living, learning and playing together
Prospectus 2013/2014
Welcome to Vickerstown School It is very important to us that we work in close partnership with the parents and carers of the
Introduction from our Head
School Overview
Parents Information
Apply to our School
Contact Details
children in our care. You are the people who know your children best and working together will help us to achieve the best outcomes for them. We aim to provide ‘an outstanding education in the heart of the community’ and as such we make every effort that the children at Vickerstown have the best academic start and grounding possible to enable them to be successful members of society. We are committed to the highest possible academic standards for each individual child and also to nurturing them to be confident about themselves personally and about their achievements. If you have a brief concern or information about your child please share it with your child’s teacher at the beginning or end of the day. If you feel a more lengthy discussion is needed then please feel free to make an appointment with the staff for this. I make every effort to be available for parents and carers at the beginning and end of the day and you are of course welcome to make an appointment with me if you would like to discuss any issues relating to your child. At Vickerstown we all believe that it is best to discuss any concerns, even if they seem trivial, as this usually prevents them becoming something bigger. We also welcome suggestions for any additions to our website which you feel would be helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us at school. Mrs M. Phizacklea B Ed (Hons), NPQH
School Overview We currently have 184 children on roll, which includes children from our immediately surrounding area as well as children who travel up to 20 miles to come here.
Inside we have a large sports/arts hall with retractable
We moved into our new building on Mill Lane in November
banks of computers and Smart Table situated there if they
2011 from our old school on Latona Street, which was
wish. We have a number of small teaching spaces which
over 100 years old. Although we were sad to leave our old
allow for focussed small group or individual teaching where
building, it had unfortunately become very tired and was
appropriate to meet children’s needs.
struggling to meet the needs of a 21st century school.
seating for an audience of 150 and a separate dining room where children have the choice to eat nutritious hot meals cooked on site or their own packed lunches from home. We have a central ‘learning street’ which runs down the spine of our school and enables children from all classes to learn outside their classroom, taking advantage of the
We are also proud to have a sensory room which has been
We were very lucky indeed to be granted 6.5million pounds
superbly equipped thanks to additional grants from the
to create our new building in which the children had their
National Lottery and the Lord’s Taverners Fund. Our school
first day on 7th November 2011.
is fully accessible and has facilities to meet a wide variety
We worked closely with the architect and construction
of needs.
company to make sure that our wonderful new school
We also have a community suite which can be separately
environment has been designed and built specifically to
accessed and is available for use by community groups and
meet the needs of our children.
children’s services.
We have light, bright classrooms which all have direct access to outdoor covered learning areas, and fabulously equipped spacious play areas, an outdoor dining area and our school allotment. We also have a Multi-Use-Games-Area and an excellent sports field which means matches can carry on almost whatever the weather!
Curriculum The Curriculum is planned to deliver a broad and balanced experience Through the seven years of primary school, great care
Residentials are arranged from Years 3 to 6, giving the
is taken to develop the thinking and experiences of the
children a variety of opportunities and experiences which
children so that they become learners who have achieved
gives the work in school greater depth and understanding
their highest possible standard in preparation for
and develops individual personal and social education.
secondary school. Parents have full access to planning in discussion with teachers at meetings in September and by request with class teachers. The Curriculum offered during the day is greatly enhanced by a wide variety of clubs which extend opportunities and encourage the children to develop individual skills and talents, try new challenges, achieve awards. Including: cycling proficiency, writers club, swimming, football and athletics. Many children compete in teams or represent the school in a variety of events. Including: science challenge, basketball, netball and many more. The Curriculum is further enhanced by a wide variety of visiting experts, artists, writers, dancers, and sportspeople. Theatre groups, musicians, historians, scientists and others are invited into the school to work with classes so that children can engage in direct experiences which stimulate curiosity and ideas.
Literacy A daily Literacy lesson ensures a comprehensive development of reading, writing, speaking and listening. The new primary framework for Literacy forms part of this, in addition to a very structured approach to the development of writing by Ros Wilson, called ‘Big Write’ which focuses on 4 elements of writing – Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation.
Science Science is taught throughout the year following the QCA schemes of work using a variety of approaches. A large proportion of practical work is undertaken with both visits out of school and visiting specialists to enrich learning opportunities.
Geography Geography is taught as a main focus in the spring term and as a supporting area of study in other topics. Mapping skills and specific geography sessions are taught throughout KS2 and environmental education is also an integral part of our work.
Design Technology Pupils are offered opportunities with junk modelling, woodwork, fabrics, clay, food technology and construction skills.
Mathematics Mathematics is taught on a daily basis in every class. We follow the Revised National Primary Strategy Framework, which provides detailed guidance for the implementation of the National Curriculum for mathematics.
Information Technology Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is taught throughout the school as a subject and used as a tool across the curriculum. All the computers in the school are networked and we have access to the Internet and E-mail.
Art Our excellence in The Arts was recognized in 2008 when we achieved Artsmark Silver and we are currently applying for the next level of accreditation. The art curriculum covers all media. Including: pencil, chalk, paint, clay, fabrics, dyes and needlework. We are developing a new arts base within school to provide opportunities for large and small scale work outside the classroom.
History History is taught as a main focus in the autumn term and otherwise as a supporting subject in other work. Educational visits and residential opportunities involve the children in direct experiences.
Religious Education The school has developed its own thematic approach to R.E. which incorporates the Cumbria Agreed Syllabus for R.E. Each day there is an assembly of mainly Christian character. The main Christian festivals are also celebrated although parents have a right to withdraw their children from any of these sessions.
Sex & Relationships Sex education is taught in Year 6 as part of a project on ‘My Body’ and drugs education forms part of the scheme of work in this year. We appreciate the need for sensitivity and regard for moral values. Parents will be informed when sensitive issues are raised, so that there may be effective co-operation and follow-up between school and home. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from these lessons should they wish to.
Music Class music lessons comprise singing, listening and composing. All children have the opportunity to learn to play the recorder in Year 3 and some children play a variety of instruments, with tuition available from specialist music teachers for woodwind, brass, keyboard and violin.
Personal, Health and Social Education We believe in the promotion and nurturing of confidence and self-reliance, tolerance and respect for difference. Through a programme of carefully structured activities where children explore ideas and learn to co-operate in groups and take their own special place, we seek to promote a caring society. Personal challenges are set in sporting/residential activities and class groups by a system of certificates, merit stickers and stamps. Circle-time and philosophy for children encourages wise behaviour, independence, self-reliance and informs decision making.
P.E. The school is proud that our excellence in P.E. and other sporting activities was recognized in 2008 when we achieved Activemark status, which is a nationally recognized award. P.E. dance and games are taught in a scheme of work which includes, dance, athletics, small and large games, gymnastics and skipping. Weekly swimming lessons are provided for children from Reception to Year 5.
Extracurriculur Clubs and Out of School Activities
School Trips and Visits
Clubs are held during most lunchtimes and after school each
During their time at the school, pupils will receive the
night of the week except Tuesdays. We try to encourage as
opportunity to go on a diverse range of school trips and
many children as possible to attend clubs as they further
educational visits. We organise residentials to; Fellside in
improve skills and provide a lot of fun and enjoyment.
Year 3, a Bradford multi-cultural visit in Year 4, a Victorian
We run a wide range of clubs for children including: Football, Gymnastics, Puzzle Club, Hooping, Choir, Swimming, Orienteering, Triathlon, Dance, InsideOut Multi-skills and more.
Christmas at Fellside in Year 5 and a visit to Hawse End for a WWII experience in Year 6. We also visit Bendrigg Lodge where SEN children from throughout school get a chance to experience a residential. Throughout the year the children also take part in trips and events such as Carol singing at the Mill Lane Centre, a Carol Concert, Key Stage One school play, a visit to the Manchester Egyptian Museum, Muncaster Castle, Grizedale Forest, South Lakes Wild Animal Park, Robotic workshops, Planetarium, Dock Museum, Music Service concerts and M+M theatrical productions.
Sports Sport is important at Vickerstown School and we strive to achieve the physical potential of every child and develop their confidence to contribute to the health and wellbeing of themselves and others within the school and local community. All activities will be differentiated according to need, providing equity of provision regardless of ability. The promotion of self-esteem and self-confidence will be central in all our delivery. Extra-curricular sporting clubs on offer throughout the year include; football, athletics, tennis, swimming, gymnastics, orienteering, netball, rounders and triathlon. Every year the children take part in sports day and a swimming gala competing for their house colour. All children are encouraged to take part and contribute to their teams achievements.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Our fully inclusive policy is rooted in a profoundly held belief
Vickerstown School offers strategic facilities for children with
that all pupils have the right to be educated with their peers.
physical/medical needs, severe learning difficulties and those
Our policy ensures that teaching arrangements are inclusive.
on the Autistic Spectrum. Facilities at Vickerstown include a
The majority of students will have their needs met through
staff team that has a high degree of expertise. The majority
classroom arrangements and appropriate differentiation.
of teaching and non-teaching staff hold nationally recognised
Our philosophy includes the principles that;
Each member of the community shall be treated with dignity and respect. We will accept and value difference.
qualifications in autism, specific learning difficulties or counselling. All members of staff are encouraged to develop individual interests and areas of expertise. This may include, general learning difficulties, gifted and talented pupils, dyslexia, dyscalculia, behaviour management, physiotherapy, speech and reading intervention. We also provide support for
We should remove barriers and increase access
pupils and their families in relation to their emotional needs
Individuals should be appropriately supported to achieve their full potential.
Our purpose-built school has incorporated into it many
Every child is encouraged to work, learn and play as independently as is possible.
through our trained counsellor.
features which reflect good practise for children with SEN. We have a specialist sensory room designed to cater for children throughout school, the whole school is on a level surface so children can access everywhere regardless of physical ability and features such as acoustic panels and underlay ensure the school environment is calm and quiet. The school has formed good relationships with paramedical services (physiotherapy and speech therapy), specialist advisory teachers, the educational psychologist, social services and voluntary agencies.
Parents Info School Uniform
School Meals
We encourage all children to drink water
Blue sweatshirts, jumpers or
and have healthy snacks.
Children in KS1 have a piece of fruit at break
time as part of the Cumbria Schools Fruit
Scheme and children in KS2 can purchase items
from the tuck shop on a daily basis. Sweets and
chocolate are not allowed at break times or in
Blue checked or striped dresses.
packed lunches.
cardigans. White polo shirts. Grey or navy trousers, skirts or pinafore dresses. Flat black shoes, no high heeled boots, trainers or platform soles.
Blue polo dresses. Navy or grey trousers (short or long), skirts or pinafores. White polo shirts. Black or white sandals.
P.E. Each child is allocated a team colour which stays with the child throughout the school. T-shirts in the team colour - red, yellow, green or blue, navy shorts, black pumps for indoors and trainers for outdoors. Trainers with black soles will NOT be allowed in the hall. Most items can be embroidered with the school logo at various outlets in the town centre. This is optional and not a
Children receiving free school meals are entitled to free milk at break time and we also encourage all children to drink fresh water regularly during the day with water fountains provided in all classrooms. School meals are cooked in our newly built kitchen and are currently ÂŁ2.20 per day. Dinner money should be paid before 9am on Monday morning in a named envelope. Only in an emergency may dinner money be paid later in the week. We have retained our 5 stars in a recent food hygiene assessment by Barrow Borough Council. There is provision for children to eat packed lunches at school. The school meals menu is available on our website:
requirement of the school.
Useful Information for Parents
Useful documents, policies and letters are also available on
The only jewellery permitted in school is one pair of small
our website:
stud earrings for those with pierced ears, one plain signet ring and a watch. Necklaces and bracelets may not be worn. All jewellery must be removed for all sports activities including swimming. For this reason we request that if a child’s ears are to be pierced, this is done in the summer holidays in order to prevent them being excluded from sporting activities.
Suitable Footwear Trainers and other named sportswear are not allowed in class. High-heeled boots, shoes and platform soles are not suitable for school.
Statistics Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text
ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley
ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley
of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Lorem
of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Lorem
Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text we since .
Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text we since .
In 2012, 93% of pupils attained Level 4 or above in the Key
In 2012, 86% of pupils attained Level 4 or above in the Key Stage
In 2012, 90% of pupils attained Level 4 or above in the Key Stage
In 2012, 86% of pupils attained Level 4 or above in the Key Stage
Stage 2 English (overall) test and assessment. Data for 2012 are not comparable to previous years due to changes in methodology.
2 reading test. This is an increase of 31 percentage points since 2011.
2 writing assessment. Data for 2012 are not comparable to previous years due to changes in methodology.
2 mathematics test. This is an increase of 16 percentage points since 2011.
Percentage of pupils who attained Level 4 or above in the Key
Percentage of pupils who attained Level 4 or above in the Key Stage 2 reading test.
Stage 2 English (overall) test and assessment.
% of Girls & Boys
2011 2012
% of Pupils eligable for Free School Meals (FSM)
G11 G12 B11 B12
% of Pupils supported by School action plus or with a statement of SEN
2011 2012
2011 2012
School (All Pupils)
170 188
School (All Pupils)
42.9 41.5 57.1 58.5
School (All Pupils)
25.3 26.1
School (All Pupils)
19.4 20.2
National Average
245 251
National Average
49 49 51 51
National Average
19.2 26.2
National Average
8 7.9
Year 6 Pupils (KS2)
20 30
Year 6 Pupils (KS2)
35 36.7 65 63.3
Year 6 Pupils (KS2)
25 26.7
Year 6 Pupils (KS2)
45 23.3
The full list of school data for Vickerstown can be found at the following link php?urn=112209.
Number of Pupils
Percentage of pupils who attained Level 4 or above in the Key Stage 2 mathematics test.
2 writing assessment.
Percentage of pupils who attained Level 4 or above in the Key Stage
School Admissions Information about applying for reception places in infant or primary schools, places or Year 3 at junior schools is available on
Need to make an appeal? You have the right to an independent admission appeal if you have applied for a place at any maintained school or
Starting school
academy and have not been offered a place.
If your child was born between 1 September 2009 and 31
August 2010 they will be due to start in reception at an infant or primary school in September 2014. You need to
School Admissions and Appeals
apply for an infant or primary school place by 15 January
Lower East Wing, Parkhouse Building
Baron Way, Carlisle CA6 4SJ
Applying for an in year school place If you need to change your child’s school during the academic year, i.e. other than at the usual transfer times,
Telephone: Barrow & South Lakes enquiries: 01228 226775 Email:
you need to make an application to the School Admissions and Appeals Team.
Autumn Term 2013 2013 Begins Thursday 5th September Ends Thursday 19th December r – Friday 1st November Half Term Monday 28th Octobe Spring Term 2014 4 Begins Tuesday 7th January 201 Ends Wednesday 9th April
Half Term Monday 17th – Friday
21st February
Summer Term 2014 Begins Wednesday 23rd April
Ends Friday 18th July 30th May Half Term Monday 26th – Friday May 5th Bank Holiday Monday
School Day
Contact Details Vickerstown School
Tel: 01229 471350
Mon - Thu: 8.3Oam - 3.00pm
Mill Lane, Walney,
Fax: 01229 471350
Friday: 8.30am - 2.00pm
Cumbria LA14 3XY