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In Brief
31: Arnold’s Jewelers, 117 Washington Ave.; Hello Gorgeous Hair Studio, 460 Washington Ave.; Nick’s Char-Pit Restaurant, 22 Middletown Ave. To add your business to this list, or for more information, call Denise Krause at 203-7107397.
Singers sought
The Hartford Yard Goats Baseball Club, the Double-A Eastern League affiliate of the Colorado Rockies, announced National Anthem auditions will be held Saturday, March 4, 9 a.m. to noon, at Dunkin’ Park, 1214 Main St., Hartford. Singers of all ages are welcome to audition for the opportunity to perform at a Yard Goats home game or event. Singers must register at yardgoatsbaseball.com. A time slot will be assigned.
Photo program
North Haven Camera Club will present the program “Infrared Photography” Tuesday, March 7, 7 p.m., via Zoom. Presenter William Barnett of the New England Camera Club Council will explore what infrared (actu- ally, near-infrared) radiation is and how it renders photographs of the world. To attend, email northhavencameraclub@gmail.com.
Soccer club
North Haven Soccer Club
Spring 2023 registration is open. Visit northhavensoccerclub.org. If you have questions, run into issues while registering or are interested in volunteering with NHSC, email nohavensoccerclub@gmail.com.
Crisis prep
Masonicare will host "Planning Before a Crisis"
Wednesday, March 15, 3 to 4 p.m., in the Knapp Auditorium at Masonicare at Ashlar Village, 74 Cheshire Road, Wallingford. Attorney Steven L. Rubin will discuss the legal aspects of having a plan for your future care vs. making decisions at the time of a crisis. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP by calling 203-679-6460.
NARFE meeting
The monthly meeting of the National Active and Retired
Federal Employees Association is scheduled for Monday, March 6, 1 p.m., at North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church St. Guest speaker Steve Anderson of Amston Home Transition Solutions will discuss how to create an action plan to free yourself of clutter. Active and retired federal workers are invited to attend.
Hospice volunteers
Masonicare Hospice volunteers assist in many ways. Volunteers set their own schedules and receive ongoing support and training. To learn more, contact Jolan Szollosi at 203-679-5342.
Walking program
The Bobcat Stride, a free walking program, is open to people age 50-plus. Walkers meet weekdays from 6 to 9 a.m. at Quinnipiac University’s North Haven campus, 370 Bassett Road. For more information, contact Katie Picard at Katherine.Picard@ qu.edu.