Crystal Healing techniques

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Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing

Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing Welcome to the Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing mini-course. The information herein compiled is an introductory step towards Healing oneself with the aid of Crystals, real wonders of Mother Nature. The human relationship with crystals span over millenia and not only have we made use of their energies for healing but also for boosting intuition and creativity, for protection, manifestation and just general well being. Crystals are pure solarised sunlight and since they have taken millions of years to form their shape, through deposition of materials, their wisdom is tremendous. Each crystal has its own resonance or vibration (personality) which can be used for healing and harmonising the human energy field. This course covers the following subjects: PART 1 - Introduction to Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing PART 2 - Basic Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing Concepts PART 3 - Identifying the Chakras PART 4 - About Crystals PART 5 - Crystal Cleansing PART 6 - Preparation PART 7 - Concentration PART 8 - Chakra Balancing Layout Once you start building a loving and mutually beneficial relationship with the "Rock People" of the Mineral Kingdom, your life will improve a thousand fold. This PDF book was created by MarĂ­a Montes (aka red.dakini), with information compiled from extensive research. Barcelona, November 21, 2010

PART 1 - Introduction to Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing

All things in the Universe vibrate with energy: the stars, the planets, the oceans, mountains and even people. All natural things vibrate to their own rhythms, just as every molecule in the universe vibrates with its own energy signature. Every cell in our bodies is vibrating, even now. And so it is for crystals. It's easy for us to see how living things are filled with energy; however it's not so easy to understand that "inanimate" objects are also, undeniably, vibrating with energy. Take a look at your own hand. You know that the blood is coursing through your veins, and each droplet, could you examine it under a high enough magnification, would be vibrating to a recognizable rhythm. For instance, the coffee in your cup, the cup and even the table holding the cup also has energy and vibrates to an identifiable rhythm. The Ancients believed that, not only are there physical energies in the body, but that there are various spiritual energies as well. The concept underlying Crystal Healing is that these invisible spiritual energies of the body, (the Kundalini, Prana, Chi, etc) can be realigned through the natural vibrations of various crystals. Although science has been unable to undeniably detect these invisible spiritual energies or any interactions with them, the idea that these spiritual energies exist in the body is as old as the dawn of time, and is, indeed, the very foundation of the modern practices of Acupuncture, Reiki, Crystal Healing and some forms of Yoga. While we cannot provide scientific evidence of the efficacy of any Crystal Healing treatment, it should be noted that meditation and self-hypnosis, which factor heavily in the practice of Crystal Healing, are endorsed and encouraged by many physicians and hospitals as beneficial accompaniments to the treatment of illnesses and behaviours, such as cancer, smoking and over-eating. Indeed, there is evidence that sufficient belief in a course of treatment is often enough to effect relief. This is known as the Placebo Effect, and appears to be very powerful, since it involves the mind's natural ability to aid in the healing process of the body. Having dispensed with the formalities, and in the spirit of Crystal Healing, meeting the "Rock People" and Chakra Balancing as a form of self-education, please suspend disbelief for a little while as we look into the secret practices of this most intriguing art..

PART 2 - Basic Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing Concepts

Many ancient cultures believed that there are invisible forces acting upon the body, spirit and soul for good or ill. Some cultures termed these energies "spirits". The more scientifically inclined cultures, such as the Chinese and Hindus, expressed the opinion that the body possesses not only physical energy flows, as evidenced by the flow of blood through the body, but spiritual energy flows as well. They believed that the blockage or misdirection of these spiritual energy flows could not only cause spiritual degradation, but actual physical dis-ease, discomfort, aberrant behaviour, poor relationships, even general misfortune in the world at large. In addition to energy flows, the body possesses energy centres. Such energy centres are manipulated during Acupuncture. These energy centres are known as "Chakras" which is a Sanskrit term meaning circle or wheel, and they are represented as circular areas with specific placements in the body. The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. They are vertically aligned in the centre of the body close to the spine. Obviously, just as efficient blood flow in the right pressure and right amount is required for optimal physical health, an efficient flow of spiritual energy between the Chakras or energy centres is necessary for optimal spiritual health. Since spiritual health is the foundation for all health, wealth and happiness in the material, as well as the spiritual, world, the health of the spiritual energy system should be of supreme concern to any thinking person. If the Chakras are unbalanced - not properly aligned or blocked - it can affect physical and mental health. The spiritual development is also connected with the good health of the Chakra. Although many alternative practices, such as mediation and Yoga, seek to realign the energy flow of the body, the theory behind Crystal Healing in particular is that the natural energy vibrations of minerals and crystalline formations may be used to attract, repel, balance or otherwise re-direct the flow of spiritual energy between these energy centres in a controlled manner. By placing specific crystals, minerals or metals on or around specific areas of the body, the Crystal Therapist endeavours to correct defects in energy flow, thus feeding the energy centres, releasing more energy flow for use in healing or reducing overproducing flows that may be causing excessive "energy pressure".

PART 3 - Identifying the Chakras

MULADHARA - Base or Root Chakra (Root Support) Planet: Saturn and Earth. MANTRA:


Governs: Basic Instincts, Survival, Physical Health, Security, Balance, Empowerment, Peace.

SVADHISTHANA - Sacral or Sexual Chakra (Sweetness) Planet: The Moon. MANTRA:


Governs: Sexuality, Creativity, Fear, Anger, Fertility, Pleasure, Passion, Core Awareness.

MANIPURA - Solar Plexus Chakra (Glistening Jewel) Planet: Mars and The Sun. MANTRA:


Governs: Social Matters, Manifestation, Self-Esteem, Status, Accomplishments, Vitality.

ANAHATA - Heart Chakra (Unhurt, Un-struck, Unbeaten) Planet: Venus. MANTRA:


Governs: Spiritual Love, Compassion, Nurture, Unconditional Flow, Imagination, Fantasy.

VISUDDHA - Throat Chakra (Purification) Planet: Mercury. MANTRA:


Governs: Power of Expression, Personal Magnetism, Links thoughts and emotions, Inner Voice.

AJNA - Brow, Psychic Eye, Third Eye Chakra (The All-Perceiving) Planet: Jupiter and Neptune. MANTRA:


Governs: Psychic Ability, Intuition, Inner Vision, Omniscience.

SAHASRARA -. Crown Chakra (A 1000 petaled-lotus) Planet: Uranus. MANTRA:


Governs: Spiritual Growth, Energy Collection from the Universe, Higher Self Alignment.

PART 4 - About Crystals Although we use the term "crystal", we mean to include crystalline and amorphous materials, metals, mineral specimens, tumbled stones, etc. As a matter of fact, most of the crystals used in Crystal Healing are tumbled stones. These stones are particularly useful because they have been polished to a smooth finish, and are more economical and much hardier than identical materials in crystalline form. Why, then, are they called "crystals"? With the exception of a few minerals such as opal or obsidian, all of these materials, including the metals, exhibit crystalline formations under magnification. Indeed, the term crystalline refers to any material that exhibits precisely spaced molecules in any of a number of repeating lattice work formations. It is essential, therefore, that the Crystal Healing practitioner take notice of the various crystals involved in the practice. For beginners in self-healing with crystals, there are 12 specific and essential stones required:

Hematite (Hematita) - Root Red Jasper (Jaspe Rojo) - Root ( having 3 is ideal) Carnelian (Cornalina) - Sacral Citrine or Golden Tiger-Eye (Citrino o Ojo de Tigre) - Solar Plexus Aventurine and Rose Quartz (Venturina o Cuarzo Verde y Cuarzo Rosa) - Heart Sodalite or Blue Lace Agate (Sodalita o Ágata de Encaje o Cinta Azul) - Throat Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli (Amatista o Lápis-Lazúli) - Third Eye Clear Quartz


Rock Crystal (Cuarzo Transparente / Cristal de Roca) - Crown

PART 5 - Crystal Cleansing Since the crystals may be used to realign spiritual energy and recharge the energy centres of the body, it stands to reason that they may also collect energy, either negative or positive, from the body or the atmosphere in general. It is therefore essential that you CLEANSE your crystals before and after each use. It is also recommended that you store your crystals appropriately between uses. Here are simple and effective methods for Crystal cleansing, charging and storing.

Cleanse and Charge: 1. Ideally, the cleansing water should be from a fresh running spring, river, or ice melt. Unfortunately, since that is not available to most of us, use purified or distilled water instead. NEVER use tap or carbonated water, since these may actually damage some of your crystals. Place the water in a GLASS or STONE container. NEVER use plastic, metal or ceramic. 2. Charge the water overnight with a special clear quartz crystal - one that you do NOT use for crystal healing. This quartz crystal is called a "charging stone". This crystal does not need to be very large, but in this particular case, it MUST be an actual crystalline form, not a tumbled stone. If possible, the quartz crystal should be a raw quartz crystal, without any polishing of any kind. Raw quartz crystals are not pretty in general, since they are unpolished, but they are extremely powerful, sometimes too powerful for actual healing work, but perfect for discharging negative energy from other stones. 3. After the water has been charged overnight, remove the charging stone before adding your healing crystals. The charging stone should be dried and wrapped in ORANGE SILK, then placed in a dark, cool place. 4. Add the healing crystals, one at a time, to the water overnight. The best times for cleansing your crystals are during full moon.

Everyday or General Cleansing: Use the method described above method at least once a month. The rest of the time, have a container with brown rice handy and place your crystals in the brown rice for 24 hours to cleanse (make sure that the crystal is entirely covered with the rice). Store your crystals in individual pouches or pockets, if possible. Wrapping each crystal in ORANGE SILK is also recommended. Professional Crystal Healers often use special crystal pouches or wraps with separate pockets sewn into the inside of the pouch or wrap, similar to jewellery travel wraps.

PART 6 - Preparation Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing is more than just laying stones on your body. In order have an effective session, you must be comfortable and relaxed, and must participate in the process. The best Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing sessions include a total experience of light, colour, sound, taste and feel. You should seriously consider creating a Total Experience for yourself. Here are some suggestions:

Keep your initial sessions short. Crystal healing or chakra balancing sessions of 15-30 minutes is optimal, but start with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the time. Music - it is HIGHLY recommended that you play relaxing, hypnotic music during your session. Select your favourite relaxing music. Candles - what would a Crystal Healing or Chakra Balancing session be without candles? But, of course, place them safely and away from children and pets. We recommed container candles to minimize the risk of fire. Incense or Aroma Oil - fragrance is very important to the healing process. Use light floral scents in the spring and summer, and heavier scents such as patchouli, amber or cinnamon in the fall and winter. Food and Drink - it's pretty hard to concentrate on the healing experience when your stomach is growling. Have some herbal tea or fruit juice, and perhaps some genuine cheese, crackers and light fruit. NO HEAVY MEALS before a session. Concentration - you must concentrate ALL of your attention on yourself or the session will NOT be effective. This means that you do not answer the phone, the door or watch TV during the session. There must be ABSOLUTE concentration on your part, you deserve your BEST.

PART 7 - Concentration

Do you have any particular problems that may be occurring in your life that could be causing blockages or shortages? A general rule of thumb is that a blockage means that you are unwilling or unable to grow beyond the problem symbolized by the chakra in question, and a shortage means that you have not attended to your needs or faced your responsibilities related to the chakra in question. For example:

1st Chakra (root) - Base of the spine unresolved issues regarding one's physical health, sex drives or physical security, paranoia, defensiveness. 2nd Chakra (sacral) - Below the navel, above the pelvis unresolved issues regarding family, fertility, feelings, sexual guilty. 3rd Chakra (solar plexus) - Above the navel, below the chest unresolved issues regarding social or class status, not living up to one's potential, ignoring one's education, anger or sense of victimization. 4th Chakra (heart) - Chest, Heart heartache, broken heart, inability to forgive, lack of compassion. 5th Chakra (throat) - Base of throat difficulty in communication, creative block, not speaking up for oneself, not following one's true vocation. 6th Chakra (third eye) - Slightly above and between the eyebrows unresolved issues regarding one's spirituality, fear of following one's intuition, eye problems. 7th Chakra (crown) - Top of the head unresolved fears regarding one's immortality, inability to see beyond the material world, psychological problems.

PART 8 - Chakra Balancing Layout The Chakra Centring layout is the common and basic of all Crystal Healing layouts. Cleanse and charge your stones. Place your stones in your hands and while holding them at your heart chakra; ask the crystals to activate and release their healing and balancing energies for the greatest good and your healing..

1. Lie down and make sure you will not be disturbed. 2. At this point in the session, you have turned on the music, lit the candles and incense and obtained crucial information about your state of mind. 3. As you place each crystal, breathe in deeply and hold for 3 seconds. Then exhale slowly, repeating for at least 2 minutes for each crystal. You should concentrate on the chakra area and visualize energy moving upward, starting with the Base Chakra through each of the chakras as you place the stones. 4. Place the Hematite between your feet. 5. Place the Red Jasper just above your pelvic area (Root Chakra). If you have more than one Red Jasper, place one on either side of the hips on the surface on which you are laying. Visualize Red light as you place the stone(s). 6. Place the Carnelian crystal (5 cm) below your navel (Sacral Chakra). Visualize Orange light as you place the stone. 7. Place the Citrine or Golden Tiger's-Eye (5 cm) above your navel (Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra). Visualize golden Yellow light as you place the stone. 8. Place the Aventurine AND the Rose Quartz over your heart area, between your breasts (Heart Chakra). Visualize light Green light and then Pink light as you place the stone(s). 9. Place the Sodalite or Blue Lace Agate at the base of your throat (Throat Chakra). Visualize Blue light as you place the stone. 10. Place the Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli between and slightly above your eyebrows (Third Eye Chakra). Visualize Violet light as you place the stone. 11. Place the Clear Quartz right at the top of your forehead (Crown Chakra) If the stone slips off, place it at the top of your head on the surface you are laying on. Visualize White light as you place the stone. 12. After the crystals are all placed, hold the palm of your hand over each chakra, starting with the Base Chakra. Do you notice any particular differences in temperature? If so, you have encountered a blockage of the chakra. If any of the areas appear to be cooler than the rest, you have encountered a shortage of energy in this area. If you encounter a blockage, visualize moving the energy upward from this area. At the same time, hold your palms over the area, about 5cm above the area and visualize moving the energy with the palm of your hand, like a magnet. Move your hand upward toward the next chakra. If you encounter a shortage, visualize moving energy upward into the area from the lower chakra. If the shortage occurs at the 1st chakra, visualize moving energy into the chakra from outside your body. Hold your hand below the chakra, and visualize moving the energy into the chakra. At the completion of this process for the 7 chakras, breathe deeply and peacefully for approximately 1 minute. Then carefully remove each of the crystals. In general, the colours follow the colours of the rainbow, which in turn, follow a sequence of increasing energy frequencies as you move from Base to Crown Chakra. Use a BLACK TOURMALINE Stone (Turmalina Negra) to ground you back afterwards. Congratulations, you have taken the first step towards a mutually beneficial and long standing relationship with the "Rock People" of the Mineral Kingdom.

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