Details on Capital Investments Digging Into the Details of Infrastructure and Education Investments Figure A1: Main Components of Investments Needed, Further Detailed in Appendix A
Component Collection Investment (including Hub-and-Spoke) New MRF Investment
Capital Needed
Cumulative Total
$4,123,000,000 $998,000,000
Education and Engagement for Material Quality and Optimized Recovery ($10/HH per year for five years)
Film and Flexible Packaging Collection and Processing
MRF Upgrades Hub-and-Spoke Transfer
Cart-Based Collection Equitable and informed access envisions investments in curbside recycling that establish efficient best management practices focused on cart-based collection while recognizing that some curbside-served households will still require bin-based collection. 26 In addition to investment in collection containers (carts and bins), the model also projects the need for new trucks to serve the expansion in cart use and to optimize curbside service. Trucks with automated collection improve the efficiencies of recycling collection and protect the health and safety of sanitation workers through a contactless system.
In general terms, the model shows the curbside system will advance through: • Converting 2.5 million households currently with no access to cart-based collection • Converting 4.2 million households currently with off-site dropoff to cart-based collection • Providing new carts to 3.6 million current curbside-subscribing households •A chieving full cart-based subscription of curbside service for 16.9 million current non-subscribers • Converting 4.8 million automatically served households from bin- or bag-based collection to carts • Providing a second bin to 6 million households that will likely stay in bin-based collection Using basic cost factors of $50 per cart, $8 per bin, and $300,000 per truck, as well as a basic truck utilization assumption, Figure A2 shows the projected capital investment needed to achieve 26
Some urban landscapes do not easily accommodate cart-based collection – e.g., row housing in many cities in the Northeast.