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Register Now for 2023 National Red Angus Convention

by Amy Wampler, RAAA Communications Intern

Cattle producers from across the nation plan to gather at the 70th annual National Red Angus Convention Sept. 13-15 in Denver, Colorado. The three-day event will consist of keynote speakers, educational workshops, the Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium and plenty of fellowship.

Keynote speakers featured during the convention will discuss trending topics in the agriculture industry. From the trajectory of the animal protein industry to mental health, each speaker brings a fresh perspective to the current state of the industry.

The convention will kick off Wednesday with the Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium, which is open to the public, but registration is requested for meal planning. The various sessions aim to help beef producers strengthen and improve profitability of their operations. This year’s sessions will focus on

“Recovery After Drought.”

The lineup of speakers and panelists includes various influential and highly knowledgeable industry leaders who are prepared to provide cattle producers of all breeds a wealth of knowledge regarding nutrition, value-added opportunities, sustainability and more.

Wyoming farmer, author and past radio host Ron Rabou will kick off Thursday’s agenda. Rabou’s certified organic operation was recently recognized as one of three national finalists for Farm Journal’s Top Producer of the Year. Rabou speaks nationwide on different topics involving agriculture and family farm transition. His newest book, “Make Your OWN Way,” shares his personal story of breaking the mold and creating independence in American agriculture.

Todd Nash and Allison Myers, Ph.D., will provide the keynote address on Friday, Sept. 15. For years, Nash has been an active advocate in the Oregon state legislature – helping to shape policies within farming, timber, ranching and natural resource issues. Most recently, he has worked with a bipartisan coalition to pass a bill that would fund a 24/7 suicide crisis line for farmers and ranchers.

As the Oregon State University associate dean for Extension and engagement of public health and human sciences, Myers works with partners to promote community health across topics ranging from tobacco prevention to food environments, promoting mental health and preventing deaths of despair from overdose and suicide.

The convention will conclude with keynote speaker Janette Barnard. Barnard is passionate about the intersection of animal agriculture and innovation. She writes Prime Future, a weekly newsletter for innovators in livestock, meat and dairy. She draws from her background working for Elanco, Cargill and McDonald’s Global Supply Chain. She is on the Ventures team at Merck Animal Health.

Along with the Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium and general convention sessions, a unique opportunity is available for college students. The Elevate Collegiate Leadership Conference will be held Sept. 14-15. This engaging professional development experience will help students gain necessary skills to succeed in a professional environment.

The convention will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton at 3203 Quebec St. The deadline to reserve a room in the convention block is Aug. 10. To register for the National Red Angus Convention or reserve your hotel room, please visit RedAngus.org. //

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