Belarus Red Cross Newsletter (November, 2015)

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In brief Visit of the new First Aid Coordinator of Moldova Red Cross Society Dog-volunteer: not only rescuing, but curing In Minsk region volunteer-instructors accomplished the course in core directions of the BRCS activities Training for volunteer instructors on HIV prevention Refresher training for First Aid instructors in Grodno Grodno, Vitebsk and Mogilev oblasts choose health! The easiest way to help: the first container to collect clothes was installed in Gomel Regional twinning: a new form of cooperation Training for IHL instructors in Minsk Cooperation on assistance to detained migrants Red Cross Day in Grodno When volunteers matter for the State Belarus Red Cross Society will continue to cooperate with the authorities in order to integrate ex-offenders into society Rehabilitation peculiarities of children with special needs Best volunteers were awarded within the project on psychosocial support for MDR-TB patients A fundraising campaign aimed at collecting food and hygiene items was held in Minsk Smile for children campaign in Mogilev Visit of Head of Diplomatic Mission of the Swiss Confederation in Belarus Training for volunteers in anti-trafficking Round table meeting on mini-initiative best practices The visit of the Italian Red Cross volunteers International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Grodno Belarus Red Cross Karl Marx Str. 35, 220030, Minsk, Belarus +375 17 327 14 17

Visit of the new First Aid Coordinator of Moldova Red Cross Society Meeting between FA coordinator of the Belarus Red Cross Svetlana Tukach and FA Coordinator of the Moldova Red Cross Michaela Choric took place on November 3 in the BRC HQ. Michaela was presented with the BRC First Aid education activities and had an opportunity to visit the Belarus Red Cross FA training centre. On November 4-6 she also visited the FA training centre in Grodno branch of the BRC, as well as a training for FA instructors. Planning of FA activities in 2016, including training of FA teams and methodological support to colleagues from the Moldova Red Cross Society in terms of FA trainings were discussed during the visit. Dog-volunteer: not only rescuing, but curing A new volunteer project, called “Dogotherapy” started in November 2015 in Minsk city BRCS organization. Volunteers of the BRCS Emergency response and tracing department, Yulia Altunyuva, dogotherapy expert, and Igor Krakovsky, expert in general dogs training course, proposed to create a long-term project on training a dog therapy, within one of the BRCS strategic areas which is “Emergency preparedness and response”. During next six months experts will train volunteers and their pets in curing patients with muculoskeletal system disorders or mental development particularities. Dog therapy has widely recognized positive impact on general health and helps better overcome critical condition and stress.

In Minsk region volunteer-instructors accomplished the course in core directions of the BRCS activities Due to the financial support of the project “Community-based volunteer initiatives for civic groups in small towns and remote areas of Belarus” since the beginning of 2015 in Minsk regional organization of the BRCS the long-term course in core directions of the BRCS activities began its realization aimed at the training of volunteer-instructors. 20 volunteer-leaders from 7 districts of Minsk region took part in the course. Within the course the volunteers were trained in international humanitarian law, volunteer management, leadership, fundraising, dissemination of knowledge about socially dangerous diseases (HIV, TB etc.), interaction with specific target groups. In addition, volunteers obtained skills in training of new volunteers in volunteer induction course.

Training for volunteer instructors on HIV prevention A training on HIV prevention for volunteer instructors took place on November 4-5 in Brest within the project “Young against HIV - strengthening the capacities of the Belarusian Red Cross in the field of HIV/AIDS education”. 22 pupils and students from Brest educational institutions (high schools, colleges, universities) gained up-to-date knowledge on HIV infection, the virus origin theory, modes of transmission, prevention and treatment of HIV, stages, responsible behavior, methods of protection, “stigma” and “discrimination” notions. They also acquired practical skills in organizing and conducting awareness sessions.

Refresher training for First Aid instructors in Grodno A refresher training for FA instructors of the BRC Grodno branch was held within the BRC/ICRC cooperation program on November 4-6 in Grodno. The participants of the training were 10 instructors – staff and volunteers. During the training, the participants presented their skills, upgraded their pedagogical and methodology knowledge and got answers to some challenging issues.

Belarus Red Cross Karl Marx Str. 35, 220030, Minsk, Belarus +375 17 327 14 17

Grodno, Vitebsk and Mogilev oblasts choose health! On November 14, 19, 24 and 27, in Grodno, Vitebsk and Mogilev oblasts a number of events aimed at formation of healthy lifestyle and prevention of non-communicable diseases among population took place. The events are part of the campaign on healthy lifestyle “increase of physical activity” launched within the BRC project “Community Action for Health”. This conjoint project of the Belarus Red Cross Society and Swiss Red Cross has been implemented since January, 2014 in Polotsk and Senno regions of Vitebsk oblast, Oshmyany and Slonim regions of Grodno oblast, and Gorky city of Mogilev oblast. The primary objective of the initiative is to change the behavior of Belarusians with regard to their health.

The easiest way to help: the first container to collect clothes was installed in Gomel The first Red Cross container to collect clean clothes and shoes from the population to be handed over to the vulnerable was installed in Gomel, Belarus. The container is located near the BRCS office in Gomel in 6 Matrosov Street. There are plans to install containers all over Gomel region. One can put clean clothes and shoes anytime despite of the BRCS branch working hours. The container is installed with the support of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee.

Regional twinning: a new form of cooperation On November 9-12, 2015 the delegation from the Norwegian and Lithuanian Red Cross Societies visited the BRCS. Partner relationships between NSs of Lithuania and Belarus have been developing since 2009, but all the joint work has been carried out at the HQs level. Since 2014 Minsk city organization of the BRCS has established twinning cooperation with Møre og Romsdal branch of the Norwegian Red Cross. Such form of partnership has appeared to be interesting for Hedmark branch, and it has been decided to hold a workshop in detailed discussion of the cooperation between Hedmark branch, Norway, Vitebsk, Belarus, Visaginas, Lithuania. During the workshop the plan of activities for 2016 has developed and it has been decided to prepare joint projects. The meeting has resulted in signing a trilateral agreement between Vitebsk regional organization of the BRCS and regional branches of NSs of Norway (Hedmark) and Lithuania (Visaginas) Training for IHL instructors in Minsk On November 11-13 the training on IHL for instructors from volunteer councils representatives took place within the project "Cooperation with the ICRC - 2015". The training aimed at providing the target group with the main IHL notions through theoretical and practical examples, as well as informal education skills. Two representatives from each branch organizations participated in the training. After the training we could state that each BRCS branch organization has instructors on IHL who can disseminate knowledge among volunteers and stakeholders. It is also important that the participants have got communication skills for different audiences and captured the important methods to deliver information efficiently. This training was the fourth of national trainings for IHL instructors this year.

Belarus Red Cross Karl Marx Str. 35, 220030, Minsk, Belarus +375 17 327 14 17

Cooperation on assistance to detained migrants A round table has been held with the aim to establish cooperation with state institutions to assist detained migrants within the Restoring Family Links project funded by the ICRC. The round table has seen the participation of the BRCS Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, representative of the ICRC Regional delegation (Moscow), member of the presidium of Brest oblast organization of the BRCS, deputy chair of the Standing committee on health, physical culture, family and youth policy under the Chamber of representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, representatives of the State Border Committee of Belarus, Department for migration and citizenship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, representatives of the BRCS oblast organizations, heads of temporary detention facilities. The round table let the participants discuss assessment of detained migrants’ humanitarian needs, cooperation with stakeholders from the state and non-state sectors in the field of assistance to detained migrants and emerging challenges. Red Cross Day in Grodno The Red Cross Day took place on the basis of School №16 in Grodno on November 19 2015. The aim of the event was to attract young people to volunteer movement, disseminate Fundamental Principles of the International movement of Red Cross and humanitarian law. School № 16 has been chosen as the venue as it is a place where children with autism study. They are accompanied by the BRCS's volunteers-tutors. More than 100 people took part in the event: pupils, teachers, school administration representatives, 16 volunteers from higher education institutions, 4 BRCS staff. The participants became acquainted with the Red Cross main activities; the volunteers conducted trainings on HIV/AIDS prevention, drug abuse and First Aid.

When volunteers matter for the State Another meeting of the national consultation group was held within the Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-Made disasters in Eastern partnership counties was held at the Crown Plaza Hotel on November 22-24 2015. The meeting was aimed at strengthening the capacity of the State to respond to disasters. Representatives of all the main Ministries of Belarus, BRCS, Austrian Red Cross who participated in the meeting set the main tasks which would be addressed by the project during 2016-2018. The positive result for the BRCS was that the representatives of the Ministries of health, defense, information and emergencies approved the BRCS proposal to reinforce the work on the draft law on volunteering and promotion of engagement of volunteers in disaster prevention and response activities. Belarus Red Cross Society will continue to cooperate with the authorities in order to integrate ex-offenders into society The forum on reintegration of ex-offenders took place on November 17, in Minsk. The forum was attended by representatives of the Belarus Red Cross Society, the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of Minsk City Executive Committee, Ministry of Internal Affairs and other experts to discuss how to integrate exoffenders into society and strengthen the cooperation between the various relevant organizations.

Belarus Red Cross Karl Marx Str. 35, 220030, Minsk, Belarus +375 17 327 14 17

Rehabilitation peculiarities of children with special needs A charity practical seminar for parents: “Unlanguaged children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and other development disorders: building up the holistic rehabilitation system» was held on November 17 in Pervomayskaya district organization of the Belarus Red Cross Society of Minsk city. The seminar was arranged by the BRCS workers together with a psychologist, a specialist on unlanguaged children with development disorders Akulova E.N. The seminar was based on the answers to the most frequently asked questions by parents of unlanguaged children with development disorders and safe physical hearing (autistic spectrum disorder, developmental and psycho-speech delay, etc.). At the seminar practical exercises to work with unlanguaged children on the initial stage of rehabilitation were shown to parents. Best volunteers were awarded within the project on psychosocial support for MDR-TB patients On November 18, 2015 the UNDP gathered 30 best Red Cross volunteers from all over the country in order to thank them for their big hearts and invaluable input to patients’ commitment to the treatment of TB. All over Belarus the Red Cross volunteers have already been implementing the project on psychosocial support for MDR-TB patients for three years. 250 trained volunteers provide phone calls to TB-patients who have struggled with their disease alone for several years. Sometimes a phone call is the only opportunity for a TB-patient to go ahead and not to give up. At the UNDP office any volunteer could share his/her story about the impact of the project on the beneficiaries and volunteers. It was a very emotional time to say “Thank you, volunteer!”. A fundraising campaign aimed at collecting food and hygiene items was held in Minsk The fundraising campaign aimed at collecting food and hygiene items came to its end in the “Arena-city” mall on the November 20. Minsk central district organization of the BRCS in cooperation with the “Arena-city” mall carried out a campaign aimed at collecting donations for lonely elderly persons and those living alone, seriously ill people, handicapped, and persons under care of the BRCS visiting nurses. Within the Care campaign BRCS central district organization rendered assistance to 143 people, volunteers assisted 96 people among them.

Smile for children campaign in Mogilev On 25 November, Mogilev regional BRCS branch carried out a charity event “Smile for children” at pediatrics unit of “Mogilev regional children’s hospital”. During the event, volunteers from the primary organization “Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University” have organized an entertainment show for children. This work conducted by volunteers was approved by the administration and hospital staff, and evoked happy smiles and positive emotions of the children.

Belarus Red Cross Karl Marx Str. 35, 220030, Minsk, Belarus +375 17 327 14 17

Visit of Head of Diplomatic Mission of the Swiss Confederation in Belarus On November 26, in the BRC Headquarters was held a meeting with Mr. Pascal Ebisher, Head of Diplomatic Mission of the Swiss Confederation in Belarus, and Viktor Kolbanov, Secretary General of the Belarus Red Cross. In the course of the meeting V. Kolbanov admitted good cooperation with Swiss organizations in implementation of conjoint projects within the activities of the Belarus Red Cross.

Training for volunteers in anti-trafficking How not to be involved human trafficking? How to talk about this problem? On November 26-28, 2015 14 volunteers learnt about prevention of trafficking in human beings and were trained in holding informational peer-to-peer sessions. During the training different methods and forms of work with various target groups were discussed (children of 5-6 years old, school children, students, employed young people and mixed audience). Raimonda Lebelionytė – Alseikienė, the Lithuanian Red Cross representative participated in the training. Cooperation between the Lithuanian Red Cross and the BRCS will be soon expanded in the field of combating human trafficking, including prevention activities targeted at refugees and migrants. Round table meeting on mini-initiative best practices Round table meeting on discussion of best practices took place on the basis of Minsk regional organization of the BRCS in the framework of the project “Community-based volunteer initiatives for civic groups in small towns and remote areas in Belarus” on November 27 2015. 50 people took part in the event: the BRCs district organizations chairpersons, volunteers, initiative group leaders, partners and mass media. The participants discussed the results of 11 mini-initiatives and topical issues of volunteer movement. The best volunteers were awarded. The visit of the Italian Red Cross volunteers An international exchange visit between volunteers from the Italian Red Cross and the Belarus Red Cross Society took place in the framework of the project “Happy doctor” in Vitebsk 28-29 November 2015. The volunteers from the Italian Red Cross shared their experience of having been clowns at children’s hospitals and rehabilitation centres, communication with children’s parents, fighting with psycho emotional burnout. The Italian Red Cross volunteers trained the volunteers from the Belarus Red Cross Society the new methods of recreational activities for children in hospitals with needs of positive emotions.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Grodno A sports event «SPORT + HEALTH. HEALTH + SPORT» within the project “Education for all” took place on November 27. The event was aimed at integrating families who have children with disabilities into society. The program of the festival included adapted sports competitions, songs, dances. Children with disabilities who visit the Day Care Centre of the BRC in Grodno, together with parents and BRC volunteers took part in sports competitions with children from schools for children with hearing disabilities, pupils of secondary schools, students. Winners were awarded with certificates and prizes.

Belarus Red Cross Karl Marx Str. 35, 220030, Minsk, Belarus +375 17 327 14 17

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