1 minute read
Blooming where I’m planted
from Town Times
roll with life, to accept things, to love right where I am. Bloom where I am planted, as the saying goes. Hopefully, the winds of fortune will blow in my favor, but if for some reason they don’t, I will find a gift in there somewhere.
Perhaps you thought I would be skating right past Birthday Month this year. No mention of it whatsoever. Just zip from February to April.
I think not.
Actually, this hallowed month got off to a slow start, birthday-wise. It was taking a back seat due to the grief of losing my beloved Dakota, as well as a couple of other worrisome situations. I am pleased to announce that Birthday Month is now back in the front seat, where it belongs.
My birthday is my personal New Year. It’s my new beginning. It’s time to take stock. Where have I been? Where am I going? Am I happy with the way things are? If not, what can I do about it? What needs some tweaking, or perhaps a major overhaul? It is time to get busy on me. So here’s this year’s agenda. I intend to be more proactive. To take the reins of my life into my own hands, rather than letting life toss me about. I have been a bit lax. I will be unhappy about this, that, or the other thing, and I will stew, but I do precious little in the way of moving things forward. Now I say, “Full steam ahead!”
And I have another task before me. To just be happy. I know that sounds simple, but for me it isn’t always. I resist things, fight them tooth and nail, wish things were different. It’s a losing battle, and serves only to stress me out. But I have made a promise to myself to