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Business After Hours Set for April 11 at Karabin Farms
The Southington Chamber of Commerce will host its next Business After Hours Networking Event at Karabin Farms on April 11, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Karabin Farms started in 1972 as a way to instill a sense of responsibility in their children, today, in addition to the orchard, there are four greenhouses, 15 acres of Christmas trees and a country store. Besides fresh fruit and vegetables, Karabin Farms offers local honey, maple syrup, jams, pickles, soup mixes, gourmet treats and much more! All beef, pork, chicken, and turkeys are grown humanely on the farm. Karabin also features numerous country furniture items hand-made by artisans in Pennsylvania and Maine.
Business After Hours is a popular informal monthly business networking event and is co-hosted by the Chamber and one of its members at their individual business. The event is an opportunity for businesses to promote their products and services, meet potential new clients, socialize in a casual manner, and introduce employees to members of the business community. This event is just one of the many benefits included in Chamber membership open to all employees.
Registration is required for this event must be made online through the events calendar on the Chamber website at southington- chamber.com. Participation in Business After Hours is free for member businesses and their employees. Not-yet-members may attend as a guest, one per year per company, for $25 per person, which is applied to their membership should they join in the same month. To register scan the QR code or call Jordan Clemens, Membership Services & Events Director, at 860.628.8036.