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"As theDirector of Preservation Services for Landmarks, I takepart of Landmarks?efforts to reach all theneeds of our community, wehave branched into historic preservation consulting With this new arm of Landmarks, weareableto offer services that includehistoric resource surveys, National Register nominations and updates, local district creation and management, stateand federal historic tax credit applications, design guidelinecreation and updates, exhibit creation, and audio or digital tours. I am so thrilled to bepart of this endeavor, as public history and historic preservation aremy passions I lovebeing ableto help communities tell their stories through their built history, as well as helping them understand thesenseof community that can becultivated through a shared history, and all thetools they haveat their disposal. Coming from both a stateand municipal government background allows meto seeopportunities and solutions that communities might not know exist Currently, wearehelping shepherd thecity of Atmorethrough thelocal designation process and will beassisting them in creating Design Guidelines for their new local historic district Wearealso working with the city of Prattvilleto resurvey their existing Daniel Pratt Historic District. This new facet of the Landmarks Foundation provides us the opportunity to help not only Montgomery, but communities throughout Alabama, whileadding another revenuestream to theequation "

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