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In Brief
announced the return of a student reading challenge for the 2023 season. Students (K through 8th grade) who read five books outside of the school curriculum will earn two tickets to a Yard Goats game at Dunkin’ Park in Hartford. A parent or guardian can register students on the Yard Goats website (yardgoatsbaseball.com) through May 6.
Transfer station
Plainville’s transfer station on Granger Lane is open for the season. Hours of opera- tion are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturdays only. The transfer station is for Plainville residents only. ID is required. Direct questions to 860793-0221 ext. 7176.
Boxes to Boots
Berlin-based non-profit Boxes to Boots, 28 Chamberlain Highway, sends care packages to members of the U.S. military serving overseas. To learn more about the organization and its needs, visit boxestoboots.org.