Minnesota Odonata Survey Project

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Minnesota Odonata Survey Project

Minnesota Damselfly & Dragonfly Checklist

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The Minnesota Odonata Survey Project | Statement The Minnesota Odonata Survey Project (MOSP) is a volunteer effort to determine the ranges and distributions of Minnesota’s dragonfly and damselfly populations. Citizen-scientists (potentially, you!) catch and identify dragonflies and damselflies in Minnesota and report back to the MOSP with their findings. There are many species in Minnesota, some considered rare, whose ranges are not known. Finding a new county record is a common occurrence and there are many new state records to be found as well. For further information on how to participate please visit the MOSP website: www.mndragonfly.org

Checklist for the order Odonata of Minnesota | Note on the names Naturalists rely upon scientific binomials (two-part names) to avoid confusion when communicating. The full scientific name for a species consists of the Latin binomial (the two-part name comprised of the genus name and the species name) and the authority. The authority is often omitted, however it is an important, and informational, part of the name as it indicates who published the first scientific description of the species. It is recommended that you learn both the scientific and the common name. SI — Designated a species of interest by the MOSP SC — Designated a species of concern by the MN DNR

1.) Zygoptera | Damselflies (37 known species) CalopterygidÆ

| Jewelwings

___ Calopteryx aequabilis [Say, 1839] • River Jewelwing ___ Calopteryx maculata [Beauvois, 1805] • Ebony Jewelwing

| Rubyspot

___ Hetaerina americana [Fabricius, 1798] • American Rubyspot LestidÆ | Spreadwings ___ Lestes congener [Hagen, 1861] • Spotted Spreadwing ___ Lestes disjunctus [Selys, 1862] • Northern Spreadwing ___ Lestes dryas [Kirby, 1890] • Emerald Spreadwing ___ Lestes eurinus [Say, 1839] • Amber-winged Spreadwing ___ Lestes forcipatus [Rambur, 1842] • Sweetflag Spreadwing ___ Lestes inaequalis [Walsh, 1862] • Elegant Spreadwing ___ Lestes rectangularis [Say, 1839] • Slender Spreadwing ___ Lestes unguiculatus [Hagen, 1861] • Lyre-tipped Spreadwing ___ Lestes vigilax [Hagen in Selys, 1862] • Swamp Spreadwing CoenagrionidÆ | Dancers ___ Argia apicalis [Say, 1839] • Blue-fronted Dancer ___ Argia moesta [Hagen, 1861] • Powdered Dancer ___ Argia tibialis [Rambur, 1842] • Blue-tipped Dancer | Red Damsels ___ Amphiagrion saucium [Burmeister, 1839] • Eastern Red Damsel | Aurora Damsel ___ Chromagrion conditum [Selys, 1876] • Aurora Damsel | Eurasian Bluets ___ Coenagrion angulatum [Walker, 1912] • Prairie Bluet ___ Coenagrion interrogatum [Hagen in Selys, 1876] • Subarctic Bluet ___ Coenagrion resolutum [Hagen in Selys, 1876] • Taiga Bluet

CoenagrionidÆ | American Bluets (citrus-hued) ___ Enallagma signatum [Hagen, 1861] • Orange Bluet ___ Enallagma vesperum [Calvert, 1919] • Vesper Bluet | American Bluets (Black-type) ___ Enallagma antennatum [Say, 1839] • Rainbow Bluet ___ Enallagma aspersum [Hagen, 1861] • Azure Bluet ___ Enallagma exsulans [Hagen, 1861] • Stream Bluet ___ Enallagma geminatum [Kellicott, 1895] • Skimming Bluet | American Bluets (Blue-type) ___ Enallagma anna [Williamson, 1900] • River Bluet ___ Enallagma boreale [Selys, 1875] • Boreal Bluet ___ Enallagma carunculatum [Morse, 1895] • Tule Bluet ___ Enallagma civile [Hagen, 1861] • Familiar Bluet ___ Enallagma clausum [Morse, 1895] • Alkali Bluet ___ Enallagma annexum [Charpentier, 1840] • Northern Bluet ___ Enallagma ebrium [Hagen, 1861] • Marsh Bluet ___ Enallagma hageni [Walsh, 1863] • Hagen’s Bluet | Forktails ___ Ischnura posita [Hagen, 1861] • Fragile Forktail ___ Ischnura verticalis [Say, 1839] • Eastern Forktail | Sprites ___ Nehalennia irene [Hagen, 1861] • Sedge Sprite

Richness Totals: Zygoptera (37 species) Calopterygidae 3 species Lestidae 9 species Coenagrionidae 25 species

2.) Anisoptera | Dragonflies (99 known species) AeshnidÆ | Darners ___ Aeshna canadensis [Walker, 1908] • Canada Darner ___ Aeshna constricta [Say, 1839] • Lance-tailed Darner ___ Aeshna eremita [Scudder, 1866] • Lake Darner ___ Aeshna interrupta [Walker, 1908] • Variable Darner ___ Aeshna sitchensis [Hagen, 1861] • Zigzag Darner si,sc ___ Aeshna subarctica [Walker, 1908] • Subarctic Darner si,sc ___ Aeshna tuberculifera [Walker, 1908] • Black-tipped Darner ___ Aeshna umbrosa [Walker, 1908] • Shadow Darner ___ Aeshna verticalis [Hagen, 1861] • Green-striped Darner si ___ Anax junius [Drury, 1770] • Common Green Darner ___ Basiaeschna janata [Say, 1839] • Springtime Darner ___ Boyeria grafiana [Williamson, 1907] • Ocellated Darner si,sc ___ Boyeria vinosa [Say, 1839] • Fawn Darner ___ Nasiaeschna pentacantha [Rambur, 1842] • Cyrano Darner GomphidÆ | Clubtails ___ Arigomphus cornutus [Tough, 1900] • Horned Clubtail ___ Arigomphus furcifer [Hagen, 1878] • Lilypad Clubtail ___ Arigomphus villosipes [Selys, 1854] • Unicorn Clubtail ___ Dromogomphus spinosus [Selys, 1854] • Black-shouldered Spinyleg ___ Gomphus adelphus [Selys, 1858] • Moustached Clubtail ___ Gomphus exilis [Selys, 1854] • Lancet Clubtail ___ Gomphus externus [Hagen in Selys, 1858] • Plains Clubtail ___ Gomphus fraternus [Say, 1839] • Midland Clubtail ___ Gomphus graslinellus [Walsh, 1862] • Pronghorn Clubtail ___ Gomphus lineatifrons [Calvert, 1921] • Splendid Clubtail si ___ Gomphus lividus [Selys, 1854] • Ashy Clubtail ___ Gomphus quadricolor [Walsh, 1863] • Rapids Clubtail ___ Gomphus spicatus [Hagen, 1854] • Dusky Clubtail ___ Gomphus vastus [Walsh, 1862] • Cobra Clubtail

___ Gomphus ventricosus [Walsh, 1863] • Skillet Clubtail si ___ Gomphus viridifrons [Hine, 1901] • Green-faced Clubtail ___ Hagenius brevistylus [Selys, 1854] • Dragonhunter ___ Ophiogomphus anomalus [Harvey, 1898] • Extra-striped Snaketail si ___ Ophiogomphus carolus [Needham, 1897] • Riffle Snaketail ___ Ophiogomphus colubrinus [Selys, 1854] • Boreal Snaketail ___ Ophiogomphus howei [Bromley, 1924] • Pygmy Snaketail si,sc ___ Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis [Walsh, 1862] • Rusty Snaketail ___ Ophiogomphus susbehcha [Vogt & Smith, 1993] • Wisconsin Snaketail si ___ Progomphus obscurus [Rambur, 1842] • Common Sanddragon ___ Stylogomphus albistylus [Hagen in Selys, 1878] • Eastern Least Clubtail ___ Stylurus amnicola [Walsh,1862] • Riverine Clubtail ___ Stylurus notatus [Rambur, 1842] • Elusive Clubtail ___ Stylurus plagiatus [Selys, 1854] • Russet-tipped Clubtail ___ Stylurus scudderi [Selys, 1873] • Zebra Clubtail si ___ Stylurus spiniceps [Walsh, 1862] • Arrow Clubtail CordulegastridÆ | Spiketails ___ Cordulegaster maculata [Selys, 1854] • Twin-spotted Spiketail ___ Cordulegaster obliqua [Say, 1839] • Arrowhead Spiketail si MacromiidÆ | Cruisers ___ Didymops transversa [Say, 1839] • Stream Cruiser ___ Macromia illinoiensis [Walsh, 1862] • Swift River Cruiser CorduliidÆ | Emeralds ___ Cordulia shurtleffi [Scudder, 1866] • American Emerald ___ Dorocordulia libera [Selys, 1871] • Racket-tailed Emerald ___ Epicordulia princeps [Hagen, 1861] • Prince Baskettail ___ Neurocordulia molesta [Walsh, 1863] • Smoky Shadowdragon si

___ Neurocordulia yamaskanensis [Provancher, 1875] • Stygian Shadowdragon ___ Somatochlora albicincta [Burmeister, 1839] • Ringed Emerald ___ Somatochlora brevicincta [Robert, 1954] • Quebec Emerald si, sc ___ Somatochlora cingulata [Selys, 1871] • Lake Emerald ___ Somatochlora elongata [Scudder, 1866] • Ski-tailed Emerald si ___ Somatochlora ensigera [Martin, 1906] • Plains Emerald si, sc ___ Somatochlora forcipata [Scudder, 1866] • Forcipate Emerald si, sc ___ Somatochlora franklini [Selys, 1878] • Delicate Emerald si ___ Somatochlora kennedyi [Walker, 1918] • Kennedy’s Emerald si ___ Somatochlora minor [Calvert in Harvey, 1898] • Ocellated Emerald ___ Somatochlora walshii [Scudder, 1866] • Brush-tipped Emerald ___ Somatochlora williamsoni [Walker, 1907] • Williamson’s Emerald ___ Tetragoneuria canis [McLachlan, 1886] • Beaverpond Baskettail ___ Tetragoneuria cynosura [Say, 1839] • Common Baskettail ___ Tetragoneuria spingera [Selys, 1871] • Spiny Baskettail ___ Williamsonia fletcheri [Williamson, 1923] • Ebony Boghaunter si LibellulidÆ | Skimmers ___ Celithemis elisa [Hagen, 1861] • Calico Pennant ___ Celithemis eponina [Drury, 1773] • Halloween Pennant ___ Erythemis simplicicollis [Say, 1839] • Eastern Pondhawk ___ Ladona julia [Uhler, 1857] • Chalk-fronted Corporal ___ Libellula luctuosa [Burmeister, 1839] • Widow Skimmer ___ Libellula pulchella [Drury, 1770] • Twelve-spotted Skimmer ___ Libellula quadrimaculata [Linnaeus, 1758] • Four-spotted Skimmer ___ Nannothemis bella [Uhler, 1857] • Elfin Skimmer ___ Pachydiplax longipennis [Burmeister, 1839] • Blue Dasher ___ Pantala flavescens [Fabricius, 1798] • Wandering Glider ___ Pantala hymenaea [Say, 1839] • Spot-winged Glider ___ Perithemis tenera [Say, 1839] • Eastern Amberwing ___ Plathemis (Libellula) lydia [Drury, 1770] • Common Whitetail

| Whitefaces ___ Leucorrhinia frigida [Hagen, 1890] • Frosted Whiteface ___ Leucorrhinia glacialis [Hagen, 1890] • Crimson-ringed Whiteface ___ Leucorrhinia hudsonica [Selys, 1850] • Hudsonian Whiteface ___ Leucorrhinia intacta [Hagen, 1861] • Dot-tailed Whiteface ___ Leucorrhinia proxima [Calvert, 1890] • Belted Whiteface | Meadowhawks ___ Sympetrum ambiguum [Rambur, 1842] • Blue-faced Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum corruptum [Hagen, 1861] • Variegated Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum costiferum [Hagen, 1861] • Saffron-winged Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum danae [Sulzer, 1776] • Black Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum internum [Montgomery, 1943] • Cherry-faced Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum madidum [Hagen, 1861] • Red-veined Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum obtrusum [Hagen, 1867] • White-faced Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum rubicundulum [Say, 1839] • Ruby Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum semicinctum [Say, 1839] • Band-winged Meadowhawk ___ Sympetrum vicinum [Hagen, 1861] • Autumn Meadowhawk | Saddlebags ___ Tramea carolina [Linnaeus, 1763] • Carolina Saddlebags ___ Tramea lacerata [Hagen, 1861] • Black Saddlebags ___ Tramea onusta [Hagen, 1861] • Red Saddlebags

Richness Totals: Anisoptera (99 species) Aeshnidae 14 species Gomphidae 30 species Cordulegastridae 2 species Macromiidae 2 species Corduliidae 20 species Libellulidae 31 species

Species to be sought in Minnesota 1.) Zygoptera | Damselflies ___ Argia fumipennis violacea [Burmeister, 1839] • Violet Dancer ___ Enallagma basidens [Calvert, 1902] • Double-striped Bluet ___ Ischnura damula [Calvert, 1902] • Plains Forktail ___ Ischnura hastata [Say, 1839] • Citrine Forktail ___ Ischnura perparva [McLachlan in Selys, 1876] • Western Forktail ___ ___ ___ ___

2.) Anisoptera | Dragonflies ___ Aeshna clepsydra [Say, 1839] • Mottled Darner ___ Aeshna juncea [Linnaeus, 1758] • Sedge Darner ___ Gomphaeschna furcillata [Say, 1839] • Harlequin Darner ___ Somatochlora hineana [Williamson, 1931] • Hine’s Emerald (Federally Endangered Species) ___ Somatochlora hudsonica [Hagen in Selys, 1871] • Hudsonian Emerald ___ Somatochlora incurvata [Walker, 1918] • Incurvate Emerald ___ Somatochlora tenebrosa [Say, 1839] • Clamp-tipped Emerald ___ Leucorrhinia borealis [Hagen, 1890] • Boreal Whiteface ___ Ophiogomphus smithi [Tennessen and Vogt, 2004] • Sand (Sioux) Snaketail ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Publications | The Basics DuBois, Bob. (2005). Damselflies of the North Woods. KollathStensaas Publishing. Mead, Kurt. (2003). Dragonflies of the North Woods. KollathStensaas Publishing.

| Additional useful references

Acorn, John. (2004). Damselflies of Alberta: Flying Neon Toothpicks in the Grass. University of Alberta Press. Corbet, Philip and Stephen Brooks. (2008). Dragonflies. Collins (England). Lam, Ed. (2004). Damselflies of the Northeast. Biodiversity Books.

Paulson, Dennis. (2009). Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West. Princeton. Rosche, Larry, Judy Semroc, and Linda Gilbert. (2008). Dragonflies and Damselflies of Northeast Ohio. Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

Online Resources | The Basics

Minnesota Odonata Survey Project | www.mndragonfly.org Odonata Central | www.odonatacentral.org Wisconsin Dragonfly Survey | wiatri.net/inventory/odonata/ Iowa Survey | www.iowaodes.com BioQuip | www.bioquip.com

Notes & Observations |

Published by Red Dragonfly Press Edition limited to 300 copies Typeset in Oldrichium, Elysium & Myriad by Scott King Text printed in Canada at Gaspereau Press on Zephyr Laid Cover letterpress printed at Red Dragonfly Press

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