1 minute read
Redbrick AGM 2023
from ISSUE 1527
by Redbrick
Agony Aunt: Auntie Anna Assists
Auntie Anna is here to answer all your worries!
Anonymous Ask: Hi Anna, am I in the right to be annoyed at my boyfriend who only does nice things on Valentine's Day?
Hi Anonymous,
Let me start off by congratulating you darling on how brave you are to write in. This reminds me a lot of my second husband Ted. He was an absolute dreamboat, but was a right stingey bastard unless it was the holidays (despite earning six-figures). At the start, every day was like Valentine's Day, he'd often wake me up with a surprise package, and that is the way it should be. But then, things dried up, he started working away more and more and soon I began to worry he'd started giving his packages to younger women. Soon after, he disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving me immense wealth, but also unable to have the honest conversation I needed to have with him before it was too late. Communication is one of the most important parts of every relationship - don't let these things build up and make you resentful, when it could maybe be solved with one chat.
In a relationship, every day should be Valentine's Day, and you should have this conversation before he too risks disappearing under mysterious circumstances. Hope this helps!
Your Auntie Anna xoxox
Anonymous Ask: Hi Anna, ever since I went to uni me and my sister don't get on. I hardly speak to her now and I don't know what to do. Is it my fault? Should I try and make more of an effort?
Hi Anonymous,
You are so brave for messaging in my love, and I hope I can help you any way I can. A relationship between siblings is so special, and only gets more important to maintain as time goes on. Sadly, my own sister, Sandra, is an absolute raging bitch, and we have not spoken since the trifle incident of 1994. Don't be like me and that daft cow Sandra, reach out whenever you think of her, even if it seems insignificant, everyone deserves to feel loved. University was just a pipe-dream when I was a little girl working in the mines, and it doesn't last forever, no matter how far away you feel now, strap on your headlamp, pick up your bag of coal, because there is light at the end of the tunnel. This distance is temporary, but your relationship is permanent, unlike coal, mining for diamonds is worth your time, and I'm sure your sister is a gem.
Ta ra, your Auntie Anna xoxox