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Vocal Chords’ spring concert on tap
from Town Times
Press Release
The Middlesex Hospital Vocal Chords will present our 33rd annual spring concert, “It’s a Grand Night for Singing,” Saturday, April 29, 7 p.m., at Portland High School, 95 High St.

Egg hunt
Musical director Samuel Tucker has prepared a performance that will be filled with lightness, lift and bounce. “It’s a Grand Night for Singing” will include The Fifth Dimension’s “Aquarius, Let the Sunshine In,” Freddie Mercury and Queen’s “Bo-
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The Middlefield Lions Club

Easter Egg Hunt will take place Saturday, April 1, 1 p.m., at Peckham Park. The age range to participate is pre-K through fourth grade. Refreshments will be provided. The event will include prizes, a Jelly Bean jar guessing contest and a visit from the Easter Bunny.
Local theater
Readers Theater will perform “The Lifespan of a Fact” Sunday, April 16, 2 p.m., at the Durham Community Center. The play, written by Jeremy Kareken, David Murrell and Gordon Farrell, is based on a “trueish” story about a young fact-checker’s struggle to perform his job responsibly for a well-known New York magazine. This entertaining and topical 90-minute performance is sponsored by the Senior Citizens Board. Seating is limited. Call 860343-6724 to reserve a spot.

The Durham Fair Needlework Department will sponsor its next workshop Saturday, April 15, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Middlefield Community Center. Participants will make a cross body bag perfect for carrying a phone and ID on walks. For more details about the workshop, and to register, contact Susan D’Orvilliers: 860-3069024, smdorvilliers@ yahoo.com (put “cross body bag” in subject line).
hemian Rhapsody,” Elton John’s “Rocketman,” Billy Joel’s “Tell Her About It,” and many more classics. Alan Dougherty will be tickling the ivories, bringing his magic to the pieces.
In addition, the Vocal Chords will present our scholarships to graduating students from Middlesex County who will be pursuing a career in nursing or music. Tickets for “It’sa Grand Night for Singing“are $25. Call Diane (860-3472787) or Joyce (860-3423120) to reserve your seats. For more on the Middlesex Hospital Vocal Chords, visit VocalChords20.org.
HHW collection
The Lower CT River Council of Governments will hold a free household hazardous waste collection Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Clinton Public Works Garage, 117 Nod Road. No commercial or business waste allowed. The collection is open to residents of the RiverCOG region, which includes Middlefield and Durham. Visit rivercog.org to learn more.
Sneakers sought
Throughout the month of April, Coginchaug Alliance for Racial Equity (CARE) is collecting used sneakers to benefit scholarships at Strong Middle School and Coginchaug Regional High
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School. The sneakers will be recycled or reused.
Collection boxes can be found at Levi E. Coe Library, the Middlefield Community Center (upper floor) and at the Durham Community Center. Questions? Email coginchaugalliance@ gmail.com.

Road clean-up
Middlefield-Rockfall Community Road Cleanup Day is Saturday, May 6. Volunteers can come to Peckham Park between 9 and 11 a.m. to collect bags, gloves and a trash picker. Then, return unused materials and collected trash to Peckham Park by 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 7 for the town crew to pick up. Rain date is May 7.
CVEF grants
The Coginchaug Valley Education Foundation is accepting grant applications. If you have a great idea, apply now. The application can be downloaded from coginchaugvef.org and are due Monday, May 1. Questions can be emailed to grants@ coginchaugvef.org.
Tag, plant sale
The Durham Garden Club is planning a Tag and Plant Sale for Saturday, April 15, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 163R Middlefield Road. Rain date is Sunday, April 16. Tag sale item donations are appreciated. All funds raised support the club’s annual CRHS scholarship and civic beautification work. Email Karen Patterson, tashmoo4me@ aol.com.
The Middlefield Fire Department seeks volunteers age 18-plus. No experience is required; the department provides the necessary training. To learn more, visit middlefieldfirect.org, email info@ middlefieldfirect.org or stop by the firehouse Mondays before 7 p.m.
The department also has an Explorer program for youth age 14 to 18.
Golf classic
The Cove Kids Classic is scheduled for Friday, May 5 at Lyman Orchards Golf Club. For player/sponsor details, visit covect.org/thecove-kids-classic.
Cat Tales
Join a wonderful and dedicated group of people a few hours a week to help care for homeless cats at Cat Tales’ main shelter. Must be age 15-plus or be accompanied by a parent/guardian. The volunteer application can be found at cattalesct.org. For more information, email: info@cattalesct.org.