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Middlefield Democrats select 2023 slate
from Town Times
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A Democratic Caucus was held July 25 at the Middlefield Town Hall for the purpose of nominating candidates for the November municipal election. After nomination and acceptance statements by each candidate, elections were held.
Creative Movement.
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 10:30 a.m. Come move and dance with our favorite dance teacher, Miss Merly. For youngsters in preschool and first grade. Registration required.
Labyrinth Yoga. Tuesday, Aug. 8, 10 a.m.; Thursday, Aug. 10, 10 a.m. Miss Angela returns! Bring a yoga mat or towel. Registration required.
Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.
The unanimous winners for nominations in the Democratic caucus are as follows: Carol Bufithis for Selectman, Tonya Hogan for Secretary, Anne Olszewski for Recording Secretary, Suz Uznansky for Treasurer, Mary Wolak for Board of Finance, Sue McNamara for Board of Finance. Bufithis, Hogan, Olszewski and Wolak are incumbents, and have been in these positions for some time. Uznansky and McNamara are newly nominated. The nominating caucus adjourned after the election of candidates.