3 minute read

Red Choice Replacement Heifer Program

Timeline and Data Collection

Weaning Pre-Breeding

Procedures o Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, 7-way clostridial, and brucellosis o Evaluate structural soundness and blemishes (scarred eyes, rat-tails, injuries) o Parasite control as needed

30-60 days prior to breeding

Procedures o Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, vibriosis, 5-way leptospirosis o Reproductive tract score o Pelvic measurement o Evaluate structural soundness and blemishes o Parasite control as needed o Confirm eligibility of planned service sires o AI sire EPDs and accuracies must meet requirements o Natural service sires must have GE-EPDs and meet calving ease EPD requirement

Required Data o Individual ID o OCV (brucellosis) tag number o Reproductive tract score o Pelvic measurements o Breed or breed cross o Coat color o Blemishes/unsoundness

Optional Data (if available) o Registration number o Genomic test o Body condition score o Hair shedding score o Docility o Sire registration number o Birth date o Weight o Hip height o Notes/concerns o Foot score

All products listed must be used according to label directions. Consult your veterinarian regarding any questions on health procedures. Forms for data collection will be provided from a Red Choice coordinator. All data should be forwarded immediately after collection to Erin Larimore – LarimoreE@missouri.edu.


Required Data o Breeding program o Artificial insemination (AI) o Breeding date(s) o Service sire registration numbers o Natural service o Bull exposure dates o Estrous synch protocol o 1 Shot PG o CIDR + PG o MGA + PG o Select Synch + CIDR o 7-d CO-Synch + CIDR o 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR o 14-day CIDR + PG o Breeding management o Heat detection o Heat detection and clean-up AI o Fixed-time AI o Split-time AI o Individual animal records o Heat expression (if known) o Breeding date (mo/day) o Breeding time (am/pm) o Technician information o Initials o Lay versus professional

Pregnancy Exam

Maximum of 90 days after start of breeding

Procedures o Booster vaccination: 5-way leptospirosis o Pregnancy exam o Body condition score o Re-measure pelvis on heifers less than 150 cm2 at pre-breeding o Evaluate for structural soundness and blemishes o Parasite control as needed

Required Data o Individual ID o OCV (brucellosis) tag number o Number of days pregnant o Pelvic measurements (if re-measured) o Blemishes/unsoundness

Optional Data (if available) o Fetal sex o Body condition score o Genomic test information

Profitability Isn’t Random

the sustainability of the cow herd.

“Our brain tends to think of the word ‘technology’ as estrous synchronization products, long acting dewormers or the newest feed additive. However, those tools are just one kind of technology. Technology is really just knowledge applied. Management systems themselves are also a form of technology,” said Thomas.

“Data collection, prebreeding evaluations, pregnancy diagnosis – those technologies of good management practices – they create the context that allows us to really capture value produced from using other tools.”

Looking for a tangible benefit to the increased management protocols?

Thomas attested the extra touchpoints are well worth the added investment in both materials and time.

Me-Select routinely bring a couple hundred more per head compared to other heifers that are comparable in age, size, etc. at a sale barn,” he said.

Thomas likens it to feeder calves that are profitable for being weaned, vaccinated and bunk broke. There is tremendous value to be gained by capturing and sharing information.

“Buyers appreciate quality but also really appreciate information. These are high information and high-quality heifers and buyers are willing to pay for it.”

Woodruff shared his excitement about the program and the potential it has to aid commercial producers with their herd improvement goals.

“The need for Red Choice is simple: documented long-term fertility. When you

“By utilizing the Red Choice management practices in the development and breeding of heifers, both buyers and sellers can be extremely confident in the reproduction efficiency of heifers enrolled in the Red Choice program,” said Woodruff.

“This efficiency results in cows staying productive in the herd longer and in turn being more productive and profitable for producers.”

Woodruff encouraged producers who are wary about starting out in the program to contact members of the Red Angus commercial marketing team.

“We are here to answer any questions about the program. This program is available for use by anyone who is breeding heifers to help make them even more valuable than they already

100 Head of Charolais, Red Angus, & Red SimAngus Yearling Bulls

20 Head of Registered Charolais, Red Angus, & Red Simangus Yearling Heifers

10 Head of Commercial Red Angus Bred Heifers

26 ET



Auctioneers: Brad Veurink & Dan Clark

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