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Hacks to Streamline Calving Season

Calf Health and Management

Obviously, calf health is of utmost importance and can be a real challenge to manage, especially if calving in inclement weather. A plethora of ways exist to warm up a cold calf quickly; a plastic tote (or bathtub) with warm water, a calf warming box or old horse blankets and dog heating pads can all help warm up a chilled calf. And if the calf is appearing extra weak, many ranchers suggested administering a dose of corn syrup dissolved in hot water or even a 5-hour Energy drink to liven it up.

It’s also important to have calving supplies collected in a kit for easy movement, especially if calving in multiple places. Some would say that it’s necessary to have multiple kits – one for the barn and one for the farm truck.

Easy access to tools such as obstetrical chains, plastic sleeves, lubrication, syringes, paper towels, iodine and electrolytes is fundamental for acting quickly in the moment.

When the weather is too cold for tagging or calves need to be marked before tagging, dairy cow Velcro leg straps in several colors can be used for identification. There are endless marking and identification options with four legs and several colors available, and they can be doubled up if necessary. The strips are easy to keep track of and can be wrapped around four-wheeler racks, gear shifts, etc., so they are always nearby and ready to use. Just don’t forget to write down the color combinations and communicate with the rest of the crew!

General Calving Hacks

Other general calving niceties that can make life easier are stocking caps with headlights built in or headlamps for hands-free illumination during late-night or early-morning calving checks.

When it comes to calf movement, a calf sled, child’s snow sled or an old trash can lid can simultaneously get a calf to a warmer and drier location while also moving the cow.

Many ranchers swear by cameras in the calving barn that serve two purposes: 1) avoiding the cold late at night, and 2) avoiding disturbing cows that are actively in labor. A glance at the camera can indicate whether assistance is needed or if all is well.

Regardless of how you approach calving season, from facilities to equipment, make sure you’re doing what is manageable and feasible for your herd and your crew. //

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