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In Brief
“Grannies Attic,” and raffle baskets. Donations can be dropped off at the Senior Center, 189 Pool Road, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Holiday Fair will be held Friday, Nov. 3, 3 to 7 p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 4, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
North Haven Camera Club
The North Haven Camera Club season runs from September to June, and new members are always welcome. The club has beginner, intermediate and Master levels, allowing members to learn at their own pace. For more information, visit northhavencameraclub.com or email northhavencameraclub@gmail.com.
Distinguished Service Award
The North Haven Sons & Daughters of Italy 2805 will honor Artie and Angel Natalino and Bill Mitchell with its Distinguished Service Award. The honorees will be recognized at a dinner to be held Thursday, Sept. 28, 5:30 p.m., at The Woodwinds in
Branford. Tickets are $50 and include appetizers and dinner. Call Frank at 203410-4254.
La Leche League
La Leche League of Hamden/North Haven meets the second Wednesday of the month at Grace & St. Peter’s Church, 2927 Dixwell Ave., Hamden. RSVP to Anne.M@ LLLCT.org. Attendees from all towns in the greater New Haven area are welcome.
The Town of North Haven is taking part in a campaign to get residents to consider installing environmentallyfriendly heat pump technology in their homes. The town has partnered with PACE – Peoples Action for Clean Energy – and the North Haven Clean Energy Task Force on this educational outreach effort. To learn about the HeatSmart North Haven program, visit heatsmartct.org/northhaven.

Concert series
North Haven's free concert series, Music Under the Stars, takes place Tuesday nights, 7 p.m., on the town green. The remaining concert lineup: Tuesday, Aug. 22: Avenue Groove (rhythm & blues/funk); Tuesday, Aug. 29: Worlds Apart (Journey tribute); Tuesday, Sept. 5: Primetime (party band). Parking is available at the Town Hall Annex and town pool lots.
Locals in college
College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA., awarded William McCleery a bachelor’s degree.

Curry College, Milton, Mass., named Katelyn Matos to its dean’s list for the spring semester. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Penn., named Matt O’Connell to its dean’s list for the spring semester.