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Support the well-being of our community—make your charitable gift by December 31, and help us meet our $5,000 match!
As a supporter of Red Butte Garden, you know first-hand that the Garden provides a special connection to nature that is both restorative and nourishing. In fact, a growing body of scientific research suggests that the time we spend in nature may be a critical link to both our physical and mental health.
With significant new information about the vital human/nature connection, it’s impossible not to reflect on Red Butte Garden’s position and responsibility to support the well-being of our community. This year, we plan to take a deeper dive into the role that Red Butte Garden plays as one of Nature’s prescriptions to health and wellness.
Whether you are looking for increased wellness through volunteering, participating in our forest bathing, meditation and yoga classes, fulfilling a desire to support imperative plant conservation efforts, or just looking for an extraordinary day or night out in nature with loved ones—Red Butte Garden may be the medicine you need to feel good in the new year.

Whether it’s $10, $100, $1,000 or more, please consider making a donation to fill our community’s prescription for better health and well-being. Gifts will be matched up to $5,000 by Dr. David Classen and Laurie Hofmann.
Top L: The Water Pavillion is a peaceful place to reflect. Top R: Take a yoga class in the Garden. Bottom: Red Butte Garden is great place to introduce your kids to nature.