saturday update 11.16.24

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Lutheran Church of the Redeemer’s Statement of Welcome

We serve a God of abundant grace and generosity Our worship is centered on the invitation that Christ offers at the communion table: all are welcome in this place. That welcome flows through all we do and say We open our arms to everyone who comes to share our love of God and all God’s people. We affirm and value the lives of everyone, including all who have been marginalized by ability, age, gender, gender identity, mental or physical health, poverty, race, sexual orientation, or any other circumstance Let our message be clear: all are welcome to participate fully in the life of our congregation.

Sunday Link to: submit prayer requests


Zoom Communion following postlude

Join us for Worship this Sunday| 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Mark H Larson, preaching

The theme of the Day

November begins with All Saints Day and ends in or near Advent, when we anticipate Christ’s coming again. It is fitting, then, that the readings today tell of the final resurrection and the end time. In the turmoil of hope, fear, and disbelief that these predictions provoke in us, Hebrews sounds a note of confident trust. Christ makes a way for us where there is no way, and we walk it confidently, our hearts and bodies washed in baptismal water, trusting the one who has promised forgiveness The more we see the last day approaching, the more important it is to meet together to provoke one another to love.


December 15 following 9:00 am and 11:00 am worship services with an online option at 10:15 am

The purpose of the meeting is the approval of the 2025 Proposed Budget. Please also join us following the 9:00 AM and 11:00AM Worship Services on Sunday, Nov. 17th , 24th , or Dec. 8th for Listening Posts to discuss the 2025 Proposed Budget. Members of the Church Council, the Finance Team and the Church Staff will be on hand to review the document and answer questions. You can attend in person in Rudisill Hall or feel free to join the conversation online via Zoom.

Final Sunday to Order It’s that time of the year – the Youth are selling Kringlesfor our major yearly fundraiser. We will be taking orders Nov. 3, 10, & 17. Price: $18 each, 3 for $47, (plus $3 processing for card payments) Orders will be available for pickup on Dec. 8 & 15. click here to order

Rejoicing Spirits

It’s time to rejoice again!! This special worship service is designed to be accessible to people of all abilities- yes, that means you! We are all beloved children of God with strengths and weaknesses. People with disabilities and their caregivers need the support of their faith community We all need to be reminded that whatever our abilities, we are enough. Come to be a friend and make some amazing new friends!

Meet in Rudisill Hall from 10:15 - 10:45 (before or after attending your usual service!)

HARVEST HOME CONCERT – NEW DATE AND TIME Sunday, Nov 17 at 7 pm | Streamed Live at &

The Harvest Home Concert is Redeemer’s musical celebration of Thanksgiving This year we welcome the Midtown High School Mastery Treble Choir led by Kevin Hill, and soloists from Redeemer, Georgia State University, and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus As a gift to the community, the concert is presented free of charge.

Created to Be...Generous

We are asking every family to return their pledge of support to Redeemer’s ministries through our website, email, or by returning your pledge card in the mail or in-person.

Stewardship packets are available at the Welcome Desk in the Sims Atrium.

You can also pledge online: https://form jotform com/242974460289165

Children and Family

Children’s Christmas Program

Stars! Angels! Shepherds! Kings! (and all royalty!) We are preparing again for our children’s Christmas Program this year with our favorite songs and costumes! This is a meaningful way for our kids to make the good news of this ancient and beautiful story fresh each year

Rehearsals will be during Sunday School on Oct. 20, Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, with a Dress Rehearsal on Saturday, December 7: 9:30-11:00 am The performance will be Sunday, December 8: 10 am (9:30 'call time' for performers). Ages 2- 5th grade are welcome. To register, fill out the Sunday School form . If you have already registered for Sunday School, no additional registration is needed


Confirmation Sunday, at 9:45 AM

*Fireside for 6-7th graders

*2nd floor office for 8th graders

For more information, please contact Pastor Jonathan High School will meet in the Youth Lounge at 9:45 AM

On Nov. 24 during the Faith Formation hour, the Youth will have a combined HS/MS service project preparing care bags for Georgia Tech students at Grace House, and we’ll also be decorating the Youth Lounge for Advent/Christmas!

On Dec. 8, the Youth are having our yearly Christmas party from 12:30-2:00. Join us for games, Chinese food, a gingerbread house build-off, and more! Bring sharable candy for decorating the gingerbread houses

Group for Parents of Middle School Confirmands

Hallie Dillon is facilitating a group for all the parents of confirmation youth (6th-8th grade), to discuss the materials the confirmands are learning and for general mutual support Meetings will be every week that confirmation classes occur, during the faith formation hour (9:45-10:45) in the library. Contact Hallie at halliedillon@me com or (404)862-5441 with any questions!

Faith Formation

“The Difficult Words of Jesus - Meanings and Contexts” Sundays | 10 am | Room 121

Led by Ed Scherlacher with Don Noland. Inspired by Amy-Jill Levine’s book “The Difficult Words of Jesus,” this class will review sayings of Jesus that have been misinterpreted and used to marginalize “others" in history.

Be Still and Journey, Open to anyone interested Will not meet this Sunday

Led by Pat Cornwell | Sundays 10 AM | Room 119

“Shaped by the Word, The Power of Scripture in Spiritual Formation”by M Robert Mulholland, Jr. For those who hunger for a deeper relationship with God and often struggle with barriers that keep us from being able to meditate and listen to God

The Seekers Bible Studyled by Bill Pegram Mondays | 1:30 PM | Reception Room/Zoom

Dig deep into the Gospel of Matthew. Light refreshments served.

Book Study with Pastor Jonathan Tuesdays | 5 PM | Zoom

Join Pr Jonathan on Zoom as the group discusses "Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Led by David Ott & Don Noland | Tuesdays | 7 AM | Reception Room and Zoom

We are now studying 1 & 2 Samuel. Everyone is welcome either 1/ in person in the Reception Room with a full breakfast serving from 7 am, or 2/ via ZOOM link found on the Redeemer website each Tuesday Our study and discussion is from 7:30 - 8:30 am. Please join us any Tuesday morning!

Early Bird Bible Study led by David Ott

Wednesdays | 4 PM | Reception | Study on 1 and 2 Chronicles

Join Faithful Hands Ministry for the First Fall 2024 Hat and Scarf Challenge!

We're collecting hats and scarves for the Food Ministries' Holiday Meals this Thanksgiving and Christmas If you can make a scarf, cowl, or hat, by Thanksgiving, great! If not, you have until Christmas to contribute Knit or crochet as many as you like just ensure scarves are at least 60 inches long and use any pattern you enjoy. This is a wonderful way to support those who rely on our Food Ministry. Completed items can be dropped off in the Fall 2024 Challenge box in Room 119. Yarn is available in plastic containers in the same room For questions or pattern ideas, contact Pat Cornwell at Let’s revive this tradition!

Keystone Ministry

Thursday, Nov 21

12:45 – 3 PM

Rudisill Hall

Enjoy a film and snacks, “The Sting”


Angel Tree for the Girls of Wellspring Living | November 17December 15

Redeemer members will have the opportunity to shop for the girls of Wellspring Living – children (ages 12 – 17) who have been sexually trafficked and who are on a path of restoration On each ornament is a suggested gift card Gift cards in any amount will be used for the girls’ school and craft supplies, meals, clothing, special outings, or for stocking the boutique where the girls can “shop” for special items as rewards for scholastic achievement Write the value on your gift cards and place them in the box by the tree Questions? Contact Amy Carpenter or Charissa Schultz

For questions, contact Charissa Schultz or Amy Carpenter via Realm

Inspiritus Coat Drive | November 17 - December 15

We have resettled an unprecedented 600+ refugees this year. As the weather turns cold, purchasing coats for every family member can be a

significant expense We are working to gather coats for all clients who have arrived this year If you can donate even one coat, it would greatly impact families of 9 or 11 who face the need for hundreds of dollars in warm clothing

Tags with names, genders, ages, and sizes will be available on our Hope Tree. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to the Hope Tree Christmas fund, we will use those funds to purchase the necessary winter coats

Goshen Valley Giving Tree | November 17 - December

15 - Beginning Wednesday, November 20

Help us create a Merry Christmas for the foster boys and girls living under Goshen Valley's care!

You can donate items in two ways: donate gifts using the Amazon list, which will ship items directly to Goshen Valley donate household items using tags on the giving tree in Sims Atrium, and bring the items to church with you

Thanksgiving Dinner Event Hosted by the Food Ministry

This Thanksgiving season, the Food Ministry invites everyone in need of a meal to join us for a special Thanksgiving dinner. The event will take place on Tuesday, November 26, featuring a traditional Thanksgiving feast with all the classic fixings

We’re excited to welcome partners from, River Edge, Lazarus, and the Public Defender’s Office, who will be on-site offering their services. Additionally, Hope Thru Soap will be stationed in the 4th Street parking lot to provide showers and other resources for our guests As an added gesture, each guest will receive a toiletry kit to take with them.

A heartfelt thank you to Sheila Brock’s daughter, Kelsey Goldfarb, who organized a neighborhood effort to assemble 50 hygiene kits for the Food Ministry’s giveaway The children enjoyed decorating the bags, and we are grateful to Kelsey and her team for their kindness in preparing these “blessing bags” for our guests.

Wednesdays at Redeemer

Beginning at 4:45 PM, we offer a tasty, nutritious meal for you and your family. Dinner Service will conclude at 6:15 PM

4:00 PM Early Bird Bible Study | Reception/Zoom 4:45 PM Dinner | Sims Atrium

6:00 PM Pastor's Class | Rudisill Hall/Zoom - “Seeing Salvation” In-person and online

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus has shaped Western art for nearly two thousand years. Not only were they beautiful to look at, these images reflected and shaped the faith of both artist and viewer Join us as we trace the life of Christ in image and art and discover how the greatest story ever told also became the framework for some of the greatest art ever seen.

Midweek Evening Prayer | Worship at 7 PM


We are excited to see our returning students and welcome new people! Our choral and handbell ensembles are open to all.

Seraphim Choir, grades 2-5. 6:00-7:00 pm Redeemer Ringers, grades 3 and up 7:00-7:30 pm

Please contact Sarah at shawbecker@redeemer org with questions or for more information Registration Link:

J.O.Y. Choir

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