2 minute read
Matt Fryer, Brookson Legal
I am writing in response to your article ‘FCSA calls on government to give more protection to contingent workers’ (24 February 2021).
This is a great article, highlighting the flaws in how legislation is formulated and implemented. An assumption by Whitehall mandarins that “companies with over 250 employees” are big enough to absorb SSP [Statutory Sick Pay] costs underlines the fact that the umbrella company industry desperately needs representation.
The fact that employee NICs, employer pension and other costs are not reimbursed has had the (presumably unintended) effect leaving contractors and temporary workers effectively unable to access the furlough scheme.
Kudos to the FCSA for amplifying the unintended consequence of some of the government’s thinking in this area – understandably our government needs assistance and the FCSA is well placed to offer this assistance...
John Whelan
UK CEO, SSQ “Given that 2020 was such a diffi cult and uncertain year, our greatest investment is without doubt back into our own people – specifi cally their mental and physical health. We are doing this in a number of ways. We have engaged an employee assistance programme, which provides an advisory service to support mental wellbeing across the board. Th is is in addition to a combination of dedicated Mental Health First Aiders and our own Guardian Programme to provide an internal support system. All our employees also have fl exi access to a huge range of gyms and sport clubs, and online fi tness and mindfulness classes.”
MANAGING DIRECTOR, LORIEN “For me, the answer is simple – our people. 2020 was tough mentally for everyone, and we need to put our arms around our people and really invest in our EVP. We’ve always said our people make the diff erence, something I believe now more than ever. We’ll also be investing in the pockets of brilliance I see throughout our business, empowering our experts through our Virtuosity programme to use their strengths and lead from the front. If we look after our people, they will look after our customers.”
UK SALES DIRECTOR, ERSG “It has never been more evident in the last year that your employees are your greatest asset. Look after your staff , and you will retain and surround yourself with brilliant people – people who feel supported, motivated and rewarded. Th at is why we are focusing on the ‘investment in our people’. As the ersg brands expand internationally, our people strategy focus is on staff retention – through training, support and reward, and culture – investing in new talent and increasing diversity.”