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In Brief
Fire Explorers
Comprised of high school students age 14 to 18, the North Haven Fire Explorer program provides opportunities to explore a career path in emergency services as a firefighter, EMT or paramedic. Email NOHFDExplorers@ gmail.com or visit northhavenfire.org.
Rally for animals
North Haven-based Bikers Against Animal Cruelty is a nonprofit which advocates against animal cruelty and neglect, promotes responsible pet ownership and helps provide the cost of emergency care for ownerless victims of cruelty and neglect. BAAC’s annual fundraising rally will be held Saturday, July 29, noon to 5 p.m., at Town Center Park, 2761 Dixwell Ave., in Hamden. Food trucks, vendors, bands, pet adoptions, and more. Admission is $5.
Trail association
The North Haven Trail Association maintains several trails for residents to enjoy. As stewards of these trails, the NHTA is in need of volunteers. The group meets the third Monday of the month, 7 p.m., at the Recreation Center. For further information, visit northhaventrails.org.
Bring your used clothing donations to Hope Christian Church, 211 Montowese Ave. Hope Christian Church is partnering with St. Pauly Textile Inc. to provide a woodframe drop-off shed for community use.
Accepted items for donation: clothing, shoes, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, curtains, pillowcases and stuffed animals.
Joyce C. Budrow Senior Center
Painting. The Senior Center’s Oil and Acrylic Painting class is held Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. through Sept. 26. To learn more, and to register, call 203239-5432.

Walk at Wharton Brook. Kick off your Tuesday with a walk around Wharton Brook, located off Rt. 5. Meet in the parking lot at the entrance at 9 a.m. Remember to bring water, and wear sneakers, as some terrain may be uneven. If you plan on walking with us, contact the office at 203-239-5432 the Monday prior.
Teen Tech Support. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 to 3:30 p.m., through Aug. 24. Learn how to get the most out of your phone, laptop or tablet. Our volunteers can help with general device use and special topics like setting up email accounts, browsing the internet, resetting passwords, and more. Register for a 30-minute session. Call 203239-5432.
Healthy Brain Series. Thursdays in August, 11 a.m. to noon. Residents age 60-plus are invited to attend this complimentary, five-week series. Topics in- clude activites to help challenge your mind, the importance of diet, nutrition, sleep and finding meaningful engagements. Presented by dementia specialist Angela Christie, of Hartford Healthcare Center for Healthy Aging. RSVP by Thursday, July 20. Call 203-239-5432.
Summer gathering. Celebrate “National Beer Day” with friends Friday, Aug. 4, 3 p.m., at Twelve Percent Beer Project, 342 State St. A pizza truck will be on site, or bring your own picnic. RSVP by Friday, July 21. Call 203-239-5432.
Research has shown there is a direct link between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline, which in individuals with Alzheimer’s predisposition can accelerate the disease.
• Ototoxic medications can cause hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hyperacusis, dizziness, or vertigo
• Ototoxicity can occur in all age groups, affecting between 23%50% of adults and up to 60% of children who are taking ototoxic medications
• Around 10% of people taking aminoglycoside antibiotics experience ototoxicity
To prevent a decline in cognitive abilities and to keep your brain healthy, it’s important to be proactive about your hearing.
Dr. Micacci and her team have helped thousands of people hear better.