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We can’t believe that Week 4 of Kindergarten is already upon us! This week has been packed with new and exciting learning experiences across the curriculum. The students have been blowing us away with their ability to adjust to new routines and environments.
We had a taste adventure this week during our Personal Development and Health lessons. We kicked off our adventure by reading the book ‘A Taste Adventure’ by Melissa Leong and discussing the six different tastes. We then got to try a food that represents each taste and to record our preferences. Almost everyone’s favourite was ‘sweet’, but some students loved the ‘bitter’ and the ‘sour’ as well. It was so much fun to learn the work ‘umami’! Ask us about our taste badge we wore home to show how brave we were at trying new things.
English lessons this week were also full of excitement as we introduced our first set of ‘Heart Words’. You will have seen these come home in our homework folders this week. Heart Words are words that are a little tricky to decode with the sound knowledge we currently have, but are very useful to know in our reading, so we learn them by heart. We also introduced three new sounds, /m/, /d/ and /g/.
In Mathematics this week we began exploring the concepts of measurement and time. We got to work measuring and comparing different items around the classroom and in the playground and continued to consolidate our understanding of numerals 1-10.