Momentum | May & June 2017

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Momentum i A Publication of Redeemer Bible Church

Issue 37 // May & June, 2017

6 Reasons Why Membership Matters The Church: A Display of His Glory and a Gift of His Grace

Church Membership


We’re glad you’re here! We are a church with a mission. Our mission is to enjoy, embody, and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ so that unbelievers are persuaded of the gospel, believers are built up in the gospel, and culture is transformed by the gospel – to the glory of God. Because the gospel is at the heart of RBC, we want all that we say and do as a church to honor and reflect Christ. Part of that includes making sure you are able to consistently and clearly know our vision and direction. That’s where Momentum comes in. On the first Sunday of every other month, everyone will receive a copy and be able to stay connected to the pulse of Redeemer. Inside each issue, you will find a letter from the elders, encouraging articles from our members, as well as updates on things like church finances, new members, and upcoming church activities and programs. The gospel is what keeps Redeemer moving forward. It’s our passion, our motivation, our moving force. It’s our momentum.

In this Issue

5 LETTER FROM THE ELDERS “Welcome to Redeemer!” from Greg Deckert, on behalf of the elders and deacons.


14 2017 GRADUATES 19

“…The church—filled with [God’s] new creations— is the canvas on which His masterpiece is being displayed.”


20 12

6 6 REASONS WHY MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Pastor Kevin DeYoung makes a compelling case for making a commitment to church.

SEEING WITH NEW EYES Bill Walsh shares his new perspective on how to minister to the people of Ireland after being involved in missions there for almost a decade.


17 THE LOVINGKINDNESS OF THE LORD “He who trusts in the LORD, lovingkindness shall surround him.” Psalm 32:10

Gabe & Rebekah share their stories of how Jesus rescued them and brought them to Himself.


Communications Department CONTENT DIRECTION Lorie Schnell Bill Walsh Jason Wredberg



EDITING Lorie Schnell Brittney Westin



Letter from the Elders

Dear Redeemer Family, Welcome to the late spring and early summer edition of Momentum! I always love this time of year. Flowers begin to bloom, April showers are abating, the end to another long school year is on the horizon, and the Twins are not yet in last place. There is evidence of growth, promise, new life, and expectation of exciting things in the future all around us. The elders and deacons feel the same sentiment as we reflect on the ways we have seen God’s goodness through the spring months here at Redeemer. There is much to be excited and hopeful about, especially as we trust in God’s grace and provision to grow our church in the coming days. And we believe He is doing so! The theme of this issue of Momentum is church membership and involvement. We’ve already been blessed by the start of pastor Jason’s sermon series on why church membership and community is biblical, and I urge you to read his article on the church. I can’t think of a better time of the year for all of us who are already members to renew our commitment to faithful church attendance and service. When church members are present and engaged, we can speak the truth in love to one another, just as our Lord exhorted through the Apostle Paul: “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love” (Eph. 4:15-16). And for those of you who are not yet members, I would encourage you to consider it, for all of the compelling reasons you can read about in this edition. Most of the reasons are Scriptural, and some are pragmatic as well. Make your commitment to Christ and His people. Follow the Lord’s teaching in Hebrews 13 and 2 Corinthians 2. Encourage those of us who are already members at RBC. Make yourself accountable to others, both so that you can be encouraged and so that you can be guided and edified in your walk of faith. Allow God to use the local church to help you persevere in your faith.


As Kevin DeYoung likes to say, don’t just date your local church – marry her. If you haven’t already joined RBC, we’d love to have you covenant with your brothers and sisters here at Redeemer. Let the spring of 2017 become a time of new hope, growth, and expectation for you in formal commitment to RBC as your local church! For Christ and His church, Greg Deckert


hy bother with church membership?”

I’ve been asked the question before. Sometimes it’s said with genuine curiosity—“So explain to me what membership is all about.” Other times it’s said with a tinge of suspicion—“So tell me again, why do you think I should become a member?”—as if joining the church automatically signed you up to tithe by direct deposit. For many Christians membership sounds stiff, something you have at your bank or the country club, but too formal for the church. Even if it’s agreed that Christianity is not a lone ranger religion, that we need community and fellowship with other Christians, we still bristle at the thought of officially joining a church. Why all the hoops? Why box the Holy Spirit into member/nonmember categories? Why bother joining a local church when I’m already a member of the universal Church? Some Christians—because of church tradition or church baggage—may not be convinced of church membership no matter how many times “member” actually shows up in the New Testament. But many others are open to hearing the justification for something they’ve not thought much about. Here are just a few reasons why church membership matters. 1. IN JOINING A CHURCH YOU MAKE VISIBLE YOUR COMMITMENT TO CHRIST AND HIS PEOPLE. Membership is one way to raise the flag of faith. You state before God and others that you are part of this local body of believers. It’s easy to talk in glowing terms about the invisible church—the body of all believers near and far, living and dead—but it’s in the visible church that God expects you to live out your faith. Sometimes I think that we wouldn’t all be clamoring for community if we had actually experienced it. Real fellowship is hard work, because most people are a lot like us-selfish, petty, and proud. But that’s the body God calls us to. How many of Paul’s letters were written to individuals? Only a handful, and these were mostly to pastors. The majority of his letters were written to a local body of



6 Reasons Why Membership Matters By Kevin DeYoung


believers. We see the same thing in Revelation. Jesus spoke to individual congregations in places like Smyrna, Sardis, and Laodicea. The New Testament knows no Christians floating around in “just me and Jesus” land. Believers belong to churches. 2. MAKING A COMMITMENT MAKES A POWERFUL STATEMENT IN A LOW-COMMITMENT CULTURE. Many bowling leagues require more of their members than our churches. Where this is true, the church is a sad reflection of its culture. Ours is a consumer culture where everything is tailored to meet our needs and satisfy our preferences. When those needs aren’t met, we can always move on to the next product, or job, or spouse. Joining a church in such an environment makes a counter-cultural statement. It says, “I am committed to this group of people and they are committed to me. I am here to give, more than get.” Even if you will only be in town for a few years, it’s still not a bad idea to join a church. It lets your home church (if you are a student) know that you are being cared for, and it lets your present know that you want to be cared for here.



“ Membership is one way to stop dating churches, and marry one.” But it’s not just about being cared for, it’s about making a decision and sticking with it-something my generation, with our oppressive number of choices, finds difficult. We prefer to date the church-have her around for special events, take her out when life feels lonely, and keep her around for a rainy day. Membership is one way to stop dating churches, and marry one. 3. WE CAN BE OVERLY INDEPENDENT. In the West, it’s one of the best and worst things about us. We are free spirits and critical thinkers. We get an idea and run with it. But who’s running with us? And are any of us running in the same direction? Membership states in a formal way, “I am part of something bigger than myself. I am not just one of three hundred individuals. I am part of a body.” 4. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP KEEPS US ACCOUNTABLE. When we join a church we are offering ourselves to one another to be encouraged, rebuked, corrected, and served. We are placing ourselves under leaders and submitting to their authority (Heb. 13:7). We are saying, “I am here to stay. I want to help you grow in godliness. Will you help me to do the same?” Mark Dever, in his book Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, writes, Church membership is our opportunity to grasp hold of each other in responsibility and love. By identifying ourselves with a particular church, we let the pastors and other members of that local church know that we intend to be committed in attendance, giving, prayer, and service. We allow fellow believers to have great expectations of us in these areas, and we make it known that we are the responsibility of this local church. We assure the church of our commitment to Christ in serving with them, and we call for their commitment to serve and encourage as well.

5. JOINING THE CHURCH WILL HELP YOUR PASTOR AND ELDERS BE MORE FAITHFUL SHEPHERDS. Hebrews 13:7 says, “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority.” That’s your part as “laypeople.” Here’s our part as leaders: “They keep watch over you as men who must give an account.” As a pastor I take very seriously my responsibility before God to care for souls. At almost every elders’ meeting, the RCA Book of Church Order instructed us to “seek to determine whether any members of the congregation are in need of special care regarding their spiritual condition and/or not making faithful use of the means of grace.” This is hard enough to do in a church like ours where there is constant turnover, but it’s even harder when we don’t know who is really a part of this flock. To give just one example, we try to be diligent in following up with people who haven’t been at our church for a while. This is a challenge. But if you never become a member, we can’t tell if you are really gone, because we might not be sure if you were ever here! It’s nearly impossible for the elders to shepherd the flock when they don’t know who really considers them their shepherds. 6. JOINING THE CHURCH GIVES YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE PROMISES. When someone becomes a member at University Reformed Church, he makes promises to pray, give, serve, attend worship, accept the spiritual guidance of the church, obey its teachings, and seek the things that make for unity, purity, and peace. We ought not to make these promises lightly. They are solemn vows. And we must hold each other to them. If you don’t join the church, you miss an opportunity to publicly make these promises, inviting the elders and the rest of the body to hold you to these promises—which would be missing out on great spiritual benefit, for you, your leaders, and the whole church. Membership matters more than most people think. If you really want to be a counter-cultural revolutionary, sign up for the membership class, meet with your elders, and join your local church.

KEVIN DEYOUNG is senior pastor of University Reformed Church (PCA) in East Lansing, Michigan, near Michigan State University. He and his wife Trisha have six young children. Used with permission from The Gospel Coalition.



THE CHURCH: A DISPLAY OF HIS GLORY AND GIFT OF HIS GRACE The Bible presents the church as both a display of God’s glory and a gift of His grace. In spite of all the imperfections, failures, frustrations, and difficulties, the church is God’s idea. And as we faithfully preach the gospel, magnify the risen Christ, encounter the holiness of God, sing praise to His great name, fellowship with each other, and use our various gifts to serve and care for one another, the church is where we will find grace. savor Jesus, we will find sweet and satisfying rest in Him.

SERMON SERIES SCHEDULE MAY 7TH Marks of a Healthy Church: Bible-Saturated The Book of Romans MAY 14TH The Necessity of Church Membership Selected Scriptures MAY 21ST Marks of a Healthy Church: Fervent Prayer Selected Scriptures MAY 28TH Marks of a Healthy Church: Gospel-Centered Selected Scriptures JUNE 4TH Marks of a Healthy Church: Intentional Relationships Selected Scriptures JUNE 11TH Marks of a Healthy Church: Biblical Leadership—Elders Selected Scriptures JUNE 18TH Marks of a Healthy Church: Biblical Leadership—Deacons Selected Scriptures ...You can look forward to this series continuing through the summer!



The Church By Jason Wredberg



From the very beginning, in Genesis 1:26-28, God reveals that He created man and woman in His own image and blessed them with the ability to reproduce. Adam and Eve and their offspring would fill the earth and reflect the image of their Creator in various ways. The author of Genesis makes it clear that there is something different about man and woman. They possess something that nothing else in creation does.

Because they bear God’s image, they alone possess the ability to reflect their Creator and therefore glorify Him in a unique way. After the Fall, God chose to disclose Himself not only generally through those who bear His image, but specifically through a nation, Israel. As His chosen people, God gives Israel covenant promises and a law that will guide them in revealing and reflecting His character, in hopes that the nations will turn to worship Yahweh. The infinitely wise God chose (and continues to choose), to display His nature and

the Old and New Testaments. The book of Hebrews is helpful to us in understanding how the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything. Everything God’s people did under the old covenant was intended to point to the coming Messiah. The sacrifices and ceremonies were all a shadow of things to come. When Christ came to earth as the God-man, He fundamentally changed everything by fulfilling God’s law at every point. Instead of God’s people living under a law, they would now live in the freedom and joy of the Gospel.

A Display of His Glory and a Gift of His Grace character through broken and sinful people. Even when His people fail, God’s grace and power are seen and His purposes remain unthwarted. The Old Testament introduces us to a relentlessly gracious God who has purposed to display His majesty through imperfect people. When we transition to the New Testament, we find that God’s plan remains strikingly similar to what was established in the Old Testament. God still chooses to display His glory through a group of people. He hasn’t given up! There are, however, some significant differences between

Under the old covenant, God’s people are called by God to reveal His holiness to the nations, so that the whole earth would worship Him—the only true God. Under the new covenant, God’s people are called by God to preach His Gospel to every creature, so that every tribe, tongue, and nation will worship the risen Lamb. Do you see both the continuity and discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments? As a local church, we can’t miss this humbling reality—God’s plan has always included His revelation of His own nature and character through His people. There are numerous New Testament texts that unveil God’s plan for the church. In Ephesians 3:10, Paul writes, “so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.” This is simply astounding. An infinitely wise, and perfectly holy God has chosen to display His nature and character through broken and sinful people. But, of course, that is precisely the point. In the Gospel, the fullness of God is revealed, and therefore the church—filled with

“...the church - filled with His new creations - is the canvas on which His masterpiece is being displayed.” His new creations—is the canvas on which His masterpiece is being displayed. The church of the living Christ, consisting of those who have been brought from death to life by the power of the Gospel, are able to display the glory of God in a unique way. Several years ago I heard Pastor Mark Dever say, “Christian proclamation might make the Gospel audible, but Christians living together in local congregations make the Gospel visible. The church is the Gospel made visible.” Dever’s claim is based on John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” Through our mutual commitment to each other—our sacrificial love and selfless service—the reality of the Gospel is made visible. According to the plan and purpose of God, every gospel-centered, Biblesaturated church is a display of God’s glory and a gift of His grace. // RBC MAY & JUNE 2017 \\ MOMENTUM


Seeing With New Eyes By Bill Walsh

I’ve been involved in missions in Ireland for almost a decade now. Back in the first few years, I remember reading articles about The Troubles and feeling the complexity of the long drawn out conflict. It was overwhelming just trying to understand it. Growing up in the 70’s in America, the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in those days was so much like what we see in the news today. These days we hear about suicide bombers and beheadings. In those days, we saw men in ski masks with machine guns on our flickering screens. We watched

Photos by Bill Walsh 12


Amazing Grace Festival in Buncrana, Ireland

news footage of the carnage of trip bombs blowing up cars when the owner turned the key in the ignition. These are vivid, visual memories. Going back to Northern Ireland year after year, my education was fleshed out as I heard more stories and met people personally impacted. I walked the streets of towns segregated, Protestant stores on

Back in the 70’s and after, Derry was the epicenter. This was where the worst violence and tension existed. As I stood on the city wall and listened to our guide, I looked down and saw the concrete Protestant houses on one side, walked to the other side and looked down upon Catholic houses. It all came home with new understanding and emotion as we

team, combined with another from England, made remarkable progress in connecting at a personal level with people in the small town. But, now we need to work and pray towards a full-fledged church plant. Everyone acknowledges that this is the right but challenging goal. It is the New Testament vision for our global mission. Christ will build

one side of the main street, Catholic stores on the other. But, on this trip in April, our team had the opportunity to experience a guided tour on the city walls of Derry, called Londonderry depending on which side you were on. As we drove across Ireland to Northern Ireland, our host pointed out the spot where border control use to be, in the worst of times, barricades and armed guards, now open to fly right through.

heard the stories of violence and lives lost. It is into this historic and tense environment, now significantly improved, that our RBC team entered into partnership with Ruth and Andrew who have been laboring for over a decade to plant gospel seeds in their small city. God has gifted them with a vision for using music and the arts to bring the community together. Their witness is gaining strength by the day. Our

His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. We will likely go back next year and I am investigating options for deeper partnership. Let’s pray for the Spirit’s direction and for wide open doors for ministry in this place that has experienced so much sorrow and become so distant from the Savior who loves them and is calling them to Himself. // RBC




2017 Graduates


I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you so that you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1 Corinthians 4-8




The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you


get, get insight. Prize her highly, and she will exalt you; she will honor you if you embrace her. She will place on your head a graceful garland; she will bestow on you a beautiful crown.� - Proverbs 4:7-9








Highlights from the Gospel Life Blog

The Lovingkindness of the Lord By Debbie Hansen


e who trusts in the LORD, lovingkindness shall surround him.” (Psalm. 32:10).

What difference does it make in your life to know that the true and living God, the Creator of the universe is committed to you, with a merciful, kind, faithful, and steadfast love? This past semester, the Women’s Ministry Bible Study has been going through a Precept series entitled, “Covenant.” We have studied the various covenants throughout scripture and observed how God operates in covenant with His people. We are seeing and savoring a Savior that is unlike anyone or anything this world has to offer. One of the words that has continued to appear throughout the study is the Hebrew word, CHESED. Scholars have noted that this is a covenant term, occurring almost 300 times in the Bible and beautifully depicts God’s commitment to His Covenant people. Though there is not an equivalent

word in our language, Chesed is often translated as mercy or lovingkindness in scripture. It speaks of God’s solemn commitment to show mercy, steadfast love, and faithfulness to His chosen people. I have come to treasure this word and the lovingkindness of the Lord. Knowing God’s covenant lovingkindness for me and for His people gives confidence to persevere through trials, courage to face difficulties, and eagerness and joy to make His lovingkindness known to others. • The Lord’s lovingkindness is great – Psalm 57:10 • It extends to the heavens – Psalm 36:5 • It is a fortress & refuge – Psalm 59:16-17 • It surrounds those who trust in Him – Psalm 32:10 • It never ceases, never fails, and is new every morning – Lamentations 3:22-23

• It is better than life! – Psalm 63:3 The lovingkindness of the Lord is indeed great and it will take eternity to know the fullness of His great mercy and love for those who trust in Him, but it can be known. Check out the many occurrences of the word Chesed online or through a Hebrew concordance and be blessed! I am also thankful for the body of believers at Redeemer that encourage my growth in grace and in the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge that we may be filled to all the fullness of God. Praise the Lord!

"Surely goodness and lovingkindness (i.e. mercy or steadfast love) will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalm 23:6) // RBC





From the Elders

By Oscar Huerta

Pastoral Prayer of Gratefulness Photo by Brandon Carmack


he apostle Paul writes in

the Holy of Holies from top to bottom.

1 Corinthians 4:7,

Where angels feared to tread, now in Jesus Christ, we come without dread, unhindered, welcomed to behold your glory as beloved children of our heavenly Father. Therefore, we sing of your greatness, your goodness, your glory, your compassion and mercy and affection for us. So, Father, with hundreds of hearts together right now, we make our requests known to you. Thank you for the journey you have taken us on these last three years as a church, for the lessons we are still learning – dependence on Christ alone as our Good Shepherd, valuing the eternal preciousness of every lamb in your blood-bought flock, breaking us with humiliation and contrition and lowliness which is the true place of your dwelling. Keep teaching us these lessons. We are slow learners. Thank you for moving us to send out a team to Ireland to worship and usher in the presence of Jesus in a land that has grown cold to the gospel. You have established a longterm gospel partnership this last decade with brothers and sisters and

“What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?”

Everything we have, Lord, is a gift: our health, our life, our salvation, our citizenship in the richest nation in the history of the world. We did nothing to earn these things. They are merely mercies to us of an everlasting kind Father. So keep us from boasting, Lord, as if we earned our wealth. Instead, make us happy givers, filled with confidence that you alone will satisfy our every need and desire in Jesus. Our Father in heaven, as the hymn says, we are not the source, but merely borrowers of life from you, dependent on your care for our every breath. We cannot escape your presence, because in every place in the Universe, you too are also present there. And yet you beckon us to come – not fearfully, but boldly – into your presence. You have cleared every obstacle. You have torn the curtain of

churches in Northern Ireland that we might minister freely. Thank you, Father. Thank you for this new season in our church where you are turning our attention to our members. By your Spirit, you have uniquely and individually selected the members of our congregation, bestowing on them gifts for the building up of the body. Help us to identify and equip and nurture those gifts so that the bride at Redeemer Bible Church can function as you intended it. By your power, help us to love one another as one of our recent Fighter Verses says,

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” And now Lord, as David the Psalmist said, “…help us give thanks, to you O Lord, among the peoples; …help us sing praises to you among the nations. For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.” In the Lord Jesus’ mighty name… and all the people said, “Amen.” // RBC



How I Met Jesus

Gabe & Rebekah Zepeda GABE ZEPEDA As a typical church kid hailing from L.A., I understood I was a sinner and that unless I repented of my sin and asked Jesus to save me, I would be eternally separated from God in hell. As a young chap, I professed belief in Christ around age 7. But, I didn’t possess Christ by faith until later on. My parents told me about Jesus at a young age. My mom served in children’s ministry and my dad taught Sunday School to collegeaged students. Everything seemed great. But, my parents’ marriage started to get rocky. And, eventually my parents divorced because my dad was unfaithful. I was shattered because I knew things would never be the same. Over time, I resented God for allowing all this to happen. As I got older, to keep my mom off my back and make her happy, I played the part of the good church kid through outward obedience. But, I was a hypocrite. Filled with resentment, bitterness, and anger, I was running away from God and living for myself. But, all of that changed when my mom and I moved from L.A. to the suburbs of Chicago. We went to a solid Bible-believing church that powerfully taught the gospel. I made some friends and was actively involved in the youth group. I went for the friends—and the girls. I chased after so many fleeting things. But, little did I know God was chasing after me. 20


With the encouragement of my friends, I went to a summer camp. God met with me there. One night, one of the speakers gave a simple gospel message. I heard the gospel thousands of times before, but that night I “heard” it for the first time. I pushed God out for such a long time, but that night he was really pushing his grace into me like never before. I couldn’t believe that God still loved me and pursued me the way he did despite my anger, hypocrisy, and wandering. Overcome with his love for me, I repented of my sin and turned to Christ for rescue. That’s when I possessed Christ by faith. Rather, that’s when he possessed me! Each day, Jesus is still saving me and sanctifying me. I long for the day when I will see him face to face and be with the Lord with all the saints and angels forever! REBEKAH ZEPEDA On a brisk fall night I sat in front of an unlit fireplace with my Bible. We were reading through the book of John for family devotions. I was around eight years old and we were in chapter 19 on the crucifixion. I was listening very intently to the words that were being read. I had heard this story before, usually around Easter time, but never in the fall when it was so dark and so cold and when everything was dead: leaves, flowers, grass. The darkness of betrayal seemed even darker. The mockers that yelled, “Crucify Him,” seemed louder somehow. The story

and words suddenly became loud and real and convicting. I found my eyes shedding tears. As the story of Jesus’ crucifixion pierced my own heart I heard the nails being driven into to his hands for me. It was me. It was my fault that he was nailed to the cross. It was my sin. It was my voice that yelled out, “Crucify Him.” This story that I had heard all my life suddenly became my story. The cross, the climax of all history somehow intersected with my life centuries later. It opened my eyes and dissected my heart like a surgeon doing open-heart surgery. Unbelief had filled my heart no more. I longed for Jesus to save me from my sins. I wanted to believe I needed a Savior. I needed to be forgiven. “I believe you, Jesus!” I said. When we read the part where he yelled out, “It is finished!” I was filled with hope. I was hopeful that, yes, my sin did nail Jesus to the cross, but it had to be that way. Jesus was the only perfect sacrifice. The only way I could be saved was through this crucifixion. Crucifixion brought forth communion with God. Crucifixion gave me life. Crucifixion made me His. Crucifixion made me righteous. Crucifixion gave me hope. I asked my dad to explain to me a bit more of the implications of repentance and faith and life in Christ. On that cold fall night I was given a new heart. And somehow it did not seem so cold anymore. // RBC




Appreciation DINNER " steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58


Please RSVP to the invitation and make childcare reservations by May 22nd. Join us for an evening of thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness in the past year of Children's Discipleship ministry at Redeemer. This special evening will include time for fellowship over a delicious dinner, a short program that will feature a talk by Pastor Jason Wredberg, as well as testimonies and a video presentation. All volunteers in ministry to children, from nursery to 6th grade, along with their spouses (or a fiancĂŠ or friend) are invited to attend.






Limited childcare will be available by reservation only no later than May 20th. To make a childcare reservation or if you have questions about the dinner, please contact Betty Dodge at or by phone at 612-386-3675. Thank you!

Affinity Groups DORCAS DAMES The Dorcas Dames are named after a disciple named Tabitha (Dorcas in Greek) who was a well-known and well-loved seamstress in the Bible (read Acts 9:36-42 for her story). If you enjoy sewing, we would love to have you join us in making baby quilts that will be donated. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a fanatic quilter, just plan on having lots of fun!

QUILTING GROUP DATES: Fridays, May 19 and June 16 TIME: 9am - 3pm LOCATION: Ministries Building WHAT TO BRING: Your lunch and sewing machine. For more information, contact Jean Bradford at

Note to parents:








SUNDAY // 7th

SUNDAY // 21st

SUNDAY // 4th


9a | Sunday School K-12th 10:30a | Gathered Worship

9a | Redemption Youth

7-8p | Gathered Prayer

6p | Family Gathering

9a | Sunday School K-12th 10:30a | Gathered Worship *LT



6:45p | Redemption Youth 7-8p | Gathered Prayer

6:45p | Redemption Youth 7-8p | Gathered Prayer


SUNDAY // 14th

THURSDAY // 25th

SUNDAY // 11th

9a | Sunday School K-12th 10:30a | Gathered Worship

6p | Children’s Discipleship Appreciation Dinner

10:30a | Gathered Worship

12:30p | Church Picnic

SUNDAY // 28th

7-8p | Gathered Prayer

10:30a | Gathered Worship

FRIDAY // 16th

MONDAY // 29th

9a-3p | Dorcas Dames

Memorial Day (church office closed)

SUNDAY // 18th

WEDNESDAY // 17th 6:45p | Redemption Youth 7-8p | Gathered Prayer

FRIDAY // 19th 9a-3p | Dorcas Dames

7p-9p | Membership Class

SATURDAY // 20th 9a-12p | Membership Class


(no Sunday School K-8th)

10:30a | Gathered Worship

6p | Family Gathering 7-8p | Gathered Prayer

SATURDAY // 24th 9a | HillToppers State Capitol Tour

SUNDAY // 25th 10:30a | Gathered Worship

WEDNESDAY // 28th 7-8p | Gathered Prayer


10:30a | Gathered Worship *LT

6:45p | Redemption Youth 7-8p | Gathered Prayer

*LT (includes the Lord's Table)



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