes for the Board of Finance; Mark Pruzin, Peter Rosso and Kate Atkinson for Town Council; and Joanne Angelico-Stetson for Mayor.

“Over the past few weeks, the Berlin Democratic Town Committee had the opportunity to observe and evaluate various potential candidate for the upcoming election,” said Ferenandes, BDTC chairperson. “As of last night, we have officially endorsed very qualified individuals who are commit- ted to working for the betterment of our town and ensure that all citizens have a voice in our town. We hope you will listen to their messages over the course of the next few months and give them your vote on Nov. 7.”
For information about the Berlin DTC, individuals should contact the group at berlindemocrats@ gmail.com or P.O. Box 93, 62 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037.
Recycle Your Old
Katz, DMD