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Take a vacation, I’ll watch the pets
from Town Times
to them as I can, but in truth, they give much more to me. I always leave with a glad heart.
I have always thought that I should build an ark, like Noah did eons ago, with two of every animal (except snakes; they can remain behind when we set sail) because I love animals so and I want them all. Or I could at least have a farm with every conceivable animal. That might be a bit more realistic, since I don’t have any idea how to build an ark.
I fantasize about it often. The farm, I mean. Getting up and greeting my furry and feathered friends. I can even imagine a cow, or a goat or two, wandering into the kitchen. And they would be most welcome. When I was a kid I would bring home every stray I could find, which my mother immediately sent packing. I always told her that it just insisted on following me home there was nothing I could do about it. Of course, I had coaxed it along the whole way. I think she knew that.
Rock of Refuge
So since I don’t have a farm or an ark, and do not see having either one in the near future, I do the next best thing. I bring animals into my life in any way I can. I have my own furry friends, of course. I work at a kennel, where every dog is a gift. And I pet sit.
Pet sitting is awesome for me. For one thing, I am glad that the dog or cat can stay in their own home, and I do everything I can to keep them happy and comfortable. I love meeting them and getting to know them and, well, just love them. Because I do.
After I have taken care of their physical needs I sit with them for a while quite a while and keep them company. I don’t want them to feel lonely, so I pet them and talk to them and tell them how much they are loved and when their people will be back. I give as much
Rock of Refuge Church is a non-denominational Christian Church located at 350 Main St., second floor, in Durham. Sunday services 11 a.m.; Tuesday Prayer Meetings 6:45 p.m. (Houses of worship are welcome to send items to news@towntimes.com).
Of course, the job does have its funny moments, at least in my view. I had just started this particular job, and I walked boldly into the house calling out the dog’s name. Only the dog was not there. A woman that I did not know appeared, and I instantly realized that I had walked into the wrong house.

The house I was supposed to be in was to remain unlocked for my weekly visit, so I thought nothing of gaining immediate entrance to this abode. The woman was very kind and directed me to the house just down the way, where I was supposed to be. I think “Oops!” pretty much says it all.
So if you and the family need to get away for a bit, I would love to look after your fur babies. Just advise the neighbors to lock their doors, lest I wander in. I might pull up a chair if it is time for supper.
Diana Carr can be reached at 860-349-9542 or princessdi7@sbcglobal.net.

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