Newsletter August 2024

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August 18 | 8 AM - 1 PM

tailgate games for all giveaways & treats tailgate food explore redeemer’s ministry teams discover the fall 2024 theme & offerings invite a friend meet the community




Wednesday, August 21

Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings:

·Cherubim Choir, age 4 – 1st grade. 5:30-6:00 pm

·Seraphim Choir, grades 2-5. 6:00-7:00 pm

·Redeemer Ringers, grades 3 and up. 7:00-7:30 pm

Please contact Sarah at with questions or for more information.

We are excited to see our returning students and welcome new people!

Our choral and handbell ensembles are open to all.

J.O.Y. Choir returns

Sunday, September 8

J.O.Y is an ensemble for Just Our Youth, grades 6-12. We’ll meet on Sunday mornings 9:00-9:30 am. Joining voices in fellowship and praise, you will make friends and memories while serving God, our congregation and community

Baptism at Redeemer

Greetings! If you or someone you know is expecting a child or interested in baptism at Redeemer at any age, we would love to celebrate this special milestone with your family! We have several dates available. Here are some details:

AtRedeemer,weholdBaptismFestivals,specialSundaysdesignatedforbaptismswhen severalfamiliesmaybecelebratingabaptismatthesametime.

PleaseinquireformoredetailsonhowschedulingworksandtogettheBaptismregistration form.

Upcoming Festival Dates

September 1 (Labor Day Weekend)

October 6

December 29


Baptismisasacramentcelebratedincommunity.Groupingupbaptismsoncertaindays allowsustouseaspecialliturgyfocusedonbaptismandtrulyhighlightitasaspecialevent, ratherthanitbeingafootnotetoaservicewithadifferentfocus.

Also,it'sfun!It'sagreatwaytogettoknowotherfamilies,andyourchildwillgrowupwith friendsatRedeemerwhosharetheirbaptismanniversary-aspecialbondthatcanfollow themthroughoutlife.

In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck (she/her) Director of Children and Family Ministries 770-778-7085





Click Here for more info click here for Registration



S the Date

Lord’s Supper Retreat

Weencourageparticipationstartingatfour yearsold,whetherornotyourchildistaking Communionalready.TheretreatisSaturday morningatRedeemer,withablessingin worshipthefollowingday.

October 9-10

Other Events Coming Up




VBS!: June2-6,2025

Rejoicing Spirits

Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth!

—Psalm 98:4

What is Rejoicing Spirits?

Rejoicing Spirits is a worship service for people of all ages and abilities. It is worship that encourages all to share their gifts in a comfortable, shush-free setting where difference is celebrated and ‘can’t’ is thrown out the window.

Should I go to Rejoicing Spirits?

YES! We are all beloved children of God with strengths and weaknesses. People with disabilities and their caregivers need the support of their faith community. Come to be a friend and make some amazing new friends!

Do I have to choose between RS and my fave Redeemer service?

NO! RS is once per month, and occurs during Faith Formation Hour. You might miss part of your adult Faith Formation class, but next week you can tell them all about Rejoicing Spirits!


September 22 October 20

November 17

December 15

10:15-10:45 am in Rudisill Hall

Rejoicing Spirits is back from our summer break! We can't wait to hear about your summer adventures and how you've been growing in faith. Mark your calendar now!!

Join us for Worship on Zoom or in person!


ThetAbleisaneventthatoccursfor3daysrightbefore theNationalYouthGathering,foryouthwithspecial needs.ItgathersHighSchoolteenswhoare neurodivergent,whohavephysicaldisabilities,who havedevelopmentalorintellectualdisabilities,andwho strugglewithmentalhealth Eachyouthcomeswithanadultfromhome-aparentor ayouthleader.IwashonoredtoattendwithRedeemer memberFinleyLovethisyear.Wespentthreedays makingamazingnewfriends,learningmoreaboutour identityaschildrenofGod,andenjoyingthebeautiful cityofNewOrleans!

My favorite thing about tAble is mostly bowling. It was really fun hitting the pins andhaving dinner there. Iwouldnever stop bowling!

LSomeofournew futheranfriends romacrossthe country!

tAblewasawesome.It was cooltoread mypoemabout thechoiratthetalentshow.

Thank youforgoingwithme,DeaconMary

We got a special, sneak-peak preview of the Gathering stage at the Smoothie King Center, the Gathering Interactive Center at the NOLA Convention Center, and got to meet the MC’s who were up on the main stage, hosting the Mass Gatherings each night!

Within the tAble group, we had a masquerade ball and a Talent Show where Finley read some of her beautiful original poetry.

On Tuesday, we met up with the rest of the Redeemer Gathering group for lunch, and Finley joined them for the rest of the event I can’t wait to invite more people for the next tAble, in Minneapolis in 2027!

Finley was the lector for a worship service with a special presider!

Camp Glisson in Dahlonega, GA


Backpack Blessing

August 11, All Worship Services

Studentsofallages,theircaregivers,teachers,andschool professionalsareinvitedforablessingatthebeginningofthe schoolyear.Backpacksandotherbagsarewelcome,butnot requiredtoreceivetheblessing.

July31:RSVPdueforConfirmationKickoffAdventure.ContactJana Thomas(!

August4:ELCA Youth Gathering Thank You Reception

Join us on Sunday, August 4th, as we celebrate our recent trip to New Orleans for the ELCA Youth Gathering, held July 16-20. We had 14 youth and 3 Adult Leaders attend this inspiring event. Deacon Mary and Finley Love also participated in the pre-event, the tAble. Thank you once again for your generous support of our youth!

August4:After 6 years, we will be saying “See you later” to our Youth Director, Hillary Nelson. Hillary will be recognized throughout each service with a celebration after 11 AM. Hillary will be moving on to work as a Paraprofessional at an Elementary School in Gwinnett County Public Schools.

August10: Confirmation Kickoff Adventure @ Sojourn Adventures-RSVP due by July 31.

August18:Join us at Redeemer’s Fall Kickoff! Stop by the Youth Table and the other ministries to see what’s happening here at Redeemer.



at Redeemer

Join your Church family and friends with “The Return of Wednesday Night Dinners at Redeemer!” Beginning at 4:45 PM, we will offer a tasty, nutritious meal for you and your family. Dinner Service will conclude at 6:15 PM.


4:15 PM Early Bird Bible Study | Reception

4:45 PM Dinner | Sims Atrium

6:00 PM Pastor's Class | Rudisill Hall

“SingingtheChurchʼsHistory” In-personandonline

EverySundaymorning,wesingwordsthathaveahistory.Yetmanyofourhymnsaresofamiliarthatwerarely noticewherethewordscomefrom.Aswesingtogether,wearesingingchurchhistory,and,asasingingchurch, wehaveahistory Thisclasswillexplorethatstory Throughsingingandexaminingthewordsofourhymns,we willlearnchurchhistory,rightdowntotoday,whileenrichingourhymnsingingwithglimpsesintothelivesand contextsofthosewhowrotethem.Everyoneiswelcome,butbringyoursingingvoice!

6:00 PM Seraphim | Room 204

6:00 PM Cherubim | Room 203

7:00 PM Redeemer Ringers | Room 202

7:30 PM Redeemer Choir | Hinely Hall

Midweek Evening Prayer | Worship at 7:00 PM

New! New!

Sunday Morning Class

beginning August 25 | 10 am

“The Difficult Words of Jesus - Meanings and Contexts” -Led by Ed Scherlacher with Don Noland.

Inspired by Amy-Jill Levine’s book “The Difficult Words of Jesus,” this class will review sayings of Jesus that have been misinterpreted and used to marginalize “others” in history.

Tuesday,Aug.13,at12p.m., Easterntime

LearnmoreaboutGodʼsLove MadeRealat

JoinELCAPresidingBishopElizabethEatonforaconversationaboutGodʼsLoveMadeReal.ThisELCAmovement encouragesustocreateaworldexperiencingthedifferenceGodʼsgraceandloveinChristmakeforallpeople andcreation.


ThiseventwilltakeplaceonZoom (Savethislink)


BishopEatonwillsharewhyGodʼsLoveMadeRealismeaningfultoherandthefutureofthechurch.TheRev. PedroM.Suárez,bishopoftheFlorida-BahamasSynod,willhosttheconversation,andparticipantswillhavea chancetoaskquestionsandsharestories.


ThiswebinarisespeciallyforpeoplewhocareabouttheELCAandliveintheCaribbean,Florida-Bahamas,North Carolina,SouthCarolina,SoutheasternorVirginiasynods.Ifyoudonʼtliveinoneofthesesynods,staytunedfor anupcomingeventinyourregion.



Stitching Blooms Wellspring Living

InJuly,RedeemingGracehosteda creativeworkshopforthegirls(ages 12-17)ofWellspringLiving.Afterlunch atChick-fil-A,thegirlsspentseveral hoursatPlantHouseDecaturwhere theystitcheddriedflowersontotullecoveredembroideryhoops. Eachgirl enjoyedtheafternoonofcraftingand creativitywhichresultedinalovely decorationfortheirroom.Whata perfectwaytospendasummerday!

ThisactivitywasfundedbyRedeemerʼs CommunityEngagement Ministry.WellspringLivingʼsGirls ResidentialProgramprovidestraumainformedcaretosurvivorsofDomestic MinorSexTraffickingviaphysical, emotionalandspiritualrestoration.

WellspringLiving’sGirlsResidentialProgram(ages12-17) providestrauma-informedcaretosurvivorsofDomesticMinor SexTraffickingintheserviceofphysical,emotionaland spiritualrestoration.

November 15-17

Women of all ages are invited to join us for a fantastic weekend retreat! Enjoy fellowship, activities, and a time of spiritual renewal.

This year’s theme is Flourish and we will explore ways God equips and empowers us to flourish no matter what stage of life we find ourselves in The focus of Flourish will include prayer, presence, and practice.

If you are in need of care from the Redeemer Care Team, please click the link below. Care can include rides, meals, encouragement cards, visitation, or other forms of care

*Scholarship money is available upon request!

Questions or to request scholarship assistance, please email Pr. Jennifer (

Each week prayer cards are added to the prayer list and members of Redeemer lift one another up in prayer. If you are interested in receiving the Weekly Prayer List, please contact William Bolick.

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