1 minute read
Former NFL player, Patriot gives back to his hometown
By Nicole Zappone Record-Journal staff
PLAINVILLE – After a rainy start to the week, Plainville youth were treated to a sunny and breezy day on Saturday, July 1, perfect weather to participate in a football clinic alongside former NFL player Niko Koutouvides.
A Plainville High alum, Class of 1999, Koutouvides holds his annual clinic at PHS's Alumni Field. This was year No. 13. “The kids had a fantastic time, and the weather was in our favor," said Koutouvides, 42. "It is always gratifying to give back to the community we grew up in.”
Koutouvides played with the Seattle Seahawks from 20042007, the Denver Broncos from 2008-2009, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from 20092011, and the New England Patriots from 2011-2013. He appeared in two Super Bowls during his career.
See NFL, A12 town has been enforcing zoning rules against Sign Pro but not against its competitors, among other instances of uneven treatment. Such targeted enforcement is a violation of the Constitution’s equal protection and due process clauses, according to the lawsuit. The company filed its suit in state court in April. The case was later moved to federal court.
See Lawsuit, A13
BOE fills pair of administrative roles
By Christian Metzger Record-Journal staff
SOUTHINGTON Two veteran educators will start off the coming school year in permanent administrative roles after both served in an interim capacity.
Rita Stearns was appointed as the new principal of
South End Elementary, and Simone Crouch became the new assistant principal of Southington High School.
Both appointees served in interim positions over the past semester, but were officially welcomed into their positions at the June
See BOE, A14
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