Making Waves - Winter 2020

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Making Waves Making Waves Summer Winter 2016 2020

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NOAA Fisheries Implements Amendment 21 to the Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan NOAA Fisheries is implementing Amendment 21 to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan, also known as the Summer Flounder Commercial Issues Amendment. This final rule implements the measures in the amendment. Amendment 21 changes the state-by-state commercial quota allocations when the coastwide quota exceeds 9.55 million lb, and updates the fishery management plan goals and objectives for summer flounder. When the coastwide quota is 9.55 million lb or less, the quota would be distributed according to the current allocations. In years when the coastwide quota exceeds 9.55 million lb, any additional quota beyond this threshold would be distributed in equal shares to all states except Maine, Delaware, and New Hampshire, which would split 1 percent of the additional quota.

Read the bulletin and final rule as filed in the Federal Register.

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