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from Town Times
A 2018 study found that 1 in 3 Connecticut families struggle to afford diapers. With that in mind, Coginchaug High School students in Mrs. Mann’s Anatomy & Physiology classes held a drive which ended up pulling in 1,500 diapers for the Diaper Bank of Connecticut. A recent CRHS social media post states, “This idea stemmed from a year-long Pregnancy Project where they learned about fetal development, maternal wellbeing, and complications related to pregnancy and birth. Way to go!”
CRHS, Facebook
From the Capitol Cannabis regulation
In May, House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora voted for legislation that includes Republican initiatives to improve safety in the retail marijuana market.
The bill, H.B. 6699, An Act Concerning Cannabis Regulation, bolsters packaging, labeling and health warning requirements for cannabis products. Additionally, the legislation crucially bans the sale of synthetic THC products that are often found outside of state-licensed dispensaries.
“I didn’t support the original legislation that commercialized marijuana due to the risks it posed to public safety particularly the well-being of children,” Candelora said. “I highlighted these concerns again during a news conference at the start of the year, when my Republican colleagues and I offered priority proposals to add more regulation to the market. I’m glad that Democrats who previously endorsed retail sales have recognized problems and are willing to work with us to fix them.”
See Capitol, A4