8 minute read
Located in Danbury, the center is staffed by midwives and focuses on natural childbirths, according to its website. The two-story clinic has numerous birthing rooms with queen-sized beds and a big bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub.
Birthing centers would be licensed through the state and may have specific service guidelines. Juthani explained that each certified birth center would work with nearby hospitals, in case emergency care was needed.
Committee Co-Chair, state Sen. Saud Anwar, D-South Windsor, raised concerns about the mandatory relationship between the birth centers and the larger healthcare system.
Anwar, a physician, noted that the legislation could lead to unintended selection bias as the major hospitals would receive more complicated pregnancy cases. Similarly, the Connecticut Hospital Association submitted testimony saying that the bill’s language doesn’t mandate regulations and protocols for the license. Instead, they write that the language needs to be updated to ensure that “mandatory clinical guidelines” are met.
State Rep. Liz Linehan, DCheshire, told the RecordJournal she fully supports birthing centers but wants to ensure that their patients receive adequate post-delivery education, such as essential screening tests for newborns and vitamin K injections for blood clots caused by vitamin K deficiency bleeding.
Certifying doulas
Founder and host of Labors of Love podcast, Hafeeza Ture, highlighted the importance of certifying doulas by speaking about her own pregnancy journey at Tuesday’s hearing. The mother of three described the “sacred experience” of her delivery, saying that she did not use any medications or experience any complications, which she attributed to the constant support from her birth team and doulas.
Ture said her “birth team” consisted of friends, family, a doula and a midwife. A doula is a trained, nonmedical professional that helps a pregnant person before, during and after birth.
The passage of SB 986 would create an optional state certification pathway for working doulas seeking those credentials and streamline certification. State Rep. Lezlye Zupkus, R-Prospect, raised concerns about cost and its affordability, but noted the importance of doula services.
Universal nursing
State Early Childhood
Commissioner Beth Bye spoke on the benefits of having a nurse visit new parents after birth. The first few weeks are crucial and scary for both the baby and new parents, she said, so having a nurse can help ease the transition. “You don’t need any kind of degree to bring that baby home, but a little guidance can go a long way,” she said.
A pilot of the universal nursing program is set to launch in May, Bye said. Based out of Bridgeport, new parents will be paired with a nurse who would visit their home one to three times to provide suggestions and guidance as they settle into their new life. Afterward, the nurse will connect the parents with a local community health worker so they have easy access to resources.
Bye said the nursing program follows the Family Connects International model.
According to its website, FCI nurses are trained to assess the needs of the family and provide services at no cost to the families. The model is currently used in 19 other states. However, a community health worker is a unique addition.
Year Round Tree Service
Once on the scene, police said they discovered one man and one woman inside of a parked car. Both individuals were injured with what appeared to be gunshot wounds and a handgun was discovered inside of the vehicle, according to police.
Police described Watson as a person of interest in the shooting.
After officers discovered Watson in a car on Grove Street, Meriden police detectives received several search warrants for vehicles as well as for the 2nd floor apartment at 235 Grove St., where they found a handgun.
Watson was arrested after being treated at the hospital on five counts of probation violation and operating a motor vehicle under suspension. He is being held on $500,000 bond for the probation violations and an additional $25,000 bond for the motor vehicle charge.
Police said Watson had a lenghthy criminal history, includidng sale of hallucinogens, dating back as far as 2017.
The man who died of a gunshot wound in a vehicle in the area of Lewis Avenue and West Main Street has since been identified as Shawn Mojica, 31. Police have not released the name or age of the female victim, but said the wounds she sustained were non-life threatening. Officers said they beleive Watson, Mojica and the injured woman were known to each other prior to Monday’s incident.
Meriden Police said officers received “assistance with traffic control and crime scene security,” from units dispatched by the Wallingford, Cheshire and Southington police departments, as well as the Connecticut State Police.
Police say the investigation is continuing and additional criminal charges may be filed.
In 2020, for example, Bernie Sanders ended his presidential campaign on April 8 and endorsed Joe Biden on the 13th.
(Thanks to COVID-19, and the fact that Biden and Donald J. Trump had their nominations assured, the presidential primary was delayed in 2020 to August, when the primaries for state offices in Connecticut are held.)
Under current law, the state’s 2024 presidential primary wouldn’t be held until April 30. The bipartisan bill would move it to April 2.
Voter interest and the state economy benefit when the primary is held when the outcome is in play, Proto said.
“We know that when the candidates come to a state they spend a lot of money, not only on their media buys, but also within our hospitality industry, on salaries, on staff,” Proto said.
“So there’s a tangential benefit to doing this to making a competitive state that candidates want to come to.”
Connecticut was one of 20 states that made a bid for an early primary to the Democratic National Committee, which had made clear it was intent on shaking up the primary calendar by raising the profile of states with populations more diverse than the early primary caucus state of Iowa and primary state of New Hampshire.
State legislatures set the dates in conjunction with the political parties and sometimes at odds with them.
The parties establish a window for the states to hold their primaries, which can only be enforced by threatening to deprive states of delegate spots if they do not comply.
The Democrats’ new calendar would strip New Hampshire of its first-in-the-nation primary status by scheduling South Carolina for Feb. 3, Nevada and New Hampshire for Feb. 6, Georgia for Feb.
13, and Michigan for Feb. 27. New Hampshire is expected to defy the Democrats calendar, since state law re quires its presidential prima ry to be at least seven days before any other state mary.
Republicans still would be gin with a New Hampshire primary on Feb. 13.
Frank M. Loehmann, Jr.
CHESHIRE Frank M. Loehmann, Jr., was born July 5,1945, andpassed awayMarch 19,2023,after a long battlewith cancer. He was the son of Francis M.Loehmann andCatherine (Welch)Loehmann. He grewup inHamdenwhere, onablinddateasasophomoreinhighschool,hemet the loveof his lifeand his wifeof 55years,Carol (Spignesi) Loehmann,who survives him. Frank and Carolmoved toCheshirein 1978and havelivedthere eversince.
In 1984,Frank cofounded ResourcesManagement Corp, an investment advisoryfirm currentlyoperatingas RMCInvestment Advisors and headquartered inWest Hartford,CT. Frank spentmore thanthirtyyears withthe firm,includingas itsChairman andCEO from2005until hisretirementin2017.
Frank will foreverbe remembered as a man who cared deeplyabout others. As afather ofyoung sons, hewasa fixtureatsporting events and activities, rotatingthrough theroles ofLittle League coach, timer at swim meets,chauffer, and cheerleader.Laterinlife,he delightedin playingthe part of Papa Frank with his grandchildren.
He wasa lifetimesupporter of hisalma mater, Colgate University.
Throughout hisadult life, he returned toColgate to visit,to reminisce,andto contribute as an active volunteerwiththeColgateAdmissionsOffice.In1992,he was aproud recipientof a Maroon Citation, the University’s second-highest AlumniAward.
Frankwas agenerous contributor withinhis community,including asaformer Director of the Cheshire EducationFoundation, a founding Director and the first Treasurer of the CheshireCommunity Food Pantry,AdministrativeTrustee oftheBALSO Foundation,ChairoftheSt. Bridget of Sweden Parish FinanceCouncil, andChair of the Cheshire Public Safety Commission. He was alsoa Trustee,Director,andthePresidentofthe JohnG. MartinFoundation for many years, and was extremely proudof the Foundation’s charitable efforts inthe Hartfordarea
however, after reviewing proposals from the four finalists for the job, the committee voted to recommend Tecton Architects to do both of the schools.
andin hishometownof Cheshire.
As amember ofthe FarmsCountry Clubfor over40 years,he spent14 years on the Board of Governors, two as its President, and five as Treasurer. In addition, he served as Chair ofthe FinanceCommittee for over25 years. Hiscommitment tothe Club was recognized when he receivedthe thirdever BoardofGovernors’DistinguishedServiceAward.
Frank leavesbehind three lovingsons, Francis Loehmann III of Cheshire, CT, Jeffrey (Sara) Loehmann of Orono, MN, and Gregory(Kiri) Loehmannof SanJose, CA. Heis alsosurvived by his grandchildren, Claire, Julia, Sonia,Grace, Hazel, andCharlie,as wellashis sister, Kathy (George) Zocco ofHamden, CT,his brotherJohn“Jack”(Leslie) ofEast Haven,CT,nieces and nephews, grandnieces
Tecton has offices in Hartford and Westerly, Rhode Island.
According to Next Generation Building Committee member Chuck Neth, candidates for the project generally broke their fees down into seven categories, including: schematic design, design de- and grandnephews, and his K-9 companion “Gabby.” He waspredeceased bynewborntwingrandchildren,OliverandIsabella. velopment, construction management, technology design, close-out and moving allowances.
Arrangements - Family andfriends areinvitedto pay theirrespects on Thursday, March 23, 2023, from4p.m.to 7p.m.atthe Alderson-Ford Funeral Home of Cheshire,615 S. Main St. On Friday, March 24, 2023, guestsare requestedtogodirectlytofuneralservicesatSt.Bridget of SwedenParish, 175 MainSt., Cheshire,CTat 10:00 a.m.Burial willfollow atSt. BridgetCemetery, Cheshire, CT.In lieuof flowers, donationscan be madeto theFranciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, 405 AllenAve., Meriden, CT 06451,or St.Bridget’s School,171 MainSt., Cheshire, CT 06410. For online condolences, to shareaphoto orastory, please visit www.fordfh.com.
Tecton’s proposed fees are $3,545,089 to design a new Norton and $4,109,640 for the north end school. Building committee members noted that there is a cost savings to having one firm for both schools and better continuity as well.
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Barbara Louise Budd
CHESHIRE Barbara Louise(Johnson)Budd,90, of Cheshire, Connecticut, passed awayon March16, 2023, followinga briefillness.Barbara wasbornon March 23,1932, inBoston, Massachusetts, to Arthur and Doris(Patten) Johnson, and raisedin Milton, Massachusetts, marrying Henry Hartley Budd, Jr., in 1959. Afterbeginning to raisetheir familyin Franklin, Massachusetts, BarbaraandHartleymoved in 1970 to Cheshire, where shelivedfor thepast53 years. Barbara was predeceased by Hartley in 1982, andis survivedbytheir three children, Susan (Robert)SmithofSouthington,David (Barbara)Budd ofCheshire, andJonathan Budd ofCheshire. Barbara isalsosurvivedbyhereight grandchildren, Abigail (Greg) Kessler,Elizabeth (Hays) Carson,Hannah (Mat) Fox,Joshua (Quin) Budd, TimothyBudd, Jessica Budd, Andrew Budd, and BenjaminBudd, as wellas hersevengreatgrandchildren, Madison Kessler,ColeCarson,East-
ynCarson, CalebCarson, NathanFox,AvonleaBudd, andIndigoBudd,hersister, Elizabeth (Richard) Bruce of NorthCarolina, andseveralniecesandnephews.A graduate of Milton High Schooland theChandler School for Women, Barbara worked inthe dietary departmentatElimParkfor 30years,retiringinherearly80s, andwas proudof her independence, including knitting,driving, and visiting favorite spots right up until herillness. Above all,Barbara cherishedtime andconversationwithfamily and friends, and would encourageothers tocherish such opportunities as well. Barbara willbe laid to restonSaturday,March25, at 11:00 a.m.at Milton
Cemetery; Barbara’s family and friendsinvite allto join inacelebrationofherlifeat a Memorial Service at the First Congregational Churchof EastHaven(the OldStoneChurch),onSunday, March 26, at 2:00 p.m., withreception tofollow. In lieu of flowers, Barbara’s familyencourages you to considera donation to Franciscan Ever There Care (franciscanetc.org), which enabledBarbara to live supportedin herhome throughtheendofherjourney.Barbara livedherlife asa womanwhose strengthcame fromher faith, such asPsalm 121: “I liftupmyeyestothemountains- wheredoes myhelp come from?/ Myhelp comes from theLord, the Makerofheavenandearth.
/.../TheLordwillkeepyou from allharm -he will watchoveryour life;/the Lordwill watchoveryour comingand goingboth now andforevermore.” The Alderson-Ford Funeral HomeofCheshireisassistingwith herarrangements. Toleave onlinecondolencesortoshareastoryof Barbara, pleasevisit www.fordfh.com.
In her essay, Avery wrote about her aspiration to become a science communicator, inspired by Bill Nye the Science Guy, Emily Calandrelli and Neil deGrasse Tyson. “I believe that my unique voice and perspective would be able to shine a new light on CA and help
Avery Fowler and her family during a celebration for the announcement of Cheshire Academy’s 2023 Town Scholar.
From left: Danielle Fowler, Avery Fowler, Gregory Fowler, Allison Fowler. Contributed everyone to love (science) as much as I do,” Avery wrote.
“I am also excited about how CA will help me develop into the science communicator that I want to be.”
Fowler will attend Cheshire Academy in the fall as a member of the Class of 2027. Her sister, Allison, is a member of the Class of 2025.