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Large Item Pick-up Program returns in April

Press Release
Please be advised that the bi-annual Large Item Pick-up Program will take place on the last two full weeks of April on your scheduled collection day.
Acceptable waste items include: white goods like refrigerators (State law requires that doors be removed); appliances such as ranges, stoves, etc.; upholstered items such as mat- tresses, sofas and chairs; vehicle tires (without rims); metal items.
The North Haven Garden Club encourages residents with pollinator gardens to become part of the Pollinator Pathway Project by registering with the club at North Haven’s upcoming Earth Day celebration, or online at pollinatorpathway.org. Pictured: The NHGC booth at the 2022 Earth Day event.
Those items will be collected on your regular refuse day and must be placed at the curb by 5 a.m.
In an effort to reduce clutter at the curbside, residents may bring mattresses to the Recycling Center, 90 Elm St., Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to noon, and Saturday 8 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Please note, the Large Item Pick-up Program does not include construction/demolition items such as sinks or toilets. For disposal of construction/demolition items call Central CT Recycle and Transfer, 203-2724039.
If you need to dispose of a TV, please bring it to the recycling center for electronic recycling. TVs will not be picked up curbside.