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Luxury Retirement Living


Soccer club


North Haven Soccer Club Spring 2023 registration is open. Visit northhavensoccerclub.org. If you have questions, run into issues while registering or are interested in volunteering with NHSC, email nohavensoccerclub@gmail.com.

Walking program

The Bobcat Stride, a free walking program, is open to people age 50-plus. Walkers meet weekdays from 6 to 9 a.m. at Quinnipiac University’s North Haven campus, 370 Bassett Road. For more information, contact Katie Picard at Katherine.Picard@ qu.edu.

Energy assistance

The Office of Community Services welcomes residents to schedule an appointment to apply for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program. Call 203-239-2566.

Fire Explorers

Comprised of high school students age 14 to 18, the North Haven Fire Explorer program provides opportunities to explore a career


path in emergency services as a firefighter, EMT or paramedic. For more information, email NOHFDExplorers@gmail.com or visit northhavenfire.org.

Food bank

The North Haven Community Services Food Bank has a constant need for: mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, coffee, tea, tuna, soup, Chef Boyardee products, instant mashed potatoes, cookies, crackers, macaroni and cheese, protein and granola bars, trail mix, nuts, jerky, peanut butter and graham crackers, dried fruit, fruit snacks, fruit cups, canned fruit, applesauce, juice boxes, pudding cups, peanut butter, jelly, Pop Tarts, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix and syrup.

Items can be dropped off at the Department of Community Services office, at the Town Hall Annex Building, 5 Linsley St., Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Clothing donation

Bring your used clothing donations to Hope Christian Church, 211 Montowese Ave. Hope Christian Church is

Saturday Concert Series. Italian music with Enzo Boscarino. Saturday, Feb. 4, 2 p.m. The program will illustrate the rich history, art, cuisine and culture of Italy. Registration required.

Poetry event. The library will host a “Share the Love” poetry event with the town's Poet Laureate, Gabriella Brand, Saturday, Feb. 25 at 2 p.m. Do you know someone who makes life better in North Haven? Write a short poem about this person and why you appreciate them. Then invite them to the library to "receive" your poem on Feb. 25. “Share the partnering with St. Pauly Textile Inc. to provide a wood-frame drop-off shed for community use.

Accepted items: clothing, shoes, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, curtains, pillowcases and stuffed animals.

Wellness expo

Exhibitors and speakers are sought for the 10th Bi-Annual Passport to Health & Wellness Expo, which will be held April 23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at The Bristol DoubleTree by Hilton. Also, vendors are sought for expos taking place May 21 and Sept. 17 at the VFW in Plainville.

Open house

North Haven-based Area Cooperative Educational Services' Wintergreen Interdistrict Magnet School (WIMS), a K through 8 institution, is returning to its original location, 670 Wintergreen Ave. in Hamden. ACES WIMS will host an open house Friday, Feb. 24 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.


Visit northhavenschools.org to begin registering your child for kindergarten. Under the District Section, use the link for “Register a New Student.”


Contact Shirley Bloethe at 860-989-0033 or yourholisticevents@gmail.com, or visit yourholisticevents.com.

Ski club

The North Haven Ski Club encourages people interest ed in winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, tubing, snowshoeing) to join and take advantage of the great discounts offered to members. Contact An nette Murphy at 203-9273071 or dapdmurph@ aol.com.

Love” is open to all. Email poems to poetlaureate@northhavenlibrary.net by Saturday, Feb. 18. Include your name and the name of the person you wish to honor. Brand is available to help. Email questions to her at poetlaureate@northhavenlibrary.net. The library can be reached at 203239-5803.

Winter Reading Challenge. Through Tuesday, Feb. 28. Track your progress on Beanstack and complete challenges to win prizes. For youngsters in kindergarten through fifth grade. Registration required.

Go Red! Friday, Feb. 3. February is recognized as “American Heart Month,” and on this day, across the country, people wear red to raise awareness in hopes to help eradicate heart disease and stroke. Senior Center members may purchase a Red Heart for $1 throughout the month of February.

Movie Matinee. Friday, Feb. 3, 1 p.m. Join us for a showing of “Groundhog Day.” Popcorn will be served.

Mini Trip: Walmart of Wallingford. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 9:30 a.m.

Ask the Nurse. Thursday, Feb. 9, 10:30 a.m. This walkin clinic offers an opportunity to help set overall health goals, check blood pressure, assist with creating a medication list, and more. Funded by the Town of North Haven. No appointment necessary.

Bingo volunteers. Are you looking for a fun volunteer

North Haven Senior Center

opportunity? The Senior Center is seeking volunteers to call bingo on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1 to 3 p.m. Call 203-239-5432.

Healthy eating. “Cooking for a Health Heart” presentation. Thursday, Feb. 9, 2 p.m. Dietitian Marisa from Shop Rite will offer helpful tips on how to prepare meals while keeping your healthy heart in mind. RSVP by Tuesday, Feb. 7. Call 203239-5432.

“Breakfast & Beads.” Tuesday, Feb. 21. Celebrate Mardi Gras; don your beads and enjoy a breakfast at McDonald’s on Washington Avenue. RSVP by Wednesday, Feb. 15. Call 203-239-5432.

Margaritas, money tips. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Enjoy a free (non-alcoholic) margarita while specialists from

UI and SCG present moneysaving tips. RSVP by Wednesday, Feb. 15. Call 203-239-5432.

Lions Club

The North Haven Lions Club has served the town since 1952. Through Second Saturday activities, the Lions engage in service projects for the community.

For information about North Haven Lions' service activities, or to be part of something meaningful in town, contact North Haven Lions Club President Jim Bennett at pdgjim98@gmail.com.

Health talk

What are parasites? How do we know if we have them? Can we get rid of them? People with any kind of chronic health issue are invited to attend a lecture by board-certified holistic health practitioner Dr. Anna Marshall Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:30 a.m., at Haller Post 111, 112 Grove St., New Britain. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at eventbrite.com

Ballpark jobs

The Hartford Yard Goats Baseball Club, the Double-A Eastern League affiliate of the Colorado Rockies, announced it will be holding its annual job fair at Dunkin’ Donuts Park (1214 Main St., Hartford) Saturday, Feb. 18, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Yard Goats are seeking applicants to fill a wide range of game day positions and are looking for upbeat, fan-friendly individuals to help make the upcoming season in Hartford another huge success.

Nicknamed the “Russian Polar Bear,” Panferov was born, and spent much of his youth in Moscow, before moving to the United States in 2015 at the age of 15.

“We came to the United States for a better life,” he said.

Panferov and his family settled in North Haven, where they had friends waiting.

Back in Russia, Panferov had trained in mixed martial arts, and in the U.S., it just so happened that his new home was across the street from Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts & Jiu-jitsu Training Center.

“When we first came to North Haven, and I saw the gym, I knew I wanted to start training right away,” Panferov said.

“I couldn’t do any matches until I was 18, so I had to wait a little bit.”

At Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts & Jiu-jitsu Training Center, Panferov caught the eye of gym owner and trainer Andrew Calandrelli.

Panferov and Calandrelli now train six to eight hours a day, six days a week, in the disciplines of boxing, kickboxing, Jiu-jitsu and wrestling.

“I’ve told him since he started that he’s the most naturally gifted all-around athlete I’ve ever coached. He never believes me when I tell him that," said Calandrelli, a former professional MMA fighter who retired in 2012.

Panferov's first match was in 2016, and he turned pro a little over a year ago.

On Jan. 7, Panferov defeated Anthony Benevides at Mohegan Sun.

Until his big pay day comes, to make ends meet, Panferov works at the Home Depot in Hamden.

“Saturday, you’re a celebrity with hundreds of people screaming your name, today you’re back working at Home Depot,” the local fighter said in a Facebook post.

Letters Policy

Email Letters to the Editor to news@thenorthhavencitizen.com. Letters are limited to 300 words. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.

In a recent social media post, the North Haven Police Department stated:

“Congratulations to Ofc. Brianna Sargent, who wrapped up 24 weeks of training at the Hartford Police Academy last night. Next week Brianna will begin her Field Training Program where she will be paired with a Field Training Officer for a minimum of 12 weeks. Good luck and welcome aboard!” Pictured, from left: Chief Kevin Glenn, Officer Brianna Sargent, Deputy Chief Andrew Stavrides and Captain Christopher Thorpe.

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