Recruitment Extra Recruiters Yearbook 2013

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The Recruiters’ Yearbook directory of industry products and services for recruitment professionals

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Managing Editor Lesley Horsburgh Tel +61 2 8587 7920 Editor Imogen Tear Tel +61 2 8587 7920 Advertising Australia & New Zealand Andrew Parsons Tel +61 2 8587 7462 Design Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited http://sites Customer service and subscription inquiries Tel 1300 304 195 Fax 1300 304 196 Email Publisher Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited ABN 64 058 914 668 Head office 100 Harris Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 Tel +61 2 8587 7000 Fax +61 2 8587 7100 Š Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited 2012

All information in recruitment extra is copyright. Material is not to be used or reproduced without written permission. No responsibility is taken for unsolicited material. Articles reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the publisher.

A word from the editor


Forward thinking


An insight into 2012 from some of our industry’s leading experts

Directory 23

Index 64

From the editor

forward thinking

Lesley Horsburgh Managing Editor, recruitment extra

Welcome to the 2012 annual recruiters’ yearbook. We are pleased to provide you with an updated version of our popular handbook and hope it will continue to prove a useful resource for guiding your purchasing decisions. The directory is also available live on our website at Once again I’d like to thank all the contributors who afforded their time and expertise to comment on the future of the industry in the first section of the book “forward thinking”. I wish everyone a very prosperous 2012!



Forward thinking

forward thinking


Nick Beames CEO at Astute Payroll


Steve Granland CEO at Recruitment & Consulting Services Association (RCSA)


Lesley Horsburgh Manager - Media Division at Thomson Reuters


Paul Kitchin General Manager, Fairfax Employment


Stefano Masiello Head of Marketing at CXC Global


Paul Masters Tax Partner, Deloitte


Julie Mills CEO of Information Technology Contract & Recruitment Association (ITCRA)


Bronwyn Murphy Owner, BJ&M Consulting Services



forward thinking

the next level of cloud computing is already upon us, and if your firm hasn’t taken advantage of it yet then 2012 should be the year you get on board

Nicholas Beames, CEO and Founder of

Nicholas is a veteran of the recruitment industry. With a career spanning 17 years Nicholas cut his teeth in the fast paced world of finance recruitment in London before returning to Australia, at just 26 years of age, to start his first recruitment business. A decade later, in 2006, Nicholas founded and with his business partner, Marcus Webb, has grown the company into the largest online Temp & Contractor management application provider in Australia. Every day thousands of recruiters use to manage their Temp & Contractor workforce online, anytime, and from anywhere. Nicholas has completed post graduate studies in Commerce, Accounting, and Business with Sydney University and is completing an MBA with Southern Cross University. He is a Fellow of the AHRI, a Fellow of the RCSA, and a Member of the AICD.



forward thinking

Cloud computing is changing the way we work for the better. Are you on board? In November 2011 I gave a speech at the RECTEC 2011 Conference on the single most significant change to the way recruitment firms conduct business – which was the use of integrated cloud computing applications. We have all heard the generalised basic topic of cloud computing described and spoken of in a variety of ways however the next level of cloud computing is already upon us, and if your firm hasn’t taken advantage of it yet then 2012 should be the year you get on board. When I say the next level, I refer to the integration of individual best-of-breed cloud computing applications to provide a solution specifically for you. A stand-alone CRM application like Bullhorn, a stand-alone contractor workforce management application like, or a stand-alone accounting application like Xero are all terrific examples of cloud applications on their own – but transformative in so many ways when made to talk to each other. The best way to take advantage of this concept is to find the right best-of-breed cloud applications for your firm’s various needs then ensure they can talk to each other. Once integrated you then have a number of cloud computing applications joined to provide a seamless end-to-end process. This is the complete opposite of say a 1980s ERP system that was designed as one system to do everything. The ERP was “the jack of all trades and the master of none”. With a carefully chosen set of cloud applications that integrate with each other you can have “the master of all trades” and at a fraction of the cost, installed in no time. The best example I like use is the company I founded many years ago – Together with business partner Marcus Webb, and the wider team, operates as a cloud computing application integrating with a number of CRM’s at the front end, like Bullhorn, Job Adder, and TRIS. The cloud application then automates the full management of your Temps & Contractors – including compliance, TFN submissions, timesheets, expenses, award interpretation, and invoicing. At the back end then integrates with a number of payroll & accounting applications. The bottom line is the recruitment firm gets to take full advantage of the different applications and what they are designed to do. It’s “the best of all worlds” wrapped up into one. Are you on board yet?



forward thinking

Building subject matter expertise is very important, as factors such as the skills shortage will bring continued focus on our industry

Steve Granland, CEO, RCSA Steve has over 15 years of senior management experience working with professional/industry associations in the finance (FINSIA), insurance (ANZIIF) and human resources (AHRI) sectors. Steve’s responsibility across professional associations has primarily been membership management, corporate business development/ sales, marketing and the expansion of continuous professional development systems. Prior to entering the world of professional association management Steve worked with a major bank for 10 years across a number of departments including Marketing, International and Human Resources. Steve has a degree in Banking and Finance and a postgraduate qualification in International Marketing.



forward thinking

2012: An opportunity to continue building a positive and inclusive culture Despite the difficult patches during 2011 the outlook for 2012 is encouraging with the IBIS industry report predicting good growth in perm recruitment for the next five year period. At the same time many challenges remain for our sector particularly in relation to the uncertainty around global economic stability. 2011 saw sound growth in the RCSA’s output and membership after a difficult few years. Over 2011 the RCSA has welcomed approximately 150 new corporate members and 1,000 new individual members. The next 12 months will see the RCSA continue to focus on three areas, the first of which is maintaining and building professionalism and standards. The RCSA Code for Professional Conduct is rated by members as the most important part of being a member of RCSA and is increasingly recognised as essential in both public and private tenders. The RCSA will continue to work on all levels to set the bar very high and promote this actively to all stakeholders. Additionally, in 2012 the RCSA will launch a revised education pathway which will support the Professional, Emerging & Aspiring Recruitment Leaders (PEARL) program and be linked to the RCSA individual membership structure. In an effort to continue to recognise professionalism and excellence, in addition to the three RCSA Awards from 2011 (Young Recruitment Professional, Outstanding Contribution and McLean Award for Workplace Safety) the RCSA will be launching a new Corporate Social Responsibility Award in 2012. Secondly, the RCSA will continue efforts to influence policy. The RCSA needs to be at the table to discuss challenges facing our industry. To add validity to these discussions we need to present ourselves with empirical data and hence credibility – so stakeholders and influencers are willing to listen. Gathering this data and producing quality research will be a key focus for 2012. Early in 2012 the RCSA will formally launch the global research report produced by Ciett “Adapting to Change”. Finally, the RCSA will continue to build a culture which is inclusive. There is a huge amount of talent, experience and subject matter expertise throughout the current RCSA membership, in lapsed membership and those who have not yet been members. Building subject matter expertise is very important, as factors such as the skills shortage will bring continued focus on our industry. The ACTU’s campaign on flexible work is but one example and 2012 presents an opportunity to build positive responses on this and other issues.



forward thinking

Whilst these changes can bring uncertainty and anxiety, they also go hand in hand with opportunity

Lesley Horsburgh, Manager – Media Division at Thomson Reuters With a background in marketing, feature writing, PR and recruitment, Lesley launched recruitment extra in 1998. In 2003 she bought out partner Mary Dowrick and rebranded the title, which was then acquired by Thomson Reuters in 2007. Since that time Lesley has continued to manage the development of the publication and launched the Annual Recruitment Excellence Awards in 2008.



forward thinking

Rise to the challenge in 2012 2011 was an eventful year politically, globally and within the business world. As nature produced a continuous roll of drama from earthquakes and tsunamis to hurricanes, floods and tornadoes such turbulence was mirrored internationally with the continuing European debts woes, civil uprisings, revolutions, rioting, shootings and scandals. Whilst these changes can bring uncertainty and anxiety, they also go hand in hand with opportunity. The landscape has altered and it will never be the same again but there is now clearly a chance to seize this change and evolve with it. I believe we’re on the cusp of something very exciting in the recruitment industry and those of us that can rise to the challenge will forge forward. “Carpe diem” as the saying goes. By recognising that our industry has transformed – and will continue to do so – enables us to develop policies that react and interact with such change. We need to accept that this is the way it is going to be from now on. Companies that can think on their feet, be nimble, quick-witted and who expect the unexpected will have the opportunity to thrive in this environment. It is imperative that recruiters think outside the box in 2012. The industry needs to be innovative and flexible in terms of both what they offer and what clients are going to expect. There isn’t a neat and comfortable strategy to follow, it’s all about accepting the fact that recruiters no longer simply recruit – they need to respond to an increasing diversity of recruitment needs. The industry has to take a holistic approach and look towards developing their offering. There is still a skills shortage to contend with and a likely double dip to traverse but those who can approach these challenges with fresh-thinking will in turn be able to help their customers grow and succeed. Whether this means outsourcing, partnering or acquiring, whether it’s upskilling or reskilling, whether it’s developing and sourcing talent through new and unexpected avenues, it’s those who dare to do things differently who will be the ones that prosper in twenty twelve.



forward thinking

There is no longer a mass approach to sourcing the best candidates in any sector. Instead there is a growing need to reach candidates across a range of media when they’re not looking for a job

Paul Kitchin, General Manager, Fairfax Employment

Paul Kitchin is the General Manager of Fairfax Employment, a division of Fairfax Media and is responsible for all Fairfax Employment businesses across its major newspapers and websites including MyCareer,, Indigenous Jobs Australia, Jobs in Retail and Prior to joining Fairfax in October 2011 Paul held senior management positions within the gaming and telecommunications industries spanning over 20 years across Australia, the USA and Singapore.



forward thinking

Making the most of a changing media mix 2011 saw the continuation of several key trends in the employment sector which are having a particular impact on hiring and recruitment advertising. First, the strength of the employment market in Australia is increasing the competition for talent in the workforce. We’re seeing close to full employment with only 10% of the working population anticipating changing positions in the next 12 months. There is an increased focus on employment branding, and talent pipelining, as well as a greater emphasis on social recruiting. Second, there is the long term trend of part time workers increasing as people begin to search for alternatives to the traditional 38 hour working week. Third, the internet has enabled the globalisation of jobs and new work practices. In particular ‘crowd sourcing’ is emerging where websites are connecting buyers and suppliers of project based work online, often crossing international borders. What does all of this change mean for the recruitment market? There is no longer a mass approach to sourcing the best candidates in any sector. Instead there is a growing need to reach candidates across a range of media when they’re not looking for a job. The challenge, however, is how to reach these candidates effectively as new technology and new media continues to emerge at an unprecedented rate. Audiences continue to fragment and the number of channels that consumers are using at any one time continues to expand. We now see a typical consumer using print in the morning, mobile on the move, online while they’re at work and a tablet of an evening. What will set the best recruiters apart in 2012 will be their ability to adapt to all of these different channels of communications and their skill in delivering channel specific messages in each of these environments. At MyCareer our focus is on meeting the changing needs of candidates, recruiters and business across Australia by being more targeting and with a reinvigorated approach to connecting with our customers in different ways across the various platforms including the Fairfax Network. In 2012 you will see us improve our website and its search capabilities, reach out to passive candidates across our many newspapers and websites and deliver more and more of our products to mobile devices. And, we’ll be making sure that we’re listening to our customers even more to understand their unique hiring challenges and working to deliver recruitment solutions that maximise the multitude of media platforms currently in market. Source: ABS Australian Labour Market Statistics Jan 2012



forward thinking

The reality is the vast majority of recessions are double dip and generally the second dip is driven largely by emotion

Stefano Masiello, Head of Global Marketing, CXC Global

Stefano Masiello is Head of Global Marketing at CXC Global. He has over 15 years’ experience in Australasia, the Middle East and Europe working primarily with leading ERP and payroll IT organisations. As a qualified Industrial Designer, Marketer and Projet Manager, Stefano’s experience has seen him involved in projects ranging from developing online multi-currency solutions, GPS, medical, HR, payroll and superannuation to market turnaround and penetration campaigns for global clients, including PwC, Deloitte, Oracle, Microsoft, Great Plains, Galileo, Bankers Trust, Professional Advantage and British Aerospace.



forward thinking

Managing your contractors during 2012 Looking over what I had written last year nothing much has changed. Or has it? Here we sit “post GFC” on the cusp of a double dip which everyone seems so surprised may or is in fact happening. The reality is the vast majority of recessions are double dip and generally the second dip is driven largely by emotion ... as we are seeing now. What this new realisation, or challenge, brings to the Australian market is that we should still be refining our processes. In 2012 I believe we will see an increased utilisation of outsourcing … doing business smarter. Here are two reasons why. The law: The Commonwealth, States, and Territories have acceded to carry out harmonised WH&S Legislation across the country starting January 1, 2012. The benefits of the harmonised OHS laws were summarised as creating consistency in safety standards across the country and improving the duty of care owed by business owners. Since approx 25% of the overall workforce can be loosely classified as contingent, compliance to regulatory obligations can consume up to 25% of the time of senior management of large organisations. Ensuring that your business complies with the new laws significantly reduces employment liabilities and penalties. Aberdeen Group found that organisations that outsourced their contractor management were 41% more likely to comply with federal, state and regulatory policies concerning independent contractors. Technology: As soon as you implement a tool there will be a better one and let’s face it very few firms use more than 30% of the actual capabilities of the technology. So why then do we insist on owning the technology? It doesn’t make sense when a third party can own and run that responsibility for you. It’s a matter of finding a trusted partner. Driving other efficiencies through the business is already leading many agencies (and end clients) to outsource non-core tasks, to reduce administration headaches, liability issues and increase profitability. A contingent labor management solution, like CXC Global, does just that. Of course, there is no one size fits all approach. It is important to consider the effects that outsourcing these responsibilities will have on your business specifically. Would your agency benefit from offloading extra admin duties to another company? Should your agency let somebody else shoulder the burden of identifying and managing the numerous risks of engaging contractors? At the end of the day it quite often boils down to control. Many of us feel if we own the process all will be fine. Either way, there is no doubt that the business environment is changing all the time, so be sure to remain on top and in tune with the market. We all need to engage in smarter business practices.



forward thinking

Those agencies that have hedged their position by offering a more diverse range of services and focused growth in offshore operations may be better positioned to weather 2012

Paul Masters, Tax Partner, Deloitte Paul Masters ­specialises in p ­ roviding taxation advice to recruitment companies, particularly in the areas of M&A, restructuring and tax planning. He is the tax adviser to four ASX listed recruitment companies and n ­ umerous private recruitment companies.



forward thinking

New directions Last year my comments focused on the lessons learnt from 2008 and 2009, in particular the assurances that can be gained by diversifying your agency with both a mix of perm and contracting businesses. Most of the feedback I received agreed with the comments; however a number of you mentioned that one of the biggest issues facing the industry over the last five years has been the decline in margins and the ways to deal with the continuing increase in competition in the Australian market. This combined with customers striving for greater productivity and cost controls has meant that Australian agencies need to find ways to hedge against these trends. My comments this year focus on the direction agencies are taking to protect against these threats and how agencies are approaching an uncertain global economy. When I look at the successful larger agencies in both Australia and globally there is one thing stands out at nearly all of them. Large agencies are no longer relying on their perm and contracting businesses to drive growth. They are looking for ways to cross sell different services to the same clients. The different services are mostly employee outsourcing services such as human resources, business process outsourcing, employee testing or payroll. Many agencies have achieved this through acquisition; however some have organically grown businesses through head hunting key staff to seed new areas. As the clients already exist, the services can be readily cross sold and the revenue is considered to be low hanging fruit. Global expansion has also been seen as a way to expand and grow. This is not beyond the reach of most midsized agencies. Prior to 2008, the focus for the majority of agencies was the United Kingdom which was probably a result of so many English running agencies in Australia. Now, however, the focus for expansion is Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Indonesia. We have seen global expansion through both organic means and acquisition. In fact, offshore acquisitions in 2011 by Australian agencies were nearly as high by percentage than local acquisitions. This was driven by both a high Australian dollar and Australian agencies having comparatively strong balance sheets compared with global agencies. Overall, 2011 showed a modest improvement in trading conditions for most agencies and although the majority of agencies are excited with the prospects of 2012 there is a sense of cautious optimism. Those agencies that have hedged their position by offering a more diverse range of services and focused growth in offshore operations may be better positioned to weather 2012.



forward thinking

2012 will continue a period of growth and evolution

Julie Mills, CEO of Information Technology Contract & Recruitment Association (ITCRA) Julie Mills is the CEO of ITCRA. Prior to taking this role in May 2010 she was the CEO of the RCSA (Recruitment & Consulting Services Association Ltd) and remaginet. Before that Julie had leadership roles with the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce and the Science Teachers’ Association. She was awarded an Honorary Life Membership of RCSA for her contribution to the Association and the industry and is also recognized in the Who’s Who of Australian Women for her contribution to the employment landscape. Julie has held positions on the current Australian Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Group (Federal), the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Committee (Occupational Health & Safety Working Group); the Privacy Commissioner’s Prinet Group and the Mature Age Taskforce (Federal). She is currently a member of the Deakin University’s Chancellors RoundTable, the Queensland Government’s ICT Advisory Group, the Australian Network on Disability Special Interest Group (Vic) and a Board Director of ITSuper and of several other Boards focussing on industry standards and best practice.



forward thinking

SkillsMatch – An Essential Business Tool for HR and Recruiters ITCRA anticipates that 2012 will continue a period of growth and evolution for both the Association and the ICT industry in Australia. ICT recruiters will need to respond to the changing recruitment market and growing skills shortages, and ITCRA will support this by providing data and research that demonstrates the strength of the ICT market and provides insights for both recruiters and candidates. SkillsMatch will provide the support and insight recruiters and clients need to make insightful strategic decisions in 2012 – delivering real-time data from our Members during the recruitment and placement process. Launched in 2007, SkillsMatch includes data from more than 20 of Australia’s major ICT recruitment agencies, with information on approximately 30% of all ICT placements in Australia. We’ve also recently introduced a number of upgrades, which make the system easier to use and offer recruiters greater flexibility around the data they choose to enter. SkillsMatch reports are now an essential business tool for HR managers, internal recruitment teams and recruitment teams generally who want to understand the trends in ICT placements, salaries, skills and more. The ITCRA Board strongly supports SkillsMatch as a priority for 2012. As ITCRA President, Russell McDonald, recently noted at our Gala Dinner, the better the information, the better the decision-making. SkillsMatch is already used by a number of private and Government agencies to assist in understanding immigration needs, education forward planning, workforce planning and trends to support policy decisions and strategy. This puts ITCRA Members who are contributing to SkillsMatch at the forefront of policy decision makers. For example: • MultiMedia Victoria, part of the Victorian Department of Business and Innovation, has subscribed to SkillsMatch for several years and uses the data to develop ICT skills policies and programs. • The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations has used SkillsMatch data when reviewing the state of the ICT industry. • The Australian Government Information Management Office is currently undertaking a review of ICT skills, and ITCRA has provided key information from SkillsMatch in a discussion paper for the organisation In 2012 ITCRA will broaden the focus of SkillsMatch and contribute to ongoing data provision and research projects, Government submissions and whitepapers, which will ensure SkillsMatch and ITCRA Members have a voice in shaping the future of the ICT industry.



forward thinking

To be truly forward thinking and to advance your business it is beneficial to use best practice recruitment methods to bring the right people on board and alleviate staffing loss

Bronwyn Murphy, Owner/Principal Coach, BJ & M Consulting

Bronwyn is the owner and principal coach/trainer of BJ&M Consulting Services. The business provides its client with tools to improve the recruitment skills of Recruitment Consultants and Managers, HR professionals and Executives responsible for hiring decisions. Bronwyn is also passionate about helping companies retain staff through better hiring decisions and ongoing people management. Bronwyn’s clients include a range of firms within the professional services, IT, recruitment and international markets. A former recruitment consultant and head hunter, Bronwyn has a wealth of experience recruiting across all levels along with a sound track record in managing successful relationships. She has considerable experience delivering short courses and workshops in a class environment along with a successful history of coaching businesses at a more in-depth level. To date her recruitment and training career spans over 14 years.



forward thinking

Recruitment staffing it’s a bit of – “do as I say, not what I do” Moving forward in business requires planning and a little bit of luck. To be strategic it is useful to conduct a resource audit and assessment and analyse past successes and failures to see what lessons need to be learnt. Success often coincides with a period of stability and cohesiveness in staffing; a time when the personalities, skills and motivation of each team member adds to the team to make it greater than the sum of its parts. The attitude and aptitudes of your staff is one of your most important resources, so why do many businesses not implement best recruitment practices to engage their own staff but instead, recruit in a crisis? BJ&M Consulting has been conducting exit interviews for clients wishing to make decisions about their staffing based on evidence of success and failure. Our method is to interview successful staff and the exstaff members who have left the business in the past 18 months. We could guess at why they left based on their exit interview but these interviews are often so poorly conducted that the data is almost useless. Where possible we extend our data collection to include potential staff who turned down a job offer or voluntarily dropped out of the recruitment process. Our findings almost always reveal: • • • • • • •

The role was not as described in the interview The business was not honest about its expectations Despite a promise to the contrary, there was no induction or training so new employees felt lost and were or did fail The recruitment process took so long they were offered another role in the interim The company said it was a warm desk and it wasn’t The management style wasn’t conducive to success The team leader had favorites.

The above statements can be perceived as nefarious, coming from disgruntled failures but to dismiss the data could lead to a repeat of past mistakes. To be truly forward thinking it is beneficial to use best practice recruitment methods to bring the right people on board and alleviate staffing loss. Being in crisis mode makes business managers put a “warm body” in the seat rather than wait for the “right fit”. To assist the future, do the right things now, such as: • • • • • • • •

Conduct a skills audit and recruit the required skills not just a role Assess the best fit attitude for each position Be honest about the full requirements of a job including if it requires sales and administration tasks Consider splitting a role into two and having a part-time sales person and part-time administrator working together to make one consultant Look at the possibility of engaging staff with specific skill sets on a short-term or rolling contract Do what you say you do Work quickly and be thorough when sourcing your own staff And if an individual is not the right fit – don’t employ them, no matter how desperate you are.

Ensuring you use best practice to engage your own staff will slow attrition rates and save on time and costs leaving you with the ability to move forward and grow your business further. THE RECRUITERS’ YEARBOOK 2012





Advertising Agencies Assessment Certification Services Financial Services HR & Payroll Industry Associations Industry Benchmarking Learning & Development Management Consultants Media & PR Agencies Migration Services Online Recruitment Recruitment Process Outsourcing Recruitment To Recruitment Software

24 28 31 32 36 38 40 41 45 46 48 50 52 54 58




Advertising Agencies

Blaze Advertising The most experienced and awarded employer branding and digital specialists in Australia’s employment marketing sector we provide research, web and social media development, creative, and transactional and strategic employment marketing services. Employing over 140 of the country’s most experienced recruitment advertising professionals we offer our clients astute local and international media planning and reliable campaign management. We have a strong track record combining candidate insights and new media to achieve the attraction, retention and business objectives of organisations large and small. The Blaze philosophy is to fully understand our clients and their business objectives to become a reliable and valuable partner. Blaze has offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Darwin and affiliates across New Zealand, Asia, North America and Europe. Blaze Advertising Peter Sharpe, CEO Level 12, 35 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Tel: +61 2 9020 8700 Fax: +61 2 9020 8766 Website:

Reagent Reagent is the communications partner for many boutique and larger recruitment firms across the country excelling in their respective niche. We can help you develop innovative sourcing strategies for your clients to give you a competitive edge in your market, and guide you through the marketing process for growing your business. We’re a smaller privately-owned agency, with a high service ethic and a focus on creative solutions to difficult challenges. We manage all forms of online and more traditional advertising, print production and web development. If you want to reach the best talent for your clients, contact Mike Beeley at or call him on 0410 883 707. Reagent Tel: 0410 883 707 Email:



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Advertising Agencies

Unimail Unimail is a multi award-winning employer branding and graduate publishing agency that offers a full portfolio of marketing services, from consulting and strategy to creative, digital and production. We are a young, commercially astute agency with the creative nous to turnaround client briefs in record time, without dropping the strategic focus or losing sight of the end result. Unimail’s flexible, insightful approach to business ensures it adapts to market needs as they arise and intuits clients’ needs before they arise. The 11-year old team is made up of a group of specialists who share a commitment to developing great ideas and innovative solutions. Unimail’s collective experience spans 50 years and six countries to offer clients a truly integrated, global perspective.

Unimail Pty Ltd Level 3, 9 Barrack Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Tel: +61 2 8296 7616 Fax: +61 2 9299 8266 Email: Website:





SkillCheck Pacific Pty Ltd SkillCheck Pacific Pty Ltd provides skill testing substantially via internet-based delivery and also on pc and network based licensing. Product categories include: • • • • •

Microsoft Office, Lotus, WordPerfect, etc. Call Centre Skills Clerical Skills Legal Skills Medical Skills

Skill testing may take different forms, depending upon the test(s) being undertaken: • Performance-based full product simulation • Computer Adaptive Testing • Interactive Audio-based testing

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Licensing models and pricing vary depending upon type of test/assessment required and delivery channel. Skill Check Pacific Pty Ltd PO Box 970, Banora Pint, NSW 2486 Australia Tel: 04 0201 4237 Email:

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Call 1300 304 044 This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, situation or needs. Before making a decision about RecruitmentSuper, you should consider your own requirements and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement. For a copy call us or visit the RecruitmentSuper website, Professional Associations Superannuation Limited (PASL) (ABN 14 056 917 303 AFSL 222590 RSE L0000352) is the Trustee of Professional Associations Superannuation Fund (PASF) (ABN 78 984 178 687 RSE R1000429). RecruitmentSuper is a Division of PASF. *PASL has engaged eo Pty Ltd (ABN 53 000 013 276 AFSL 232501) to provide general financial advice, marketing and sales services on behalf of PASL. Financial services provided by eo Pty Ltd are provided under eo Pty Ltd’s Australian Financial Services Licence. Relationship Managers and Consultants are employed by eo Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 57 103 181 844) and are Authorised Representatives of eo Pty Ltd.




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Certification Services

fathom Auditing and certification services Need a quality certification for that tender? Want to be sure your systems are best practice? Fathom have been auditing the recruitment industry for over eight years. We specialise in recruitment services so we understand your business and we know industry best practice. We audit ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems as well as 4801 OHS and 14001 Environmental Management. We also manage the program for the RCSA Service Delivery Standard on behalf of the RCSA. We are professional, friendly, and easy to work with. Contact us for information on what is involved.

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Financial Services

Bibby Financial Services Bibby Financial Services BibbyFinancial FinancialServices Services isis aa leading leadingglobal globalnon-bank non-bankprovider provider Invoice Finance solutions to small Bibby ofof Invoice Finance solutions to small and and medium businesses, helping over 5,000 clients in 14 countries fundofsales overWe $7bn. medium sized sized businesses, helping over 5,000 clients in 14 countries fund sales overof$7bn. are part of WeBibby are part the Bibby Group, with origins shipping dating to 1807. Bibbyoffer Financial the LineofGroup, with Line origins in shipping datinginback to 1807. Bibbyback Financial Services recruitment Services offer labour firms a funding fast, flexible andtoresponsive funding to and labour hirerecruitment firms a fast,and flexible andhire responsive solution manage cash flowssolution and release managecapital cash flows andgrowth. releaseWe working to fund growth. Weand provide a full rangesolutions of working to fund providecapital a full range of confidential notified funding confidential anddiscounting notified funding solutions including invoice discountingan and full service invoice including invoice and full service invoice finance, incorporating efficient accounts receivable finance, incorporating an efficient accounts receivable service. service.


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Deloitte Deloitte has an industry group that focuses on recruitment. The group is made up of partners from audit & advisory, taxation services, corporate finance, management consultancy, security & privacy services and the workplace responsibility group. Apart from providing traditional services such as taxation and audit, we also provide specialised services such as: • consultancy on the selection of databases/CRM systems and linkage to social media; • database security and privacy advisory; and • workplace responsibility advisory and certification for temporary staffing. The group is a reflection of why more leading recruitment organisations choice Deloitte to provide taxation and audit services than any other accounting firm in Australia. If you are looking for a business partner that understands the recruitment industry, Deloitte will provide you with experience and knowledge beyond your expectations. We are also proud sponsors of the Thomson Reuters Recruitment Excellence Awards. Deloitte Paul Masters, Partner Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel/Direct: +61 2 9322 7851 Fax: +61 2 9255 8382 Mob: 0408 955 505 Email: Website:




Financial Services

OAMPS Insurance Brokers OAMPS offers a broad range of insurance products through our team of recruitment industry insurance experts, to cover recruitment and consulting agencies. This includes public liability, professional indemnity, directors and officers and employment practices liability, workers compensation and business package insurance. Our broad range of products automatically covers the activities of recruitment and consulting, on hiring of employees and contractors in all occupations, executive coaching, occupational health and safety advice, human resources and change management advice. In addition to the insurance products offered our expert team can assist with client/host employer contract reviews, risk management reviews and occupational health and safety information. OAMPS is a proud business partner of the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA) and the Information Technology Contract and Recruitment Association (ITCRA). For a free review of your insurance, contact OAMPS and quote “oampsREC” to ensure the applicable discount is applied! OAMPS Insurance Brokers 289 Wellington Parade South East Melbourne Vic 3002 Tel: +61 3 9412 1212 Fax: +61 3 9412 1155 Email: Website:

Oxford Funding Part of the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Group, Oxford Funding is Australia’s leading national tailored debtor finance specialist, providing cash flow solutions to recruitment and labour hire businesses. Oxford Funding’s debtor finance enables you to access cash otherwise tied up in unpaid sales invoices. We buy your invoices, paying you up to 80% of the total invoice value, usually within 24 hours. When your debtor pays, you receive the remaining 20%, less a small fee. Meet seasonal demands and staff payroll obligations without requiring property security or restrictive lending covenants. To find out how our debtor finance can be tailored to meet your cash flow needs, call us on 1800 850 509 or visit Oxford Funding Julie Comar National Sales & Marketing Manager Level 3, 120 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands 3008 Tel: 1800 850 509 Fax: 1800 850 510 Website: THE RECRUITERS’ YEARBOOK 2012


The Australian Tax Handbook 2012 Published continuously since 1955, The Australian Tax Handbook is a convenient volume covering the full spectrum of income tax law, related taxes and tax reform. It features clear overviews, concise explanations and worked examples to make the tax system easier to understand and apply in practice. The 2012 edition of this premier tax reference book has been given a structural renovation, with an improved chapter arrangement, and focuses on clarifying core tax principles for practitioners and students. Without compromising the quality of its analysis, the Handbook has shed excess commentary to more clearly set out the core tax principles it addresses. The Australian Tax Handbook’s traditional strength in providing greater depth of coverage ensures it remains the premier tax research book available to today’s market. FEATURES

• States the law as at 1 January 2012 and covers proposed changes to tax law outstanding at that date.

• Comprehensive coverage of income tax law, regulation and practice and related taxes, presented in a concise, easy-to-read format.

• Clear explanations and practical analysis supported by numerous worked examples. • Logical organisation and structure – tiered commentary, with clear overviews and introductions leading to deeper analysis of specific tax topics.

• Quick reference tools such as tax rates and tables, ‘ready reckoners’, depreciation rates, calendars, checklists.

• Extensively cross-referenced to other Thomson Reuters key tax resources.

To order or for more details call 1300 304 195 Or visit


Financial Services

RecruitmentSuper With over 400,000 members, RecruitmentSuper is Australia’s leading industry super fund for the recruitment and employment services sector. RecruitmentSuper is dedicated to providing members with low-cost super and high quality services. In 2011, for the second consecutive year, RecruitmentSuper was named as one of only 12 super funds to be awarded a 5-star rating for ‘outstanding value’ by Canstar Cannex for its SelectSuper category. This is further endorsement on top of the Gold Rating awarded by SuperRatings. RecruitmentSuper supports industry growth, offering education programs, seminars and road shows; and is the Principal Partner of the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA). To speak to a Relationship Manager call 1300 304 044 or visit

RecruitmentSuper Tel: 1300 304 044 Website:




HR & Payroll Connecting the recruitment process from placement to payroll, is an easy to use online web app that eliminates administration and ensures your Temp & Contractor business is risk free to run smoothly and profitably. Automate all aspects of the management of your Temps & Contractors – including compliance, induction, TFN submissions, online timesheets, expenses, award interpretation, invoicing and payroll. Purpose built for the recruitment industry, our unique workflow tools improve your cash flow, probity, reliability, and seamlessly integrate the front and back end of your business. Choose one or more of the modules that you need to manage an effort free workforce, accurate payroll, or select our Outsourced Payroll service and we will handle everything for you.

Astute Payroll Level 9, 289 Flinders Lane Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: 1300 794 070 Fax: 1300 794 071 Email: Website:

CXC Global CXC Global™, a leading supplier of contingent workforce solutions, every day helps thousands of organisations (and individual contractors) decrease costs and increase profits by providing innovative contractor management, compliance, risk mitigation, salary packaging, payroll and remuneration solutions. Founded in 1992 CXC Global™ has offices on 5 continents, in over 20 countries, and has led the development of new technologies and initiatives enabling both corporations and individual consultants to adapt in today’s high performance work environment. CXC Global™. The global leader in innovative Contractor Remuneration & Contingent Workforce Solutions. Visit for more information.

CXC Global PO Box 7217, Warringah Mall, Brookvale NSW 2100 Sales: 1300 724 082 H/O: 1300 724 081 Email: Website:




HR & Payroll

NFC Global NFC Global is a Contractor Management and Outsourced Payroll provider which assists recruitment agencies in reducing their payroll costs and administration whilst improving their payroll processes. They reduce the administrative burden of payrolling contractors by taking on the obligation of remitting taxes and super and ensuring that contractors have the appropriate levels of PI, PL and WC cover. They also provide payroll financing at no extra charge which dramatically improves the cashflow for small to medium size recruitment agencies. NFC offer: • Payroll financing – pay contractors in advance • 2.5% management fee for payroll, salary packaging and payroll financing • Comprehensive salary packaging, including: LAFHA, Novated lease and more. For more information please contact NFC Global Level 31, RBS Tower 88 Phillip St Sydney, NSW 2000 Website:




Industry Associations

Australian Human Resource Institute Often a big issue for organisations and recruiters looking to fill a role is not the number of applications received for a role, but the suitability of the candidates. HRcareers, the Australian Human Resources Institute’s (AHRI) online job board, was designed with this in mind — to connect high-quality HR job seekers to the best jobs on the market. Because HRcareers is regularly promoted to AHRI’s professional members, advertisers get exposure to HR and people management professionals in Australia who are passionate about HR, and keep their professional networks and skills and experience up to date. For more information about advertising on HRcareers, contact AHRI Corporate Sales (e-Services). Australian Human Resources Institute Level 13, 565 Bourke Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Australia Tel: +61 3 9918 9223 Fax: +61 3 9918 9201 Email: Website:

ITCRA Information Technology Contract & Recruitment Association is the pre-eminent body in the ICT recruitment sector in Australia and New Zealand. ITCRA’s members enjoy the benefits of: • • • • • • • • •

Access to Business Issues papers and standard forms The ITCRA Certified Professional Program for recruitment consultants Recognition when tendering for preferred supplier panels Access to up-to-date IT skills data through SkillsMatch An online portal for professional networking Member Committees and forums in eight cities in Australia and NZ Free access to IT2, the IT job board provided by Career One and Recruit Advantage IT Super, administered by TOWER Australia and Consultum Financial Advisers An IT industry specific PI/PL insurance scheme through CGU and OAMPS. ITCRA Julie Mills, Chief Executive Officer Level 3, 343 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Tel: +61 3 8622 4700 Fax: +61 3 9600 1950 Email: Job Boards;




Industry Associations

RCSA Australia and New Zealand The Recruitment and Consulting Services Association Australia & New Zealand is the peak body for the recruitment, on-hire, contracting and workforce solutions services sector. RCSA sets the benchmark for industry standards through representation, education, research and business advisory support so the industry may concentrate on its core business. Clients and candidates alike are increasingly using the services of RCSA Corporate and Individual Members who are bound to the ACCC authorised Code for Professional Conduct. Securing the services of a RCSA Member means your workforce solutions are in good hands. RCSA Australia & New Zealand PO Box 18028 Collins St East Melbourne VIC 8003 Australia Tel: +61 3 9663 0555 Fax: +61 3 9663 5099 Email: Website:



Recruiting the Recruiter Perth's most established Rec2Rec

Specialising in the Rec2Rec sector, our aim is to increase levels of professionalism across the recruitment industry and reduce staff turnover. Services:

Permanent recruitment Temporary / Contract recruitment Temporary to permanent Third party exit interview service Third party reference checking service Recruitment software supplier Injury Management software supplier

Contact Details: WEB EMAIL PHONE FAX (08) 9388 2720 (08) 9388 2730


we place recruitment specialists with recruitment specialists THE RECRUITERS’ YEARBOOK 2012



Industry Benchmarking

Rib Report Serious about improving your company and achieving that leading position in the market? Then you really do need to know how you compare…. The Recruitment Industry Benchmark Report enables professional recruitment companies to benchmark their performance against their peers. Using key, industry specific business measurements, it is designed specifically to meet the requirements of the recruitment business. RIB membership provides your recruitment consultancy with true market leading comparisons — vital in the modern business environment — far ahead of anything that internal or informal measurement can provide. Other benefits include: • Adds a valuable external perspective to your management team • Identifies operating strengths or weakness in eight categories • Highlights areas for cost reduction or process improvement • Performance Trends are tracked consistently in two time frames • COMPARES your result to THE RIB Avg (<100 other recruitment firms) For more information contact Rib Report PO Box 8803 High Street Armadale, Vic 3143 Australia Tel: +61 3 9005 7007 Website:




Learning & Development

BJ & M Consulting A fresh look at securing and retaining staff With almost 20 years of experience working in Recruitment and HR, our aim is to increase the skills and professionalism of all recruiters and recruitment and retention processes. Whether you are an agency recruitment consultant, an in-house HR department or a line manager tasked with recruiting new staff, our training gives you the skills, knowledge and support to achieve faster and more successful recruitment outcomes. Our Consulting Services include process design and re-engineering, performance coaching and consulting to implement recruitment best practice. We will give you a better understanding of how well your business is working as well as how engaged your staff are and how to maximize their potential. We are also experienced in writing and advising on tender responses, the design and implementation of major account management strategies. Our clients include recruitment agencies, small business and corporate organisations across a wide range of industries. We offer full training and coaching of recruitment company staff at all levels from new recruits to management. BJ & M Consulting Bronwyn Murphy Level 2, 50 York Street Sydney NSW Australia Website: Tel: 0431 480 034




Learning & Development

Recruitment and Consulting Services Association Australia & New Zealand The RCSA Learning Centre provides opportunities for recruitment and HR services practitioners, managers and support staff to learn, maintain and update skills and knowledge. Whether you prefer to engage face-toface at workshops and conferences, flexibly through online and distance, through interactive web delivery or through informal functions, the RCSA has developed options just for you. The RCSA offer a range of programs that provide high-quality information and education on issues including recruitment basics, sales, ethics, legal and current interests. These programs cover topics from foundation level through to management level. Programs include breakfasts, luncheons, seminars, issues briefings, workshops, Certificate and Diploma programs, as well as online, interactive WebinR and LearnR modules. Participation in RCSA Learning Centre programs accrues points for Members in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program. RCSA Learning Centre Tel: +61 2 9922 3477 Email:

Ross Clennett Ross Clennett has been providing professional development services to the Australian and New Zealand industry since 2003. Regardless of your professional development budget, Ross Clennett has something to enhance the skills and motivation of recruitment owners, managers and consultants. Services include: • Subscription to Ross’s free topical weekly newsletter, InSight, which includes a copy of Ross’s popular ebook Succeed Quickly or Fail Slowly: A High Performance Framework for Recruiters • Online shop with webinars and ebooks available for purchase • Monthly webinars • Eight week online Rookie recruiter Training Program, via webinar • annual company membership for 24/7/365 access to all website resources • ½ day and full day recruitment skills and leadership workshops • conference keynote • personal coaching programs Ross Clennett Tel: 03 5977 1577 Mob: 0423 557 701 Email: Website:




Learning & Development

TRTC – Recruiter Training and Development TRTC focuses exclusively in training and development for Internal & Professional Recruiters. We have been successfully developing world class recruiters for over 10 years and are respected as the industry leader. With over 40 in-house workshops to choose from, public workshops, webinars and training tailored to your organization and sector, we can help you reach your recruitment potential. Our clients tell us we provide the most practical training available in the marketplace today. TRTC is accredited to both ITCRA and the RCSA. We also boast one of the largest recruitment coaching practices in Australasia. If you want recruitment success, Try Us Now. Please contact: TRTC – Recruiter Training and Development Gaynor Lowndes FRCSA Tel: 1300 685 838 Mob: + 61 (0) 403 213 643 Email:




Management Consultants

Deloitte Deloitte has an industry group that focuses on recruitment. The group is made up of partners from audit & advisory, taxation services, corporate finance, management consultancy, security & privacy services and the workplace responsibility group. Apart from providing traditional services such as taxation and audit, we also provide specialised services such as: • consultancy on the selection of databases/CRM systems and linkage to social media; • database security and privacy advisory; and • workplace responsibility advisory and certification for temporary staffing. The group is a reflection of why more leading recruitment organisations choice Deloitte to provide taxation and audit services than any other accounting firm in Australia. If you are looking for a business partner that understands the recruitment industry, Deloitte will provide you with experience and knowledge beyond your expectations. We are also proud sponsors of the Thomson Reuters Recruitment Excellence Awards. Deloitte Paul Masters, Partner Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel/Direct: +61 2 9322 7851 Fax: +61 2 9255 8382 Mob: 0408 955 505 Email: Website:

HHMC HHMC is an independent corporate advisory group with a sharp focus on the Australian and New Zealand Recruitment industry. Our services include M&A, corporate advisory and offshore recruitment process outsourcing. Organisations seeking practical corporate outcomes have benefited from outstanding industry knowledge and professional advisory services. HHMC operates throughout Australia and New Zealand and works in conjunction with partners’ offices globally. HHMC provides an experienced team with a strong practical background in executive financial and corporate management as well as corporate advisory services. The principals of HHMC, Rod Hore and Richard Hayward, support leading industry associations. HHMC Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 1857, North Sydney NSW 2059 Australia Level 20 8-20 Napier Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia Tel: +61 2 9925 2229 Email: Website: THE RECRUITERS’ YEARBOOK 2012



Media & PR Agencies

Buchan Celebrating 25 years in business, Buchan is one of Australia’s most experienced and respected consultancies. Our work is about improving communication, understanding stakeholders, managing complex issues and analysing information to enable sound decision-making. Buchan’s work is diverse, spanning four practice areas. We use multiple approaches and channels, drawing on our practical experience and critical thinking abilities to meet our clients’ needs. Our specialist teams work with a range of clients: global corporations, publicly listed Australian companies, governments, public sector agencies, regulatory authorities and industry associations. We also invest considerable intellect and energy representing philanthropic and community causes. Client representation often extends across borders with active programs in New Zealand, Asia Pacific, UK, Europe and the USA. These programs are managed in conjunction with Waggener Edstrom. Buchan Level 13, 499 St Kilda Road Melbourne Vic 3004 Tel: +61 3 9866 4722 Website: Suite 4, Level 14, 6 O’Connell Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: +61 2 9237 2800 Website:

Fairfax Media Fairfax Media Limited is Australasia’s leading media company. It is the largest integrated metropolitan, rural and regional, print and online digital media company in Australasia, with publications and websites in every State and the ACT in Australia, and throughout New Zealand. In Australia, mastheads include The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian Financial Review, The Canberra Times, BRW, The Sun-Herald and The Land. Its New Zealand mastheads include The Dominion Post, The Press, The Sunday Star-Times, TV Guide, NZ House and Garden and Cuisine. In addition, Fairfax Media publishes regional and community newspapers, financial and consumer magazines, radio licenses in metro and regional Australia and several agricultural publications in New Zealand and the United States. Fairfax Media has leading online businesses Fairfax Digital in Australia (including the number one online news sites: and, and leading classified and transaction websites such as and and Trade Me and in New Zealand. In November 2007, Fairfax Media acquired key assets of Southern Cross Broadcasting (Australia) Limited, including radio stations 2UE in Sydney, 3AW and Magic 1278 Melbourne, 4BC and 4BH Brisbane, and 6PR and 96fm in Perth, Satellite Music Australia and other associated businesses. Fairfax Media Website:




Media & PR Agencies

recruitment extra recruitment extra is the only independent print publication for the recruitment industry in Australia. Established in 1998 and published by Thomson Reuters since 2007, recruitment extra has become the flagship publication for recruitment professionals in the region. The monthly magazine looks at connecting industry through a range of commentary, commissioned articles, expert panels and industry news and data. With a readership of business owners and operators, corporate recruitment teams and frontline recruitment professionals, across Australia and New Zealand, the title was perfectly placed to launch the Recruitment Excellence Awards in 2008. The awards focus on quality businesses and performance across recruitment and have grown exponentially since inception.

recruitment extra Advertising: Andrew Parsons Tel: 02 8587 7462 Email: Editorial: Imogen Tear Level 5, 100 Harris Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 Tel: 02 8587 7258 Email: Website:




Migration Services

CXC Global CXC Global™, a leading supplier of contingent workforce solutions, helps thousands of organisations and individual contractors decrease costs and increase profits by providing innovative contractor management, compliance, risk mitigation, salary packaging, payroll and remuneration solutions. Founded in 1992 CXC Global™ has offices on five continents, in over 20 countries, and has led the development of new technologies and initiatives to enable both corporations and individual consultants adapt to today’s high performance work environment. CXC Global™. The global leader in innovative Contractor Remuneration & Contingent Workforce Solutions. Visit for more information. CXC Global PO Box 7217, Warringah Mall, Brookvale NSW 2100 Sales: 1300 724 082 H/O: 1300 724 081 Email: Website:




Migration Services

Lester Associates With over 12 years of industry experience Lester Associates is an integrated migration practice, contract management and payroll solutions company. Our goal is to provide compliant and cost effective migration, recruitment administration, sponsorship facilitation and fiscal/payroll management solutions. These solutions are offered on an international basis, to both corporate and freelance independent contractors. The cornerstone of the group’s success is our adherence to best practice coupled with a drive for continued selfimprovement. With offices in Sydney and London we can assist you with all your contractor needs. Whether you are looking to outsource your company payroll, take care of all your contractor needs or look after any migration issues – The Experts in Migration and Contract Management have the answer!

Lester Associates Level 4/61 Lavender Street Milsons Point, Sydney NSW 2061 Australia Tel: +61 2 9956 8228 Fax: +61 2 9956 8499 Email: Website:

Search ME Cover ME Place ME Ecruit ME

guess what?.... this man just made a placement.


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Online Recruitment

JobAdder JobAdder is Australia’s most intuitive online recruitment management and job posting system. JobAdder’s RMS is a web based solution that runs on any web browser and most mobile devices including iPhones and iPads. The user interface is intuitive and easy to use, configurable by the user and requires little training. JobAdder has the best job posting system in the market built in as a standard module. This gives you access to over 250 job boards and social media web sites with the click of your mouse. JobAdder also offers a fully integrated online time sheet management system. JobAdder is an Australian company and all JobAdder software is locally developed, locally hosted and locally supported by highly trained staff. With JobAdder you have one integrated solution from one local provider. Find out more about JobAdder at or call us on +61 2 9955 1555. Recruitment solutions sssimplified. JobAdder Tel: +61 2 9955 1555 Website:

Linked In LinkedIn ( is an internet platform company focused on connecting the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. Launched in 2003, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network of affluent, influential and successful people with more than 85 million members, including executives from every Fortune 500 company, across 200 countries. A new member joins LinkedIn approximately every second. LinkedIn has more than 1.5 million members across Australia and New Zealand. It set up an office in Sydney in January 2010 and has a local team working with businesses to assist them with LinkedIn’s marketing and recruitment solutions. LinkedIn Recruiter is an enterprise recruitment solution that enables recruiters to connect and engage with passive candidates on the LinkedIn network. It has powerful search and communication tools to identify and reach highly skilled candidates and built-in collaboration tools that enable enterprises to share project information and organise workflow. Linked In Steve Barham Director Enterprise Solutions AU & NZ Email: Website:




Online Recruitment

Linkme is Australia’s leading career management tool for white and blue collar professionals. Recruiters use LinkMeJobs’s superior search technology to access a resume database of over half a million active and passive candidates that may not otherwise be accessible to them. Through this untapped stream of candidates, users of LinkMeJobs experience an increase in ability to win business, make placements, and to reduce cost per placement and time to fill. The LinkMe job board and distribution network, coupled with our resume database, provides a holistic approach to fulfilling your clients’ requirements. Call LinkMe today to find out how we can help your business grow.

Linkme Alison Sparkes Suite 1, Level 1, 207 Ben Boyd Road Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Tel: 02 8969 7745 Mob: 0410 500708

MyCareer MyCareer offers print and online advertising options tailored specifically to your recruitment and employer branding needs. We understand the importance of attracting high-quality candidates while reducing your time-to-fill ratio. With innovative products and channels, such as the MyCareer iPhone app and MyCareer Video, you can highlight your employment opportunities and employer brand in a smart and modern way while extending your reach to jobseekers anytime, anywhere. As an employment platform under the Fairfax Media umbrella, advertisers also access a vast active and passive audience through associated Fairfax websites such as and MyCareer Tel: 1300 799 337 Website:




Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Global Virtual Support Global Virtual Support (GVS) is an administrative outsource provider situated in Melbourne. Founded in 2009, GVS grew out a need to provide the best virtual team possible, one that gets things right the first time around and provide outstanding customer service. GVS are experts at; 1) Virtual Assistants – A virtual concierge service that removes the clutter of running a business. Word processing, newsletter creation and providing Candidate Care: GVS can call your candidates on your behalf. 2) Database cleaning – GVS will ensure your candidate database is correct and up to date at all times. 3) Market research – GVS can help set up lead generation for potential clients, networks or partnerships, in addition to conducting surveys and comparison shopping to inform suppliers. Global Virtual Support Pty Ltd Suite 5.04, 365 Little Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia Tel: +61 3 9005 7730 Mob: 0402 844 332 Email: Website:

IMS IMS is an internationally renowned ‘Staffing Ideas’ company that functions as a one-point source for organising talent and delivering intelligent staffing solutions, tailored to suit the unique needs of each organisation in a dynamic environment. Headquartered in India with offices in the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and the United States, we have the expertise and experience to cater to the human resource needs of companies across the world. IMS services match world-class quality and our well-structured processes help us provide customised solutions. In Australia IMS has a growing reputation for providing offshore RPO solutions that assist agencies provide innovative services to their clients and improve internal value. Interactive Manpower Solutions Pvt Ltd PO Box 1857, North Sydney NSW 2059 Australia Level 20, 8-20 Napier Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia Tel: +61 2 9925 2229 Email: Website:




Recruitment to Recruitment

Ashworth Ashworth is all about helping you find your ideal role in the recruitment industry. As a well-known and respected business, we have established relationships with some of the most exciting recruitment agencies in Sydney and Melbourne. In addition, Ashworth’s consultants are active in building new relationships with companies which can offer an outstanding option for our candidates. Our clients are companies who are doing things differently. You will find that the roles we have for you will be unique and you will get the opportunity to work with high-performing, mature professionals who will invest in you and your career. If you’re an agency looking for high-calibre talent, or a candidate looking for a new role, call us today. Ashworth Graeham Pratt Level 9, 66 Hunter Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9223 4900 Mobile: 0417 855 510 Fax: 02 9223 4288 Email:

Barton Mills Recruitment Barton Mills Recruitment (BMR) delivers a specialist recruitment to recruitment service to the Australian recruitment industry. BMR is now one of the largest rec to rec agencies, with consultants based in three locations – Sydney, Melbourne and London. BMR distinguishes itself from other rec to rec agencies with its international candidate reach, tailored consultative service to both clients and candidates and the experience level of our consultants (an average of five years specialist rec to rec experience and eight years general recruitment experience in the team). We work with Graduates to Directors within the recruitment industry. Our focus is on the professional services sectors across all major cities. The founders, Clare Barton and Richard Mills launched the business in 2004 and still actively consult to the recruitment industry today. Barton Mills Recruitment L10, 46 Market Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: +61 2 9262 5544 Mobile: +61 411 582 417 Email: Website:




Recruitment to Recruitment

Intercruit Established in 2003, Intercruit is the most recognised and successful Rec to Rec in Western Australia. We are continually introducing highly effective and successful recruitment professionals to some of the finest companies amongst Australia’s staffing services industry. At Intercruit we understand and empathise with the corporate needs of the entity aligned with the personal needs of the individual. Our aim is primarily to assist our clients and our candidates with the fulfillment of their business and career objectives. We intend to play our part in promoting the recruitment industry as a dynamic, vibrant and entrepreneurial vocation and an exceptional career choice. Intercruit Tel: 08 9388 2720 Fax: 08 9388 2730 Email: Website:

JPA Recruitment JPA Recruitment to Recruitment was established in London in 1999. Since 2004 the company has successfully re-located hundreds of experienced recruiters between Australia, New Zealand, UK, Hong Kong and Singapore. JPA are the only recruitment to recruitment business that has offices in the UK (London) and Australia (Sydney). We have specialist and experienced consultants on hand to assist clients and candidates throughout the whole process and due to our geographical locations we can provide up to the minute local market knowledge and opportunities. We have the ability to initiate your process prior to your departure giving you peace of mind knowing you have a role secured, or have interviews arranged for when you arrive at your chosen location. JPA are looking for Recruitment Consultants, Recruitment Team leaders/Managers and Executive Search Consultants across all sectors and locations. JPA Recruitment Level 14, 3 Spring St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Tel: 02 8249 4033 Email: Website:




Recruitment to Recruitment

Lime Resourcing With over 20 years of local and international recruitment experience, Lime Resourcing is a business with strong networks that will enable your next move in recruitment to be a smooth one. Our consultants are experts in their field, know their clients inside-out, and therefore provide solutions to the client business. Our approach at Lime is consultative, professional and focused on delivery. Whether it’s a trainee role or a senior management position, Lime Resourcing has connections to provide the opportunities you’re looking for. Specialising in Permanent and Contract work in the Recruitment sector, our disciplines cover Internal or Onsite Recruiters, Human Resources and of course, Recruitment Consultants themselves.

Lime Resourcing

Level 13, 167 Macquarie Street CAREER ADVISORS TO THE Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 8667 3120 RECRUITMENT INDUSTRY Level 27, 525 Collins go toStreet Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: 03 9935 2835 SYDNEY MELBOURNE BRISBANE Level 7, 320 Adelaide Street Brisbane QLD Tel: 07 3010 9368







Data Savvy Data Savvy is an Australian owned and operated business specialising in true online database software solutions. HR Departments, Blue and White Collar Recruitment Agencies, Injury Management Departments, Bulk Recruitment Departments and all types of Recruitment Agencies use our product range. Data Savvy’s software has been developed in conjunction with Australian consultants with many years of experience in recruitment, Safety, HR and Injury Management systems. Our systems are online and totally secure. This gives our clients total flexibility for accessing our systems. Our comprehensive product range is user friendly, flexible and easily implemented. Data Savvy is constantly developing and enhancing modules which seamlessly integrate to our existing solutions to ensure your software is current and inline with market trends.

Data Savvy Tel: 1300 253 213 Website:

FastTrack Whether it’s Permanent, Temporary, Contract, Labour Hire or Executive Search, we have successfully partnered with 650+ consultancies to help our clients drive a profitable business. Measurable efficiency and productivity gains Rich in functionality, configurable, scalable, and integrated, FastTrack’s solution has built-in best-practice business processes, delivering measurable productivity and efficiency gains. Reliability, stability and knowledge Partnering with FastTrack means you benefit from the experience and expertise of the people behind a proven, trusted system. As recruitment software specialists, we understand your operational needs while supporting your business objectives. We understand the end-to-end solution model From front-office, to back-office, FastTrack is the complete end-to-end solution. Whether choosing all, or one of our solutions, be confident we understand your whole-of-business needs. FastTrack Pty Ltd Level 14, 499 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 Tel: 1800 063 555 Fax: +61 3 9225 9601 Email: Website:



Looking for Support? take advantage of your rCSa StatuS More and more clients & candidates are deciding to use the services of professional recruitment & on-hire firms. And with RCSA Individual Members (Accredited Professionals, Members and Fellows) bound to the ACCC authorised Code for Professional Conduct, potential clients are looking for your RCSA Icon to be assured they’re in safe hands. Give your staff, clients & candidates your assurance‌

Email for icon information



iprofile iProfile is a data management solution developed specifically for recruitment companies. By becoming part of the iProfile network, recruiters have access to up-to-date candidate information enabling you to find and place candidates more quickly at lower cost. The iProfile is rapidly replacing the traditional resume, with almost 400,000 candidates in the Australian network already, and over 4 million worldwide. iProfile delivers productivity gains directly to your recruiter’s desk through the use of powerful search technology combined with structured and up-to-date candidate data. Recruiters can now build dynamic Talent Pools that are constantly being updated. This enables your recruiters to make more placements without reliance on job boards and advertising.

iprofile Tel: 1300 CV PORTAL ( 1300 287 678 ) Email:

Microdec Profile RPM is much more than a simple “off-the-shelf” recruitment software solution. It can be configured for individual needs and incorporates automated routines and workflows for all recruitment types including: Executive Search, Permanent, Contract, Temporary and Industrial for all sectors. Thousands of users around the world that benefit from Profile RPM have an advantage over their rivals — their recruitment consultants are able to make more placements in less time, resulting in increased profits. Profile RPM combines the power of leading-edge technology with established communication integration methods. These include Microsoft Office for integrated word-processing, spreadsheets, Outlook for diaries and email, plus integration with back-office payroll systems, Multi Job Posters and report writers. New SMARTmatcher and SMARTfeeds ensures you are always up-to-date. Microdec Level 12 , 1 Pacific Highway North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia Tel: +61 2 9959 1018 Fax: +61 2 9959 3003 Email:





uWorkin is an exciting new app that gives recruiters direct, real-time access to every job on the market in Australia and New Zealand. uWorkin provides you with a powerful BDM tool, a research reference point and a way to communicate with your candidate base quickly and efficiently. See which way the market is moving in Œreal time‚ and share opportunities with your candidate base via Facebook, Twitter and through your iPhone contacts. Over 170,000 jobs were listed within the first 2 weeks of the app going live and over the next 12 months a number of innovative developments will see the application becoming a must have tool for both recruiters and job seekers alike. Visit today!

Tel: (03) 9682 6297 Website:

WorkDESK WorkDESK has created software for Australian and New Zealand Recruitment, Staffing and Labour Hire Professionals since 1983. Why WorkDESK? • WorkDESK is a complete, comprehensive, “enter once”, fully integrated product, rather than an amalgam of software packages and spreadsheets • we understand what our clients face in an incredibly competitive marketplace • the product is constantly evolving as required by legislative changes, user needs and technological advances WorkDESK provides a proven and reliable product and is committed to its ongoing development. Our clients have at their service a dedicated support team they can talk to when they need help. Need more information? Pay a visit to our web site or contact us on 1800 777 004. WorkDESK Recruitment Software Suite 27, 10 Benson Street, PO Box 1236, Toowong, Qld 4066 Tel: 1800 777 004 / +617 3377 3666 Fax: +617 3377 3663 Email: Website:




It’s still not too late to have your company listed in recruitment extra’s directory… The Recruiters’ Yearbook is now online and features live links to each of the suppliers’ websites listed in the directory. If you are a supplier of products or services to the Australian and New Zealand recruitment industry and would like to join our online directory, a 12-month subscription is now available. Simply contact Andrew Parsons on 02 8587 7462 or email

directory INDEX Ashworth ................................................................................................................................................................54 Astute Payroll .............................................................................................................................................. 7, 36, 66 Australian Human Resource Institute................................................................................................................... 38 Barton Mills Recruitment ......................................................................................................................................54 Bibby Financial Services ........................................................................................................................................ 32 BJ & M Consulting ............................................................................................................................................. 21, 41 Blaze Advertising.................................................................................................................................................... 24 Buchan ....................................................................................................................................................................46 CXC Global ............................................................................................................................................15, 27, 36, 48 Data Savvy ....................................................................................................................................................... 49, 58 Deloitte ..................................................................................................................................................17, 32, 45, 65 Fairfax Media .....................................................................................................................................................13, 46 FastTrack ................................................................................................................................................................58 Fathom..................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Global Virtual Support ...........................................................................................................................................52 HHMC .....................................................................................................................................................................45 IMS .................................................................................................................................................................... 41, 52 Intercruit ...........................................................................................................................................................39, 55 iprofile .....................................................................................................................................................................60 ITCRA .......................................................................................................................................................... 19, 38, 43 JobAdder .................................................................................................................................................................50 JPA Recruitment .....................................................................................................................................................55 Lester Associates ....................................................................................................................................................49 Lime Resourcing ....................................................................................................................................................56 LinkedIn ............................................................................................................................................................ 50, 61 Linkme .....................................................................................................................................................................51 Microdec ...........................................................................................................................................................57, 60 MyCareer .........................................................................................................................................................2, 13, 51 NFC Global.............................................................................................................................................................. 37 OAMPS Insurance Brokers ..................................................................................................................................... 33 Oxford Funding ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 Psylutions ...............................................................................................................................................................28 RCSA Australia & New Zealand ........................................................................................................... 9, 39, 42, 59 Reagent .................................................................................................................................................................. 24 recruitment extra ...............................................................................................................................................11, 47 RecruitmentSuper.............................................................................................................................................29, 35 Rib Report ..............................................................................................................................................................40 Ross Clennett .........................................................................................................................................................42 SkillCheck Pacific Ltd .......................................................................................................................................29, 53 Thomson Reuters..............................................................................................................................................30, 34 TRTC — Recruiter Training and Development ......................................................................................................44 Unimail ...................................................................................................................................................................26 Uworkin .............................................................................................................................................................25, 62 Workdesk ................................................................................................................................................................62



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