23 minute read
Meriden man, 19, charged with murder in stabbing death
Record-Journal staff
MERIDEN A Melville Avenue man faces murder charges following a standoff with police hours after authorities say he fatally stabbed a man on Hanover Road.
Josue Ortega-Torres, 19, is being held in lieu of $5 million bond on the murder charge after police say he stabbed Justin Sloan Sr. at around 6:20 p.m. Saturday in the roadway of the 800 block of Hanover Road. Sloan, 44, was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.
An investigation led to Ortega-Torres as a suspect and he was taken into custody after a several hour standoff at his residence on Melville
Avenue. The Meriden Police Department Negotiation Team with the assistance of the Patrol Division, and the Meriden S.W.A.T. team helped facilitate Ortega-Torres’ surrender, according to police.
Assisting in the arrest were Wallingford, Cheshire, Southington and Middletown police, along with state police.
Meriden police referred to the incident as a “senseless act” and offered condolences to Sloan’s family.
Police say the investigation is ongoing and anyone with information related to the incident is asked to contact Det. Jad Hadir at jhadir@ meridenct.gov or 203-6306250.
Members of the public are invited to
Connecticut Department Of Transportation
Virtual Public Information Meeting
State Project No. 109-176
Phase 2 of Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (Route 72 to Northwest Drive)
Town of Plainville (Town)
July 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Register: https://portal.ct.gov/DOTPlainville109-176
YouTube Livestream: https://portal.ct.gov/ctdotvpimarchive
A Question & Answer session will immediately follow the presentation.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide the community an opportunity to learn about the proposed project and allow an open discussion of any views and comments concerning the proposed improvements.
The purpose of the project is to construct a multi-use trail known as the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (FCHT) through the Town of Plainville to close a 5-mile gap in the Connecticut section of trail. The Connecticut share of the FCHT consists of a 54-mile section connecting New Haven through Suffield, terminating at the Massachusetts border. The entirety of the Connecticut trail section is either complete, in construction, or approaching final design, excluding the remaining 5-mile gap in the Town of Plainville. The 5-mile gap is proposed to be closed in three (3) project phases. Phase 2 includes construction of two (2) miles of multi-use trail between Route 72 and Northwest Drive.
There are right-of-way impacts associated with the proposed improvements. Construction will require twelve (12) partial property acquisitions on both Town-owned and private properties. All acquired property will be transferred to the Town upon project completion and following a Property Letter with Acceptance.
Construction is anticipated to begin in Fall 2025, based on the availability of funding, acquisition of rights of way, and approval of permit(s). The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $15.5 million. This project is anticipated to be undertaken with eighty percent (80%) Federal funds and twenty percent (20%) State funds.
Please register for the Virtual Public Information Meeting at https://portal.ct.gov/ DOTPlainville109-176. Registration is required to participate. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to access the meeting.
Members of the public may submit comments and questions during the two-week public comment period following the meeting. Please direct comments and questions by August 4, 2023 to: DOTProject109-176@ct.gov or (860) 594-2020, or to Mr. Scott Bushee, Project Manager, at Scott.Bushee@ct.gov; (860) 594-2079. Please reference State Project No. 109-176 in your email or voicemail.
This meeting will also be livestreamed on YouTube and closed captioning will be available. Non-English translation options will be available on Zoom and YouTube. The recording will also be available on CTDOT’s YouTube Virtual Public Information Meeting playlist: https://portal.ct.gov/ctdotvpimarchive
Persons with limited internet access may use the call-in number (877) 853-5257 and enter Meeting ID 880 4467 8717. Persons with limited internet access may also request that project information be mailed to them within one week by contacting Mr. William Hogan at William.Hogan@ct.gov or (860) 594-2575.
Persons with hearing and/or speech disabilities may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS).
Language assistance may be requested by contacting CTDOT’s Language Assistance Call Line (860) 594-2109. Requests should be made at least five business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut is an affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, the 119-year-old national youth mentoring organization.

Based in Hartford, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut offers life-changing programs to at-risk children in all of the state’s 169 municipalities.
Learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters by visiting ctbigs.org.

Eversource is partnering with Housatonic Community College and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local Unions 420 and 457 to prepare the next generation of electrical lineworkers in Connecticut. The Lineworker Certificate Program provides training in the electric utility industry and the opportunity to progress into Eversource’s paid apprenticeship program. For details, visit Eversource.com.
Robert W. Miller Robert W. Miller
SOUTHINGTON-Robert “Bobby” W. Miller, 69, of Southington, passedaway peacefullyonTuesday,July 4, 2023at AutumnLake HealthcareinCromwell.He had beenthe lovinghusband of thelate Cynthia “Cindy” (Czarnota) Miller for29 years.Robertwas borninNewBritainonJanuary 22, 1954.He graduated from New Britain High School in 1972and went ontoworkatTheLogCabinin Newington,wherehe methis wifeCindy,Kodak Corp until theyclosed and then retiredfrom Northeast Grocery. He loved music andwillberememberedfor kindnessand positiveattitude atall times.This quiet and gentle manwill be missed byall whoknew him. Bob was a longtime memberoftheZionLutheranChurch inSouthington where he wasactive in the choir, congregationsupport, and amember of the AustrianDonau Clubin
SOUTHINGTON - Robert “Bobby” W. Miller, 69, of Southington, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at Autumn Lake Healthcare in Cromwell. He had been the loving husband of the late Cynthia “Cindy” (Czarnota) Miller for 29 years. Robert was born in New Britain on January 22, 1954. He graduated from New Britain High School in 1972 and went on to work at The Log Cabin in Newington, where he met his wife Cindy, Kodak Corp until they closed and then retired from Northeast Grocery. He loved music and will be remembered for kindness and positive attitude at all times. This quiet and gentle man will be missed by all who knew him. Bob was a longtime member of the Zion Lutheran Church in Southington where he was active in the choir, congregation support, and a member of the Austrian Donau Club in New Britain. In addition to his wife Cindy, Bob was predeceased by his father, Robert E. Miller, his mother and stepfather Margaret (Alexanian) Onanian and Harold Onanian and 2 sisters, Marjorie “Lynn” Miller and Kathryn T. McGray. Bob is survived by his cousins and their families; Peter Kurtz and his wife Deb of Southington, Matthew Kurtz and his wife Sara of Addison, VT, Rachael Kurtz of Brooklyn, NY, Leah Kurtz of Southington,

Jerry Salvio and his wife Lisa of Newington, an uncle, Karl Miller of Florida, an aunt, Gail Onanian of New Britain, and many additional cousins.
Bobby’s family would like to extend a special thank you to the entire staff at Autumn Lake Healthcare in Cromwell for their kindness and the excellent care they provided for him. In lieu of flowers, donations in Bobby’s memory may be made to
New Britain. Inaddition to hiswife Cindy,Bobwas predeceased byhis father, Robert E. Miller,his mother and stepfather Margaret (Alexanian) Onanianand Harold Onanian and 2 sisters,Marjorie “Lynn” Miller and Kathryn T. McGray. Bobis survivedbyhis cousinsand theirfamilies; Peter Kurtz andhis wife Deb of Southington, MatthewKurtzandhiswife Saraof Addison,VT, Rachael Kurtzof Brooklyn, the arrangements. For online condolences and directions, please visit www. plantsvillefuneralhome. com.
NY, Leah Kurtz of Southington, Jerry Salvio and his wife Lisa ofNewington, an uncle,KarlMillerofFlorida, an aunt, Gail Onanian of New Britain,and manyadditional cousins.Bobby’s family wouldlike toextend a special thank you to the entire staffat AutumnLake Healthcare inCromwell for their kindness and the excellentcare theyprovided forhim.In lieuofflowers, donationsinBobby’smemorymaybe madetoZion Lutheran Church,531 Woodruff St, Southington, CT 06489. Amemorial service will becelebrated at 11:00A.M. onSaturday, July 15, 2023at the Zion Lutheran Church,531 Woodruff St., Southington. Burial will beheld privately at FairviewCemetery, New Britain. PlantsvilleFuneral Home hasbeen entrusted with handling the arrangements.For onlinecondolences and directions, please visitwww. plantsvillefuneralhome.com.
Michael Barry Miller
SOUTHBURY - If you are reading this and have a passion for model trains, it is likely that your tracks have crossed Mike Miller’s, aka Dr. Choo-Choo. Mike died peacefully on July 5, 2023 at Monarch Motif in Southbury, Connecticut. Mike was born May 23, 1935 to Maude and Charles Miller of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. A selfmade man, Mike lost both of his parents by the age of 13, and from that point forward developed a sense of independence and self-reliance that greatly impacted his future success. Mike graduated from Williamsport High School in 1953 and from The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia in 1957. He excelled in both football and track.

SOUTHBURY-Ifyouare readingthis andhavea passion for modeltrains, it is likely thatyour tracks havecrossedMikeMiller’s, akaDr. Choo-Choo.Mike diedpeacefully onJuly5, 2023 atMonarch Motifin Southbury, Connecticut. Mike wasborn May23, 1935 to Maude and Charles Millerof Williamsport, Pennsylvania.A selfmademan,Mike lost both ofhis parents by the ageof 13,and from thatpoint forwarddeveloped asense ofindependence andself-reliance thatgreatly impactedhis future success.Mike graduated from Williamsport High Schoolin 1953and fromTheCollegeofWilliam and Mary,Williamsburg, Virginia in 1957.He excelledin bothfootballand track.
Mikespent hisentire professionalcareer inthe food serviceindustry. He wasa33-yearemployeeof ARAMARK and served as both District and Regional Manager withinthe SchoolsandCollegesSec-
Stanley David Piorkowski
Stanley David Piorkowski

PROSPECT - Stanley
David Piorkowski, 72, passedawayathishomein Prospect, Connecticut, on July3,2023. Hewasborn
Mike spent his entire professional career in the food service industry. He was a 33-year employee of ARAMARK and served as both District and Regional Manager within the Schools and Colleges Sector. Highly respected for his gentle demeanor and management expertise, staff stood at attention whenever Mike entered a kitchen. Wherever he went Mike commanded a presence, yet he was incredibly humble and unassuming. Upon retirement in 1995, Mike had three goals for post-retirement employment- washing cars at a car dealership, selling fish, and digging deeper into the model train
David Piorkowski, 72, passed away at his home in Prospect, Connecticut, on July 3, 2023. He was born April 29, 1951, the son of the late Mary Piorkowski and Stanislaw Piorkowski of Barnes Street, New Britain, CT, where he was raised. He graduated from New Britain High School and went on to attend college for Accounting.

Stanley worked as an Accountant for over 40 years out of his home and served clients that his father had passed down to him as well as countless friends and relatives.
April 29, 1951, the son of the lateMary Piorkowski and Stanislaw Piorkowski of BarnesStreet, New Britain,CT, wherehewas raised. Hegraduated from NewBritain HighSchool andwent onto attendcollege for Accounting. Stanleyworked asanAccountantforover40yearsoutof his homeand served clients that hisfather had passeddowntohimaswell as countlessfriends and relatives.
Outsideof workStanley enjoyed tinkering on pro-
Outside of work Stanley enjoyed tinkering on projects around the house, cars, motorcycles, boats, and playing guitar.
Stanley is survived by his daughter Sarah Piorkowski, her spouse industry. While the car washing never panned out, Mike worked at Shoprite in Meriden, Connecticut, and therefore checked-off the selling fish box. In 1998 Mike began his second career working for Amato’s Toy and Hobby Store in New Britain, Connecticut under the tutelage of Steve Amato. For many years, Mike fulfilled his third and final post-retirement employment goal. It was during this time that Mike met many train enthusiasts and began a highly successful model train business, hence the name Dr. Choo-Choo. tor.Highlyrespectedforhis gentledemeanorandmanagement expertise, staff stood at attention wheneverMike enteredakitchen. Wherever he went Mike commanded a presence, yet hewas incrediblyhumble and unassuming. Upon retirement in 1995, Mike had three goalsfor postretirement employmentwashingcarsatacardealership, selling fish, and diggingdeeper intothe model trainindustry. While the car washing never pannedout, Mikeworked at Shopritein Meriden,
Mike traveled the state of Connecticut designing and constructing model train platforms and layouts. Collaborative by nature, clients and their family members were often part
As a husband, father, grandfather, and father-inlaw, Mike’s priorities were always family based. His work ethic was secondto-none and is but one of his legacies. He was predeceased by his parents and his brothers with cancer, he maintained his sense of humor. Many of us knew him for his long winded jokes, “Let me tell you a joke real quick,”we all know it was never quick. jects aroundthe house, cars, motorcycles,boats, andplaying guitar.Stanley is survived by his daughter Sarah Piorkowski,her spouse Christopher O’Connell of Prospect,
In lieu of flowers please send a donation to either the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, American Kidney Fund, or the
Connecticut, andtherefore checked-off the selling fish box.In 1998Mikebegan hissecond careerworking forAmato’sToyandHobby Store inNew Britain,Connecticut under the tutelage of SteveAmato. Formany years, Mike fulfilled his third and final post-retirement employment goal. It was during this time that Mike metmany trainenthusiasts and began a highly successfulmodel trainbusiness, hencethe nameDr.Choo-Choo.Mike traveledthe stateofConnecticut designingand constructing modeltrain platformsandlayouts.Collaborative bynature, clientsand theirfamily members wereoften part oftheworkcrew.
As a husband, father, grandfather, and father-inlaw, Mike’s prioritieswere alwaysfamily based.His workethic wassecond-tononeandis butoneofhis legacies. He was predeceased byhis parentsand his brothersWilliam Miller andwifeBettyMillerRoush andCharles Miller,aswell as his sisters Doris Belock
Connecticut, andtheir daughter Kendall O’Connell.Hislovedoneswereby hisside duringhisfinal days.Despite hisfailing health and battle with cancer, hemaintained his senseofhumor.Manyofus knewhimforhislongwindedjokes,“Letmetellyoua joke real quick,”-we all knowitwasneverquick.
William Miller and wife Betty Miller Roush and Charles Miller, as well as his sisters Doris Belock and husband Henry and Betty Jane Miller. Mike is survived by his loving wife of 63 years Nancy Galway Miller, daughters Mary Garone and husband Dennis, Martha Combs and companion Daniel Arpie, two granddaughters, Hannah Elizabeth and Peri Jenna Combs, nephews William Miller and wife Ellie, Barbara Miller and husband Michael Melloy, Charles Belock, and Mark Belock. We wish to extend an abundance of thanks to the staff of Monarch Motif Southbury, Connecticut who work tirelessly every day to provide for their patients, Aisha BrownGauntlett, Odell Gauntlett, and Claudia Holness of Acuity Homecare, who together gave impeccable care to our father. We are deeply appreciative of their commitment and compassion. In addition, we would like to thank Accent Hospice Services for the outstanding endof-life care given to our dad. A private graveside service was held on Monday, July 10th. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Season Hospice Foundation 8537 Solution Center Chicago, Illinois, 60677. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to DellaVecchia Funeral Home, Southington, Connecticut. To leave a message of comfort to the family please visit www. dellavechiasouthington. com and husbandHenry and BettyJane Miller.Mikeis survived byhis lovingwife of63 yearsNancyGalway Miller, daughtersMary Garone and husband Dennis,Martha Combsand companion DanielArpie, two granddaughters,HannahElizabethandPeriJenna Combs, nephews WilliamMiller andwifeEllie,Barbara Millerandhusband MichaelMelloy, Charles Belock, and Mark Belock. We wishto extend an abundance ofthanks to the staff ofMonarch Motif Southbury, Connecticut who worktirelessly every day to provide for their patients, Aisha BrownGauntlett, OdellGauntlett, andClaudia Holnessof Acuity Homecare, who to- gether gave impeccable care to our father. We are deeplyappreciativeoftheir commitment andcompassion. Inaddition, wewould like to thankAccent Hospice Services for the outstanding endof-lifecare given to our dad. A private gravesideservice washeld on Monday,July 10th.In lieu of flowers, contributionscan bemade toSeason Hospice Foundation 8537 SolutionCenter Chicago, Illinois,60677. Funeral arrangements havebeen entrustedto DellaVecchia Funeral Home, Southington, Connecticut. Toleave amessageofcomforttothefamily pleasevisit www. dellavechiasouthington.com
Inlieu offlowersplease senda donationtoeither theAmericanHeartAssociation, AmericanCancer Society, AmericanKidney Fund,or theAmericanRed Cross.
Agraveside servicewill be held at Sacred Heart Cemetery inNew Britain, CT, on Friday, July 14th, at 1:30p.m.
“Filumena.” His largest role, however, was as Bishop and the understudy for Javert in the Broadway and national tour of “Les Misérables” from 2017-2020.
Before arriving in Southington, Love grew up in Calgary, Canada. At a young age, he took part in perfor- mance choir and theater, sparking his love for performing. After high school Love wanted to become a choral conductor, but one of his teachers set him on the path toward another career altogether.
“I had a vocal teacher tell me that I would be really, really good at singing opera. And I didn't really even like opera at the time. I was like, really? But I started trying it and I ended up really enjoy- ing it. And so I started doing some auditions and I got accepted into this program where I'm from in Calgary Opera,” Love said. “The Calgary Opera program was gonna pay me to study opera with them for a year. It changed everything for me because, after that year, I was fully into the opera world.”
Since then Love has bounced between productions, most of them in the Canadian theater and opera circuits. Eventually he got the opportunity to audition for a “Les Misérables” production in Toronto, which spun off into a Broadway tour. Following the end of the production in 2020 due to the pandemic, Love ended up settling down in Connecticut and getting married.
Connecticut was the natural choice for him, said Love, as he and his partner met when he was on tour in Hartford, and he naturally came back often to visit him.
“The COVID shutdowns allowed me a chance to sort of reflect on where I'm at now. Do I want to be able to do the thing where I drop everything to run wherever a gig pops up, or do I want to start putting down some roots and sort of pick and choose where I want to perform when that opportunity comes up?” Love said.
Once established in the area, Love wanted to dabble in vocal coaching. Seeing the number of theaters, drama schools, and programs in the area, Love believed he could add his voice to the talent in the area.
Getting a space at SoCCA was an opportunity that ultimately fit with Love’s vision for his studio, seeing as SoCCA is a tentpole for arts in the community.
In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at myrecordjournal. com/southington-plainville-requester Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Southington & Plainville Citizen to your home or business, will end.

Help Keep R262417
“It just kind of fell into my lap and it's been such a huge change for my little business here because it's such a great coming-together place for this community around the arts. It's kind of our only arts and cultural building in the town of Southington that I'm aware of. It's got a little bit of everything,” Love said. “There's so many theater companies, there's so many community theaters, professional theaters. There are so many schools with really wellknown programs. And I thought the level of talent in this area is just so high, I'm sure that I can lend my voice to that sort of community and help them in any way I can. ”
The organizers at SoCCA are thrilled to have Love as an addition to their space, being able to touch on a facet of artistic expression beyond their usual lineup of crafts programs.
Love has offered lessons to people of all ages, from teenagers looking to find their voice to 70-year-olds looking to tap into their passion for music as well.
“I just think it's just one more form of art that we added that we would've never had the opportunity had he not like, walked through our door,” SoCCA Executive Director Diann Thomson said, praising how Love has encouraged students to find their own voices.
See Coach, A16
Museum program
Connecticut's Summer at the Museum program enables children to receive free admission at dozens of museums across the state. The full list of participating museums is available at ctvisit.com. Summer at the Museum began July 1 and concludes Monday, Sept. 4.
Wreaths Across America is a nonprofit organization founded to continue and ex- pand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.
The group’s mission – Remember, Honor, Teach – is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as at thousands of veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.
For more information on how to volunteer locally or sponsor a wreath, visit wreathsacrossamerica.org.
Preservation CT
Preservation Connecticut is a statewide nonprofit historic preservation organization, established in 1975 by a Special Act of the Connecticut General Assembly as the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation.
For over four decades, Preservation Connecticut has championed the protection of community assets all over the state.
For more information, visit preservationct.org.
Boxes to Boots
Berlin-based non-profit Boxes to Boots, 28 Chamberlain Highway, sends care pack- ages to members of the U.S. military serving overseas. To learn more about the organization and its needs, visit boxestoboots.org.
From A2 jbuchanan@record-journal.com
He’s suggested Olmstead’s truck to some of his customers looking for something different. While DiVito hasn’t been up the road to That Hits the Spot yet, he plans to and has talked with Olmstead about the business.

“I’ve been trying to help her out. Sweetheart, hard worker, ” DiVito said.
Olmstead said both DiVito and the owners of the Godfather Pizza truck helped her get started and encouraged her.
“(DiVito) let me ask him 1,001 questions. He was a huge supporter,” Olmstead said.
He spends the off season in Florida and said small-scale food truck parks are popular there. Some areas have a half-dozen trucks along with tables and music.

“People make it a destination,” DiVito said.
The Plainville Zoning Board of Appeals conducted Public Hearings and other actions on Monday July 10, 2023, and rendered the following decision(s):
Application #23-06-01
Michael Pelton, 57 Fairbanks Street, Plainville denied a variance to Article #1 Residential Zones, Section 1.03 Dimensional Standards, Sub-Section C Maximum Building Limitations – Maximum Lot Coverage 30% to install a 12-foot pool which would cause the lot coverage to exceed 30% at a property known as 57 Fairbanks Street
The Town of Plainville will host a Public Information Session on Thursday July 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Plainville Public Library Auditorium, 56 East Main Street, Plainville, CT to inform the public about the impending construction of Phase II of the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (FCHT). Phase II of the FCHT is approximately 2 miles long. The project consists of a linear trail from the existing trail head parking on Northwest Drive to Rte. 72 in proximity to North Washington Street.
Application #23-07-01
Danny Carrier, Carrier Group Inc. 68 South Canal Street, Plainville approved a variance to Article #1 Residential Zones, Section 1.03 Dimensional Standards, Sub-Section A Minimum Frontage a reduction from 90’ to 57.14’, approved a variance to Subsection D Paragraph 1b - Location of Detached Structure such that it can be placed in front of the Primary Structure, denied a variance to Subsection D Paragraph 4a – Maximum Height of Detached Structure from 12’ feet to 14’, denied a variance to Subsection D Paragraph 4a Maximum Area of Detached Structure from 700 SF to 812 SF for a proposed new residential house to be built on a property identified as Map 37 Block ) Lot 11 (0 Bilodeau Road)
The remote presentation is broadcast by the State Department of Transportation (DOT) via Zoom and You Tube (see link information below), however, for those without internet access, the presentation will be streamed live at the Plainville Public Library on July 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
Information is available for inspection on the Town of Plainville Website at: https://www.plainvillect.com/home/news/farmington-canal-heritage-trail-phase-2-public-information-session-7202023 and the State of CT links below. Follow up communications and questions must be submitted to DOT at the links and phone numbers below.
Application #23-07-02
Michele Swanson, 18 View Street, Plainville approved a variance to Article #1 Residential Zones, Section 1.03 Dimensional Standards, Subsection B Minimum Side Yard – reduction 20’ to 7’ for the purposes of constructing an addition at a property known as 18 View Street
Application #23-07-03 Matthew Stupienski, 492 Camp Street, Plainville approved a variance to Article #1 Residential Zones, Section 1.03 Dimensional Standards, Subsection B Minimum Side Yard –reduction from 15’ to 6’ for the purposes of constructing an addition at a property known as 492 Camp Street
CHAPMAN AVENUE – (Orrin Avenue)
Application #23-07-04 AMCO Development LLC, Avon, CT tabled a request for a variance to Article 6 Special Standards, Section 6.01 Non-conforming Lots -construction of a single-family house with no frontage on a public roadway for a property identified as Map 37, Block A, Lot 08.
Plainville, Connecticut this 11th day of July 2023
Peter Autunno, Chairperson Plainville Zoning Board of Appeals R262865
1. If you choose to watch the Virtual Public Information Meeting on your own device, please register at https://portal.ct.gov/DOTPlainville109-176 Registration is required to participate. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to access the meeting. Members of the public may submit comments and questions during the two-week public comment period following the meeting. Please direct comments and questions by August 4, 2023 to: DOTProject109-176@ct.gov or (860) 594-2020, or to Mr. Scott Bushee, Project Manager, at Scott.Bushee@ct.gov; (860) 594-2079. Please reference State Project No. 109-176 in your email or voicemail.
2. This meeting will also be livestreamed on YouTube and closed captioning will be available. Non-English translation options will be available on Zoom and YouTube. The recording will also be available on CTDOT’s YouTube Virtual Public Information Meeting playlist: https://portal.ct.gov/ctdotvpimarchive
Persons with limited internet access may listen to the meeting by calling (877) 853-5257 and enter Meeting ID 880 4467 8717. Persons with limited internet access may also request that project information be mailed to them within one week of the presentation by contacting Mr. William Hogan at William.Hogan@ct.gov or (860) 594-2575. Persons with hearing and/or speech disabilities may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). Language assistance may be requested by contacting CTDOT’s Language Assistance Call Line (860) 594-2109. Requests should be made at least five business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.
BUYING MACHINIST TOOLBOXES - Tools & tooling, contents of machine shops, home workshops and small lathes. Call anytime 860-985-5760
TOP CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.
For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc. Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 8am-5pm.
CORVETTE 1998 silver, AT, AC, new tires, 350 removable top, 70K, excellent condition $13,500, Ed, 203-671-9040.

PREMIUM SCREENED TOPSOIL $30/yard delivered, 3 yd, $100 min. delivery Call Jim 860-982-4819
. Top Soil . Compost . . Wood Chips . FOR SALE. Catering to small deliveries. Call Bob (203) 415-0723
ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAIDVintage Electronics, Musical Instruments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Guitars, Audio Equipment, Antiques. 860-707-9350
NEW BRITAIN - 2nd fl., 6 large rooms, w/2 dbl driveways, balcony & GAR, $1,300 + sec. 860-829-1373.
A-1 SERVICE - Is what you will receive from me when purchasing your Old Costume & Fine Estate Jewelry. Napier, QVC, ETC, Jewelry Wanted! “I Pay Top Cash For Your Grandma’s Costume & Fine Jewelry Stash!” I’ll come to you. Julie, 203.443.9602.
ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, musical instruments, signs, arcade games, cameras, pre 1970 sports memorabilia, plus more. One item or entire estate contents. Call 860718-5132.
GRASSY HILL AUCTIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Connecticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: Antiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, Musical Instruments (Saxophones, Trumpets, Violins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH MORE) Advertising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Machinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old Signs, Old Photographs, Old Postcards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewelry, Gold & Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uniforms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Fountain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Winchester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Native American Items, Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hotwheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Furniture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Autographs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please give us a call at your earliest convenience.
Grassy Hill Auctions 203-868-1816 - Grassy HillAuctions.com

WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214.
First shots and worming. Call 603.630.2258.
Wastewater Treatment
The Town of Wallingford is seeking qualified applicants for Superintendent –Sewer. The position is responsible for providing technical and managerial direction in the operation and maintenance of the Town’s wastewater treatment plant, pumping stations, and sanitary sewer collection systems. Applicants should possess a bachelor’s degree, plus 5 years of progressively responsible experience in the wastewater treatment field with 3 years of supervisory experience, or an equivalent combination of education and qualifying experience. Applicants must possess and maintain, a State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)
Class IV Operator certification and a valid CT driver’s license.
Repairs, Decks & Porches, Sheetrock & Taping Water Damage Repairs. Free Est. Ins. MC & Visa. Call Bill (203) 901-2136. CT. Reg. # 0647093
Give some new life to your old decks and porches. We can repair or replace stairs, deck boards, railings. We also construct new decks. HIC#647093 Insured. Call Bill for a free estimate, (203) 901-2136.

TEC ELECTRICAL Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs Welcome. 203.237.2122
HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, #640689, 203.427.7828.

Hot Tub Removal, Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *SPRING YARD Clean-ups* FREE ESTIMATES. LIC & INS. DUMPSTER RENTALS 203-535-9817 860-575-8218
Patios, ret. walls, steps, brick, stone, chimneys. Lic#580443. 203-2320257 or 203-596-0652
LUNO MASONRY - We deal in all types of masonry, stonewalls, walkways, patios, decks. Refs. avail. Free ests. Lic. HIC0643330 & Ins. Call 203.770.9273.
#1 PAINTER’S EDGE MOBILE WASH Chemicals safe for house & plants. House wash, roof cleaning, decks. 25 yrs. exp. Sr Disc. #0656136 Ins. 860.538.5520
Low Rates Call Dennis 203.630.0008
1-st piece inspector, QC manager, Shop manager, programmer, Swiss screw machine setup and operator.
Contact: gary@bnaerospace. com or at 860-665-0134
PT/FT CNC MACHINISTCall Gage Motorsports for appt., 702-8457181.
School Bus Drivers
Needed for Southington/ Meriden/Berlin/Rocky Hill - Must be 21yrs or older and possess a driver’s license for at least 3yrs – Paid training to acquire CDL license and endorsements available –The opportunity to bring your children to work, No
Salary: $97, 917 to $125, 278 annually, plus an excellent fringe benefits package that includes pension plan, medical insurance, life insurance, deferred compensation plan, paid sick and vacation time. A complete job announcement and application may be downloaded from the Department of Human Resources Web Page and can be mailed to the Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492, or emailed to: wlfdhr@ wallingfordct.gov by the closing date of July 25, 2023. Phone: (203) 294-2080; Fax: (203) 294-2084. EOE
K&A ENTERPRISES Sewer & Water Lines, Septic Systems, Site Work. Lic & Ins 203-379-0193 kaenterprisesllc.com

If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins.
CT# 569127
POLISH/ENGLISHSpeaking woman to clean house w/care. 3rd cleaning 30% off. Ins & bonded. Refs. 860-268-2301
OVER 35 YRS EXP Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps. Free est. 860.274.4893.

POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279
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FRONTLINE PLUMBING - Plumbing repairs & replacements, toilets, tubs, sinks, showers, 30 yrs exp., 100% free quotes. #0286296-P1. Bob 203-213-0691.
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