2 minute read
It’s not beach-side, but I’ll take it
from Town Times
Those 90-degree days hit us like a ton of bricks, didn’t they? They seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute I had the heat on, so that I could stay nice and toasty throughout those 22-degree nights, and the next minute I was pretty much gasping for air.
Well, it has been said that if you don’t like the weather in New England, just wait a minute. I guess we all waited a minute.
My feet are especially happy. They have kicked off their shoes to the back of the closet, not to be retrieved until the ground is covered with frost. I have, in a short period of time, “summerized.”
All coverings off my kitties’ window boxes, much to Shiloh’s delight. I have taken the cover off the window air conditioner. I have dusted off the fans and gotten them up and running again. In my house it feels like summer is in full swing.

Next on my list is to swap out the winter clothes for the summer ones. This always makes me hold my breath, as I fervently pray that the upcoming season’s garments still fit. I go through the same thing when it is time to drag the winter clothes out. These naughty garments must get bored waiting for their time to come out of hiding, as sometimes they have seen fit to shrink, just to have something to do. I think they should find another hobby. The real moment of truth is the first time I don the bathing suit. I wouldn’t mind a little white lie. Or a big one.
And I must drag out the doggie pool. As previously stated over the years, its purpose is for bathing a dog. Not my purpose, though. It is for providing a bit of relief from the heat. It is a snug fit, to be sure. I have to wiggle my way down into it and then wiggle back up again when I wish to emerge, and my feet touch the sides, but it is good enough for me. I bring my tea and my books, and I am good to go. My own little oasis.
When I am not in the mood, however, for inching myself down into my pool and then flopping all around in an effort to get back out, I sit on my lounge chair. But that is a true sauna, as there is no shade whatsoever. Oh, there are lots of trees, but they belong to the woods, and I
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We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a don’t think it would work out so well for me if I was to perch in some thicket. But I have a plan. I am going to order a beach umbrella from Amazon, one that attaches to your chair. Now if I can get some waves going in the doggie pool it will truly resemble a seaside experience.

I love this time of year, even with the desert-like temperatures we just had. It is so exciting to see everything come to life. I swear, I see a difference from the time I leave for work in the morning to the time I come home. “Were those trees starting to pop out before? I don’t think so. ” Every day has more treats and surprises.
By the time you read this the mercury has dropped a bit, to a more comfortable level, but I am still forging ahead. Doggie pool ready, check. Beach umbrella ordered, check. Fans all working, check. phone number so the paper can contact you for verification.
Now if only those summer clothes behaved themselves over the winter and stayed the same size, I am all set. Wish me luck.
Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.