11 minute read
Backing Beef in the Big City
By Macey Mueller for the Red Angus Magazine The modern-day grocery store contains 10,000 more foods than it did in 1980, many touting confusing health claims and marketing ploys. Combine that with a growing market of plant-based products and others containing added protein, and the resulting “label mania” can leave consumers overwhelmed when it comes to making purchase decisions.
In her work as a New York City registered dietitian and beef industry advocate, Nicole Rodriguez helps clarify commonly conflated nutritional theories as she addresses beef’s role in a well-rounded diet.
“I have a lot of conversations about defining a ‘plant-based diet’ and how beef can actually be very complementary,” she said. “If we look at USDA’s MyPlate model, we know that three-quarters of it is foods are derived directly from plants and then that other quarter can be an animal protein like beef.”
Research indicates animal proteins can be a vehicle for driving conscious consumption of fruits and vegetables. Rodriguez said simply adding vegetables to foods like burgers and sandwiches, makes them the number one and number three drivers of produce consumption, respectively.
“Instead of eschewing things like burgers and sandwiches, we should really be applauding them as solutions to this commonly known issue of people not eating enough fruits and vegetables,” she said. “I actively try to steer the conversation about plant-based diets away from specific products and more towards foods in classic combinations like a burger, a steak salad or Bolognese pasta sauce.”
In addition to working with clients directly, Rodriguez uses social media to help a wider audience of consumers make the connection between farm and fork. On her blog at enjoyfoodenjoylife.com, she often talks about the value of beef’s key nutrients like zinc, iron and protein and how they stack up against other products.
“There are numerous foods out there that contain protein or have added protein, but oftentimes you end up consuming much more carbohydrate to get the same 30 grams of protein you’d get from just 3 ounces of beef,” she said. “Not only is beef super delicious, nourishing and satiating, but is also comes in a relatively small caloric package, making it a nutrient-dense option.”
New York City-based registered dietitian Nicole Rodriguez regularly features healthy beef recipes and advocates for the beef industry on her blog at enjoyfoodenjoylife.com. beef production and to share information about lean cuts and healthy preparation methods, empowering consumers to shop assuredly at the meat counter and cook confidently in their kitchens. “I earned my nutrition degree “Not only is beef super delicious, in New York City where it was nourishing and satiating, but is all about ‘big, bad agriculture,’ anti-GMO and we should all be also comes in a relatively small caloric package, making it a eating vegan, and that never sat right with me,” she said. nutrient-dense option.” “When I became a dietitian, I penned a blog post about shopping shame-free at the grocery store and encouraging consumers to shop for beef based off what they like not necessarily what the label promised because we know that all beef is nutritious, wholesome and tasty. “I highlight beef as being both an indulgence and an everyday food. If someone is opting for a leaner choice, I usually suggest looking for words like ‘top,’ ‘round’ and ‘loin,’ but I also regularly feature ground beef in my recipes because it’s accessible and it can be rinsed to reduce fat content.” Rodriguez’s approach to a well-balanced diet and appreciation for beef caught the eye of the New York Beef Council,

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and soon she was participating in dietitian tours across the state and country. She has since partnered with NYBC and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association on several advocacy initiatives, including a podcast called “Beef Banter” where she connects consumers with producers and other industry specialists.
“Beef has always fueled my lifestyle and has always been a part of how I feed my family,” she said. “After seeing it firsthand, I just fell in love with the whole process of raising beef and felt like it is something I want to talk more about to people.”
Rodriguez recently joined the NYBC board of directors as the consumer outreach member at large. She has participated in NCBA’s Masters of Beef Advocacy program and even went on to become a Top of the Class graduate, further advancing her advocacy efforts.
She is also Beef Quality Assurance certified and encourages all producers to do the same.
“When I talk to consumers who have hesitations about including beef in their diets because they are worried about how it is produced, I often talk about this voluntary program to illustrate how ranchers are implementing sustainability and animal welfare practices in their operations,” she said. “I emphasize that beef is a product made by families, and I wouldn’t serve it to my own family if I didn’t think it was safe, nutritious and raised in an ethical manner.
“I am certified because I want to make sure I am walking the walk and not just talking the talk.” //

As a registered dietitian, Nicole Rodriguez enjoys talking to fellow moms about how beef is safely and humanely raised and the role it plays in well-balanced diets for children and adults alike.

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VanderWal Evans Geyer Smith Stubbs Weber
To advance its mission of equipping and preparing its young members to be leaders, innovators, stewards and advocates of the Red Angus breed and the beef business, the Red Angus Association of America Junior Activities committee annually awards scholarships to young men and women involved in agriculture. These scholarships are awarded to JRA members that are active in the association, as well as in their communities and the beef industry, and are planning to attend either two-year colleges or fouryear universities in the coming year. Recipients completed an extensive application and interview process, and have proven their communications skills, professionalism and potential for leadership.
The RAAA junior activities committee is pleased to name each of the following five JRA members as a recipient of the Red Angus Association of America’s $1,000 college scholarship.
Mitchell VanderWal is the son of Jeff and Beth VanderWal of Brentford, South Dakota. Mitchell has loved agriculture his whole life. Ranging from raising cattle to learning about plants, he has always been eager to learn more. His education at Northwestern High School of Mellette, South Dakota, taught him to always look up to the next level of progress. This mindset has aided him in building his cattle herd. The marketing knowledge that he learned and acquired during his time at South Dakota State University has taught him how to manage his assets and explore his career aspirations. The JRA has taught him life lessons that he will cherish for a lifetime. His communication and herdsmanship skills have benefited tremendously from his Red Angus involvement. With all these skills combined, he will grow his cattle herd and jumpstart his career.
Natalie Evans is the daughter of Sean and Amy Evans of Jacksonville, Illinois. She and her family run a commercial and registered cattle operation called Coal Creek Cattle Co. Currently, she is a senior at Routt Catholic High School where she is a part of sideline cheerleading, varsity track team, student council, NEHS, National Honor Society, service club and ambassador club. Outside of school, she is involved in 4-H where she has held the positions of president, vice president and secretary of her club. Being involved in the Red Angus breed and the beef industry has encouraged her to pursue a degree in pre-veterinary medicine with the intention of going on to veterinary school. She also has the strong ambition to continue her family’s operation alongside her two siblings.
Jamie Geyer, from Lisbon, North Dakota, is the daughter of Wylie and Sherry Geyer. Jamie will graduate from Lisbon High School in May 2022. She has excelled in school by always being on the honor roll. She has been involved in many outstanding organizations during high school. She has also been the local 4-H club treasurer for the last four years and served one year as the treasurer and two years as chapter president in her FFA chapter. She is the sixth generation in her family to be involved in the agriculture industry and after graduating from college plans to go home to the family farm and continue to raise Red Angus cattle. Michael and Sarah Smith. A resident of Shiner, Texas, she will graduate this spring. Throughout school she has been involved in cross country and track. One of her career goals is to write for a nationally renowned agricultural organization. Having been involved with Red Angus for most of her life, writing for a Red Angus-based magazine or other form of media would be a dream come true.
Calley Stubbs is a fifth-generation rancher in Wallace, Kansas. She is the daughter of Becky and Darrell Vandike and Adam and Jill Stubbs. She is currently a senior at Wallace County High School where she is active in volleyball, basketball, scholar’s bowl, forensics, choir, student council and National Honor Society. Calley was first introduced to the Red Angus breed in 2011 when NAJRAE was held in her home state of Kansas. Calley plans on attending Butler Community College where she will study animal science and be a part of the livestock judging team. She plans to become a ruminant nutritionist where she will create and adjust rations for cattle.
The committee is also pleased to announce Dalia Weber as the recipient of the $500 Dee Sonstegard Memorial Scholarship.
Dalia Weber is the daughter of Todd and Valerie Weber. Born and raised in Rock City, Illinois, she attends Dakota Jr. Sr. High school and is involved in many activities including varsity basketball, football manager and is president of the Dakota FFA Chapter. Red Angus has played a huge role in her life and will continue to as she plans to run for a JRA board position and build her industry connections. //

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