2 minute read
Hello and welcome A new chapter
Welcome to your first edition of Childcare Professional in 2023. As many of you will know, this year we have begun a new and exciting chapter at PACEY: I started as Chief Executive last month, taking over from Liz Bayram who worked with PACEY staff, volunteers and Trustees for 15 years.
Some of you may recognise me from my previous role as PACEY’s
The magazine of the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years
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Policy Advisor, where I became familiar with the significant challenges that you face in your roles and your vital part in building strong foundations for children. My priority is to ensure that PACEY remains a strong advocate for registered childminders, nurseries, pre-schools and nannies – to be by your side, championing your vital work and calling on government to provide greater investment and support.
Executive Editors Angela Gamble, Ka Lai Brightley Hodges
Editor Helen Bird
Managing Editor Aviva Attias
Assistant Editor Hollie Ewers
Sub-Editors James Hundleby, Amy Beveridge
Senior Designers Gene Cornelius, Sarah Auld
Picture Researcher Jessica Marsh
Production Director
Jane Easterman
Account Director Emma Godfrey
Cover image Alamy Printed by Precision Colour Printing.
We want to keep up the momentum from the end of last year, when we saw a growing coalition of voices demanding reforms to improve the early education and childcare system for families and providers and better support the many children affected by the impacts of the pandemic.
So please stay in touch with us as your voices and experiences are central to this. Keep an eye on PACEY’s channels over the coming weeks where I will be talking more about my vision for PACEY in 2023 and beyond and getting to know you as members.
Helen Donohoe PACEY Chief Executive
PUBLISHED BY Redactive Publishing Ltd
9 Dallington Street, London EC1V 0LN
020 7880 6200
Whilst we take reasonable care to ensure the content of this magazine informs best practice in childcare and early years and is correct at the time of going to print, it is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific requirements. We cannot be held responsible for any losses, damage or distress arising from your reliance on content or advertising whether caused by our negligence or otherwise. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect our corporate view. Products and services advertised will not be suitable for everyone and you should address queries to the advertiser directly. You may reproduce non-advertising content without charge for educational purposes only, provided you acknowledge this magazine as the source. We reserve the right to modify and edit submitted material which we will only return to you (at your risk) if you ask us to do so when you send us the material.
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