3 minute read
Visiting the vet is a tough experience for everyone
from Town Times
brow-if cats have eyebrowsat the dearth of food. Just played and played, without a care in the world.
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Town of Durham, CT
Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the Town of Durham that the Town Tax on the Grand List of October 1, 2022, is due and payable in two installments, July 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024. All Motor Vehicle Taxes and Taxes in the amount of $100 or less are due and payable in full July 1, 2023.
As of this writing I’m afraid I’m a bit of a train wreck. More than a bit, I would say. I dropped my little kitten, Sierra, off at the vet this morning to be spayed, and I am a very nervous mother. Now, I know this is no big deal for most people, but it’s a toughie for me. I keep thinking about what she is going through. Is she scared? Is she in pain? Does she feel sick? Does she know I will be coming back for her?
It’s a very long day for the both of us. Probably more for me. She’ll be out like a light for some of it. I wish I was. So I am watching the clock and trying really, really hard not to think about all of this.
It’s not working.
I’ve been counting down the days to Spay Day, with a feeling of dread hanging over my head non-stop. I have tried to look at the big picture. I really do get the big picture. She would have a miserable life indeed if we did not do this. She might get aggressive, she would want to get out of the house all the time, she would pine away for some Romeo to come and swoop her away. I really do get it. It doesn’t help.
What I most worried about was not being able to feed her. She was not to eat after midnight the night before. And this little girl loves to eat! I leave dry food out for her and Shiloh, and she gets several snacks a day. (She looks a bit thin to me.) But even after a day of hearty eating she will beg me mercilessly for more goodies. So I did worry that on her Big Day she would be most vexed because the food was nowhere to be seen.
I get up at 5 a.m. and we were to leave at 8, so I figured I could look forward to three hours of whining and pitiful meowing and a very big guilt trip. She was rescued from the streets of Bridgeport, and I’m guessing she’s seen her fair share of lean days, so I could imagine she would be thinking, “No food again? How did this happen?!” I dreaded getting up this morning and disappointing her. But she was a trooper, this little girl. Much to my surprise, she did not raise so much as an eye-
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And then, of course, came the disagreeable task of swooping her up and putting her into her cat carrier for The Big Trip. She cried the whole way. And I kept apologizing.
I’ve always been like this. I couldn’t sleep the night before my kids got their shots. In my defense, Ryan didn’t make the whole affair easy. He screamed and cried, more than any other kid I think. Yeah, those were some sleepless nights. Obviously I am not cut out for a career in the medical field, or as a vet or a vet tech. I would always be crying and fretting so, wringing my hands and pacing. I would be of little comfort to the patient.
So in a few hours I will pick up my baby. My friend, who is a vet tech there, gave me a “onesie” they will put on her so that she will not lick her stitches. Better than a cone, is the thinking. And how cute will she look in a onesie!
Well, I’ve almost made it. I just have to hang on for a little bit longer. She’s probably doing a lot better than I am.
You can contact Diana Carr at 860-349-9542 or princessdi7@sbcglobal.net.

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