5 minute read
Garden Club marks Earth Day

The following was submitted by North Haven Garden Club member Cindy Golia.
The North Haven Conservation Commission’s Earth Day 2023 celebration was held April 29 at North Haven High School, and members of the North Haven Garden Club displayed posters on pollination and highlighted the Pollinator Pathway Project; how residents can join and put their garden on the North Haven project page.
Gerri Giordano put together a large map and highlighted all of the club’s gardens, the town’s gardens and many other gardens that requested to be part of the Pollinator Pathway Project.
We also had poster boards detailing a lot of information about our Junior Garden Club. The junior program was started in 2019 and is going strong. We meet Saturdays at the Faith United Methodist Church on Clintonville Road.

If you would like information on the Pollinator Pathway Project or the Junior Garden Club, contact nhcgcindy@yahoo.com.
Check out the North Haven Garden Club on Facebook for lots of useful and entertaining information and pictures of all our club does in our great town of North Haven.
For membership information, email Italia at italia_a@ comcast.net.
6th Grade High Honors: Hafsah Ahmed, Savanna Alleyne, Jacob Asfaw, Adrian Awudu, Sophia Bacon , Connor Battipaglia , Eva Benigni , Rego Benko , Giuliana Bimonte , Brooklyn Brandt , Kian Cafe , Maria del Carmen Canca-Barroso, Ava Cappiello , Nyla Carpenter , Kaylee Chiaraluce , Tyler Cohen , Kamryn Cohen , Mikayla Cretella , Audrey Cruz , Conor Cullagh , Isabella DaCunto , Dante D’Angelo , Cameron De-
North Haven Middle School Quarter 3 Honor Roll
Nuzzo , Ava DiPalma , Thi Thanh Tam Do , Jeffrey Dong , Sofia Dowling , Thomas Drennen , Adele Eisley , David Esposito , Abigail Esterheld , Tessa Everone , Gianna Faulkner , Adeline Fee , Sarah Feinberg , Emily Fretts , August Fuller , Lillian Garbati , Chloe Gash , Krishav Gazzarapu , Joshua Glassman , Elizabeth Gomez , Frank Grasso , Avery Hartline , Dylan Hatton , Veronica Hilton-Moreno , Evan Howard , Brooke Jeffery , Kardelen Kan- demir , Marielena Keaney , Patrick Kemp , Miles Klingaman , Maxwell Klingaman , Dante Komanetsky, Michael Kozlowski , Carson Lamb , Hayul Lee , Molly Lindenbach , Chase LivieriGagne , Claudia Loebick, Lily Lu, Zain Makarem , Francis Marinuzzi , Elle Matthew , Ashlin McCann , Claire Miller , Mia Monaco-Lizotte , Ethan Montesclaros , Liam Mullen , Henry Nagler , Iaroslav Nakonechnyi , Aria Napolitano , Lilah Orozco , James Papa , Sofia Pepe , Giuliana Prisco , Hannah Ray , Gabriella Ricci , Ariana Rodriguez , Marcos Rodriguez , Macey Rollier , Raj Rose , Evan Royka , Alexander Russo , Frank Rybaruk , Charles Salemme , Luciana Sandru , Gianna Savo , Nathan Schobert , Demitri Shedd, Hattie Sisco, Marc Stoker,Jackson Tancreti , Joseph Tarasuk , Choezom Tenzin , Chloe Tesla , Marcin Tobiasz , Nicolantonio Tolomeo , Charlotte Tupper , Devyani Underkofler , Sofia Valentino , Connor White , Emelia Wisneski, Sophya Wittig , Selim Yavuz , Henry Zubek.

6th Grade Honors: Charlotte Ainsworth , Bence Amarone , Morrigan Asbury , Saydee
Baldino , Robert Ball , Josselyn Banks , Evelyn Bennett , Jana Blanch , Mason Bourgeois , Cali
Boyarsky , Jack Boyd , Rebecca
Bradley , Fiza Butt , Adriana Cardona , Kali-Rose Clark , Christopher Consiglio , Madelyn Corcoran , Sephon Craig , Bella Crocco, Riley Crouch , Giuliana
D’Aria, Antonio De Pascale , Mia
De Pascale , Hannah DiPalma , Hannah Eiseman , Luca Esposito, Olivia Faulkner , Nicholas Frigo , Owen Giaquinto , Jayden
Gilliams , Michael Glynn , Hannah Grimm , Garrett Grover , Charly Halkovetz , Tyler Handy, Nicholas Husband , Ruby Huston, Peyton Johns , Jaxon Kehoe, Simon Killheffer, Darek
Kremzar , Christos Kyriakis , Ju- lianna Laboy , John Lambert , Evangeline Lanza , Grace
Leonard , Kaylani Lopez-Negron, Grayson Marcarelli , Isabella
Marchitto , Nicholas Masto , Edward Mattei , Laniyah McCrea , Avery O’Connor , Angelina
O’Connor, Lucas Pannone , Izzabella Shyya Perez , Ngoc Pham, Logan Prum , Valentina Quijano , Anthony Raffone , Henry Reed , Sofina Rubino , Brett Runlett , Amalia Santino , Julian Sarmiento Verdezoto , Benjamin Schaeffer , Madison Selmquist , Bella
Senger , Carter Simonson , Sophia Slais , Isabella
Songhurst, Noah Sousa , Anthony Squeglia , Samuel Stevens , Kara Sweet , Dominic Tata ,
Nicholas Tseperkas , Kerem Turkan , Alessandro Varriale , Jake Villabona , Gianna Vitiello.
7th Grade High Honors: Adriana Acevedo , Shafin Adian , Elena Alexandro , Grace Alfano , Falak Awais , Nicholas Barry , Aaron Bidwell, Caroline Carriere , Ashley Chen, Zoe Claude , Cathleen Coughlin , Eric CouvertierRafala , Avery Cretella , Luca D’Angelo , Aydan Davis , Madalena de Lencastre , Kyriakoula Diakogeorgiou , Austin Donle, Brandon Dougan , Camryn Fassnacht , Mya Fernandez , Peyton Fox , Talia Gallucci , Elizabeth Garcia , Sofia Genova , Gia Giaimo , Jason Giering , Parker Gouin , Hayleigh Hettrick , Connor Kissel , Liliana Landino , James Mannochi , Liam McBride , Arthur McCormack , Benjamin Mello , Leo Mineur , Jack Minnix , Kendall Montabana , Avalene Morrison , Diana Ngo , Aaron Nicholas , Jessica Nutile , Jynasis O’Connell , Maeve O’Shaughnessey , Brianna Palmese , Thomas Palmieri , Olivia Palmieri, Kelsey Perkins, Olivia Prisco , Sarthak Shah , Prisha Sheth , Emersyn Silvestro , Ava Sochocki , Luca Spadacenta , Anthony St. Germain , Lila Stone , Amia Sutherland , Kiera Swanson ,
See Honor roll, A12
The NHPD put the video of the purse-snatching on social media, stating that criminals prey on females shopping alone, and that the elderly are often targeted.
In the post, the NHPD says, “One way to prevent purse snatching is not to carry a purse, or to carry it in a way that makes it quite inaccessible, such as wearing it under your coat. Many women think that wearing a shoulder bag with the strap diago- nally across their body is a good idea but, in fact, if someone grabs the purse in that position and tries to run with it, it can catch the strap around your neck. Keeping your purse close to your body, and your arm over, it makes it a little bit harder for someone to grab the purse. Also, being aware of who is around you is also very important.”
When at a store, the NHPD advises placing one’s purse in a shopping bag, not simply in a shopping cart, and says never to carry anything more valuable than you can afford to lose.
From A1
baseball team, graduating MHS in 2005. A writeup on the CIAC website states, “Coaches and friends recall Dustin as a quiet leader, who led by example.”
DeMonte’s uniform number in high school was 51, and the Middletown High baseball team honored the former player this season by wearing No. 51 patches on their jerseys.
The CIAC baseball state finals will be played at Middletown’s Palmer Field on Friday, June 9 and Saturday, June 10.
A brief pregame ceremony will take place on June 10 to formally honor DeMonte and his family.